Melting EVERYTHING With ACID WEAPONS in Modded Forts

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oh hi intern oh hi there would you like to die uh not today oh man you got a hard base to play with yeah there's a bad thing here i feel almost bad but i don't feel bad because i don't think you know how to feel bad yeah you're right i don't but i do know that we have these new chemistry labs that gives us acidic mortars acid rockets and all sorts of fun things oh great yeah you ready for this oh what is this i don't think so that sounds fun we have bulletproof glass in turn oh i like the sound of that because that means you can't shoot me with anything wait hold on bulletproof glass is glass does it like okay not support devices or weapons still damage impact by acid but it's acid resistant lasers pass through it it's not good why did i tell you my my strengths and weaknesses here because i guess they're also my strengths and weaknesses that's true we're on we're on the same team but opposite teams exactly the same but entirely opposite yeah you know the rules uh-huh the rules of engagement shoot first until fired upon or something and then apologize profusely i'm so sorry please don't kill me how much building is needed don't want to die from intern being mean so you got an entire like yo base over there already what have i got i got a bird house oh that's cute hey you can go up top though you have a big old area up top oh wow you have mines everywhere i should get something to blow those up oh i can go down uh maybe not because i need them i need them real bad oh hey oh i don't know what this does but i'm gonna play with it i should also get some more vines that's what they call them anyway yeah i've heard that like 20 sometimes now so i have a problem it's hard to hit you with mortars because well like i only have front way the front way uh-huh okay ready get set and [ __ ] let's see if that works well that's pretty good whoa a little bit much you've already got there i'm just making sure i can afford everything that's your problem you can't afford everything that is exactly my problem how'd you know are they ready ready ready oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay that's close okay i need something higher and then we take it higher you're going to go down to electric avenue ready get set yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no you got it what is that i don't like um it's not doing it didn't do that much i know that's the hard thing oh no now you're shooting at it oh yeah yeah oh there we go that would have been better if i would have had more mortars you don't get to have more mortars are you going to snipe my house well since you gave me the idea i feel like you like sniping things more than you should what's wrong with sniping things it's my stuff you're sniping that's what makes it so fun my little base is so tiny your base is tiny guess what i said do you see what i have to work with yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh he's amazing i hate them so bad what did you really do energy production whoa what in the just spraying everything that's just rude it was it was kind of gross too not gonna lie just gonna spray you oh yeah oh no yeah ready get set and oh that was close no that was also close no you're annoying we traded got him anyway that was illegal why do we why do you do so many illegal things to me what do you mean illegal you ready for this internet oh boy we're gonna we're going to shrek mode i don't even know what that means but we're doing it okay i really don't know what that means either that's why i said i don't know what it means yeah i'm just saying i don't know what it means either oh i could have reached but i can't reach i don't want these no oh come on did you break something no no no i wouldn't even think about breaking anything oh no i see where you're going i told you i'm going shrek mode track that shrek are you oh they don't die from a sniper oh yes they do oh you sniping by mortar dudes yes i am why do you have to be so rude they did nothing to you they were doing everything i don't even know what that does it's just grody thanks for opening that up for me by the way opening what up that area that i was going to delete everything from oh sure it also looks like something is burning back there i don't know some things are best for you not to know in turn oh is that right that is right there ain't no mountain high enough to keep me from getting to you yep you know the you knew the words i'm proud of you yeah i listened to some boomer music boomer tuners why may i not upgrade you you may not upgrade you shall not pass probably because i don't have an upgrade center ah let's try a little bit of this again we'll do that there then i would also like to have maybe one of these guys nope so annoying i can't let you have that you can you just don't know about it i could but i just don't want to especially since now we have this what is that that is oh too strong why did that not why didn't my defense not work there it is oh your defense doesn't do it stop it burning we can try that no we can try oh it's not working let's need to make sure we got that all right and i don't know there's an idea here's an idea all right ready get set and good oh it did work that time i like this you don't even know what's about to happen uh nothing that's what happens oh no i missed oh my gosh oh gosh oh yeah that was stupid oh acid works nicely okay hold up that's so annoying oh yes cut those off okay don't cut those off we need to reinforce with acid relief in the house over here you are in trouble young intern there it is there it is there it is yes what oh yes okay who's down there oh no no who's there no no no no no no no no don't get rid of that don't get rid of that i need that okay i need to ready get sit no because i have this i also have that that was not the right one oh you heard my i didn't write a thing with weird acid lasers that don't make sense no they don't how come on why didn't you hit that god i get wrecked sounds like you have a burning happening come on why didn't you get nice i took one down okay ah dude doesn't know how to air defense he doesn't unfortunately my guy does what is that mess happening you're just deleting my lasers that's the idea oh man this guy sucks at defense oh you have this stupid bulletproof glass there don't you i do because you're being stupid with all the acid and stuff i'm not being stupid no no yes no no no okay no missed me yes yes yes that was a pretty good hit it wasn't a good hit at all okay no two cell bulletproof glass is better than all of this mess i'm willing to waste some of your center there are you talking are you listening are you ready to die yet oh please yes finally he defends oh okay that was good uh and then uh that worked oh you got a guy down there too i do why did i not why did i not know about that and then oh no that didn't work why do you have so many machine guns did you not because i remember that we're not supposed to we're only supposed to play with the acid stuff and you're like hey i'm just going to use my machine gun well how else am i supposed to defend against the acid stuff maybe you do it with the asses stuff that allows you to defend with the ads and stuff we also never really had that rule yeah we didn't i'm just making things up because i feel like i'm losing correct that's so dumb feel like i need to attack somewhere different now that was a very early access splash oh you're about to have problems how did you make words there i tried to but i'm too focused on burning you what are those what was that even you're about to don't worry about it trouble and problems at the same time yeah i know you are but what am i i also need this back in my life because i miss it so much you have way too many things your intern what do you mean you have way too much defense i don't know what you're talking about if he's doing the dumb i also need to play dirty oh so you're breaking out the things that aren't asset now nice make it oh i need to get it you hit one dude directly i know oh why is that on fire this is acid not fire direct hits oh deer okay wow there's fire there that's kind of cool i can't do anything you have so many bullets oh you're breaking out the normal stuff now if you're gonna play the dumb with the normal stuff i can play dumb with normal stuff there we go okay he decided there we go it's broken there we go yes there's the acid good oh i hear reactions now you're damaging the reactor i hear of course you are i feel like that's a good thing in my life this is also a very difficult mod these things don't do nearly as much damage as like you i don't know the nuke stuff yeah if i i mean the nukes were kind of a little bit on the opposite side where they're stupidly overpowered that's getting deep into my base yes it is i just recognized that half of my base is broken inside of it i was wondering why you weren't repairing it i didn't even see it there we go oh you did it you killed my guy uh-huh how's that volley for you i feel like your entire base is now just bulletproof glass i mean if it works it works just it's stupid oh no that didn't oh wow bulletproof glass works against rockets sort of sort of come on oh no come on get in there again that was a good volley proud of you oh no no no no no don't be doing that why didn't my own air defense have to take out my rockets because it got a case of the dumps yep like some people i know hmm i resemble that you do resemble that yeah you killed my stupid sniper again intern i swear he's never done anything wrong to you and you're like oh maybe i wouldn't kill him if he wasn't so stupid i feel like this is gonna be one of those matches that takes an hour yep we've already passed it already we're in two hours and 49 minutes recording yes we're not actually no like 20 minutes there we go okay i like this so much oh i found a weak spot you shouldn't have i did though okay it wasn't very weak oh there's the dangerous thing that i don't like oh wow and it's gone you destroyed my day you found a weak spot now ow i did oh and i like doing that a lot no no no no no uh uh uh uh uh uh uh you got problems there yeah i don't remember what was there but now i'm okay now hopefully as long as i can build this up really quick oh hello again general kenobi sniper go bye-bye okay that thing is actually better than i thought it was yeah you just have to use it a whole lot oh all right bulletproof glass can still shatter that's fine to know i feel like if i fire on this area up top you're gonna have big problems um that's pretty much your last defending spot up there aha oh the weakness has been found the weaknesses have been found in turn how do you like this now oh you shot me twice that's okay stop put that out that is not and we're not stopping we have found your weakness now there is no stopping no no no there is no stopping if you have no production of materials then you can't do anything trust me but i do have production of materials you won't in just a little bit not what i've done with you ow that actually kind of hurt yeah that worked i like that why'd you have to get rid of him that was close only counts in hand shoes and horse grenades so my dad always told me hand shoes hand shoes and horse grenades in turn okay the acid defense doesn't work on the acid rockets that's annoying you know what else is annoying the fact that you're still alive just blow it up already oh would you cut that out no i don't want to oh now you have big problems in turn oh why'd you have to disconnect there i told you i was my entire goal was to disconnect you i literally just said that the thing is so dumb it's so dumb oh he got rid of all my windmills i did now you can't shoot at me why because you're made in front of me that's what happens when you make fun of blitz i like that that work pretty good okay ready you have big problems and not for long yes for long because when you blow up that thing it doesn't do anything beautiful beautiful intern oh dear oh dear is right ah stupid because the acid damage like makes it so i can't repair right away uh-huh and now i'm just ripping your base apart that's fine i don't care about that thing doesn't do anything not when i can repair if i remember to repair oh great where did my defense go i killed it all remember i told you you weren't supposed to and you're like problems i'm not going to have any problems i'm interested that's what you said it was direct we can play back the footage and then that's exactly what you said right uh-huh oh gosh oh that was beautiful i'm breaking things out of your base not so much trash talk anymore huh well why do you keep trash talking don't you know what's rude didn't your mom ever tell you no she didn't she's like if you feel your enemy down you step on them that's what she told me i'm like okay thanks sounds like a delightful woman you met her she brought you dairy queen one day she did she's great a lot better than you right now i also had to man if i ate break for a second because he blew up my upgrade center a little bit oh i did yeah so i couldn't do all the things i wanted to uh why do you have to keep disconnecting that don't answer that because it's the easiest way to beat you right now oh okay i thought you were going to talk about what you said i'm feeling it i'm feeling it do you feel it mr krabs i do i don't think i've found something more annoying that you just keep disconnecting my production oh there is it's called lighting everything on fire when you have no production because then it burns everything and then i can aim at the bottom why is that not connecting there we go yes yes no don't shoot at me you're not supposed to be shooting at me i'm like what is that oh look what i found in there no did you see why so much of this disappeared why did you see what i found down there did you like it you're supposed to leave it alone oh okay i'll leave it alone after i destroy it that's not how that works do you like rockets do you like the missiles is that why you keep sending them you think i like them i do oh why see you're not even using the acid stuff anymore i am i'm using plenty of acid stuff i have acid defense you're the one who started it i believe so what do you mean your top face is like sad sad sad sad ouch ouch ouch see there goes an acid rocket right there can you stop it that's the real question and i'm using these ones a lot uh i wanted to use that i know that's why i got rid of it i didn't think you needed it anymore all right so if i just aim down here again why did i miss oh this you got exactly one guy i screw him in particular you're really gonna gain exactly one guy i think i've had enough actually enough of what enough messing around you know that whole idea of the like the cat playing with the mouse i thought you oh i guess no oh why are you using the big ones with the big one i just you told me i wasn't using enough stuff so i started using everything i had that is nice or just threaded the needle like that that was amazing yeah i love how my guy sucks at defense uh it's not your guys it's you it is exactly not me because i'm not controlling it oh that's why actually we have the easy mode on we should play with the not easy mode i don't even know what not easy mode but you have to fire all the defense on your own uh gross that is terrible i don't know why anyone would do that also that guy's rude no you're the one being rude don't get it backwards acid at my base what else am i supposed to do you're a firing asset at my base oh you're right i kind of have martial you've been playing with easier and i don't even know what they do but oh that's fun they do that why didn't you tell me to build one of those earlier because i didn't want you to use it but it reloads really fast too it does reload really fast and i don't know why [Laughter] i need more of these in my life also some of these we're not allowed to have production up there in turn but then where am i gonna put it you don't need any more production i promise where we're going we don't need production yeah we don't we don't need no funny production things uh see because of stuff like that you're not going to win because of acid you're going to win because of the default stuff so what's the point of the acid i win it because of the acid see i'm lazing you with acid and then cannons you started it you're the one who started it i really don't think i am yeah you said and then you're shooting all of my missiles down with your miniguns and i was like nah bro we're not doing that well because that's what the map gave me oh i saw you upgrade those for sure yeah it gave me the machine gun yeah finally okay not quite an hour okay bye and i'd like to thank all of my patrons and youtube members including autodesignator ben dickie j teddy hits fighter sex joke rules 2.0 victorian link huey whis rob the king red kdl player b psychology whiskey
Channel: Blitz
Views: 460,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forts, blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz forts, forts blitz, forts gameplay, forts game, forts new update, forts update, forts ships, forts ship, forts planes, forts plane, forts warship, forts new, forts high seas, forts high seas multiplayer, forts multiplayer, forts multiplayer blitz, forts interndotgif, interndotgif forts, forts ships dlc, forts intern, forts mods, forts modded, forts nuke, forts nuclear mod, forts acid, forts acid cannon
Id: fv8WkghTmwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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