Aphmau’s 100% IMPOSSIBLE Tree House In Minecraft!

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on this minecraft server we have small trees big trees cute trees and secret spaces this is my treehouse secret base this space is full of everything you could ever want from giant bedrooms to the coolest gadgets but when base invaders try to break in it's time to use all of my treehouse tricks to keep them out can i protect my tree house and take down the invaders base let's find out oh hey be sure to hit that subscribe button and like thanks and catch [Music] you know what this has been the best ball ever look at it what's going on girl the silly pig girl ball is what it is yeah but it's cooler than you guys will ever be no we we are the coolest yeah and you know what you know what what i want i want to play with the ball treehouse [Applause] [Music] we actually go to the ladder anymore we'll put the ladder back when we need it dumb girls we have the best treehouse on the server and nothing you can do about it [Music] [Laughter] it's okay you know what because yes but that's okay you know why because i have a secret tree house that's 10 times better than theirs whoa really yep come on mommy follow me let me show here's my secret face are you sure this just looks like uh your normal place oh my ted um you know what that's what you would think or maybe that's what i want the boys to think but if you come back here the tree oh it's not just a tree that's right so if you look over here i have mermaid cove uh this is where i like to pretend to be a mermaid with all my seashells and sand castles um that's a decoy entrance just in case i don't think anyone's dumb enough to use it though but if you follow me up here this way over here i have an elevator let me call it back down here it comes whoa [Music] let's get on and go it's a little puppy i like it i know right isn't it cool so there's a bunch of rooms here uh i have an armory room up there a reading room a nap time room a bunch of other rooms but you know what we're trying to infiltrate their secret base so i'm going to show you some places just uh you know just start more better easy elevators ah you could say that ready yeah ready three two one [Music] i know it leads us back down okay so here inside if you open this up there's carts and we can get on and we can go into their base because i have a secret oh whoops that one left up here shh i don't think they're home very quiet they're not all okay look through their stuff their base is silly see anything no a bunch of iron flowers [Laughter] [Applause] you know the girls can never find out but that ball is pretty fun yeah i wish it was more blue right oh boy anyway what do you want to do now oh i don't know kind of hungry maybe get some blood secretly no what [Music] uh i thought you weren't inviting your friends over tonight those are my friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why do we have to wear this adorable butterfly outfit hey where'd it go well you see i'm gonna take it to another part of my secret base it is called butterfly landing so come over here this way wow this is so cool isn't it okay so let me show you something show you how we're gonna go after them all right so i have a theory this is just a theory that i think the guys are afraid of butterflies but they've never told me okay so we're gonna come down from here the landings yeah we're gonna go down and get them we're gonna go down and get them but we have these spells we have the butterfly power so if you want to grab it like this and grab that all right now put on your waist all right so come on this way ready ready ready yeah i'm ready ready three no butterflies [Applause] don't worry look follow me follow me here casey look at that this way five five this way all right up here how do they how do they know we don't like butterflies oh i really don't like butterflies they're fancy on them gorgeous wings just disguise their ugly bugness so it's true they really don't like butterflies i know they don't they were only they were only colorful butterflies as long as they're not great oh my goodness i don't like gray butterflies don't even get me started on gray butterflies i think it's so weird and they oh that'd be perfect yeah you got great butterflies i'm so glad you said that casey because guess what they're crawling what do we do how do we get him out of our house i i you know i i suppose we could trap him in a trap chest yeah that's what he did what do you mean a trap chest you can't even spell trapped chest you don't have to know how to spell it in order to trap them with it all right here we go get a chest just like this and then and then oh careful yeah oh this one is here all right i'm upside down i'm set down there's a butterfly and we just wait for it to get close closer closer and bam all right in the chat you what again okay so so now it should be good right yeah yeah yeah absolutely no i got this down 15th time's the charm is my mom in my face yeah no definitely not just whatever you do don't open it trust me got it i know i know what happens if you open it so please don't open it oh it's gonna be so good hey hi what are you doing we're just sitting at our secret face yeah cute little guys so you didn't see small [Music] anyway you guys have been super mean to us so we don't want to we don't want to play with you we're playing at our secret base which is this tent right here totally this time oh no we can give you your ball back sure good really oh boys i think i have something you'll be interested in oh wha what is it uh don't worry it's just a baby oh i don't want a baby sheep that's bored don't listen to this shark i don't understand the true beauty of beautiful things in this world there you go all right now where's our song fluffy and adorable and i shall name you you will be my favorite all right okay so we put it in a in uh we put it in a chest to keep it safe pierce wants the sheets it's all ready to keep it safe oh you put it uh right yeah go over that chisel right there can you guys go get it for me my hands are so weak right [Music] i'll carry the sheep and you guys go open the chest okay hey hey guys come here for a second what pierce it it should be safe for us right ah probably what's worse that could happen right let's just give it a shot how are you enjoying the tea miss casey it's very delicious yeah this girl tea party thing i don't like they're kind of spying on us and it's pretty obvious you're really bad at it they gotta have more than go then the treehouse going on right they've gotta have a real secret yeah i know they've gotta have a secret it's pretty obvious they're on to us and i think they saw where is it before yeah play along okay i'm so glad we have our tree house over here oh yeah oh my god let's go in the secret entrance wow they can't have a treehouse leave it open all right now this is what we're gonna do we're gonna put this right here i didn't realize that wait right here don't step on these don't step on these and we're gonna put the pressure here and the pressure plate here okay all right leave our treehouse [Applause] oh [Music] how are we gonna get that out i have some lava i still have another pressure plate okay i have some traps upstairs but as long as they don't get in they don't put their brains together hopefully yeah i hope that's enough to defend this place [Music] oh [Music] retractable letters too well too bad cause we brought her on because we thought that might happen yay [Applause] [Music] that should take care of them yeah all right this way this way this way okay i wanna show you another wing all right this is the coolest one all right this is like the biggest room where i have this yes of course it's a treehouse it's an infinite cool treehouse know right so look here is my room of big plots and plants i have a little spa there you go are a little are a little unstable oh i stopped complaining at least they got about this far i got whoa hey i made it hang on i gotcha okay hey we made it uh-huh i'm so glad i got over my fear of heights ten seconds ago i mean yeah that was really cool this is a long way that you guys have come up um you know what how about this yeah i am playing you guys stay in my treehouse that's pretty nice yeah and you can play here um for the price of our ball back oh yeah [Applause] that was kind of fun yeah right do it again yeah do it again put it back come on go up and get it back and there we go do it again go ahead again here we go [Applause] there we go i think they're gone for good now right i think i hope so this has been so exhausting i'm so tired of them yeah i know super tired be careful okay it's a long way down i think it's working oh yeah yeah again right by your boy [Music] over here if you look inside we have some toy blitz all right ready okay okay oh okay you know what i think we need to hit him where it hurts i think we need to go to their tree house yeah yeah can we reach them here's what's happening outside giving it a shot let's try to get them in a sneaky way okay let's go let's go this is the last stand okay they keep coming and trying to take our tree house but we're gonna take their treehouse they keep trying to get this thing ball i can't believe how much nobody they're putting into it no no no no we we can't give it up but hey keep this we got we gotta we gotta we gotta figure out a new plan maybe um okay let's go let's go spy a little more okay what we can figure out and see if they have a weakness of some kind yeah it seems like a great idea also maybe like steal some of their weapons and stuff because they seem to be kind of you know going to our better space come on we gotta go to theirs what are you talking about i knew we should have hit the button better you don't want to put the button in serves you guys right for stealing our ball you didn't even have to play with us yeah yeah you would have sat down if we asked yeah you guys said you know all the time you know what you're definitely not the only how about this let's uh let's make a deal how about we come down there and we'll talk about who gets to keep the ball okay okay but no no stealing our stuff all right we'll put the i'm gonna i think i gotta see your button up don't put the ladder back [Music] all right let's talk oh yeah yeah let's talk let's talk pierce has the ball i do i stupid ball of fun that's really shiny and really cool no not fun at all it's just a big shiny anyway yeah so came here to talk tell me did i have another idea what's your idea what do you mean how about you play with our friend um yeah oh boy you guys have those those cool blasters [Applause] all right i know this is boys versus girls treehouse work but how about this what we we will trade you a different ball for that one but you have to give it to us first since you've been betraying us all day uh wait different ball the ball is as cool as this one right yes it's even cooler it it's like a it's like a explosion of fireworks [Music] are you like explosions yeah i think you're freaking out dude this seems okay that sounds like a cooler ball i want an outbreak yeah yes yes we agree to give you the lamer ball and we get the cooler ball absolutely there you go take your lame pink balloon [Applause] actually okay all right you gone no come down come down it's a long way down it got down i don't know about that yeah do we have any more grapples left come here how about this how about this how about this we invite you guys to stay at our tree house if you have a tea party with us yeah wait a tea party yes yeah there you are here's what's up guys we're having a tea party party [Applause] we have a tea party and we can have our special guests the great butterflies come on what the great butterflies uh i have a bad pass with those friends maybe i don't i don't necessarily watch those thank you
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,033,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: NNY7E45ooPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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