Using NINJA HACKS To Cheat In Minecraft!

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today i'm using ninja hacks to cheat in minecraft especially since others are cheating themselves only a few players know how to do these ninja hacks wow this is gonna be a little rough oh you can do it princess are you sure yes i believe in you okay every good ninja has to go through this friends come on joy come on guys you know what you want i'm ready okay all right come here come here come here come on no no no no no no no no no no no i'm i'm like i'm going to go first i'm going to go first are you watching my dad wanted me to go first i'm watching songs hey you're not burning running burning don't worry i got the burn cream as always go ahead mouth thank you dad yup you're doing good okay all right i'm so proud why don't you show them how it's done yeah you guys you're supposed to watch me go first because i have the best way to get across because i'm the best ninja are you ready let's see sure um you see a ninja is resourceful and um excuse me mrs uh ian's dad uh he cheated cheating that doesn't matter a true ninja does whatever it takes to win that's just another reason why my son is so good okay how about we do the parkour challenge over here excellent idea princess i know what the outcome's going to be but i mean you can try whatever you want all right let's go i'm going hey you're doing great and you've already disappointed me right now i want you this time dad i made it all right good job up go ahead maybe the third okay oh come on now you you cannot let things like parents dying distract you from being a good ninja yeah that that happens a lot speak to me oh great another uh guided ninja dad now we gotta find out who's gonna take care of this one oh wait wait i think someone needs to adopt her yeah and i think it it actually should be you this time i'm tired of it come on we are not going to go through this again i am not going to have to what revenge don't worry she's a teenager she can handle herself well it is we have to deal with her now all right come on noy dad can you die today so i can have a tragic backstory no damn how could you do this to me you could have just not gone underneath the brick block that fell but no now you have left me i will get revenge for you father it's okay you know sweetie i could just respawn yeah i'm trying to have a moment here okay but this is my grave i'm gonna be here anyway right okay but this is my revenge story all right you're interrupting it just like that time you read my diary remember i thought it was a magazine i was trying to learn about your likes so we could talk you can just ask me okay you know what just go back down go back down okay okay all right [Music] [Applause] how am i going to avenge you now oh uh also also uh if you're going to avenge me this might help what is this what is a wow it's not cheating it's not cheating where'd you find this i uh found it one of those treasures you can't take things from the you know what dad you can't from grave robbing well as a wise ninja king once said ninja's got to do what a ninja's got to do well good luck princess the spirits have blessed me with this hacker katana now i must take my revenge i'm going to backflip back to the [Music] way to go honey village you thanks dan okay okay sorry this is our last chance if you don't if you don't do this then i'm sending you straight back to the basement all right yes i will make you proud and check in here [Applause] welcome welcome one and all to the ninja challenge when my son went i i mean whoever wins i mean it could be a he or she you know i i don't care they will become the chief of my ninja bodyguards since i am the ninja king whoa and then you will not introduce the challengers um first up is prince ian yes yes i am here to smear the prince not to worry not to worry ah thank you mother thank you father now if you're ready for my ninja challenge ready and uh all right whatever you do don't embarrass me son all right yes sir i will make you so proud watch flip no jitter [Laughter] time to inform the misses that i had no longer ever son goodbye that's rough oh dad you're such a joker see vengeance in your heart hasn't stopped you from learning how to flip now good job to everyone but especially ian let the opening challenges in which we test your ninja skills begin all right ninjas pay attention it's time for your first challenge which is going to be a tree hide and seek wait so so what does that mean do we have to like find a tree i mean there's one right there there's another wow you're so smart you have to play hide and seek in the trees i have dispatched a secret tree ninja somewhere within this forest whichever one of you can find him first will be the winner okay i think i can oh can we use all your wit can we use uh whatever ninja tools we want ninja uses whatever they have at their disposal whatever they have whatever they like to find oh well there we go begin [Music] [Music] i mean you know packing away and trying to find this what are you doing whatever i want at my disposal okay you know what how about i help you with that um just a little bit like that there we go [Music] fine there are plenty of other trees i can i can burn okay all right watch out oh no out of the way wait a minute it was my tree because it was on fire so that's my thing um ian you better watch out not much i can say son won this one don't worry [Music] but now things get a little more difficult you will now be searching for water ninja the water ninja is a very legendary being with powers beyond human comprehension are we just seeking pierce again yes he is hiding in one of these islands is it that one over there yeah there's not a lot of other islands yeah this one looks like it's the only island here yeah that looks like it's my dad's color well i guess it's a race then i didn't sing for fast doors oh no that's way too slow i'm gonna crack the boat [Music] uh what are you doing [Music] you know [Applause] yeah how else do you explain how she found me in my awesome hiding place huh uh i might have told her me i how much am i winning by well let me just i'll just say this like this noi is in third place let's go okay well this challenge is going well for some of you it's okay it's all right frankly it's one i mean it's it's probably me now there's going to be a change of rules for this section aphmau is going to be the seeker this time but ian and noah you two will be hiding if you can stay hidden within the round before the time is up you win but if she finds you then i win wait a minute why does she get to be the seeker because she should be the only one who can count oh start counting what is that one two three oh okay all right one two three three let's do this i really need to show up the education system here [Music] don't have fun in the environment [Music] [Music] wow [Music] okay this sword is crazy maybe i can climb over this way you gotta be careful with this thing all right gotta find for my way up to that tower [Music] [Music] i think i can make something happen hold on a second okay i got they got to think about maybe like what yes [Music] i did it yay yes wow now for your next challenge we have a different kind of hide-and-seek if you look beyond the platform here there are a bunch of villagers hiding behind the obstacles that are down there some of them are hiding on the obstacles come on are terrible at hiding well this is where the challenge comes in none of you can move from this spot i stand did i win no you did not inside these chests are sets of bows and arrows whoever can tag and hit the most villagers while finding them will be the winner of this challenge now get to it yes you got it dad okay okay you don't have a lot of skills but you do have a pretty good accuracy okay so get out there and do your let me see you try it yeah i got the best you never aim straight up hey i'm really good at this my katana i mean skills are really good you know what what was that in the mall she is getting direct hits here she's got more arrows huh this is we got two to one odds here all right let's go ahead and wrap this up here i think it's clear that aphmau won this one by like it wasn't even a contest like ian where are you getting all those arrows from um we never waste any of these arrows they are important oh go down whoa oh three one three that no you said on the count of three who can't just jump to three keep going son you'll get it in the right order it's fine you know you know what let me just look on the kind of go okay okay and i think i see something looking at pierce's place if i just come over here and then up this will be great you're never going to find me in this challenge this will be wonderful god knowing it listen um you're great uh i like that you know following me around and all that but i'm i'm gonna find her myself it's fine it's fine oh no no i got this trust me i can do it yeah so um besides i want to win you're uh you're not uh too attached to these pumpkins are you oh well i mean kind of i mean they're orange and aren't just my favorite color but um i want to smash them what hey don't smash my pumpkins smash no no i am the only one who's allowed to smash my pumpkins i'm not careful okay don't let any pumpkins escape hey hold on a second what what what pumpkins together huh what what does that mean together take that pumpkin all right wait hey wait a minute pumpkin you smell that huh did you shower today obviously no but that's not what i'm talking about what's that smell inside your house oh i think i know what that is [Music] what i wanna i wanna know you gotta find it first [Music] looks like dad did a little something something what are you talking about oh no i didn't know you liked baking so much that's it they can't find really good well that sounded like the sound of a sun disappointing me athmo wins now this final test is the ultimate test to determine your skills as ninja you've done an okay job finding people but can you find them without losing yourself uh i haven't lost myself just yet and i have to deal with ian so you have to admit that i probably could okay well that's good keep that enthusiasm up because this is a maze you are going to have to find ian and noy within this maze you got to find us all right so on your mic uh go right yup go guys sorry guys here we go okay i'm just going to show you guys how amazing i am okay minus 10 points for the pun wow you're not even in charge of this and you're terrible at hide and seek excuse me ninja king here how dare you not you all right bye i guess look okay all right gotta find them in this place i think i saw somebody somebody here hello did somebody go through the maze oh i can jump through this wow okay you know what time to use my ninja hacks oh this is so cool oh oh hey i found somebody down there look what the i found hey thank you for finding me i was kind if you want to get out all you got to do is just follow me okay as best you can all right here we go oh thank you how's our tnt over here ian who said that are you cheating down there down down oh uh no i'm not what are these i'm not cheating you're cheating look a ninja's gotta do what a ninja's gotta do right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever tools at your disposal i'm using tnt because you're cheating at noi uh are you cheating as you say all spared being a ninja get down from there uh oh [Music] excuse me i found him and i found his boyfriend that's not fair she cheated she is not a true ninja ian you heard what i said at the start of this a true ninja really lost no matter the cost whatever they have at their disposal yeah but she cheated and that is what makes me so proud of her she is the ninja champion hey you get back here no i won you did your best i guess it's time to do it just buy your way to the royalty i love you dad now ian it's perfectly fine everything is fine because there is one more thing i have to say dear ninja child you have proven yourself in front of me and i am so proud would you be my new daughter [Music] oh it's okay i can use this to uh to stop him don't worry you'll figure out how this works someday ian let me out my son could never figure that out and that's okay you're gonna be alive anytime dear daughter and i'm proud of you too princess oh thanks old dad old dads you're welcome
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,637,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, minecraft hide and seek, how to cheat in minecraft hide and seek, ways to cheat in hide and seek, best ways to cheat during hide and seek, aphmau hide and seek, minecraft hide and seek hacks, hacking hide and seek, aphmau hacker, aphmau ninja hacker, aphmau ninja hide and seek, minecraft hacker, aphmau hacks minecraft, aphmau ninja, aphmau hacking minecraft
Id: 8oRQHKvMEo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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