I'm TINY and He's HUGE In Minecraft!

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I had this amazing idea to invite my friends in this giant hide-and-seek little do they know that I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I'll make it impossible for them to win we're tiny people don't know don't step on anybody do I look like an animal to you I don't know I can't see you why don't you come out and show me after I see you I should hope you see me I think the whole world sees me right now yeah I think you've got really exposed what are you talking about yeah what are you talking about I see a little bit oh oh you run towards me oh no no I'm ready girl I'm running guys are money see her is she messing with us no no I'm not messing with you guys oh but you let okay now I don't see you anymore I'm close to the building that says or it says Orion J where yeah I'm not crazy right now orange circle is this kidding I'm not there I'm not there yeah sticker you trick that you're warm and what cold you're really cold one C building break yeah what kind of [Music] [Laughter] all right since you were the first one caught last time you get to go bye loser [Music] did you guys forget to hit the subscribe button well if you did be sure to hit the subscribe button that's why President do it I'm coming for you Chris new plan oh no I saw that I wait you see that so you're around oh no no nope I'm not I'm not please don't step on me please don't step on me why are you stepping on me hang on she did this last time I I don't believe her first like I don't think she's in this why whatever I don't care why I'm nowhere and everywhere at the same time I'm everything and everyone I'm in your ear right now yes to everyone listening to this welcome to the atma is mr we are going to be talking about about stuff like being if I'm good I'm gonna join again there somehow because I'm gonna find here we go oh my god big city oh my god I can't believe you're standing on that green roof I'm really poor come out and uh and show us where you are so you won't be bored anymore I should show you where I was anymore but I'm not there anymore oh man Mac is in the blue I can't believe this I'm trying I do not know you're not you're not gonna win I will find you do you think she's replaced this minecraft statue that's me that's actually me then the debt is totally 1500% me punch it punch it punch it I punched it it was a building last time she might be a Minecraft statue this time I mean this guy's teeth out so it's probably not her why are you guys where I am so come a little closer go towards the blue in the building there's like a little billboard you know what I'm feeling a little blue no you're not no there no no you're not [Applause] [Music] I don't trust you anymore first comes a building tiny people oh my god I'm a normal sized person you're the giant person yeah you're the big one over here we're not tiny people all right here we go by little people now that I know the rules yeah I didn't know that there were other rules in this game that just was clearly announced so I did a little something right next to the placement I'm sinking are you I was behind a tree I didn't think you actually see me oh my god I'm a tiger oh hello giant person let's get moving right hello giant people no not from my hiding spot let's talk about like where we're so what do you smell like yeah I smell like still James Bond don't I smell I smell like I don't know why are we talking about what I smell I'm I can see you really hard to find you know it's just uh don't know oh yeah yeah III don't know where he could possibly be are you getting you're getting am i cold you're getting colder very cold freezing freezing no you don't how can you see me the whole camouflage thing and everything also you could just stay still a mood and maybe I would believe you but you just had to move into had to move Chris step on him well speaking of speaking of moving alright since you had a big dumb last round listen I had a plan it could have gone better I'll leave it at that she's already hiding you might want to get go yeah counting down alright big boys ready and ready or not here I come big boys back in town okay let's see the big boys back in town back in town yeah you want to know you want to join the big boys no wonder the big boys I know how your little legs work you couldn't have gotten far Wow little legs over here yeah yeah you got giant legs like this I know just how tall are you I wonder what that's like I I'm 6 foot 2 so I've got like big e legs I'm tall speaking of which where are you guys some people think I'm hiding right in plain sight I like you go huh yeah I hid I hide pretty well you're not in any of the billboards again no no hey hey hey Mac oh yo yeah okay all right you know what jess's no I thought you knew you don't peek when you play hide and seek Wow I suppose I would have tagged her oh you should have peeked a little bit man hold on what's up look at TC look look what see there was one over here for the third time I am NOT falling for that it's over here now I see the fireworks they're like whoa wait wait am I crazy hello white piece of barely see listen I know you are saying that [Music] she's going fast and you know how furious she sounds right now you know what this calls for for for really drastic measures okay what is that [Music] you're making it worse so she could shove it don't hit anything you're making it worse yes no it's time I may be baby but I'm very powerful I was gonna say yeah now it's just like we've got like termites busting my bushes to get you out of my yard Peter Peter okay I lost her all right babies you know I'll see this time because I I have I have big big power but step on you so go ahead I have a really good idea felony felony you got a plan nowhere nice see y'all guys sneaky later hey you never said we couldn't go what you guys doing in the building you can't come get us yeah what are you serious you're black yeah you cheat so we can cheat Wow this is me trying to come out the door I can't that means you can't tag me you can't come in oh I'm so proud of you baby yeah mccrane think oh my god big brain moment but you know I can easily yeah get in there if I do this oh I dare you that you won't be able to go in and creative and get anything hmm what do you mean oh oh you know what challenge accepted challenge accepted no listen I didn't you should actually do it good as cheating well I'm not going it's all out and creative because y'all dumb don't worry Chris this was a foolproof plan but no remember how I put it there okay blocks down yeah that kind of I'm I think it's
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,515,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft but its giant hide and seek, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft but aphamu, minecraft giants vs tiny players, minecraft giant hide and seek aphmau, minecraft aphmau, minecraft, aphmau, minecraft hide and seek, giant seekers vs tiny hiders, minecraft funny moments aphmau, minecraft mods, minecraft giant mod, hide and seek in minecraft, minecraft no swears, minecraft hide and seek pranks, pranking my friends in hide and seek, minecraft pranks aphmau
Id: iUN54lmLqYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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