Using AI Text-to-VIDEO Generators (animation & realistic)

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these videos right here were generated by using artificial intelligence and in this video we're going to check out the different AI video generators that were used to make them some of them haven't been released to the public yet but some of them have my name is Connor by the way and a few days ago I used one of these AI video generators to make this video hi Connor I I'm well we knew in here in a while and we miss you signing up to our gym is proof of your commitment to your well-being your health and quite frankly herself I'm not exactly sure how to feel about that video especially considering how easy it was to make it nonetheless it is pretty cool technology and that's why we're about to check it out we're going to start off by looking at what is currently being developed and what you can expect to be released here in the very near future and then we're going to look at what is currently available today and the tools that you can actually start using right now if you do enjoy learning about all of the emerging technology right now be sure to go ahead and subscribe to this Channel with all that said let's go and get started these first couple of tools are going to feel really familiar they're going to remind you of something such as dolly or mid-journey where you can essentially type whatever you want and get a pretty relevant result this one right here is called make a video it was first unveiled in September of 2022 and like I just mentioned you can provide it a prompt and that's the video that it generates it was created by meta platforms parent company of Facebook and although it's not yet released to the public it shows you what you can expect in the very near future and honestly if this is what they've already unveiled you can only imagine what they're working on behind closed doors for example just about two weeks after meta unveiled make a video Google did the exact same thing they unveiled their project which is called imagine video and in my opinion it's actually quite a bit higher quality than meta's make a video if you didn't know any better you had probably just assume that this was low quality footage of somebody pouring coffee into a mug or a drone flying through Yosemite but then we also have some pretty insane things that were created by Imagine video that are completely out of this world like a bicycle driving a rowboat a drone flying through a pirate ship battle and even a teddy bear washing dishes they haven't disclosed when they're going to make this technology available to at the public but considering the rate at which things have been going recently I would imagine it's going to be fairly soon but for now let's go ahead and check out an AI text the video tool that's currently available first we're going to look at one that allows you to generate and animate images and then we're going to check out one that actually allows you to generate and animate talking avatars this one right here is called and it allows you to generate your own images and then animate them or you can actually upload your own photo I tried it out myself and I created a video of a bustling shopping street using the styles of a 3D rendering and Anime it'll generate several different frames and you can select one and then that's what it will build the animation off of give it a few minutes to generate and then your final creation is completed you can also upload a photo and animate it like I did with this ship where I chose the styles of 3D rendering and cartoon and it came out pretty cool but I think you get the best results when you actually generate a photo with kyber and use that for your animation if you want to try it out yourself I'll put a link to sign up for a free account in the description of this video and that gives you 50 credits which will allow you to generate approximately five videos but I actually like this next AI video generator quite a bit more this one actually allows you to generate talking avatars or create realistic lifelike presenters and even animate old-timey photos like this one that I animated of Abraham Lincoln which I think turned out pretty sweet but for this video we're going to focus on generating talking avatars hey there I'm an avatar that was generated by artificial intelligence the name of this AI video generator is D ID and again if you would like to check it out yourself you can find a link to sign up for a free account in the description of this video and like I mentioned you can either generate video by using a realistic lifelike presenter or you can do text to video and generate your own avatar presenter which that's we're gonna do right now because I think those turn out quite a bit better and just like on the text the image generators you can describe what you would like your avatar to look like and then click generate and once you've selected an avatar that you would like to use you can type in the text that you would like for them to say and then even choose a language a voice and a style that you would like from this Beacon and that's one of the really cool things about this technology is just how customizable it is in just a matter of seconds you can create several videos in as many languages as you would like this last AI text the video generator that we're going to look at is definitely my favorite and that's mostly just because of how realistic the videos are it's almost a little bit creepy I can definitely see how corporations and large businesses are going to start using this technology in the very near future to start creating very personalized and specific marketing strategies the technology behind this video generator is what we refer to as deep fake technology so there are actually actors that were used to create these templates and you can actually use this tool as well to clone yourself and create a template of yourself and then you can upload a spreadsheet of either customers or clients and generate a customized and a personal video for each one of them check this template out that was made to Target people in regards to specific loan amounts that they might qualify for hi Daniel my name is Lucy pre-qualify for a let's see here twenty thousand dollar line of credit it's definitely interesting and I'm really curious to see where all this goes over the next couple of years it may not seem like much at first but I can guarantee you that the first time you see an AI generated video that's targeted towards you it's going to feel a little weird if you haven't already made a video like this I would definitely recommend you trying it out if anything it's just an experience to have the name of this AI video generator is be human and again you can find a link to sign up for a free account in the description of this video and with the free account you can actually generate up to 15 videos every single month if you would like to generate more than that you can sign up for their growth plan which starts at 39 a month and that allows you to generate 200 videos per month I hope you all got some value out of this video let me know your thoughts down in the comments and if you would like to see more videos like this be sure to go ahead and subscribe I'll see you all next time
Channel: Sharp Startup
Views: 608,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: text to video, artificial intelligence, ai, ai video generator, text to video generator, bhuman, kaiber, imagen video, make a video, video generator, AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI Video, AI Art, Generative Art, textovideo, text-to-video, generative video, imagen, Make A Video, Meta, Meta AI, Google AI, AI Movies, Kaiber, Genmo, LeiaPix, Animated Images, Animate Images, Generative Images
Id: tcTFbwE91WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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