Using A.I. for Content Creation | Midjourney, OpenAI & HitFilm

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artificial intelligence is already making  a significant impact on Film Production   the next film that you watch could be written by  AI performed by robots and rendered using a deep   learning algorithm there's a big debate right now  on whether air is going to replace the artists AI   is meant to be a tool for a job not a replacement  for the Creator they're meant to assist with the   roadblocks and complications of creating there are  so many tools out there now that we can use them   to help Inspire our creativity I'm Tom from ethics  home by Art list and here are free AI tools that   you can use to help spark your creativity let's  start off with Concept there may be times that you   have no idea what to create or how to illustrate  your Concepts to your crew that's where AI image   generation comes in handy AI like mid journey and  Dally to generate digital images from language   descriptions creating high quality original  imagery this opens up endless possibilities for   conceptualizing your film if you're like me and  not the greatest artist you could simply add in   a description of your film character or location  and see your idea brought to life at the time of   this video they are both in beta and have a bit  of a wait list but you can access the servers they   each come with a free limited trial so don't be  like me and get too carried away and burn through   all your tokens they are both incredibly accurate  and capture different styles artists characters   you can even type in different render engines  and it will spit out different quality if you're   doing animation and want something that's in the  style of Pixar then you can get that and if you're   deciding between the two here is an example of  both dally and mid-journey using the same prompts   you can see that mid-journey has a step up when  it comes to Quality but Dali 2 definitely seems to   have more creativity understanding camera angles  characters and unique perspectives from this image   you can use it to expand the world who is this  character where are they going what are they doing   what is the story behind this image try them out  for yourself and use them to communicate with your   team producers and anyone else that is involved in  the career process now that you have an idea for   your film it's time to actually write that script  from the makers of Dali 2 openai's text completion   is designed to complete text for coding however  there is a playground where things get a little   bit more creative you can use prompts to help  generate a script for your films all you need to   do is write your prompt in the format of a script  introduce your characters what they're doing then   introduce some action from there the AI will carry  on writing for you until it requires more prompts   or allows you to shift the scene in another  direction to influence the AI you can copy in   scripts that you like monologues anything that'll  help influence it into the style that you're after you know what to do you should also ring the notification Bell   some of its phrasing could use a little bit of  a human rewrite but the fact that I can do the   script in no time at all means that you can just  carry on getting creative if you're not interested   in writing for film then using this AI script  will mean that you have constant prompts for   creation using it to explore your different skill  sets so as a foundation it's a great shortcut   it's probably my favorite the Nvidia canvas is  a piece of incredible AI art generation whether   you're looking for inspiration on where your film  can be set the Nvidia canvas is a perfect tool for   this it may look like you're using Microsoft Paint  but the result is more like Bob Ross in seconds by   the way is so fast see the AI knows that each  color is a material the blue is going to refer   to the sky the gray is going to be Stone and uses  a series of references to create your own image   once you have your landscape you can also change  the time of day the type of style it's in to make   sure that your ideal terrain is fully formed now  this is useful for a handful of reasons right off   the bat when you're reviewing your footage you can  use these facet extensions when you combine this   with our free editor HitFilm you can track them  into your scene and place them in conjunction with   the camera in either a 2d or 3D space meaning  that if your location wasn't exactly on par of   what you wanted you can use these to extend your  scene changing the skyline completely or perhaps   adding in more detail than you had originally if  you'd like to see a full tutorial on how to do a   map painting then let us know in the comment  section down below and we'd be happy to do so   what this means is that while you're shooting you  can keep in mind that you can always add into your   scene so you're not just limited by your location  but it's not restricted for just filming if you're   doing 3D and animated projects then using the  Nvidia canvas can help Inspire your location   design whether you're creating environments in  unreal or blender it can be quite time consuming   to move everything into position using the Nvidia  canvas means that you get to essentially mock up   what your environment is going to look like  and once you move into your 3D program you   have a reference to recreate fantasy worlds alien  planets the possibilities are absolutely endless   so this is a great tool to help Inspire where  things are going to be set so to recap our list   and our pipeline We Begin generating the concept  for our idea using image generation with Dali and   mid-journey we then generate a script using the  open AI playground as foundation for a rewrite   or just use the hone our other skills once we  have our idea we then draw up our location using   the Nvidia canvas and go on to use it in either a  set extension or as a reference for our 3D scene   combining these all together means that you have  the perfect tools to spark your creativity and go   and make your films and if you're beginning your  journey in content creation then HitFilm is the   number one place to start HitFilm is our free  video editor and comes with the best tools and   effects as well as a curated music library  a collection of templates and presets and   built-in software tutorials there is a link in the  description of this video it's free so go download   and try it out today I've really enjoyed making  this video if you've enjoyed it then please do   like this video consider subscribing if you're  new to the channel and this video looks like   it's going to be perfect for you so go and check  that out and I might see you in the next tutorial
Channel: FXhome
Views: 225,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Using A.I. for Filmmaking Ideas, ai art, ai generated art, ai image generator, ai video, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence movies, blender 3d, concept art, content creation, creating, dall e 2, dall-e 2, deep learning, digital art, discord, film school, filmmaking, fxhome, hitfilm, hitfilm express, hitfilm express tutorial, how to, midjourney, midjourney tutorial, open ai, openai, script writing, text to image, visual effects
Id: w3Z_QMiN0Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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