How to create a children's story book using ChatGPT and Midjourney AI for Amazon KDP Start to Finish

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in this video I will show you step by step how to create a children's storybook using chat GPT and mid-journey AI to sell on Amazon KDP first I must say that after March 15 2023 chat GPT and mid-journey are now cooperating much better this is because the new version of mid-journey 5 requires the descriptions in the prompt to be full sentences not just keywords and that's exactly what chat GPT gives us to create a great children's book that we can sell on Amazon we can fully use the tools of artificial intelligence one we create a text in chat GPT two we check that the text we have is recognized as text that is generated by the AI at three we paraphrase the text using 4. we do plagiarism Checker at 5. we make the illustrations with mid-journey AI 6. we arrange the booklet in canva 7. we publish the book on Amazon KDP we publish the paperback book we are publishing the hardcover book we publish an ebook first I go to chat GPT and ask him for ideas for a children's story plot please write me ideas for plots for children's book stories [Music] this is really amazing chat GPT gives me 10 great story ideas for a children's book [Music] thank you now I'm writing that I want him to create one of the stories for me please write me a children's story of at least 500 words about a group of animal friends go on an adventure to find a lost treasure in just one click I get a great children's book story foreign [Music] I also ask chat GPT please write me a children's story of at least 500 words about a young boy that discovers a magical world hidden behind a secret door in their room [Music] in this way I will make four stories for my children's book the next thing I do is open some free software to check if the text I have is recognized as AI generated text I will use this free software copy and paste my story as expected the result is that the text is recognized as automatically generated over 90 percent I want to tell you that in the near future it is expected that Amazon will start doing these checks as well and will not allow such books to be published on Amazon KDP so I open this also free software paraphraser put in my text and tell it to paraphrase some of the text to make it more unique using synonyms the text has been edited [Music] now I put the edited text back into the proofreader and I see that the text is now recognized as human generated not AI the other check I want to do is for plagiarism I opened some free plagiarism check software to see if these stories can be used in this case I will use I copy the text and after confirming that I am not a robot I select check plagiarism I am assured that the text is not recognized as plagiarism so I am sure that I can publish it this is how I check all the stories that I will publish in the children's book that I want to sell through Amazon KDP the next thing I do is open mid-journey and start generating images for my book first making sure I'm using the new fifth version of the software I choose settings here and Mark mid-journey 5 version to work by default I start with this prompt a group of animal friends who enjoyed going on adventures together once resided in a lush green forest [Music] [Music] and now I will try to complete it like this prompt [Music] a group of animal friends who enjoyed going on adventures together once resided in a lush green forest cute Disney style noise reduction and fine details realistic textures color grading retouching foreign [Music] I like the third image I select upscale and save it to my computer [Music] I choose upscale on the fourth image as well [Music] and now I will choose make variations to choose the best resulting image I'll run another prompt playing hide and seek one day group of animal came across an ancient map that displayed a route through the woods that went to a well-kept secret cute Disney style noise reduction and fine details realistic textures color grading retouching [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] here I will upscale the second and fourth images and save them as well [Music] here's another prompt a brave Fox named Freddy an inquisitive rabbit named Rosie an astute owl named Oliver and a mischievous squirrel named Sammy made up the group of Pals they made the decision to embark on a treasure hunt cute Disney style noise reduction and fine details realistic textures color grading retouching from these I choose the fourth image I select upscale and save it [Music] I will also look at the second picture I choose upscale and I'm also thinking about choosing make variations to see if that won't improve the image from the results obtained in this way I like the fourth image the best and it is the one that I will save to my computer as well thus in mid-journey fifth version I prepare all the pictures for my children's book I already have the text I have the images and I'm going to assemble the booklet in canva [Music] but first I will check on the Amazon page what sizes I should put in canva I start with the inner pages I go to page set trim size lead and margins I open the trim size specifications section and look for an appropriate size for a paperback book since children's books tend to be larger sizes I choose 8.5 by 11 inches I scroll down to see how many extra centimeters I need to add in relation to printing the book so I see that I need to make the inside Pages 8.625 by 11.25 inches page size with bleed means that when reprinting all images or illustrations will reach all the way to the edge of the page I now open canva and choose create new design putting in the dimensions I chose from Amazon [Music] now I can start arranging text and pictures to place the images I first import them into canva via upload files [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I paste the text by simple copying [Music] [Music] I also choose a suitable picture for this page thank you I also want each page to have a light background and not stay White [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I go back to the beginning and add a new front page where I will put the title and the author's name this is called the second cover [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and paint to crop the image on this page and place it as a picture [Music] okay so this is how I arrange my book which ended up being 75 Pages this is the minimum number of pages for the book to be published on Amazon and in hardcover so I will publish it in both paperback and hardcover as well as an ebook I'll show you everything in detail a little later in this video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] the next thing I do is download the book to my computer in PDF print format [Music] [Music] now I have to make the cover to do this I will first use the Amazon calculator which will prepare a ready template for the cover I'm starting to fill in I'm going to make the paperback book first interior type standard color paper type white paper page turn direction left to right measurement units inches interior trim size 8.511 last I set the number of pages of the book and select calculate dimensions [Music] I take the dimensions from Full cover and again choose create new design in canva [Music] foreign [Music] I also download the template and place it in canva for better orientation there must be no text in this area which is designated for the ISBN that Amazon will place on the back cover I'm going back to mid-journey again to create my cover background I want it to be some pattern texture and that's why I run this prompt texture background for children's storybook cover many colors cute Disney style noise reduction and fine details realistic textures color grading [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I finally settled on this design and put it in canva um [Music] [Music] I will remove the background of this image and also use it for the cover [Music] [Music] I designed the front cover by putting in the title and here's this picture where I removed the background [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] cover I put the titles of the four stories that are included in this booklet [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ly I also download the cover of the book in PDF print format [Music] now I'm going to make the same booklet but for hardcover publication what I need to do is go to Amazon KDP again and see what the appropriate sizes are for a hardcover book I choose a format that is closest to the one I already made so that I can easily copy or paste the inner pages in this case it is the 8.25 by 11 format I put these dimensions in a new project in canva and simply copy the text and images I already have somewhere the text or the picture goes outside the borders I move them a little inside [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I have the inside Pages ready for the hardcover book and download the file in PDF print format again [Music] I repeat the same procedure for the cover I open the calculator and enter the necessary data however here Amazon tells me that the pages should be 76 so I will add another page to the end of the booklet [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] now I'm already taking the pattern off and copying and pasting from the other cover I've already made I'm also preparing the cover for the hardcover book [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the last thing left to do was to make the electronic version of the booklet thank you for this we need the Amazon Kindle create tool you need to download and install it on your computer [Music] this is the easiest part of the job it is only necessary to open our PDF file with the internal pages and then export it to kpf format [Music] foreign [Music] then I go to canva and prepare the cover for the e-book as well again I set my Dimensions to 8.5 by 11 inches and copy the contents onto the front cover only [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] here it is important that we download the cover in jpg format we now have everything we need and can start publishing on Amazon KDP I'm starting with the paperback edition I go to my bookshelf and select create [Music] [Music] I'm typing in sequence book title name of the author description of the book [Music] I mark that I own the copyright and I hold necessary publishing rights then I add seven keywords for which my book can be found [Music] thank you the next thing I do is choose two categories in which to display the book as well as marking large print book as my font is 21 point for adult content I select no and select save and continue I choose Amazon to attach an ISBN number publication date interior pages to be filled with standard color interior I choose the book size to be 8.5 by 11 inches with bleed and a glossy cover the next thing I do is attach the inside pages of the book and the cover [Music] [Music] through the launch previewer I check how the text and images are laid out on each page and confirm if everything is as it should be [Music] Amazon shows me the production cost of the book now I put the selling price of the book with Amazon specifying the lower and upper price limits [Music] in the final I choose publish your paperback book and it can take up to 72 hours for book to be available for purchase on Amazon from this window I go directly to publishing the ebook almost all fields are automatically filled title author description Etc only the age for which the booklet is suitable can be filled in here I upload kpf file and the cover file [Music] again we go through the pages and determine the selling price [Music] done now all I have to do is publish the hardcover book I proceed exactly the same way attaching the two files I made for the hardcover Edition [Music] [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] I now have a book of fairy tales published and posted for sale on Amazon in three Editions friends you found this video helpful please feel free to subscribe to my channel I plan to publish other videos related to the possibilities that modern tools and AI provide us to create creative products ourselves that would even bring us added value [Music]
Channel: eLibrary1
Views: 41,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon KDP, create a children's story book, Coloring book, sell on Amazon KDP, artificial intelligence, AI, Step by Step AI, format on Amazon KDP, ChatGPT, Midjourney AI, use Photoshop, Canva, midjourney, consistent characters, AI characters, children's story book, openai, duplichecker, paraphrase, copyleaks, chatgpt, chat gpt
Id: gkbpYwcSQT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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