Create animated videos using AI from your mobile phone & ChatGPT

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hi I'm Anna and I am Bob in all our animations and body movements are AI generated and you will be learning how to do the same today using just your voice text or well even just an idea I'm going to show you how to do this directly from your mobile device and using software which is absolutely free for you to use I'm super excited to show you this so let's get straight to it so I have my phone pulled up here and the main tool we're going to be using for our animations today is a tool from Adobe called animate from audio this is a free web-based tool that is available on the Adobe Express group of apps and you can open it on your computer and also on your phone so you don't have to install any app on your phone per se all you just have to do is go to that website so I'm going to put a link to the website down in the description of this video so click on that link and that should take you to the Adobe Express website and then you can follow along with this tutorial all right so I have Adobe expressed open right here on my phone um the very first thing you want to do is Select whatever character it is you're trying to animate so they have several characters that have been made available for you and this tool has been created by the Adobe character animator team so if you look at a lot of these characters they look very familiar to something that you would see on Adobe character animator so these are very very similar characters if you've been following along with some of my tutorials you might be used to some of these characters already so they have a bunch of these you can select whichever one best suit your use case um the only drawback is that they do not allow you to upload your own custom character at least for now you can't but you can select any of these existing ones so I'm going to go back to a throwback to do another demo from my very first character animator tutorial so I'm going to be using 40 right here we're gonna do a little spot demo for soccer or football depending on what part of the world you're from I guess if you're from the rest of the world it's football if you're from America well it's soccer so uh we'll call it soccer for now let's debate that in the comments whatever you call it I like football cool all right so we have our character selected the next thing we need to do is select a nice background for the character so like a set and a good place that better fits whatever it is you're trying to do so I'm just gonna go to the background section right here so unlike your characters for the backgrounds you can actually upload a custom image so if you have an image with your logo or something you've custom designed you can select that here and they have tons of other backgrounds that you can use also depending on your use case so in our case since we're doing something for Spots I'm going to select here a stadium which seems appropriate for the use case so I'll put here a stadium so uh before we get animating I want to talk some about uh size right here so if you go right here there's a tab for size and this determines the final output of your video so depending on where you're trying to post this they've kind of made it easy for you so like you have the Instagram right here and if you select on the drop down they give you uh the different platforms so for Instagram say you wanted to do a story or a real you know it helps you resize it so that it fits properly for an Instagram story in my case I'm going to choose on YouTube and just do a regular standard video that can go on YouTube and then we're gonna go back to our character so now that we have at the background on the size set if you tap on uh the screen with your hands you can actually move your character around like so and put him wherever it is you want him to be and if you wanted to scale the character they have this little skill tab here that can actually you could make him smaller make him quite bigger if you want big head a small tiny cannot be seen all right so I'm just gonna put an appropriate size right here I think a hundred percent is actually good for this particular um one that we're doing so I'll keep him here at a hundred percent so now that that we're done uh We've pretty much set everything we just need to now animate this character he's very static so there are two ways you can do the animation um it's by either recording your own audio right into this so recording your voice or also uploading a custom audio into the system for it to animate that audio so I'm going to show you the two options we're going to start by recording our audio and what you want to do is hit the little record button here but before we do that if you notice below that there is a little knob a little toggle button that says enhanced speech and this is also using AI in the background to make any bad audio sound a lot better alright so we're set to start animating but I actually do not have a script for this character I just know I wanted to do something around spot that's where the next AI tool I'm going to talk about comes in handy I'm sure you've had about chat TPT by now if you haven't I have a video on that coming soon so make sure you subscribe to this channel uh that way you get to know when I release that video so I'm gonna head over to church GPT right now and make it uh sort of help us with writing a script for our video to access chat GPT you simply go to I'm going to put a link to that down in the description so I have it open here so I'm gonna just simply say write a funny intro for a soccer update YouTube channel so as you can see it's giving us here some nice uh nice intro text but I think this is a little bit too long for what I'm trying to do so I'm just gonna say make this into one line so as you can see it's updated this for us it said welcome to your One-Stop shop for all your soccer updates we'll keep you entertained informed and wondering why you ever wasted your time with anything else so this looks pretty good this is actually not bad not bad chat GPT so I love this so I'm gonna take this and let's go ahead and actually record this now and to demonstrate how well this tool works are the AI audio enhancing tool I'm actually going to go ahead and go record this demo from somewhere else just so that you can get a feel of how well it makes the audio sound better so let's head out to somewhere else alright I'm right here in my laundry room as you can see the audio here is not that great you can probably hear some Echo it's not as treated as my studio and maybe even hearing some background noise from my kids in the background and I'm also going to turn on my washing machine right here so that it makes some background noise so you just see how well this AI tool does at removing background noise and cleaning up the audio so let's go ahead and turn that on and we'll get straight to actually recalling our script here welcome to the One Stop Shop for all your soccer updates where we keep you informed entertained and wondering why you ever wasted your time on anything else all right now that we have that recording let's head back to the studio all right now that we're back from the laundry room let's go ahead and clean up the audio all pun intended there first let's play back the audio we just recorded to hear what it sounds like welcome to the One Stop Shop for all your soccer updates where we keep you informed entertained and wondering why you ever wasted your time on anything else so as you can see the animation is not that great and also the audio is quite bad and the animation is not that great because the audio is bad so I'm just going to go back to editing and I'm going to click on enhance speech and I'm gonna have it to uh preview that all right so the AI is done cleaning up our audio to make it sound good and hopefully also the animation looks a little bit better so but before I play that back let me just remind you what it sounded like without the AI enhancing the audio welcome to the One Stop Shop for all your soccer updates so that's what it sounded like so now let's hear what it sounds like now welcome to the One Stop Shop for all your soccer updates where we keep you informed entertained and wondering why you ever wasted your time on anything else so as you can see our audio sounds a lot more better there's still a little bit of the sound there of the washing machine and all but it's a lot better and you can see because the audio was cleaner um our animation is much better but of course uh this is just in situations where you do not have clean audio the best is always to get your audio clean from the beginning so you want to make sure you record your audio in a place that's already clean anyways but this is good enough for now so you can actually just go ahead and just click on the share button and this is gonna ask you to create an account so you just want to create an account it's free to do that and then you can go ahead and download your video and it's now ready to share so this is what the video looks like cleaned up with some sound design and a little bit of sound effect added to that that's what the video looks like welcome to the One Stop Shop for all your soccer updates where we keep you informed entertained and wondering why you ever wasted your time on anything else all right so far that was great but what if you wanted to use pre-recorded audio let's say for example I wanted foodie to have a female voice I mean I could try to like do a high pitch mimic a female voice but I don't think I can do a good female impression well you got that right uh that's where I'm gonna show you the option to upload your own audio and we're going to be using another AI tool to actually convert our script into a female generated audio that looks a little bit realistic and I'm gonna show you that right now so let's head over uh back to the phone and let me show you how to do that so there are many text to speech tools out there but the one we're going to be using today is a tool that is called a prime voice AI so I have it opened right here on my phone and what you just simply do is just go right here and paste whatever text it is you wanted to say so in my case I'm going to tip type in the welcome uh text that we had chat DPT just do for us and then since I want a female voice I'm gonna look for one of the female voices that they have here uh let's say Bella so I'm going to select Bella and it's going to take a couple of minutes to run and let's hear what Bella sounds like welcome to the One Stop Shop for all your soccer updates where we'll keep you informed entertained and wondering why you ever wasted your time on anything else all right that's sudden I think a lot better than my voice uh for a soccer update website uh so I'm gonna use that I'm just gonna click on the download button for this you don't actually have to create an account they let you download it for free up to a certain number of characters limited uh by your IP address of which you would have to create an account so since I have that downloaded we're gonna now head back to character animator and I'm just gonna go back to back to editing and then I would click on replace audio uh since my audio is already clean I'll remove the enhanced speech functionality and just click on replace audio and then now it asks me to upload so I'm going to choose from my file and I have Bella right here so I've selected that audio welcome to the One Stop Shop for all your soccer updates where we'll keep you informed entertained and wondering why you ever wasted your time on anything else another limitation to the software is that it actually only allows you to animate one character per time now the walk around to that would be to animate your characters on the software and then export them and use a video editing software to sort of put them together if you'd like to see a tutorial on that let me know down in the comment section and give this video a lot of thumbs up if you get enough thumbs up maybe maybe just maybe I'll do a tutorial on that and post it right here on this channel and also if you want granular control on your characters then you probably want to use the full character animator software I have tutorials on that already and those will be popping up right here make sure you check those out and do subscribe to the channel to help me grow this channel I'll catch you in the next one bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Emmanuel Crown
Views: 362,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI animated video, Mobile phone animation, Create animated videos with AI, Mobile animation tutorial, AI animation software, Animated video creation for beginners, Easy animation tutorial, ChatGPT tutorial, chatgpt, openai chatgpt, ai chatbot, openai chatbot, openai, playground openai, chat openai, midjourney, ai avatar generator free, ai avatar, ai animated avatar, ai video generator, ai video, ai video editing, ai art, ai voice, ai voice generator, ai avatar free, how to
Id: EpmzkwftJOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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