STOP Using Midjourney, This FREE AI Can Make You 10,275$/month Instead!

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So, early this morning, I woke up and  decided to hop onto Midjourney to generate   some cool images for a video, but I got this  message in response: "Due to extreme demand   we can't provide a free trial right now.  Please subscribe or try again tomorrow."   Well, that pushed me to dive into  finding the best alternative to   Midjourney. And most importantly, it had  to be free. And finally, I found it!   So, introducing  [](!   This AI is constantly updating and growing at  a crazy pace. It's already capable of giving   Midjourney some serious competition. But the  most important thing is when you visit their   Discord account, you're greeted with this  wonderful statement: "all rights to an image   belong to the person who has generated it." Just a reminder, to get the rights to an   image generated by Midjourney,  we have to pay $10 a month.   If you don't have extra money to spend  on images, this is the perfect option   for you. In this video, I'm going to explain  why I've fully switched over to Leonardo AI,   how Leonardo AI is better than Midjourney, and  how, with the absolutely free Leonardo AI app,   you can start making money today. Firstly, let me show you how to get access   to Leonardo AI. Go to their website and click  "Get Early Access." Then, you'll need to join   their Discord channel. After that, head over  to the room called "Priority Early Access."   Here, you'll need to follow the link to fill  out a short form, where you'll provide your   Discord nickname and email to get an invitation to  Leonardo AI. The invitation should arrive within a   day, but let me tell you a secret: you don't have  to wait for the invitation. Just go back to the   "[](" website.  In the top right corner, click "Launch App,"   then "Yes. I'm whitelisted." Now, you'll need  to click "Login to Leonardo AI." Log in using   the email you provided in the form, and that's  it! You've got early access to Leonardo AI.   When you get to their website, you might notice  that Leonardo AI is a web app, which means you   don't even need a Discord account, which, in my  opinion, is much more convenient than Midjourney.   Like many text-to-image services, Leonardo AI  uses a basic token system. Leonardo gives you   150 tokens that reload every 24  hours. In simpler terms, you can   generate 150 images a day, which is plenty. So, here on the "Home" page, you can check out   the works of other users and see for yourself  that Leonardo creates super high-quality images.   One thing I like more about Leonardo than  Midjourney is that you can click on any image   and fully see the prompt used to generate that  image. Plus, Leonardo AI has a built-in algorithm   that lets you remove the background in just a few  clicks. Simply click on any image, click here,   and hit "No Background." Then, you can download  the image as a PNG without the background.   To create your own image, you'll need to click "AI  Image Generation" in the left panel. Here, you'll   see a field where you can write your prompt. Just  below that, you can choose a model. It's like the   different versions of Midjourney, but there are  really a lot of them here. You can also click   "Select Custom Model" and check out the "Community  Model," which are models created by the users   themselves. Next, you can add a negative prompt,  meaning what shouldn't be in our image. Further   down, there are tabs for "Image Generation" and  "Prompt Generation." You definitely won't find   this in Midjourney. "This tool will allow you  to come up with more complex prompt ideas from   a simple prompt. E.g., if you type in 'a car' and  click Ideate, it will come up with a number of   more complex concepts which include a car." Moving on to the main settings. On the left,   you can choose the number of images you'll get  from one prompt. I think 4 is the best option,   giving you plenty to choose from. Not too long ago, the "Prompt Magic V2"   option was introduced, and it's currently in Beta  testing. In short, this feature ensures better   prompt adherence. If you enable it, you can also  adjust High Contrast and Prompt Magic Strength.   Further down, we can see the image resolution  settings. Here, you can fine-tune the size of your   image, but to get the best results, Leonardo  recommends choosing 1024 by 1024 pixels.   Below that, we can find the "Guidance Scale."  In this tab, you can adjust how closely the   image corresponds to the prompt. In other  words, the lower the number we choose,   the less the final image will resemble what's  written in our prompt. I recommend choosing an   optimal number of 7-8 for the best results. I suggest turning on Tiling if you're planning   to create textures or patterns. Below, you can see Image-to-Image,   where you upload an image you'd like to  base another one on, and Image Prompt.   So, personally, I find Leonardo AI much more  convenient and pleasant to use than Midjourney.   Also, at the beginning of this video, I promised  to show you a way to make money using Leonardo AI.   In a previous video, I already demonstrated  how to create stickers with Midjourney to   sell them on Etsy. Make sure to watch it  if you haven't yet. Now, I'll show you   another product that we can create with the  help of Leonardo AI and sell it on Etsy.   This is a very simple but interesting image  called a Pattern. The cool thing about   it is that when we connect two images,  they turn into one, just like this.   So now, I'll show you how I created  this image with Leonardo AI, and how   you can sell images like these on Etsy! So, we're in Leonardo AI, and on the left,   I select 4 variations. Then, I turn on "Prompt  Magic" and "High Contrast." I choose a resolution   of 1024 by 1024. And most importantly,  don't forget to enable "Tiling." Now,   let's write our prompt. I'll write something like:  "Repeating pattern, Picasso style illustration,   vector hand-drawn, Red Blue, Orange and Yellow  Faces, oil painting," and click "Generate."   Now, it's generating images  for us, and what I noticed   is that it takes a bit longer than Midjourney. Once we get 4 image variations, we click on the   one we like. Here, unlike Midjourney, we have  a lot of functions to manipulate our image. We   can delete the image, download the image, "Unzoom  image" (honestly, I don't even know what that is),   and further on, we can remove the background if  needed. Even further to the right, we're offered   several image upscaling options: Creative upscale,  Upscale image alternate, HD Smooth Upscaler,   and HP Crisp Upscale. They differ slightly from  one another. Now, I'll choose HP Crisp Upscale.   We'll need to wait a bit, and after that, we  have a finished image that we can sell.   Once we've created the product, it's  time to sell it. You can sell patterns   like these as a digital product, but now  let's look at a more interesting method.   Using Printify, we'll create a physical product  that the Printify team will make for us.   What makes this method more attractive is that we  won't even have to pack or ship the product to our   customer. Printify will take care of that. Let's try and see how we can use this.   On the Printify website, I choose this canvas  and then click on "Start Designing". Next,   I simply upload our image onto the blank  canvas. Since our product is a pattern,   click on "Create pattern". Then, I hit "Print on  sides" to have our image on the sides as well.   Once you've done all that, choose "Preview".  Here, you can see how your pattern will look   in the end. You can also place your image  on many other products, such as Tough Cases,   T-shirts, Bags, and many more. All that's left for you to do is to   list your product on Etsy and start making  money. If you found this video helpful,   let me know in the comments below and don't  forget to subscribe to the channel. See you!
Channel: Monice
Views: 469,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney alternative, midjourney free, stop using midjourney, leonardo ai, free midjourney alternative, free midjourney, better than midjourney, make money online, make money online 2023, midjourney, like midjourney but free, free ai, ai make money, make money ai, make money, best midjourney alternative, best midjourney alternative free, how to use midjourney, how to use midjourney for free, free ai can make you money, ai to money, ai business, how to midjourney
Id: uOf0xKT3RbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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