New AI Video Editing Tools Beyond 2023 (Mind Blowing!)

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in today's video I'm going to share with you some video editing tools that can actually save you a ton of time with your edits I also want to thank my friends over at envato elements for supporting today's video using my link below you can get 70 off your first month I'll tell you more about them later on but for now let's go ahead and jump on it [Music] first up is runwayml if you don't know what Runway ml is it's essentially an online video editor so you can do all your editing in your web browser you don't have to download anything here from the web browser you can click on AI magic tools and it will show you a bunch of different AI magic tools that you can try out for both audio video and image so I'm going to show you three of their video tools that I think you're going to find really useful the first one is in painting in painting allows you to remove people or objects from your video now removing objects from images is really easy to do in Photoshop if you want to learn how to do that you can just click right up here but this is in video so here we have this video clip and let's say we want to remove the ship in the background we're just going to brush over it just like this and then it'll just take a second to load up and then we can play it back and the ship is completely gone we didn't have to do anything manual the magic AI tool removed it for us let's try it with one more let's say you want to remove Taurus from your scenes go ahead and just get rid of them here by painting over them and once you lift off your brush it starts to end paint and basically predict and create new pixels in place of where those people were and now we can play it back and just like that it's gone comparing this to the current workflow for Content aware fill and after effects runways tool is a lot faster but try it out for yourself there's a free trial and I've just put a link below another one of the AI magic tools is the remove background so you just have to click on the subject and it will detect the edges to rotoscope it out and mask it to remove it from the background which is something that takes a long time to do inside of Premiere Pro and it's still okay in After Effects the rotor brush tool Works fairly well but I find that I've been getting better results using Runway ml so you can click on remove background to do it to one particular clip which you can export with a transparent background but you can also create a new project and you can start from one of these magic tools such as the green screen which is the remove background and then we can go and choose the clip we want to use so I'm going to drag my clip into the composition now we're going to select various points such as the black the green the skin tone and the hair air so that way runwayml knows what parts we need to select and you can see it didn't do a perfect job but you can click here for example to tell it to select this part and this part of a shoe as well and if you need to go in and make more refinements you can always go up to zoom to 200 percent press h to the hand tool to select and go down and then we can refine using the brush tool to select this area and then shift F to get it to zoom into frame and now you can see we have our selection just with a few clicks and Runway ml will start to predict and do a perfect mask around our running subject and it's super fast and this is all online from here you can actually export this so if you wanted to export it with a transparency background you can choose prores and it will put a transparency layer behind it and select export mask but in this case we're actually going to select done masking now we have our subject completely cut out now we can go and go to assets and bring the original down here so that way we can stack this one on video two and this one on video layer one now we can put text behind him for example so you can select the text tool and then we can just type in runner for example and edit the text quickly here to a new font and then we can bring the text between these two clips so now we have the text behind him between the foreground and the background and the reason why I'm showing you this is you can actually edit your videos inside of runwayml's project Builder here and there's so much that you can do within this for example you can select this and go over to effects and filters and you can add filters directly to this foreground layer for example and you can add animation to the text so you can go to animate and we can choose slide left slide right slide up for example and then go back to the timeline and now you can see it animates in and this is just the tip of the iceberg there's a lot of different effects where you can edit your entire video inside of Runway ml and if you need to bring this into your other editor not to worry you can always go up to export and send it off to your other editing program there's one more tool inside of runwayml I want to show you the text to color grade is really cool here we can choose the video clip that we want to add a color grade to just by using text so you don't have to know anything about color grading you just have to describe it and the robot the AI will then apply it to your footage so I have this Diner clip from envato elements let me open this up so one thing that I thought of was what if I wanted to emulate certain color grades that I love from popular Hollywood films like Pulp Fiction and then it will just start to think and apply what the internet what the AI tool has in the database of Pulp Fiction and apply it to this clip so this is the result that's what the original looks like it did a pretty good job her Skin's a little bit yellow but it did a good job at emulating Pulp Fiction it would be great if there was controls here where you can like turn down certain things or maybe say a little less yellow of a skin tone that would be awesome if you like this grade you can go ahead and download the dot Cube file which you can use in any video editor and apply it to your footage in your timeline or you can export it with the color grade applied let's try a couple more washed out all right the washed out look I really like it did a good job at washing out the colors comparing it to the original orange and teal all right it did a pretty good job and we can toggle to compare it to the original into the process so once you've typed a command and you type it again in the same section it will remember it so it doesn't have to load again alright this video is from runwayml's YouTube channel this box can make any idea real [Music] that's exactly what I just showed you about the text to color grade to make it look more cinematic so that's one piece of this becoming a reality and that was the end painting and that's exactly what the future is right there is before we had to select it and actually click it for the AI to work and now the future we hope will be if we just type in green screen the character out it'll do it for us automatically I love this video and I hope that other video tools are starting to look at this and be like okay we need to start working on this AI text video so go to sign up for the free trial and start testing them out and the more you test it the better it will get so there are a few more tools that are really awesome that you have to see but first I want to tell you about envato elements element elements just doesn't have graphic elements it has pretty much any category that you can imagine here on the website you can see that there's a category for stock video clips there's video templates for all these different softwares and of course there's music and sound effects and the sound effects library is fantastic if I need to find any type of sound that I need it can be for a documentaries for your YouTube channel for your client project it has it another category that a lot of people don't know that is there are presentation templates and I recently ran a workshop and I was like oh I need a template for Google slides and I was able to go through and select Google slides and go down here and find a really nice template that I was able to import into Google slides and use for my workshop and also you can download free files too if you scroll down you can go to free monthly files and here you can download all of these assets you can use for free in your projects forever you can use my link below which looks like this and you can get 70 off your first month and you can try it out for your projects and what's really great is even if you decide it's not for you you will still have those licenses available for those projects in the assets that you downloaded so you don't lose the license once you stop your subscription thank you to invato elements for sponsoring today's video and now let's jump back into the video alright the next one is called time bolt and this one's really cool because you can remove silences and lulls in a long interview or a long take so I use Premiere Pro for this but remember that you can use it with other software as well here inside my timeline you can see that there's gaps in here where I didn't say anything and normally you'd have to go in and manually cut this but with time bolt it can detect that for you and remove it it's a separate app here that you can download and by the way you can use code Premiere gal to get 20 off your order I put a link to time bolt just down below the way it works is you select your video and audio file and press open so as you scroll down you can see the red parts are the areas that are going to be removed the silences that are unnecessary as we scroll down you can see that we can make adjustments so you can filter below a certain decibel to filter out and you can also add padding and you can also ignore detections that are shorter than a certain amount so you can play around with these parameters and then update the silence detection and select save timeline cuts and then this is going to Output what is called an a Json file to save all those cuts so now from Premiere Pro I can open up the time bolt extension which you need to install when Premiere Pro is closed it's actually quite easy to do so now there's a couple options here we can select create Cuts but don't delete the silences and let me just show you this one first so select create Cuts but don't delete and select apply Json file and hit open and look what happens it just automatically makes all the cuts here in the timeline to create those jump Cuts while still retaining the original media and the reason why I chose don't delete is I wanted to show you the red areas that it automatically labeled as The Unwanted silences the output file will be shorter by three minutes and 33 seconds so it saved us a decent amount of time and we didn't have to scrub through and see it so using this method you can then select the silence and press shift delete to Ripple delete that out or we can choose to have it delete delete it for us and this time I'm going to uncheck this so it will delete the silences make sure the clip is selected apply Json file and now it's going to make all those cuts and remove those silences automatically but don't worry that original media is still there so this is the version that it spit out with all of the jump cuts of course you still have to go through obviously I made mistakes here the first step the first update is the one so we're going to delete these and shift delete so you still have to go through and use your filter as a human to make those creative decisions which take is best obviously the AI tool here can't detect that and also there may be a version that the AI might think is better but you actually don't like there's still that creative human component of building the story out as an editor at least for now this AI tool is just helping you get there it's going to cut out those silences so you can get to the Finish Line faster and coming soon to time folds they're going to have an um check remover so you can remove those arms as well which can help especially if you have a very long interview where there's lots of and lots of silences and you just want to process all of that so you can get to the creative part faster if you want to try a Time bolt you can use my code Premiere gal to get 20 off you can find everything just down below and last and certainly not least in this video is La La it's l-a-l-a-l dot a i and it can be used in the web version or you can download an app to use it as well essentially you can extract the vocals from the background music and it will auto do that for you la la can also be used for example if you're streaming a video and there's some copyright music in the background that you can't have playing to avoid a copyright strike on YouTube you can upload that clip of you talking with the music in the background and extract the music to avoid the copyright claim and it's not just separating music too you can also improve audio so for example I have this old clip of my grandpa telling stories that my aunt reached out to me and was like Hey can you remove some of the background noise it's hard to hear him and I was like let me see what I can do and it was a perfect way for me to use this tool and I'm going to select file grandpa1 and press open and while it's processing I'm going to open up the original which is about 100 yards from our home it was like a little little alley so you can hear that it has this loud humming noise behind so let's go ahead and play the voice which is about 100 yards from our home it was like a little app it sounds a lot better right here's the noise in the background which was about 100 yards from our home it was like a little little alley which was about 100 yards from our home it was like a little just sounds a lot better right it's really awesome so then you can process the entire file and download it and then I'm going to sync it back with the original video the free trial comes with 10 minutes for free but you can upgrade to Pro plans and I'll put a link below if you want to check that out but to compare this to another one for example called Adobe podcast let me show you the difference I'm going to upload this WAV file here and I want you to hear the difference here's a grandpa and hence from Adobe podcast which was about a hundred yards from our home it sounds completely different it did a great job at removing the background noise and enhancing the speech but it doesn't sound like him at all which is about 100 yards from our home which was about a hundred yards from our home the AI tool hasn't quite gotten there yet but I can already tell that through la la and Adobe enhanced speech that it's getting there so as you can see from these tools some of them are there some of them are in the future and some of them can use some improvement as well let me know which tools you're excited about just down below and also let me know if there's some AI tools that you started using that has really helped you out I always am up for checking out new tools and if you want me to do more videos like this where I break down and show you how to use different types of AI tools give this video a thumbs up and yeah as always keep creating better video with gal thanks so much bye [Music]
Channel: Premiere Gal
Views: 528,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Premiere Gal, Runway, RunwayML, Remove background from video, text to video tools, ai video tools, ai video editor tools, 2023, Adobe Creative Cloud, Silence Remover, Timebolt, lalalai, text to color grade tool, ai magic tools, runwayml magic tools, inpainting, noise remover, remove music from vocals, adobe premiere pro, adobe podcast, adobe, vocal enhancer tools, ai, A.I., AI, 2050, ai video editing tools, ai video, future of video editing, future of video, beyond 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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