How to use USED TO | WOULD | GET USED TO & BE USED TO in English

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hi in today's lesson we're going to learn about the verbs used to would get used to and be used to these verbs all sound very similar but in fact they're very different in this lesson we're going to learn the differences between them and how to use them with confidence so let's get started so let's start with used to used to is always talking about the past it always stays the same for all pronouns so I used to you used to he or she used to and so on firstly we use the used to when we talk about things that happened regularly in the past but don't happen anymore for example I used to play tennis every Tuesday when I was at school but I don't now note the pronunciation used to you can hear a terse sound instead of the e d as it's spelt and the two is more of a use to play tennis it's very unstressed so in the past when she was at school she regularly played tennis but she doesn't anymore the form is the subject plus used to plus the verb used to doesn't change is the same for all pronouns here is an example of a negative sentence I didn't use to watch TV every day but I do now so in the past he didn't watch TV but he does now things have changed notice there's no D on used in the negative so the negative form is the subject plus didn't use to trust the verb again didn't use through doesn't change and remains the same for all pronouns I didn't use to you didn't used to he didn't used to and so on so now let's look at questions did you use to eat a lot of sweets as a child again no no D when we use used to with questions he used to did we used to did they used to and some secondly used to can also be used for things that were true but aren't not true anymore we used to live in Oxford when I was a child so in the past we lived in Oxford but this is no longer true and we no longer live in Oxford maybe we've moved to London another example is Nicole used to have very long hair when she was a child here in the past Nicole had long hair but this is no longer true she must have got it cut an important thing to remember about used to it is that it's referring to the past and therefore has no present form you can't say I used to do if you want to talk about something you do regularly in the present you use the present simple so talking about the past you'd say I used to play football if you play football regularly in the present you say I play football using the present simple so let's move on to wood wood means the same as used to only to talk about things that happened regularly in the past often either wood or use to is possible both of these sentences are possible so every Sunday I would go on a long bike ride or every Sunday I used to go on a long bike ride or when we were children on holiday we would get up early and play with our toys you can use also the past simple in the same way as used to and would to talk about repeated actions in the past so you can say we used to go to the same Beach every summer we would go to the same Beach every summer or we went to the same Beach every summer we can also use the past simple for past States so I used to have a dog called Millie or I had a dog called Minnie remember you can't use wood for past states or situations and only repeated action however if something happened only once we can't use use to or would we must use the past simple finally let's look at get used to and be used to imagine you work on a building site and it's very noisy at the beginning you find the noise difficult you're not used to the noise you're not accustomed to the noise as time goes by you get used to the noise you become accustomed to the noise then finally you don't notice the noise at all you could say I'm used to it let's look at the form the form of to get used to if the subject plus again plucks used to plus the noun so I am getting used to the noise you are getting used to the noise he or she is getting used to the noise and so on here we conjugate the verb to get however if it's followed by a verb we have the subject plus to get Plus YouTube plus the gerund so I am getting used to working hard you are getting used to working hard he or she is getting used to working hard and so on let's look at the form of to be used to uh here it's very simple similar to get used to so it's the subject plus 2b plus used to plus the noun so I have used to the noise you are used to the noise he or she is used to the noise and so on here we conjugate the verb to be however if it's followed by a verb we use the gerund so we have the subject plus 2b plus used to plus the gerund so I am used to working hard you are used to working hard he or she is used to working hard it can seem a bit odd to have - followed by a gerund but here the two is a preposition and not part of the following burn so now it's your turn fill in the gaps one I've had to get used to blank on the left driving here is the verb to get used to which is followed by a verb in the gerund phone it means to become accustomed to something - we used to blank in a small village but now we live in London live here we're using the verb used to when referring to a state that was true in the past but no longer is 3 Dan used to blank a lot of coffee now he prefers tea drink referring to a past habit or regular activity that is no longer true we used use 2 plus the verb bare infinitive drink for whenever Richard was angry he blank out of the room here you can say either used to walk would walk or just walked the past simple as its describing something that regularly happened in the past 5 the city is very noisy but you will the noise get used to it here it means that you will get accustomed to the noise congratulations you now know how to use the verbs used to would get used to and be used to in English please remember to like this video if you found it useful share it with your friends and colleagues learning English and remember to subscribe to my channel Oxford English now for more free English language videos out every Friday thank you for watching [Music]
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Keywords: used to, used to grammar, used to this, be used to, get used to, get used to it, I used to used to do, use to, used to would, use to it, use to grammar, used to it, used to be used to get used to, I am used to, I used to be, use to and used to, be used to get used to, would used to, used to ing, used to and be used to, used to be used to get used to examples, would and used to, used to exercise, used to get used to be used to
Id: tRq2X37Ax28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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