Get used to / be used to / used to en inglés | Gramática inglesa fácil

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how this dog hair in my tea [Music] doesn't matter I'm used to it I'm used to it hello students welcome back make yourself comfy and get ready for a great lesson used to be used to get used to Oh better what is life interfere right take it easy don't you worry esta clase en a con un post completo econ test interactivo para que puedes Panera privado locust aprendido Latinas como siempre en el bloque de amigos ingleses fun está seguro Canada us accompanied nunca mass right where are you in Spanish oh there we go hello welcome let's get started now in Mahina take care estas into trabajo Ito's company roster - Alice Alice inglis muy bien y karasek speaker que es por que passaa stay muchos verrano's in el reno Nieto cuando era smash oven okay Oh Diaz so Leah ear todos verrano's iranian ido cuando era más joven mm-hmm Correa vide hemos I used to go to the UK every summer when I was younger that's it so como bands used to say Lucifer hablar de on a burrito and el pasado o the algo que paso durante un período Largo de tiempo eek a non-korean a presenter a Cavalia pretérito imperfecto vivia who GABA and commodious me Padre salia sir vegetarian oh okay my dad used to be a vegetarian he used to be a vegetarian yes okay and camellias no Solia most practical ninguna parte we didn't used to play any sports yes that's it perfect okay e una pregunta commode areas so Lea's tocar el piano an tastier impaired el brazo so did you use to play the piano before you broke your arm very good if lo que pasa con used to in las process negative as e in terrible divas kept a sizable valley Piscataway sorry the Sabbath I know it vanishes into thin air come on fear Shakespeare exactly I'm que la prensa shown as exactamente egg while I used to I didn't use to did you use to solo cetera yeah liked a Latino Citroen on Tia okay so it's used to used to let's say you Isabel used to used to perfect perfect okay is it busy moving on okay in Medina take care sales Pro piada elastance or a tennis case appeared a decimal piezo he better to the scenery today they stopped the lift is out of order you have to take the stairs for its common lazy ass no purse another estoy acostumbrado has to be por las escaleras I would say that's fine don't worry I'm used to taking the stairs I'm used to taking the stairs is easy for me actually I'm used to taking the stairs because we live on the first floor then we do you take the stairs as well no I take the lift so see I'm used to taking the lift I'm not used to taking the stairs okay interface to be used to significa estar acostumbrado algo no yes exactly pero siempre que be used to pass a Giro del verbo era en Haren do okay yeah pero use tuna simple hasta un verbo no time in Portuguese oh they substantive o- Oh No yes yes for example well I'm British so I'm used to crappy weather yeah well yeah wet weather I'm used to wet weather news to the rain okay Massa head blows come on tania's estoy acostumbrado ha madruga I'm used to getting up early perfect I'm used to getting up early yes a common areas estoy acostumbrado ah tomar tostadas Khan who Diaz Paradis even our unused to having beans on toast for breakfast I recommend it to all of you try it and I've got a question for you staff acostumbrado icon do feel for literature Camilla Darius are you used to driving on the right hmm actually I am used to driving on the right some days but when I go back to England that's when I get confused and it takes me takes me two or three days to get used to driving on the left again get used to mmm causes that get used to you need to get used to driving on the left when you go to England it's not an easy job I'm telling you press get used to salsa cuando se nos presenta una nueva situation a la que tenemos que adopt a nose lo estamos para referee no se hace proceso de adaptation muchisimas gente está teniendo Jia costume Brar otra horas de casa so how would you say I own must be able some Rando ATRA hydrolytic us ask a mess taco stand oh you would say I'm still getting used to working from home mm-hmm yeah because most people are not used to working from home yes it takes some time to get used to working from home Oh 300 common areas yeah tell custom brothers Allah sent Oh s Casas Oh from Scotland sorry yo logo for that don't you worry you'll get used to the Scottish accent if you live in Scotland for 20 years you'll get used common areas nunca my custom brother al mal tiempo de londres I will never get used to the bad weather in London that's it common areas no say acostumbrado a llevar SS Jaffa Stan braces he hasn't got used to wearing those really thick really thick glasses hello yes I'm here oh my goodness oh and last but not least commode areas may evolve see clothes a custom premiere a Khmer a las doce de la mañana it took me ages that's a good one it took me a G so it took me a long time to get used to having lunch at 12 yeah in England they usually eat in the afternoon around 12 1 probably the latest yes so it took me a long time to get used to it all right now students pay attention we're gonna play a game find the mistake and correct it for me [Music] spot the bomb over seized us and la pelota let's see if you're on the ball yes he's been paying attention right manga this better mistake number one I used to drink two cups of coffee in the morning nowadays from this Tyler Road oh no they'll present they get a subpoena Raman Tavares las casas de cafe I used to drink two cups of coffee in the morning nowadays no you idiot I usually drink two cups of coffee in the morning nowadays that's it cuando a plus the low castes normal maintain the two Rutina was almost usually mistake number two let's have a look it's not too hot for me I'm used to eat really spicy food st Austin Bravo a comer comida muy picante okay in espanol esto sería not Rosalita perfecto para que pasa el Haroon do Donatella rudia I'm used to eating really spicy food communist explicable Philip to be used to when I was a kid innumerable siempre s and haroon do easy mistake number three I didn't use to like cashew nuts but now I love them one cashew cashew nuts a Ana Carlos and a cargo cashew nuts I love cashew nuts I even used to like cashew nuts but now I love them that sounds good sounds fine doesn't it oh wait wait wait wait oh yeah you know they are you know they can no necesitamos I didn't use si la veille porque esta su Sandow L of Celia did perfect stress and la pelota Oh Isabel de la pelota to you I'm sorry I don't want to say that mr. Bartlett right is there any homework is that it before you go students you have a very unique opportunity to win our super fluency pack where's the confetti yawn it's just the tinsel yes his super fluency pack alia who started early enough and oasis or theater super fluency path was boy aquí ahora mismo super gossip I am super fluency Park Sun turns the school serves the amigos ingleses toaster school so schemas creado hasta ahora para nouvelle intermediate English Bay uno Meadows incluye o who service speaking all good so they're listening in Quezada Raposo gramatica vocabulario expressions from he own flashcards interact Eva's para practicar encima subpoenas cualquiera de alcalá con el apoyo the monstrous super teacher mr. Bartlett or Amara via one out came and Roy yo e que hacer para llevar 7 super fluency park where simplemente tienes que respond there is the pregunta and lost comentarios eat dentro de una semana baa masala here al ganador the question is what do you think would be the most difficult thing to get used to if you moved to the UK o sebagai get as consumers get used to a la respuesta of course okay entonces tienes que esto camasta coast area de mood arte arena need ovale o Sandow get used to their fellow ellos comentarios en la semana vamos a la here Ella hemlock Emma's nurse who stake Emma's know sir a valet be creative Ian o hara mahadeva Hokkien a gonadal super fluency pack good luck there's no time to waste ETA's oh that's not a DNA like this prevents the video now is there me go see mrs. headquarter see you soon [Music]
Channel: Amigos Ingleses
Views: 150,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, aprender ingles, curso de ingles, aprende ingles, ingles fácil, hablar ingles, como aprender ingles, curso gratis de ingles, ingles para hispanohablantes, used to, get used to, be used to, gramatica, gramatica inglesa, examen de ingles, English grammar, gramatica facil, hablar ingles bien, entender ingles, clase de ingles, clases de ingles, first certificate, ingles para adultos, hablar ingles como nativo, ingles britanico, ingles fluido
Id: JNjhav6TaB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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