Don't Speak like this in English! Top 3 things to avoid In English If YOU want to sound SMART.

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Hi and welcome back to Love English.So, job interviews, University, work, meetings business proposals even meeting your boyfriend or girlfriend's parents can be pretty nerve-racking situations and of course in all of these situations you want to sound intelligent smart you want to make a good impression and whether you are a native or non-native speaker of English you really need to avoid these three things that I am going to explain when you are talking in English if you want to sound intelligent and not well like her like thank God I can vent to you like my sister you get it and at least we have each other and it's like the holidays and instead of like me let go of are talking to me we're like whatever yeah so whatever your reason for wanting to sound more intelligent smarter making a good impression and really to avoid sounding well a little bit stupid you're going to want to avoid these three things in spoken English that unfortunately have become quite common place by eliminating these three features of spoken colloquial informal English you're going to instantly sound smarter and make a better impression but unfortunately these three features of English have become a very commonplace why have they become so common why are people speaking in this rather dumb stupid way well good question and in fact this is my answer squealers where we should take like hey that's pretty that's right total crap on TV so today let me help you help you avoid sounding like a Kardashian like somebody who really just spends a lot of time doing their makeup and waxing their bikini lines to be honest you can sound a lot smarter than that and no doubt you are sometimes the way we speak doesn't actually reflect the way we think so in today's lesson let's eliminate these three things from the way you communicate in English and help you sound more intelligence right let's get started number one and this is so simple eliminating using these words in fact abbreviations in English are really going to help you sound more intelligent stop using text talk oMG lol or worse Lowell FYI TMI what the so this is text talk these are actually initializations they're a form of abbreviation essentially initializations are when we take a number of words put them into one but we actually say them as individual letters VIP RSVP lol however when we create a word with that abbreviation it's actually an acronym for example in American English they often say ASAP whereas in British English we'd use it more as an initialization and say ASAP but saying ASAP or I've heard VIP actually VIP really it makes you some lazy it makes you sound like you don't care enough to say the whole word it makes sense in text language even in informal emails because you're trying to write something quickly and put a lot of information into a short message but when you're speaking there's really no excuse now the worst one I have heard is someone actually saying low rather than lol which to be honest is just as bad saying low don't tell all just laugh haha it's funny not Laurel guys it really does sound like you're lazy and to be honest a little bit unintelligent so number one avoid using text talk when you speak it's text talk for a reason so see if you can do that and do let me know have you ever heard a native speaker talk like this just because they do it it doesn't mean you should avoid it number two one word in the English language which when used in the incorrect way or overused really does make you sound a little bit like her so the use of like in English the overuse of it there are actually six principal ways we use the word like number five and six I'm going to tell you in a minute and these are the ways that will make you sound stupid so the most common use of like is as a conjunction or a preposition and of course a verb she used to have a car like mine a preposition here in a comparison fine no problem you sound intelligent she looks like she's having fun she looks like she's having fun conjunction no problem that's the correct way to use it number three as a noun what are your likes and dislikes number four as a verb I really like chocolate perfectly acceptable all those four ways of using like are fine and of course very common however number five using like as a quote ative or in informal colloquial reported speech makes you sound well let's say again stupid so in this way we would have the subject plus verb to be plus like he was like she said you were single and I was like um no I have a boyfriend and so he was like well whatever you get the idea there's a difference in the way I sound it really isn't the best way to speak in more formal situations or situations where you want to make a good impression it does sound unintelligent much better to say he told me he asked me he said fine but he was like whatever doesn't sound good so the second reason we use like in this way is to express a feeling express how we feel so to say I was like whatever I was like how dare you you're expressing your emotion rather than exactly reporting what you said essentially you'll be paraphrasing what was actually said in the conversation and expressing the emotion behind it I was like no I have a boyfriend and then he was like how dare you you get the idea and finally the sixth reason that you would use like but again sounding unintelligent is as a filler and I've had this in classes with students in seminars and presentations and I kind of want to pull my hair out when I hear them use like as a filler in this way just tidy my hair a bit now okay so when you use like as a filler basically you are using it in a way because you may be unsure of what you're saying you may feel like you need to keep talking and rather than using well of course too many of these these fillers don't sound good but equally so using like consistently using like really sounds terrible it's unprofessional it's uh NACA demmick and it will not make a good impression so let's have a look at an example sentence first I'm gonna read the sentence to you in a normal tone without using like as a filler and then I'm going to add like so here we go I think we should focus more on researching the topic before we start planning the report I think we should focus more on researching the topic before we start planning the report so there we have a very natural sentence now add the word like as a filler I think we should like focus more on like the research before we start like planning the report three likes in one sentence not needed at all and of course this is a really bad habit that people get into the more you do it the harder it's going to be to stop so if you do find that you've picked up this habit through watching American movies through watching reality TV one don't stop watching this if you enjoy it I'm not saying you're not allowed to watch reality TV although maybe the Kardashians are an exception there but essentially what you want to be doing is making sure you mimic the kind of speaker you want to sound like so potentially listening to politicians or I don't know Emma Watson these celebrities and people actually speak in a more educated formal way that makes a really good impression so be careful who you choose to mimic when you are trying to practice your English it's a great way to learn but just be sure that you are learning from the right people Sabra and I would be perfect mimic us we don't talk like that no we don't never but I remember when she was pregnant with either Mason or P she was crying like you were mom like didn't call her for like two weeks to say that how are you feeling pregnant and I'm like you haven't even asked me one time how am I feeling like I don't think her not talking to us affects her and that's so weird to me and in addition to this some people also put like at the end of a sentence a little bit like you know you know what I mean so sometimes this is actually because of regional differences in dialects so in the north you might hear the use of like in this way but that's probably a little bit more natural it's more associated with the region we have such a great time like I think you might hear that in maybe Ireland or the north of England but if it's somebody else speaking in this way some one may be from the south who you don't expect to talk in this way it's it just doesn't sound very good we have such a great time like it's a little bit like that right finally number three and this is perhaps one of the worst things you can do when you're speaking English it's not to do with vocabulary with the words you use but in fact it's to do with your intonation up talk up speak rising intonation up put inflection high rising terminal or intonation or indeed as I like to call it Kardashian talk you starting to understand what I'm talking about this is a way in speaking in which declarative statements affirmative sentences are spoken in the same way as questions so in a question we often have a full rising intonation for example where are you from where are you from but in affirmative statements it should really remain more flat and in fact you find a decreasing a lowering of the intonation I'm from Bournemouth I'm from Bournemouth so up speak up talk Kardashian talk is often associated with the west coast of America with places like California LA now unfortunately it is no longer limited by geography and you will often hear particularly younger people in the UK speaking in this way that's right the Kardashians are everywhere so of course again you're going to hear this kind of language in reality TV shows and certain movies films where they are trying to portray a character has been a little bit well clueless by the end of the day it was like the more the merrier and so if the government could just get to the kitchen rearrange some things we could certainly party with the aliens you don't want to speak in a job interview or in a business meeting in a way that makes you sound unsure of yourself lacking confidence you want to sound assertive sure confident so you don't want to speak like this she's like this whole like situation with uptalk you find that there are a series of statements so more than one where the inflection the intonation goes up at the end these are affirmative sentences not questions and then the final sentence would usually have a falling intonation a falling pitch at the end so if I were to answer the question where are you from I would say from a small seaside town in the South of England you might have heard of it Bournemouth it's about a two-hour drive from London fine standard falling intonation at the end of those statements with up talk let me get ready for my Kardashian debut right with up talk it'll sound like this I'm a small seaside town in the south of England you might have heard of it Ballmer it's about a two-hour drive from London it's pretty hard it sounds strange I'm trying my best it's not a natural thing for me to do to have a rising intonation on affirmative sentences but you can see the difference in tone and really the impression that I will give in an interview or in a business meeting or at university it really does sound like I'm not sure about what I'm saying so that was the worst the one that I really do hate to hear when people are speaking and of course all of these features of spoken English are very easy to eliminate from the way you speak it just takes a little bit of practice and as I said choosing who you emulate and who you copy more carefully so if you've heard any of these features of English or others why not comment below and let me know and of course if you want any more tips or tricks to help you learn to speak a little bit more intelligent you can have a look at some of our lessons here and of course don't forget subscribe to the channel click that little button and the notifications belt so you are notified when we've got more lessons to help you sound intelligent in English thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 22,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, sound smart in English, text talk, uptalk, upspeak, intonation in English, kadashian talk speak, professional English, academic English, don't say in English, stop saying in English, how to sound smart in English, how to sound intelligent in English, kardashians uptalk, how to use like, how to use like in English, bad English
Id: dHSlwTrO8HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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