Use Your Thoughts to Optimize Your Health - Dr Joe Dispenza

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[Music] we have three types of stress that we  process in the physical body we have physical   stress that's like trauma accidents injuries  Falls and then you have chemical stress like   toxins or pesticides or pollutants or viruses or  bacteria or hangovers or nutritional deficiencies   and then you have emotional stress right and  emotional stress could be family tragedies   car accidents second mortgages single parenting  401ks you know whatever that is but each one of   those things physical chemical or emotional knock  the body out of homeostasis out of Regulation out   of balance the innate capacity of the body when  it's not overstressed is that it wants to always   return back and regulate it wants to return back  to homeostasis it wants to return back to order   and that's inate in us that's an automatic  process that's running through the autonomic   nervous system so we could say the job of the  autonomic nervous system is to create balance   and Regulation and homeostasis and it's automatic  and that part of the brain sits under the thinking   neocortex and it's called the chemical brain  or the emotional brain or the lyic brain or the   mamelon brain and it has all of those functions  that make blood sugar balanced hormone levels   digestive enzymes it's it's it's it's doing  what it can to take the body and constantly   repair it and regenerate it and move it back into  balance all of those stressors knock the brain and   body out of balance and the innate mechanism the  stress response brings it back to balance well it   just makes sense if you keep knocking it out of  balance over and over again and you keep moving   it out of homeostasis that imbalance is going to  become the new balance and now you're headed for   disease because that autonomic automatic system  can't regulate order in the body so a system then   is compromised the system breaks down and so if  it's physical trauma you know your body can heal   if you rest it if it's chemical imbalance you  take your uh Pharmaceuticals or you take your   nutriceuticals your vitamins your minerals your  herbs you intermittent fast you do anything you   can to get the body back so that it's using more  energy for growth and repair but the big factor   is emotional stress 75 to 90% of every person  that walks into a Healthcare facility in the   Western World walks in because of psychological  or emotional stress pretty much four out of   five people what's really causing their health  condition is that they're emotionally stressed   and emotionally out of balance okay so what are  the emotions that are connected to the stress   hormones it's anger it's hatred it's frustration  it's competition it's control it's judgment it's   Envy it's jealousy it's insecurity it's fear it's  anxiety it's worry it's angst it's uh hopelessness   it's powerlessness it's guilt it shame its  unworthiness you know and psychology calls these   normal human States Of Consciousness these are  Altered States Of Consciousness so our response   to someone or something in in our environment or  our response to our own thought an image of what   could happen in the future a memory of the past  could actually cause chemicals to be secreted   from the brain that causes the body to actually  believe it's living in that same environment of   fear or danger right so that thought when you're  seeing that thought in your mind or remembering   that image it's the image and the emotion it's  the thought and the feeling it's the stimulus and   response that's immediately conditioning the body  into that state of imbalance so it's a scientific   fact that the long-term effects of the hormones of  stress push the genetic buttons and create disease   if you can turn on that stress response just by  thought alone your thoughts are literally going   to make you sick that's the greatest example of  the Mind Body Connection so the next fundamental   question is okay if our thoughts could make us  sick is it possible that my thoughts could make   me well well if that's the case then then I'm  going to have to manage my attention and I'm   going to have to manage my energy because where I  place my attention is where I place my energy and   I'm going to have to inhibit that thought that has  conditioned the body to subconsciously be the mind   and the body is so objective that it does not know  the difference between the real life experience   that's creating that emotion and the emotion that  person is fabricating by thought alone to the body   it's exactly the same so the body's believing  it's being chased by a predator the body is   believing it's in an offensive situation where it  has to attack the body's believing it's constantly   needing to be ready and it's it's constantly out  of homeostasis is constantly out of balance it's   in emergency it's in fight ORF flight it's a  different system the autonomic nervous system   where you're stepping on the gas where you're  you're mobilizing enormous amounts of energy   for some threat some Danger real or imagined  but that thought and that feeling the image the   emotion the stimulus response is conditioning the  body to automatically be the mind of that emotion   now the body becomes conditioned and addicted  now this gets to be a problem because people   get addicted to their own thoughts and they become  addicted to the life they don't even like because   the response to the coworker to the boss to the  ex is actually giving them Rush of energy A Rush   of agine and they're they're associating that Rush  of energy with some problem or condition in their   life and now come time to change and manage  your attention and manage your emotion it's   no different than Breaking addiction to anything  there's Cravings the body wants to return back to   how it's been conditioned into the familiar past  into the gnome the body starts saying to the mind   you can it's too hard you'll never change this  is too uncomfortable I don't like this go back   to make the same Choice do the same thing create  the same experience feel the same emotion so you   can return back to the known and that's how people  seamlessly return back to that same identity so we   only accept believe and surrender to the thoughts  that are equal to our emotional state we'll never   accept believe and surrender any thoughts that are  not equal to your emotional state so you could say   I'm abundant I'm Eternal I'll live forever I'm  healthy and wealthy and if you're programmed your   body into that emotional state it's going to say  you you're not that take a person whose identity   is resentment and their identity is anger and and  frustration and betrayal and you ask them why are   you this way and they'll say I'm this way because  of this event that happened to me 15 years ago   strong are the emotion we feel from some event the  more altered we feel inside of us the more that   chemical continuity is disrupted from something  that surprises us that alters our state the more   the brain freezes a frame and takes a snapshot  that's called a memory but the problem is that we   think about that event over and over again after  it happens we're producing the same chemistry in   the brain and body as if the event was occurring  and so the body is conditioned literally into   the past so you say a person's resentful about  everything they're seeing their life through the   lens of resentment and frustration and anger  and everything's upsetting them well that's a   self-fulfilling prophecy you say okay now it's an  addiction you got to change that and the person   goes oh okay that makes sense and now now you got  to get out of the bleachers on the playing field   say okay these emotions could literally have  something to do with my health just saying if   I stop feeling these emotions what if I start  feeling these emotions okay what would be the   emotions that would make me happy these emotions  are making me feel really bad the memories are   making me feel really bad can I remember a  future how would I feel if my future could   happen I got to trade those emotions for different  emotions well if I've been practicing feeling   these emotions and I've conditioned my body be the  mind it's going to take some time for me to start   making different chemistry with the intention of  making that chemistry getting my body back into   homeostasis and balance work on my breath when I  breathe I change my state practice breathing work   with your body so it can start to relax so that  it feels safe enough to feel something other than   that again and if it takes you 3 weeks it would be  worth it so then person then starts okay I really   know how to feel gratitude okay well maybe start  going out and giving and give to people I promise   you start giving you start feeling grateful and  then start practicing feeling gratitude teach   your body just for 15 minutes a day what it would  like to feel gratitude what would be like and our   data shows that you take someone to do that  for four days three times a day they make a   immunoglobulin called immunoglobulin a it's your  body's natural flu shot it's the greatest immune   chemical we have 50% increase in the subjects we  studied in 4 days immunoglobulin went up 50% in 4   days where is that chemistry coming from they're  not taking anything it's coming from within them   right what is the emotional signature of gratitude  when you receive something or you just receive   something when something wonderful happened to  you or something wonderful is happening to you   you feel grateful so now if you're in a state  of gratitude it makes total sense then you will   accept believe and surrender the thoughts that  are equal to that emotional state and you could   actually program your autonomic nervous system  to make the pharmacy of chemicals that causes   growth and repair to happen in the body and that's  exactly what we're discovering so then when people   understand why they're doing it the how gets  easier so you can assign meaning to the task   and switch on the prefrontal cortex and when you  switch on that prefrontal cortex it wants to get   an outcome it doesn't want to mess around it wants  the outcome you're doing it for the outcome and   that's kind of a strong intention and a change in  energy or an emotional state and that's changing   your state of being and when you change your state  of being like that every day get ready because   you're going to start having synchronicities and  coincidences and weird things start happening in   your life to prove to you that you're actually the  creator of your life instead of the victim of your life [Music]
Channel: After Skool
Views: 756,804
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Id: 2gDr9V_vmFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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