How To REPROGRAM Your Mind - Dr. Bruce Lipton

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we've been programmed with a belief that if you have a good life and you die you get a chance to go to heaven which is what? Heaven is anybody's individual thing I talk to you you give me your definition heaven you listen to my definition with somebody else they're all different we all have create a vision so heaven is a creative place and I go so what's relevant I go once I started to understand this stuff first of all I never believed in spirituality but the science revealed using quantum physics and epigenetics that we are a field an energy field playing through this body what I learned through this is first of all there's no such thing as death of who we are there's death of the body but the body is like a virtual reality soup that an energy field that is different for each one of us is operating in this body my self receptors on my cells which distinguish me as being different from you respond to a different environmental signal than your self receptor so each of us is receiving like a broadcast that is running this biology consciousness is running the biology consciousness isn't physical it's an energy and I go why is it relevant because the answer was this the belief that if you do really well and you you know persevere and when you die you're gonna go to this place called heaven and I go consider this that we were born in to heaven that we came here to create that's what we're doing we're creating and I say when we're creating it right heaven on earth is here when we're creating it wrong struggle is here and all of a sudden I say oh my god don't wait till you die that you're gonna go to heaven you were this to sit this is where you came to create what do you want to create love hello to Paris you can create a damn thing you want this is creation place but if you don't know that your creations are being controlled then we become a victim of a world out of control yet we were the creators we gave in to other people's beliefs and then we now are creating not with our wishes and desires we're creating with the program where's the program taking us right now and the answer is fear shutdown loss of community breakdown of the system I go we can learn or not that's it and this is a learning moment take your power back you are beyond power wise beyond any virus that ever existed you are very powerful every human is a fact every human first seven years is is download the hypnosis the brain of a child under seven is in a lower vibrational frequency to put wires on a person's head you read electroencephalograph reading brain activity a child below seven has a lower vibration than consciousness it's called theta theta is imagination oh that's how kids play a tea party with mud pies but to them it's a real thing a kid rides a broom it's a horse it's that's theta imagination theta is also hypnosis and the idea is this before you can become conscious if you don't have any programs what are you going to be conscious of so nature makes the first seven years how what kind of programs are required to live on this planet I say how do you get them theta is hypnosis you just watch your watch your parents your watch your siblings and your community because you have to learn how many hundred thousand rules think about it just to be a functional member of a family and a functional member of a community there are rules I teach an infant these rules I say you don't have to first seven years they're just that observant and just download it look this is not new I mean there's the famous book Rich Dad Poor Dad and basically said you come from a poor family and you could struggle your whole life and tribe get rich but you're not going to make it and if you come from a rich family you can be stupid your whole life and make it not because it was thinking but it was unconscious behavior that was downloaded from rich families into kids which is unconscious so they're they're making the right moves unconsciously if they engage their conscious mind and they look stupid but it's unconscious and that's the same thing with poor people poor people have beliefs from the family or you can't make it life's a struggle things are hard who do you think you are and if that's the program you get then 95% of the day you will sabotage yourself and that's why poor people stay poor and rich people stay rich because of the programming 95% of our life is the fact comes from those programs in the subconscious every day only about 5% of their life are you using conscious which is creative 5% your life is being lived even though you think you're living your life exactly and you don't see it because it's called subconscious below conscious and the jesuits for 400 years they were Bost then people didn't understand they say give me a child until it's 7 and I will show you the man they've been saying that for 400 years because they knew 7 years was the program period and 95% of your life after that will be whatever that program is your life is a printout of your subconscious behavior oh so you don't have to try and think about what happened I just say look at your life the things you like that come into your life come in because you have a program that supports them but anything you struggle with work hard at put a lot of effort into making it happen why are you working so hard inevitably you have a program that doesn't support that conclusion and you're trying to override the program so you don't need to do a lot of strength and psychology stuff you just look at your life and say where am i struggling because wherever you're struggling inevitably is a program in your subconscious does not support that destination you've been looking for the conscious mind is creative and can learn in any number of ways read a self-help book go to a lecture listen to this program and conscious minds going to get some awareness and I go yeah but subconscious mind doesn't learn that when I go Ryan doesn't subconscious mind learns in two fundamental ways naturally hypnosis which is the first seven years and after age 7 how do you put new programs in rap petition practice you want to drive a car you didn't loan learn how by just getting in the seat and put the key and you had to practice driving the car you want to learn the the alphabet how many times did you go from A to Z you know trying to Khoda it is that before you can complete it once you've completed it you didn't have to go back and do it again so two phases you want to train the subconscious mind hypnosis repetition the I like the last one because there's a new phrase that's bandied about called fake it till you make it mm-hmm meaning if you're not a happy person I said you want to be a happy person then repeat all the time I'm happy I'm happy I say well you don't look happy or anything no I Who am I talking to by repetition I'm talking to subconscious if subconscious gets I am happy and 95% of your life comes from that subconscious there will be a point once the subconscious got I am happy you don't have to say it again okay it'll be automatic and that's why we people see people do affirmations and gratitude journals and stuff because if you do that daily it's repetitive but that's it that's the secret part like putting a sticky note on the refrigerator is more like a suggestion but it's not a repetition so it doesn't work very well but you have to do repetition is it's a habit it's making habit so you got to do something religiously in a sense of repeating it repeating it repeating it to make it work if you don't like the program you don't like the way it's turning out well then you can reprogram it and you could get the things you want the movie The Matrix is not science fiction it's a documentary this is the whole story of the matrix matrix you've been programmed we're going to take a red pill and get out of the program okay falling in love is the equivalent of taking the red pill biologically scientists have studied what is called mind wandering I said what's mind wandering I said well your conscious mind could be focused on a task or your conscious mind could go off into it you know think about things okay and the relevance about that is when the conscious mind is staying in the front you're an absolute control wishes desires what you want conscious mind creative urine control but the moment your conscious mind takes off into a thought or starts thinking or whatever going on it lets go the wheel the autopilot takes over okay so the idea is this if your mind is wandering then you're being run by the subconscious and it turns out this is very negative when your mind is straightforward in consciousness you're you're controlling the vehicle so I say falling in love has been demonstrated biologically to be equivalent to the red pill because what it does is it keeps you what do they call mindful keeps you conscious look you've been looking for this partner your whole life there are now in front of your face this is not the time to go thinking about things it's time to be look what I got right here in front of me and I say well think about it this way your life could suck every day every day every day every day and then you meet this person and 24 hours later it's heaven on earth 24 hours later oh my god I'm so in love you know even the job's not so bad anymore in the food tastes great the music is so much better and love and love and I go what the heck happened you had all of this negative negative and then in 24 hours you have this heaven on earth and the answer was it was taking the red pill that's what falling in love is at that moment you stop playing the program now you're operating from conscious mind which is creative which by definition is wishes and desires what the heck do you want from your life if you answer that question it's a creative answer and by definition it's conscious so your wishes and desires are in your conscious mind at a normal person's life 5% of the day and you're moving toward that 95 percent you're playing the program you fall in love 100 it's actually 90 percent I think is the number 90 percent from conscious mind ninety percent of the day you are now operating from creative wishes and desires like oh look I said your life sucked all the way up and then 24 hours of operating on wishes and desires and not playing the program turned earth into heaven for you at that moment and then you go well how come the honeymoon doesn't last I go because inevitably you still have to think about things your job your chores your requirements what you have to do at some point once you start thinking then the conscious mind is shut off and guess what shows up all those behaviors in the subconscious mind that were negative 70% and your partner remember your partner and you fall in love same time both of you operating from conscious mind with wishes and desires and all of a sudden you start thinking and then this behavior shows up that was your mother your father whatever thing you learned and your partner's like where the hell did that come from who are you is a response it's like where I come from I you know we've been in this honeymoon I've never seen that behavior if you were to play that behavior in the first date maybe we wouldn't have a second day but now it shows up and I said why did it show up because I stopped being mindful okay so how do you teach people to keep the honeymoon alive is to change the the subconscious program and it's simple four recent reasoning is simple conscious mind wishes and desires subconscious mind program well what if you took the wishes and desires and made those programs ah then guess what you don't even have to think about it you were automatically 95 percent of the day be playing behaviors to manifest jealous wishes and desires so reprogramming the subconscious with wishes and desires means you didn't have to think about it so when you fall in love the cocktail of chemicals coming out of your brain or things that enhance your vitality your life make you healthier happier and joy I go the same person if they open their eyes and see something that scares them none of those love chemicals are going to come out of the brain at that moment stress hormones and inflammatory agents are going to be released by the brain unless I said well had you change the chemical composition of the culture medium I go yeah result the composition of the culture medium controlled the fate of the cells the composition of your blood controls the fate of your cells the composition of blood based on the picture in your mind change the picture you change the chemistry almost everybody has the same wishes and desires to be in love to be happy to be healthy to be peaceful that's a standard wishing desire of everybody and if we all lived with those wishes and desires this planet would change overnight we would have harmony we would have peace we would have nature community environment but until we change those subconscious programs and we become victims of the program and not creators of our life and when this is understood and people could say wait I have a choice I say you do you can play the programs you're playing or you can rewrite those programs and take power back and that's our destination hi i'm bruce lipton author of the best-selling books of biology belief spontaneous evolution and the honeymoon effect you know that knowledge is power but more importantly a lack of knowledge is a lack of power and science is revealing a whole new understanding of who we are we've been programmed to be victims and yet science and quantum physics and the new science of epigenetics especially reveal that we're not victims but we are creators so with the knowledge of the new science we can manifest heaven on earth that would be our way of life and in this regard while I talk about this a lot there's an idea that pictures percent a thousand words and an animation actually represents millions of words and that's why I'm so excited and in gratitude to after school because after school is taking the complexity of the words and made it in the simplicity of the images and that's how we can learn more knowledge more power I hope this presentation enhances the quality and character of your life
Channel: After Skool
Views: 2,008,536
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Keywords: bruce lipton, consciousness, subconscious, programming, first 7 years, theta, heaven on earth, love life, happiness, joy, after skool
Id: e71exrhEBQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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