Living in SURVIVAL vs. Living in CREATION - Dr. Joe Dispenza

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we've all heard about the placebo effect the  instance when you take a medication because   you're sick and later when you're all better you  discovered that the medication was just a sugar   pill the pill did nothing the healing was done by  your mind it is estimated that half the efficacy   of pharmaceutical drugs can be attributed to the  placebo however the placebo effect can work in   both ways our mind can actually induce illness  and this is known as the nocebo effect every   stressful thought is like a dose of a nocebo pill  and this stress literally shuts down the immune   system this is why doctors give stress hormones  to a patient who is receiving an organ transplant   the immune system needs to be turned off so  that the body won't reject the foreign organ   in modern society many people are  trapped in a cycle of financial debt   fear-mongering on the news instability in the  home soul-crushing jobs and toxic social media   and so they are living in a never-ending state  of stress which results in the nocebo effect   our well-being is a reflection of how we perceive  the world if we gain an understanding over how our   emotions affect our biology then we gain the  ability to take back control over our health   and come into alignment with our mind body soul  genetics and environment today's episode is from   the original gaia series rewired by the wise  and powerful dr joe dispenza this episode will   break down the difference between living  in survival and living in creation you are   not a victim of your genetics or environment  you have the capacity to experience reality   and transform it it's time to take our power back  sit back and enjoy this insightful presentation   with dr joe dispenza can be defined as a state of  mental or emotional strain or tension resulting   from adverse or very demanding circumstances but  how do different kinds of stress cause long-term   effects on our brain and body stress usually is  created when we can't predict a future outcome   when we feel that we can't control the  situation or when we have the perception   that there's a threat a danger or a perception  that something's going to get worse in our lives   you may not be able to control everything  that happens in your life or your outer world   however is it possible that you can learn how to  control your inner world of thoughts and feelings   i'm your host dr joe dispenza and in the previous  episode we went into depth on the ancient practice   of meditation and what it means to be truly  present in this episode we're going to identify   different kinds of stress show you the  long-term effects of stress how it can create   illness in your body and once you understand  what stress can do to you it's my hope that   the information you'll learn will empower you  to make some important changes in your life there are three types of stress there's physical  stress chemical stress and emotional stress   now physical stress are things like  traumas accidents injuries falls   chemical stress flus bacteria viruses blood  sugar levels toxins and food emotional stress   family tragedy second mortgages single parenting  traffic jams and all of these different stressors   whether they're physical chemical or emotional  knock your brain and body out of balance in fact   the definition of stress is when your brain  and body are knocked out of homeostasis   now the stress response is what your body innately  does to return itself back to order when you   or any organism in nature begins to perceive a  danger or threat in their external environment   they turn on a primitive nervous system  called the fight-or-flight nervous system   and when the person or the  organism is perceiving that danger   the body innately begins to mobilize enormous  amounts of energy and resources all of its   energy now is being mobilized to be able to adapt  to the stress in the environment so then we begin   to tap the body's vital resources so that we  can survive the condition in the outer world   all organisms in nature can tolerate short-term  stress whether it's a zebra being chased by a lion   or whether it's a pack of coyotes chasing a deer  the moment the organism perceives that danger and   switches on that emergency system there is a rush  of adrenaline and a rush of energy and there is an   arousal that takes place in the brain and body and  those chemicals then alter our normal homeostasis   and in that state of survival we switch  on that sympathetic nervous system   or what's called the fight-or-flight nervous  system and our pupils dilate our salivary juices   shut down it's not a time to eat our heart  rate increases our respiratory rate increases   blood is sent to the extremities and it's shut  down in the eternal organs because it's a time   to run it's a time to fight or it's a time to hide  now if the zebra or the deer outrun the predator   30 minutes later the stress response begins to  switch off and the body returns back to balance   after there's a stress response many organisms  need to rest and repair because the body has   to come back online and regenerate and conserve  energy what if though you're being chased by t-rex   and you're turning on that primitive nervous  system called the fight-or-flight nervous system   and the moment you perceive that threat and  you're in danger and now you're running from   the predator that's very adaptive but what if  then the predator is waiting outside the cave   and waiting for you to go out and get some food  we could say then that your ability to sustain   a certain stress response would be extended  but what if it isn't t-rex outside the cave   what if it's your co-worker what if it's  your mother-in-law what if it's your boss   what if it's traffic and what was once highly  adaptive becomes very maladaptive because when   you turn on the stress response and you can't  turn it off now you're headed for disease   because no organism can live in emergency mode for  an extended period of time reason this with me if   you keep mobilizing enormous amounts of energy for  some threat in your outer world there's no energy   in your inner world for growth and repair so think  of the sympathetic nervous system as the emergency   system that's like the gas pedal in the car the  other nervous system called the parasympathetic   nervous system that nervous system is the nervous  system of relaxation of regeneration of metabolism   so if a person is living in a constant state of  stress and they like an addict become conditioned   to the rush of the arousal of those chemicals then  in time then they will begin to use the problems   and conditions in their life to reaffirm their  conditioning or their addiction to that emotion   we become so conditioned to these chemicals  that like a drug addict we need the bad job   we need the poor relationship we need a difficult  situation in our life to keep getting that rush   of adrenaline to keep getting that rush of energy  and in a sense people become addicted to the life   they don't even like so then because of the size  of the neocortex the thinking brain as you learned   about we can make thought more real than anything  else and people can begin to think about their   problems and as they begin to think about their  problems they can turn on the stress response   just by thought alone and we now know that those  chemicals can become addictive and you can turn   on the stress response just by thought alone so  then you can become addicted to your own thoughts   so it's a scientific fact that the long-term  effects of the hormones of stress push the genetic   buttons that create disease and you can turn on  the stress response just by thought alone it means   then that your thoughts can literally make you  sick and so many diseases around the world now are   created by the immune system being suppressed or  what we call immune mediated diseases everything   from cancer ms lupus rheumatoid arthritis food  allergies food sensitivities is a compromise   in the immune system so here's the question if  your thoughts can make you sick is it possible   that your thoughts can make you well well we  did a research study where we took 117 people   and we wanted to measure their cortisol levels  which is the stress hormone and another chemical   called iga immunoglobulin a it's your body's  primary defense against bacteria and viruses   so as cortisol levels go up and you're mobilizing  enormous amounts of energy for some threat in your   outer world the immune system dials down and now  the immune system becomes compromised because all   of the energy is going for a threat in the outer  world our immune system becomes suppressed so   typically iga levels go down so we measured the  cortisol and iga levels and we put them through   four days of training and we asked them to trade  emotions like anger and frustration and hatred and   violence and aggression and competition and fear  those are all the chemicals that are derived from   the stress hormones we ask them to trade those  survival emotions for elevated emotions heartfelt   emotions like gratitude appreciation kindness  care love for life a joy for existence and all we   wanted them to do for 10 minutes a day was open  their hearts and begin to feel those elevated   emotions at the end of three and a half days we  went back and we remeasured those same values   and their immune system that is iga levels went  up as a collective about 50 percent their cortisol   levels dropped about 16.25 the stress hormones  went down and their immune system up regulated   to a great degree that means then when you begin  to make a change in the way you think and the way   you feel and you begin to change your attitude  and you begin to open your heart again and feel   an elevated emotion it is those elevated emotions  that begin to restore and repair the immune system   so then there's three things when you're living  by the hormones of stress that you keep your   attention on think about it if you're being  chased by a predator all of your attention is   on your outer environment where are you going to  go what place do you need to move to what object   you need to move past and when you're under the  gun of those chemicals you're thinking about time   how much time do i have to get there so then the  body the environment and time and if where you   place your tension is where you place your energy  it makes sense then if all of your attention is   on your body all of your attention is on your  environment and all of your attention is on time   then you are putting all of your attention in this  three-dimensional reality now you have to play by   the rules of this three-dimensional reality  and everything that you create will take time   when people are under the gun of those chemicals  they're drawing from this invisible field of   energy surrounding their body this vital life  force and they're using it to make chemistry   and the field around their body shrinks and  they become more matter and less energy more   particle and less wave and the very hormones  of stress heighten our senses so that we become   a materialist and the more altered we feel from  that stress response or by the emotional reaction   from some threat or danger the more we  narrow our focus on the cause or the object   and when we do that all of a sudden we are  focusing only on matter and so people over time   get hooked in or habituated into narrowing their  focus so then when you're living in emergency mode   it's not a time to create it's not a time  to open your heart it's not a time to learn   anything new it's not a time to sit still and go  within in fact if the survival genus switched on   you'd be thinking in some level innately that it's  not a time to sit still because you would be prey   so then the more people are conditioned or  addicted to the hormones of stress the more their   attention is on matter the more they begin to  experience separation from everyone and everything   now if stress is created by the feeling  that you're losing control in your life   that you can't predict an outcome or you have the  perception that something or someone is causing   situations in your life to get worse then if  you're living by the hormones of stress on a daily   basis then what we try to do is we try to control  everything in our life when we're feeling loss of   control we try to predict the next moment based  on our memories of the past that means people   under stress are craving the known they're trying  to get back to the familiar or the known because   in survival the unknown is a scary place so  then as they begin to shift their attention from   one person to one problem to another person to  another problem to another thing to another place   each one of those elements has a neurological  network in the brain and the arousal of those   chemicals then begin to cause those different  circuits as you shift your attention to begin   to become highly activated and now the brain is  functioning in a very incoherent state and the   arousal of those chemicals drives the brain into  a very very highly analytical over-focused state   think about it when you're under stress have  you noticed that you keep thinking about the   same problem over and over again because  the very hormones of stress cause you to   narrow your focus on the cause because  that's what you do when you're living in   and in fact out of the infinite possibilities that  exist in your reality when people are addicted   or living in that stressful state they'll  always select the worst case scenario in   their mind and prepare for the worst why is that  because in survival if you prepare for the worst   anything less that happens you  have a better chance of surviving   so people spend the majority of their  life preparing for the worst thing that   could happen to them when they're living  in the stressful state and it turns out   that 70 percent of the time most people are living  in survival so then when you react to someone or   something there's a refractory period of chemicals  that's created from your emotional reaction   and if you don't know how to regulate  or stop that emotional reaction   and you keep that same reaction lingering for  hours or days that's called a mood if you keep   that same refractory period going for weeks  to months on end that's called the temperament   if you keep that same emotional reaction going  on for years on end that's called the personality   trait and most people's personalities then  are defined by experiences from the past   so now that you understand that stress is when  the brain and body are knocked out of balance   and you understand that the hormones of stress  push the genetic buttons and create disease   it begs the question is there anyone or  anything truly worth living in that state   so then if people are living in chronic stress  and they're drawing from this invisible field   of energy surrounding their body and they're  mobilizing that vital life force to make chemistry   and the field around their body is shrinking  and they're feeling more like matter and less   like energy more like particle and less like  wave and they feel separate or disconnected   from everyone and everything in their life  well when your matter trying to change matter   we tend to force outcomes control outcomes try to  predict outcomes and there's only a certain number   of resources that we have when we're matter trying  to change matter we'll compete we'll fight for   it we'll manipulate we'll try harder we'll hope  we'll wish because we're experiencing separation   and yes you may accomplish your dreams but if  your matter trying to change matter and all of   your attention is on your body the environment  and time then everything you create in your life   will take time because you'll have to move your  body through space and when you move your body   through space it's going to take time for you  to get what you want so you may want a house   you may want a new car you may want a new  experience a new vacation but you're going   to have to drag your body to work every day to  make the money to pay for those things and yes   you may arrive at your goals but you may have to  work harder and it may take some time to get it there is another state of mind and body that you  can live in and that's called living in creation   and it's the exact opposite of living in  survival if the hormones of stress create   incoherence in the brain as well as incoherence in  the heart what we've found is that when people are   living by those states what if they had the  ability to go from a narrow focus or what's   called the convergent focus to what's called a  divergent focus or a broad focus or an open focus   and it turns out when people take their attention  off their body when they take their attention off   the people in their lives when they're no  longer putting any attention on the things   they own like their cell phone their computer  the car they're not thinking about the place   they need to go or the place they're sitting and  they're not thinking about time in and of itself   they are disinvesting all of their attention and  all of their energy out of this three-dimensional   reality because they have no attention on it  it makes sense then that they're beginning   to change their brain state so then we've  taught people how to broaden their focus   and when they open their focus and sense  nothing but space when they open their awareness   and they tune in to the energy or the frequency  out here and instead of putting their attention   on the matter they're putting their attention  on energy the act of opening their awareness   causes them to stop thinking to stop  analyzing and if they're no longer thinking   and they're no longer analyzing they're no longer  activating these circuits in the brain all of a   sudden they begin to slow down brain activity and  they start getting beyond their analytical mind   and as they suppress the neocortex the  memory bank of the autobiographical self   they begin to suppress everything known in their  three-dimensional reality and they turn off the   neocortex they begin to regulate their brainwaves  and slow them down all of a sudden something   magical happens the act of opening their awareness  causes different compartments of the brain that   were subdivided like a house against itself all of  a sudden to begin to synchronize to begin to unify   you start to seek neurons beginning to join larger  communities of neurons what was once an incoherent   brain begins to become more organized and more  coherent now the chronic stress creates a thyroid   condition called graves disease and the person  develops what's called myasthenia gravis and the   side effect of that aside from a tremendous lack  of energy is double vision now this person said   i've created this condition now that i understood  that i've mismanaged my thoughts and feelings and   my emotional reactions if i created this condition  by pushing the genetic buttons every single day   and it's taken me a couple years i lost my  marriage i lost my business i have to get   beyond that story and i have to tell a new story  i have to start believing in my future more than   i've been believing in my past is it possible then  that i can begin to make those significant changes   and as the person started overcoming the  stress hormones and taught her brain and   body had to create coherence the side effect  of it was the body came back to balance   her vision is now perfect her thyroid hormones are  moving back into balance and she's moved her brain   and body back into homeostasis and in a sense then  she healed herself of the condition because her   autonomic nervous system got back into doing its  job which is to create order and balance so then   when we live in two states of mind and body living  in survival is living in our animal state when we   live in survival we live in stress and we live in  stress there's contraction that takes place in the   body and because we're using a lot of the body's  resources we experience what's called catabolism   or tissue breakdown when the body's in that state  there's disease or imbalance there's degeneration   that takes place in the body the emotions of fear  anger sadness are the primary emotions of survival   the self comes first when you're living in that  state all of your attention is on your environment   all of your attention is on your body all of your  attention is on time there's always energy lost in   the system we're living in emergency mode we're  narrow focused or object focused we experience   separation we're determining reality with our  senses in other words if we can't see it if we   can't smell it if we can't taste it if we can't  hear it we can't feel it it doesn't exist we're   living by cause and effect we're waiting for  our environment to change to give us the relief   from the discomfort that we're feeling inside  of us in survival and stress we don't see many   possibilities because it's not a time to create  the brain and heart function in a very incoherent   state and in survival we are craving the known  because the unknown is just too much of a scary   place now when we begin to create the creative  state we could call that the divine aspect of us   in creation the brain and body move back  into homeostasis there's an expansion of   energy or release of energy from the tissues  the body goes into anabolism or tissue repair   there's health there's order there's  regeneration taking place in the body   elevated heartfelt emotions like love joy  trust knowingness gratitude begin to mobilize   all these new chemicals that begin to repair and  regenerate the body when we're in this heartfelt   state we tend to be less selfish and more selfless  we have our attention now no longer on our body   on the things in our life the people in our life  on our environment or on time itself energy is   always created in the creative process there's  growth and repair we broaden or open our focus   and when we do that properly we start feeling  less separate and more connected to something   greater we start to imagine and dream  of a reality beyond our senses now we're   interested in causing an effect we're looking at  all possibilities instead of limited possibilities   the brain and heart go into coherence  and now the unknown becomes the adventure   why is that important because if we're  going to create something new in our life   we have to crave the unknown now that i've shown  you the difference between living and survival   and living in creation i want to explore the  different brain wave states and what you can do   to use your mind to begin to consciously change  your own brain waves in the next episode i want   to show you what's happening inside your head when  you live in survival and when you live in creation   that is coherence versus incoherence i'm your  host dr joe dispenza for rewired and i hope   to see you in the next episode where we go  beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary thank you for watching this  original gaia presentation   you can now start your free trial to gaia and  stream the complete series rewired with dr joe   dispenza now by clicking our link in the  description thanks and we'll see you again soon you
Channel: After Skool
Views: 1,419,931
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Keywords: joe dispenza, Dr. Joe Dispenza, living survival, living in creation, placebo, nocebo
Id: MtimAuhyP-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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