20 HABITS of a Positive Mind - Napoleon Hill

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[Music] well this brings us to the seventh visit  and I hope to hand you the master key to success   before I finish because my subject will lead  you so near to the mag key that you will be up   to recognize it as I have suggested in previous  visits a positive mental attitude can clear away   all obstacles which stand between you and your  major purpose in life because of the importance of   the subject of our visit I shall not only tell you  that a positive mental attitude HS the entire list   of the 12 great riches in life but I am going to  give you explicit instructions as to what you must   do to keep your mind positive are you ready if you  are ready this visit may bring the most important   change in your life you have ever experienced one  learn learn to adjust yourself to other people's   state of mind and difficulties so as to get along  peacefully with them and to refrain from taking   notice of trivial circumstances in your relations  with other people by refusing to allow them to   become controversial incidents great people always  avoid small incidents of controversy when possible   two establish for yourself a definite fixed system  of conditioning your mind at the beginning of   each day so you will keep it positive under all  circumstances three do not permit yourself to be   drawn into argument over unimportant subjects  four adopt the habit of having a good- hearty   laugh every time you become irritated or angry and  it will help you if you begin each day with one   minute of hearty laughing uh this will change the  chemistry of your brain and start you out with a   positive mental attitude however you had better  get out of sight when you take your laughing   exercise five start each day with an expression of  gratitude for all the adversities defeats failures   you have experienced in the past and search for  the seed of an equivalent benefit these have   yielded you through the passing of time then give  thanks for the blessings you expect to receive   during the day six learn to concentrate your  attention on the can do portion of all of your   problems and desires and start action where you  stand in carrying out this portion uh no matter   what may be your problem or your desire there  is always something you can do right now that   will help you uh find out what this something is  and do it seven learn to transmute all unpleasant   circumstances into immediate action which calls  for a positive mental attitude and make this a   fixed habit for example when you are angry switch  your mind to some sort of action in connection   with your hobby or your major purpose in life and  keep it busy with that subject for 5 minutes eight   recognize that every circumstance which influences  your life whether it is a pleasant or unpleasant   circumstance is Grist for your Mill of life and  so use it to make it pay you dividends in one   form or another remembering meanwhile that your  strength grows out of your struggles follow this   instruction and you will soon learn that there  is no such thing as an unprofitable experience   nine look upon your life as a continuous process  of Education of learning from all your experiences   good and bad and be always on the alert for gains  of wisdom which come to you a little at a time in   both your Pleasant and unpleasant experiences  10 make the world over to fit your own pattern   if you choose but uh begin with yourself in  some sort of self-improvement which will make   you more open-minded patient and generous in your  relations with others 11 Express gratitude twice   daily for your recognition of the fact that you  have been given complete control over your own   mind and ask for guidance in order that you  may use this profound gift wisely in all your   thoughts and acts 12 go out of your way daily to  comment enthusiastically on the good qualities   of those with whom you live and work but do not  mention their negative qualities then observe with   benefit to yourself how quickly others will begin  to concentrate on your good qualities remember   I'm still talking about how to keep your mind  positive and 13 accept all criticism of yourself   as an occasion for self-examination to determine  how much of it is Justified and you will be sure   to make startling discoveries about yourself which  will help you to the remainder of your life 14 do   not accept from life or anyone else anything you  do not desire and remember that Mahatma Gandhi   proved himself to be more powerful than the Great  British military forces by this simple method of   passive resistance 15 remember always that there  are two kinds of circumstances which cause you to   worry those you can do something about and those  you can do nothing about nothing that is except   to use passive resistance and refuse to PR them  to worry you 16 keep your mind eternally engaged   in thinking of that which you desire most your  major purpose in life so no time will be left   for you to waste on thinking of that which you do  not want and let me digress here while I tell you   we are now rubbing elbows with the great master  key of success this very moment and 17 if you   should ever be so unfortunate as to feel sorry for  yourself look around until you find someone who is   worse off than yourself and start where you stand  to give him help uh make this procedure habit and   you will witness one of the great miracles of life  because that which you do to or for another you do   to or for yourself and 18 choose some person whom  you consider to be the sort of person you would   like to be then go to work and emulate that  person in every way possible uh great people   have always been hero worshippers but they pick  the right sort of people to emulate 19 cultivate   your tone of voice so that your words have a  pleasing musical sound and remember that the   sound of your voice is an open window through  which other people look into your very Soul it   will be a profitable investment if you will get  a tape recording machine and record samples of   your voice daily while you practice the art of  expressing yourself through a friendly sounding   voice if you are engaged in selling this practice  will quickly pay off in monetary dividends 20 last   but by no means the least write out this sentence  and paste it in a prominent place where you work   and on a mirror where you see yourself in your  home whatever the mind can conceive and believe   the mind can achieve the 20 instructions I have  just given you have come from my own personal   experiences over more than 40 years and they  represent also my observations are more than   500 successful people who helped me to organize  the science of success philosophy I claim no   copyright on these great truths and I want you  to possess them because I know they can bless   you the remainder of your life if you are ready to  accept them and put them into action remember also   that you are the only person who can provide  you with a positive mental attitude what are   you going to do about it on your answer to this  question rests your entire [Music] future this   episode of after school is sponsored by ground  news there's an old saying if you don't read the   news you're uninformed if you do read the news  you're misinformed this is why I use ground news   an app and website that lets you cut through  misleading media narratives by gathering 50,000   news sources in one place so you can compare  coverage they show you where the sources fall   on the political Spectrum how reliable they are  and who owns them because I want to know what high   level interests might be motivating the headlines  and trying to manipulate its readers this way I   get a much more balanced view of the news and it  also helps me spot my own biases I can see if I'm   getting stuck only viewing sources that favor my  beliefs with the world being so polarized and most   media aiming to push a 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Channel: After Skool
Views: 338,651
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Id: M1MMf-AghKk
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Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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