Use Ai Anywhere with These Powerful Chat GPT Extensions

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these extensions maximize the power of chat GPT and will unlock AI on your phone any website you're on and even feed it data past 2021 put your phone down give me five minutes because this is going to save you hours every single week all right so a lot of people that watch my channel are interested in the business opportunities that come from Ai and their apis so I actually have a three-part series coming out on my channel next week talking about exactly that in this series I will be covering everything that you need to start an AI business from idea to execution it is very very specific and you will walk away confident that you know everything that you need to do to start your very first AI business so if you're looking forward to that just make sure that you subscribe to the channel and I'll see you there but for today I'm going to be sharing some chat GPT hacks that I have found very very useful also these tools are AI businesses so if you are interested in creating one I would definitely use these as inspiration and go study them but I know your time is valuable let's get straight into today's video hands down the number one tool I use the most is a Chrome extension called Merlin and this extension lets me summon chat GPT on any website that I'm on by simply hitting command G and the cool thing is I can highlight any words on the tab that I'm on hit command G and prompt Merlin to give me an output based on the highlighted text so I'll use Twitter as an example if I'm on Twitter and I see a tweet from a friend that I like and I want to respond to all I have to do is highlight the tweets hit command G and then prompt Merlin to give me a witty reply to this tweet and voila just like that I have an AI generated reply that's witty and relevant if you're a big Twitter user this will save you hours and probably improve your Twitter game side note there's another cool platform I found for all you Twitter people out there it's called and basically what this tool does is it scrapes all of your tweets and then uses AI to generate tweets that are in the same subject matter tone style of your tweets so I searched my Twitter handle I have to say it was spot on like borderline indistinguishable from my own tweets which is kind of freaky but also really helpful if I'm not feeling creative one morning so if you're a Twitter person check it out if that's up your alley all right moving on to the next tool that I use and this is going to be chat GPT directly into your text messaging app on your phone so if you're a WhatsApp user your tool is called God in a box and if you're an iMessage user your tool is called BFF I will link all of these tools in the description below but the idea is simple when you sign up for this service you get a text message and that's basically a text message from chat GPT and now you have a new text message thread from chat GPT you can then text them any prompt that you want and then it will reply in text message form the result of that prompt so say you're in a group chat with some friends someone sends a long message that you won't reply to you just copy that message go over to your text thread with chat GPT say hey write me response paste the message and it'll write you apply to that message then you copy paste it back over natively all within WhatsApp so this is really really helpful and will save you tons of time when texting friends family or even co-workers now I haven't actually used this one I think the BFF was on a waitlist so I couldn't actually get access to it and I don't use WhatsApp so you guys are gonna have to experiment but I did find these and a lot of the reviews were solid so go check those out I'm pretty sure the WhatsApp one is active and ready for anybody to use and another side note if you're like me you have like five different social media platforms three different texting apps Discord and random other platforms that have a messaging system and checking all these platforms on like a daily basis is virtually impossible which results in me missing like really important messages so my friend Gronk wizard actually showed me a website called which compiles all of your messaging platforms into like one simple to navigate user interface which is a game changer for me this means I have my text messages Instagram DMS Discord messages Twitter WhatsApp all in one place which is extremely helpful it's not an AI tool but it's still like I said a big game changer for me again this one you're gonna be put on a waitlist as well but once you get access to it I promise you it's gonna change your life and again guys I just want to be as clear as possible I am not affiliated with any of these companies I am not getting paid to talk about any of these tools on the channel and are genuinely just tools that I have found useful in my day-to-day life so if any of them are of value to you and you end up using them all I ask is that you just click the like button on this channel and then send this video to a friend so we can all get better together now this next one has a slightly Niche use case but has been extremely helpful for our internal team I have actually started a Brett in espanol YouTube channel meaning all of my videos are going to be translated and there's going to be a Spanish version on that channel if you're interested there are a few videos on it you can go check it out but basically my friend Eddie Bauer who actually does the voice dubbing for that channel has been using this tool called hugging face YouTube Whisperer which basically transcribes my videos and makes a script of my videos and then he translates it into Spanish using another AI tool so it's super simple yet super helpful for a niche use case like that you can take any YouTube video it'll write the script word for word how I said it in the video and he can just put it in a translator and then read that to do the voice dubbing or you could just be like YouTuber Andrew Cartwright who copied my script word for word and made the exact same video I take it as a compliment Andrew I'm glad I could inspire you but guys another side note if you are actually someone who like wants to grow a social media platform around AI using repurposed content I'm going to actually put all the high-res full length files of my videos and the shorts that my team edits for me in a Google Drive that's accessible for anyone to freely use my content on any platform just put my name or the Brett way in the description and you're free to use it however you please whether it's tick tock Instagram reels YouTube shorts whatever you want to do to your world I'll eventually be doing a giveaway for people that do this down the line but for now you can find the link to those files in the description below the video all right now the last but potentially the most impactful tool that literally just came out is going to be the Chrome extension called Web Chat GPT which essentially lets you augment chat GPT prompts with relevant results from the web so many of you may know that chat cheap BT is actually limited to information before 2021 meaning anything after 2021 it doesn't know because it hasn't been trained on yet but this extension adds relevant web results to your prompts to chat GPT for more accurate and up-to-date conversations and what I love about this extension is that it is a simple widget overlay of the existing chat GPT user interface so what this means simply is if you have the extension installed there's going to be this new widget that pops up and all you have to do is turn on the switch that says search on the web then you can choose what dates you wanted to search for and what country you want this information from which is mind-blowing so it's super simple yet super powerful and these are genius AI businesses that you can kind of take inspiration of and start yourself but to the creator of this tool We Salute You thank you for the excellent tool but guys that's it for today's videos if there are any tools you have been using that have been very helpful in your day-to-day life I would love to hear about them in the comment section below this video or even join our free AI Discord server where I interview AI business Founders on top of that it's a great place full of like-minded people who are sharing their new AI discoveries but other than that guys I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Brett Malinowski
Views: 363,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, artificial intelligence, open ai, chatgpt tutorial, chat gpt examples, open ai chat gpt, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt explained, ai business idea, how to start an ai business, chatgpt use cases, open ai api, how to make an ai, ai tools, ai productivity, chat gpt in everyday life, chat gpt hacks, how to benefit from chat gpt, use ai on my phone, use ai anywhere, everything you need to start an ai business
Id: bf_XaQ4lNlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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