DiResta Winchester 1873 - A VERY RARE RESTORATION
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Channel: jimmydiresta
Views: 16,716,988
Rating: 4.7115703 out of 5
Keywords: diresta, diresta diy, restoration, Winchester 1873, Winchester model 1873, 22 caliber, jimmy diresta, gun restoration, rifle restoration, restoring a gun, restoring a rifle, winchester 1873 rifle restoration, restoring a 1873 winchester rifle, 1873 winchester restoration, 1873 winchester rifle restoration, how to restore an antique rifle, restoring an antique rifle, restoring a 140 year old winchester rifle, restoring a rare 1873 winchester rifle
Id: m0Wb4HXa-sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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Can anyone tell me of an antique brand of rifle? similar to this with a hexagonal barrel? It may not have the same action
Damn thats a beautiful gun, I wish he had gone the extra mile and really polished that metal, looks amazing still