Urgency of the Emergency Series|| Pastor D. Pink|| September 11, 2021

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[Music] thank you uh this is the testimony god has given us eternal life anyone who has the son has life anyone who does not have the son does not have life i have written all this to you so that you who believe in the name of the son of god may be sure that you have eternal life good evening aye how are you feeling this evening welcome to our urgency to the emergency series i am not the one to give your official welcome so you will get that later on but for now we are going to go into our sun service but before we start our song service just bowl your heads where you are and let us pray there evening father we want to thank you for today we want to thank you for your blessing thus far lord as we go to start our ay and our sea rays the second part of our series for the day lord we ask that you may just thin your sweet smelling holy spirit to be with us on this platform bless those who are here and bless those who are logging on their father they may log on and receive the blessing that awaits them lord please help us that before the sabbath ends we all may receive our sabbath blessing in your son's name i pray email amen all right everybody it is some service time no today we're going to do some service with a little twist because it's a difference now usually we have one person come and sing all the songs no right now when i look on my screen i see 23 participants so guess what today song service is going to be very interactive you know as a teacher and a teaching online you have to develop strategies that you use to let your students and be engaged so now i'm thinking i i only can do things as a teacher most of the time um i'm going to make some service very interactive today so i'm going to set the example by leading up the first song and then i'm going to look on my parts list i'm going to ask you to give me your favorite chorus your favorite song couldn't be a game can be anything even jesus love the little children no matter what and then you are going to sing that song for us okay all right i know i hear them in the background you know even though i'm seeing pure black screen and and names i'm not here they're saying yes yes sister charon i'm ready ready to sing all right let's i'm gonna start i'm going to start by singing oh friends do you love jesus all right and listen you know i hope everybody's there i don't i hope you're they're not like the children who just vlogging their tablet turn up their mic on their phone i hope you're there watching all right let's go oh friends do you love jesus oh yes i love jesus are you sure you love jesus i'm sure i love jesus and why do you love jesus here's why i love jesus because he first love me that's the reason we all are too oh i love jesus oh oh i love jesus because he first loves me all right i'm ready for you now oh it's it's the percy do you love jesus mm-hmm let's see if the person is there or she's that one of the students or just a log on i'm gone i'm not hearing her all right let me go back i guess she she's just trying to press the button and it's not coming out she's there sister first yeah she's just coming the do you love jesus oh yes i love jesus are you sure you love jesus i'm sure i love jesus and why do you love jesus this is why i love jesus because he first love me that's the reason we all are to love it i love jesus oh oh i love genesis [Music] because he first loves me so it is it is the first is one of those students you know where them listening about them they've gone far so when them hear them name them run come and say yes miss all right let me see no another student no i know sitting my dear tab with that waiting oh vida williams do you love jesus she running she's going to press the mic no vida williams oh vina williams is one of those students africa all right are giving her one more minute you should come in no so vida williams gonna mark accent today all right let me go to know oh see robinson do you love jesus c robinson [Music] see robinson is one of those students too oh yes i love jesus are you sure you love jesus jesus and why do you love jesus i'll tell you i love jesus because he first love me no reason we all are to love it and [Music] oh love jesus because he first loved me and you know in my class you know i always speak on the children who sometimes come in with the wrong name and i don't know them so i like them so i see somebody named s20 and i always say i don't have no x20 in my class you know so i'm gonna say os20 do you love jesus s20 oh s20 is one of those students so we just turn on their their tablet and gone it's 20 i don't say it's 20. all right i'm gonna move on as 20 going mark absent today is 23 [Music] and why do you love jesus but i love jesus oh i love jesus [Music] oh oh i love jesus oh i love jesus because he first loved me and you know as a teacher i know you always you have to call on one of the the bright ones because they're always going to say me miss me it's me it's me so i'm going to call on one of the the popular students the regular student well you know what this one you know it's going to give you a quarter of a tube so i'm going to call on fernanda brown oh fernanda brown do you love jesus oh yes i love jesus are you sure you love jesus i'm sure i love jesus and why do you love jesus this is why i love jesus because he first loves me that's the reason we all are too loving and oh how i love jesus oh i love jesus how i love jesus because he first loves me amen and you see that is where you get the children started participating and all of that and you say as a teacher you have to set the first example and then you go right in the group and you say okay let us ask velma wilson to give me our favorite chorus or even an innocent grammar wilson turn on your mic let me see what type of student she is now she's one of them will go far from her tablet on a roll calm she's running coming to presley they they um the microphone said mimi's i'm here present velma wilson okay so verma wilson is is is not well today she said miss i'm not feeling well so let's go to dania dania give me a song your favorite chorus go ahead when i remember that he died for me i never go back anymore hallelujah when i remember that he died for me i'll never go back anymore no no ah anymore when i remember that he died for me i'll never go back anymore hallelujah when i remember that he died for me i'll never go back anymore ah thank you that was one of my bright students no i'm going down the line no and i'm going to ask um this one though i'm the name and i don't have nobody in my class by that name sis admin so sis admin is going to sing these are her favorite chorus or even her image from the the assam from the email goes this admin if you can't sing he would target man one man we have to try as a teacher admin sound like conquer role and auntie jody it's true even better yeah man you have to be the exact bringer teach come and teach if you can't sing talk go ahead all right so you want my favorite song all right oh boy just pick one i'm just going to do the first course this is my father's world and to my listening ears all nature sins and round me rings the music of the spheres this is my father's world i rest me in the thought of rocks and trees or skies and seas his hands the wonders rod 92 and with that as teachers will give him an a forever because we tried you well i did say you can't sing talking so you know the teacher gave him that instruction thank you very much this armenian guitarist hey right there forever good job all right so we're going to our last song for the day from one of our students and we're gonna we're gonna ask you know i'm gonna look to one a verb you know one of our popular students in the class because they know you have to take everybody from all the groups you know those who shine because you know what's singing so we're gonna ask sister guests and we know she's gonna give us a nice beautiful foundation go ahead sister guests all right stickers looking step away just for a little minute right there say you know she she's a good student in the class you know on a board you know talk to them but she kind of stepped away for a little while i wonder if she back it sister guest are you there are you hearing me oh yes i'm hearing you know because my mic was working one other time what what are you saying just now again i will say that you will see your favorite chorus or your favorite song i have a song i love to sing since i have been reading of my redeemer savior king since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed i will glory in his name since i have been redeemed i will glory in my saviors name i have a cries that satisfy since i have been redeemed to do his will my surprise since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed i will glory in his name since i have been redeemed i will glory in my say here's name last verse i have a weakness bright and clear since i have been redeemed this failing every doubt and affairs since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed since i have been redeemed i will glory in his name since i have been redeemed ah thank you very much sister guests that was wonderful i really enjoyed that thank you so very much everybody my students are participating in our service you did well and for those i know you have your hand up and say maybe me me me me but you know sometimes we don't know that time and everybody goes here gets to do it on the same day but tomorrow all right tomorrow class you can come back and you'll get your chance all right my students good job stop yourself on the shoulder all right so our opening song is m number one in number one and i'm going to ask one of my right students to sing this to raise this song for me you know sometimes teacher just our true just giving trouble so i'm gonna ask brother brown if you could please help me to sing him number one praise to the lord thank you brother brown praise to the lord the almighty of creation o my soul praise [Music] joining [Music] children [Music] [Applause] [Music] in [Music] prospered i work and defending [Music] what the almighty thank you very much brother brown no we'll ask dania let's go ahead and do the scripture reading let's get the scripture reading john 5 reading verses 14 and 15. first john 5 verses 14 and 15. i'll read in your hearing first john 5 14 and 15 and this is a confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hear heroes whatsoever we ask we know that we have a petition that we desired of him this is a portion of god's holy word amen good afternoon so thank you for everything you've done please write your resources as we come here to your word and to give you all the glory and praise and honor that you deserve lord as i come here this morning i i worship as i come here this afternoon in diy i ask for your riches blessings upon the youth and everything that we have story today lord thank you for everything you have done lord please help those who are in need who are busting the corona virus and in this pandemic lord please help us to be the best that we can every single day in your holy and wonderful name i pray amen amen thank you very much and now we're going to do our emblems but like the same way that we have been doing some service now you know our emblems are the aim the motto the pledge and the law now so as a teacher we always want to know if our students are learning so we give them a little test so this is going to be your test today we're at exam so let's see if okay so let's see if our children have been learning what we have been teaching them every a1c aim motor pledge all right go ahead all right good evening everyone the aim the advent message so excuse me [Music] i was saying something to mummy okay dancing now all right the aim i get message to all the world in my generation the motto for the love of christ compels us the pledge loving the lord jesus i promise to take an active part in the youth ministry of the church you know what i can to help others and to finish the work of the gospel in all the world the law the aoi law is for me to keep a liberal eye morning watch no we don't have money yeah i i can't believe i forget a lot and i said remember teacher grading you know you're getting a grade for me excuse me what you started with i know i know what i like so apparently mommy knows it was not me so all right keep the morning care for my body together we pray and work and play in happy harmony we have a faith to share with others everywhere our message of love from god above to shoot the world we care advances youth adventist youth adventist youth thank you shanique so you receive your grade i'm going to go i'm going to post it in the classroom and you see your grade so you were graded on that so as a teacher you know we have to give our tests now you know in our class sometimes we have a bubbly student that likes to smile and welcome everybody to the class that they call me to say that still then she's like hi she's the first one to meet you in the morning and take care but i'm going to see so that student is going to do our welcome so sister sullivan our bubbly student is going to give me welcome i don't know where this teacher gets all of those things i mean i don't know where the teacher get all of those things from but it has been such an interactive afternoon i am shannon i am right there with you there are times i'm singing and i was like which one of these i forget again and try to remember quick quick so we are right there with you with the students as well it has been such a wonderful sabbath day i don't know about anyone else but i'm telling you this is the day that i look for i look forward to the sabbath on a special in a special way it's a day when you know we put everything aside your hustle and the bustle and the work and the school work and you just put it aside it's a day where you come and relax i will meditate on a closer walk you know what is it that has happened over the week and of course for this afternoon it's no different from morning it has been an absolutely wonderful time summer school divine oh and this afternoon so far miss the ay program has been so interactive so whether you're coming from near or far we want to say welcome not only for today but anytime at all any day at all you're wondering which church should i go which church can i visit um recognize that family of god is here welcoming you with an open arm so for today we're not stopping the interactive portion at all we're going to be doing the song if you're happy and you know it but instead of saying amen we're going to type amen so miss i want to see which one of your students can type the quickest in the chat yes so we're going to go after two so when we're not saying amen we're going to type amen and we're seeing who can type the tickets all right after two one two if you're happy and you know we type amen oh my if you're happy and you know which type amen if you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you're happy and you know it type him in no miss you have some quick finger students here you know some real big fingers you know oh yes and everybody is participating everybody is awake they are not away from their devices miss you have everyone's attention welcome welcome everyone it is so nice to see you all participating and everyone is here i pray that we will have a wonderful rest of the suburb welcome one welcome all i tell you she was the bubble student the bubble student in the class amanda when you come in the class she's the first one you're gonna see this teacher's bag and just bring it to her thanks thank you thank you my next today my students have been doing so well so far all right so we are now we're going to go it's the introduction of our speaker for the day and then we're going to ask the robinsons to sing the theme song so we're going to ask pasta to do the introduction and then the robinsons will give us the theme song thank you so much auntie jody good evening everyone happy happy sabbath um you'll agree with me that we have been having a wonderful time together as we praise the lord we have been having a very engaging ay session since evening and i am just listening and looking to all the persons who have been sharing their their songs and and engaging in our emblems beautiful let me say a very special thank you to our ay for leading out so far today is the start of the urgency for the emergency uh evangelistic campaign and we started off this morning um at the family of god seventh adventist church main church and then we are back together as a district this evening to have another session in our series and i want to let you know from now i want for you to to start writing down get your pens and your papers on i want for you to start writing down because starting tomorrow evening we will have the quiz master past the wind who will be leading us in our kahoot quiz every evening so we go sunday night and we go wednesday night i'm gonna go friday night so pastor winter to be leading us in our kahoot quiz so we just want for you to take notes listen to this morning sermon um listen to this evening sermon start taking your notes because past the wind will be coming fired up and ready to go tomorrow with our quiz the speaker for this evening for our series is none other than person daniel pink pastor ping serves as the ministerial secretary of uh central jamaica conference a man of god who has been an adventist for over 45 years and has been serving the church in various capacities as as a pastor for over 33 years as the man of god comes to us and shares with us again for our series i pray that we will give him our undivided attention as he speaks to us from the word of god but just before pastor king comes and shares does the word we will have a song the song of uh our theme song which will be done by the robinsons the songbirds they will be leading us into our theme song shackled by a heavy burden and then the next voice that you will hear is that of god's manservant pastor daniel pink [Music] needs a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus touched me and now i am no longer the same he touched me oh he touched me [Music] and all the joys that floods my soul something happened and now i know he touched me and made me home since i've met [Music] oh i will never see two brazes [Music] [Music] he touched me oh he touched me [Music] something happened and now i know he touched me and made me [Music] he touched me oh he touched me and all the joys that floods my soul something happened he touched me and made me something happened and now [Music] i know he touched me and made me good evening everybody good evening everybody happy sabbath happy sabbath are you hearing me are you seeing me too yes i'm interested in the tongues my friend and colleague was the wind wonderful man of god today we're together in flesh the family of god church what a lovely church what lovely people you know originally the church would be jumped up but we had a few of happy worshipers and we had a great time together those of you online would have tested that you know we have started our series officially the urgency of the emergency series the topic depicts what we are what we are after corinne and i are very happy to be with you you join the chat feel free to make your comments be a part of it don't be afraid to shout and say amen hallelujah i said the adventists around the world must be happy amidst all what is happening we must not hold on our heads this is the time for us to lift up our heads and give tongues to the lord because his coming is near even at the door let me just say amen those of you online whichever platform you're on youtube zoom facebook whatever we welcome you wholeheartedly to this wonderful series that promises to be very meaningful very educational and very apocalyptic as we move into end time events must not forget that term apocalyptic we are people of expectancy 70 adventist people people of expectancy we're expecting we don't know christ's second return in glory and nothing can stop it we i want to welcome all of my family members my friends and all that karine my sister from out of boston she's always supporting i expect her to be online and all the rest of them my i've given out the link to so many people nobody has to relax now come online and be blessed tomorrow night's topic stand still and see the salvation of the lord tomorrow night we preach about 7 o'clock we join the platform again then wednesday evening and then come friday we are going to climax with a glorious water baptism so those of you who are under frill those of you who are standing in pavilion get on board you cannot stay in the pavilion you have to get out and but you have to get out to the wicket and bat and bold and we could keep you have to get out there will you yes you will make mistakes but you have to get out on that playing field you can't stay in the pavilion and be safe people stay in pavilion they make a lot of trouble nice the real battle is undefeated the master is calling you on the field salvation is a battle is a march and it's a war fear you're a war in between good and evil we are involved with or engaged in a war fear it's a battle we are in let us not do that for a moment we are in a battle but we know that our leader sure to conquer this even we preach under the caption jacob jacob wake up let us pray father we thank you for another beautiful evening of evangelistic meeting this is our this is the launch of our series this is the commencement of our series this is a time when we we're going to preach a word and we pray lord those in hearing of my advice those who are backslidden those who are invited prayer lord that they will be blessed but more so lord we pray that israel would have been closer drawn to you israel would have been more cemented more settled in the faith in the troop we know where we are in history we we are coming to the grand climax of our tenure here on this earth lord you are you you're on the verge of saying it is finished it is done those who are faithful remain faithful those who are holy remain holy and those who are unjust when we made unjust you pray lord that everybody receive and hear enough my voice and whichever platform we found worthy trophies of your kingdoms speak to me now it's a bit of clay and i pray o lord to this message this evening somebody will be drawn closer to the cross somebody would not make would have made a decision to accept you not only for time but for eternity amen and amen and that beautiful young lady who got baptized today we want to we want to welcome her to the sisterhood of faith we want to welcome her or courage her determination she didn't come like nicodemus in the night she got baptized we are here in the new novel and we are very happy for her and for her decision people are deciding for god people know people know of listen and i've heard even atheists who are championing saying that something great is about to happen at east you know of all people atheists they are not afraid to tell their 80s but when trouble strikes even 80s will come to some knowledge of understanding that there's a bigger picture there's a bigger being there's a real being christ himself who is in charge of this planet and they know they know they are not fools they plain fools and if if there's an atheist listening to me wherever you are on the planet you better repent because failure to repent you shall likewise perish ever since the inception of sin would have raised its ugly head oh boy adam and eve failed us so for appearance failed us in the beautiful garden of eden man has started going downhill is a separator is a divider sin weakens that's what sin does sin is harmful and man has started going downhill ever since don't heal wages of sin is debt it brings with his debt his salary sin has a payment but that same payment is debt but thank god this even for the gift of god that's the reverse side of it the gift of god is eternal life through christ and there's no other name given among men whereby we must be saved but true jesus christ no other name and we thank god for this name oh what loving name oh what redeeming name christ the risen savior christ our bigger brother christ the one who intercedes for us christ who sustains us christ who emits only play uncountably of human history of all these world leaders countries fighting for power fighting for supremacy god is in charge daniel speaks of it we are living in an age where that is exploding daniel tells us that in daniel 12 and verse 4 knowledge shall be increased men shall run into and fro mountain today is confused but our god is not confused is the same yesterday today and forever sin has this sinners brought about a lot of dysfunctional families as a matter of fact all families suffer from some form of deformity because of sin there's no perfect family paul says we all have seen and because of that there's no perfect family there are some people who assume and they will tell you that they have never done this they have never done that they are good people they are kind they give this they give that they help here they're healthier that's good help your fellow man help people be charitable but that in and of itself does not guarantee you salvation unless you repent failure to repent and ask christ to take over your sin to pardon you from your sin and transgression from your sin and degradation you will be lost good works cannot save any one of us is my grace are we saved by grace i'm sorry we must talk about grace saving grace christ one good definition about christ if you want to have a good defense in christ is grace christ is love love gives love redeems and nobody has to be lost eh jacob suffered from a dysfunctional family if you go to genesis 32 and you study the life of jacob jacob you're part of a dysfunctional family where his mother set him up you know you have to be careful that we treat your children those of you with children you must never be partial don't take side with them don't pull them away from daddy don't pull them away from mommy the family that stays together praise together we'll we'll stick together and as joshua says as from me and my house he will serve the lord god expects us god expects the families to stay together to worship together to glorify god together that's what the family is all about but rebecca took the boy jacob cited and deceived his brother he saw deceiver and when the whole soul turned over in turmoil division upheaval jacob had to run for his life jacob had to run for his life oh beloved disturber find jacob son of heiser god's chosen one to abraham had to be running for his life because of deception because of deception he had to be running for his life running for his dear life inspiration tells us that they had that close banding jacob and rebecca bonded while on the other side you find hyzer very close to his song very close so there was a reef in that family today amidst the kovid we can have a lot of reefing families families are being torn rightly from center children can be so depressed cannot play with your loved ones cannot socialize children locked up locked away eating and a lot of them suffering from even obesity can't even take the normal exercise exercise cannot socialize cannot go to school to interact with teachers and friends our children are hurting and i challenge the parents who are listening you have to be dear for your children take time off to be dear for them play games walk them hope sing sing the songs of zion study the sabbath school lessons with them play games with them you know like try to let them be happy they are not accustomed to this none of us are but a children we must never forget our children very very powerful and sister rebecca would have suffered what she had done crisis whatsoever man that shall you also reap you know this bond would have been wrecked because of sin rebecca had never seen rebecca had never seen a chosen choice son jacob again jacob walk away jacob walk away our entireness and fatigue step in inspiration tells us that jacob oh yes jacob fell asleep use a stone as this pillow stone toughness rock for his pillow there are many tonight who might be living like jacob with stone for the pillow you have ruined your life you have wasted your substance you have abandoned home they turned your box on mommy turn your box and daddy young children in their teens they would have shaken off mommy and daddy and they walk away from the whole soul moving into the wise moving to the unknown like jacob and that is that can spell trouble stone for his pillow the ground for his bed tough ground for his bed thank god god protected him from the wiles of the enemy the wise of the enemy tough stone sometimes some of you believe that home is an awful place and beaver mommy and daddy are two rough brothers bigger brothers and sisters are unbearable and you believe all ears better you better be careful because your pillow might become stone and your bed might just become the tough ground and cover him all was a canopy of heaven the stars of heaven would have given him light and the atmosphere would be his cover what a time what risk to take what risk life is a risk and he decided to take it he decided to deprive his brother of that birth right but it would have come at a very hefty price who are you depriving this afternoon who are you cheating on who are you robbing are you robbing mommy and daddy are you robbing a bigger brother are you robbing bigger sister who are you robbing who are you depriving jacob the trickster they've got the chickster he went back to his mother's homeland in period room and he met his uncle levan and they had a bandier it was deceiving to the family he was a hard worker nevertheless but come on now his eyes like young men like all of us as young men who are who are enthused who are engaged in that way his his eyes would have caught beautiful girls nothing is wrong when a young man admires or fall in love with girls better fall in love with girls want to fall in love with man because god did not make you to bond with man man and man should not ban a woman and woman god would have made eve adam the world always tries to twist god's plan but god's plan cannot be twisted they will only try to do it but god god's plan for humanity remains firm god is not mocked don't mock god don't play around with god today you have some guys who believe that they are clever they are clever i can tell you that they are they are clever and they are doing a lot of tricks behind the scenes trying to reset the planet we mean that you're going to reset the planet who dare you what power you have to reset the planet you can move the moon you can move this tower where christ would have fixed it you can reverse things you can bring a boat you can bring about global warming and all areas of it trying to reset the planet and by trying to reset the planet you want to even establish your own sabbath let me tell you something you better be careful you don't tamper with god don't play with god god is not mocked and the lord is about to show up and when god shows up man trembles the whole creation is groaning in pain and agony because of the recklessness and the ruthlessness of man little man rude man little man with a little life in him powered life from god god is life given the only life giver and these guys are trying to reset the planet you believe all this kobe thing is just like that you better look beyond your eyes look beyond it look beyond the news and you realize that it is not an ordinary pandemic this this is an extraordinary pandemic that is driving fear in man one of the main spin-offs of this is fear to crumble the heart confident mind cramp the nerve man's forward monster to the kingdom and even christians if you're not careful you can be overwhelmed by the moment you have to be very careful you have to be very careful you ask guys like joe biden the u.s president these guys have knowledge of what is going on asks tony antony 40 it's a brightness key man scientist they know what is going on they are not fools they know what is going on you have knowledge maybe intimate knowledge of what is going on oh brother bill gates and his wife oh they are laughing now because they they they see what is happening and they are having a good jolly time you are laughing all these rocket fellas and these great financial giants of the land they are laughing they are they are jeering but let me tell you something jesus christ has the lost love christ has the last law let me repeat it christ has a lost law and if they don't repent they shall likewise perish this back this virus here this pandemic i have no doubt that it is satanic is satanic it is secured it is put together by a satanic movement and the lord is going to jerk it the lord is going to embarrass it the lord is going to step in and put a heart to it and the lord is not going to sit back and allow his children to suffer and let me say to you be careful while you're losing loved ones wives and husbands they'd ever want to tell you the devil wanted to curse christ as mrs job did to her husband when pressure took her don't curse christ don't abuse christ don't don't lose interest in christ a lot of people start to say where's christ in all of this and doubting and all sort of accusation against christ you have to be very careful here now because the devil will set you up satan will set you up for you to lose interest in christ is dangerous don't allow these guys to trick you don't allow them to treat you you 70 adventists you you are known to be people of the book you have been following the prophecy for many many years you understand the prophecy of guardian and revelation god will do nothing but he reveals his secret to his turban the prophet that's what amos says today today revelations are startling revelations are you still standing on the promises of god are you just standing on the premises some people are just standing on the premises but i appeal to you this you better make sure that you are standing firmly on the promises of god stand crisis turn on me on the rack of your salvation what are you building your faith on sinking son are the work of your salvation jesus christ after you work for seven years he fell in love with a beautiful rachel but abram cheeky maybe i'm saying no you have to get you have to deal with first girl first that's leia married leia he started to have your family after he labored and labored yes rachel came on the scene in those days they have their multiple partners according to the culture of the time but even that was transgression because christ meant from a very old set one man one woman so once you have more than one wives and more than one husband you're going to have a lot of clashes again the dysfunctional family but god is an awesome god he's an awesome god he tricked esau and himself is now being tricked the trickster in jacob is being tricked i do you love to chick are you a chickster are you a chickster are you one of those who girl non-chick people cheat them in terms of their social life treat them in terms of your money kick step you you're just a chick stop some people are good at chicken gross dissonance they borrow they borrow and they don't pay back chick they chick people husband chicken wife white chicken husband children chicken period pea and chicken it's all over dysfunctional chicksters like jacob and even he amassed a lot of wealth and he wanted to to flee back he wanted to go home he became he grew longing for home that's what genesis 32 tells us you look at genesis 32 20 32 verb verb very profound passage longing for home he grew longing for home but folks where we are longing for home all of us should be longing for home now you know all 70 adventists should be longing for home because this world is ebbing away this world is not happy food weed sometimes if your whole soul you can't trust wife your conscious husband can't trust the children they'll be killed you your children who are killing appearance because of legacy wife turn away from their husband because they believe the pastor over the years greener and vice versa dysfunctional government failing their people making a lot of sense promises and can't deliver when you look across the length and break of the world today governments are making tremendous legislation churches are coming this way with government and they are making life very very tough for people across the globe when church and state come together is a big problem let nobody fool you let nobody fool you church and stay coming together you can hear the call from every front come world leaders let us meet church and state making new religious adjusting legislation adjusting here just in deer why are they adjusted they're adjusting because they believe that they have a solution and they are adjusted in order to impose your power impose their might upon those elite taking away the private people all over of your choice let me tell you something god has blessed all of us with wanting the power of choice the freedom to choose let no man take away your freedom of choice these are blessings that give from god and once that is taken away from you you become a robot you become a puppet and a string you can be you can be shifted in any way god expect lng y says you must not be reflectors of other men's thoughts we must choose and choose wisely we must choose on the side of god that's what daniel and his companions they did in in in babylon when we were called upon in straight places when they were called upon each of the king eat of the king's meal they said no we'll not do that we will not do that they took stuck up themselves they said no we're not going to do that give us some tests give us some days no you don't rush into anything i love the holy spirit of god to guide you don't rush into anything don't let anybody push you over the cliff god must be your leader well you respect government you respect spiritual leaders but your number one leader was called you and the one who you are to follow is jesus jacob knew that jacob knew that he made some serious mistakes and he paid the price at the hand of his uncle labor what is going home time and the bible tells us in genesis 22 where he had this encounter he had this great encounter genesis 32 and when you look at verse 22 it tells you of this marvelous encounter where he plays he put his children his family in groups laying one group rachel in the other group and the other maids he placed them in groups and then he went alone with god let me say this it is good sometimes to be alone with god anywhere you live in your household you should be like a spot where you find time to be alone with god praying by yourself yes corporate worship wife and husband and children if you have children but there are times when you must be alone with your god in meditation in the study of the world in prayer and in reflection of the goodness of god find a place and reflect on the goodness of god if you're in the chat if you're in the chat let me say amen hallelujah sign up feel free to share the worship always feel free to send in your chat and express yourself adventists on adventures box sliders box ladders it's time for you to get back into worship time for you to get back into your first love i'm appealing to backsliders many of you once walked with the lord you have once taken the communion you have once and join the building and join the church no you can't just go back to church again it is scaled on but god is not not the early christians worship on the trees they worship they move from host to house are we going back there wherever you are your own whole soul might become the temple but you must create a place here you can meet with your god a wholesome sacred spot where you meet in prayer and in supplication with your god lockdown church yes imprison you yes but the word of god is not chained let me tell you that no man can change the word of god you tell us only fortune these guys they cannot change god's words god's man like paul and silas will preach the word even prison you can blacktop and you can do all sorts of things because the devil hates the church satan doesn't want this saints to worship god satan doesn't want us to fellowship satan doesn't want us to eat and drink and be happy as we used to be they will tell you that this planet will never go back to any normalcy that's what they are trumpeting because they know what they are doing they sit in the curb but let me tell you something there's a bigger boss his name is jesus and he's watching he's closer to this planet than what you might believe the christ says i will never leave you nor forsake you believe that god is going to leave this planet to these evil evil bloodsuckers no these guys a lot of them what they are bloodsuckers yes they are being driven by satan himself but god is going to cool the system god is going to call it some of you you are losing your loved ones you are crying you are in pain you are an agony you are organizing with god because you are losing your loved ones at the hands of evil men cruel men were laughing and jeering and mocking before the flow they did it but christ did show oh yes before god shocked in the antelopian world they were marking on jiren having fun but god did show up and he's going to show up again he has a time to show up folks a lot of people might say where's god god is too slow no you don't even go there god is not too slow our god is an untime god you better remember that we serve a god who's on time jacob went alone with god alone with god and in the midnight unseen unseen hand grab him oh yes grab him genesis 32 22 100 aunts in hand grab him from nowhere and there were rest he was wrestling with a stranger midnight wrestle warren confusion wrestling with an unseen guest who showed up it wasn't gabriel who showed up ellen devices just christ himself who grabbed hold of jacob and rested with him you know folks for us to be saved we have to rest with god you know you have to rest with god on your knees you have to respect god in meditation you have to rest with god and study in the world to be more cemented to be more grounded and rooted in the church anything less than that we are going to shell apart you know this virus comes to destroy the church to set church people apart from one another loving people you'll be so warm and kind to each other when they see their loved ones falling apart that you love one's train it puts a lot of pressure on your brain but i can tell you be steadfast be movable always a bone you need to don't allow the devil to destroy your faith please don't please don't and remember you're not going to be saved as a family you're going to be safe as an individual that relationship with god that's what matters that's what matters encourage your wife encourage your husband encourage the children encourage neighbors but remember there's an individual relationship that nothing should come between your soul and your savior nothing under the sun no money no sex no wait no house no land no car no education nothing should come between your soul and your savior today the world is after power everybody's showing their power and their might everybody believes in the signs while people believe in the signs i'm not against signs real signs but my belief is in christ there is a savior that's where my belief is in christ and i believe with confidence that christ can turn around anything for the better turn our own unity he told us in his last day that we'll have all these things viruses and pestilence and whatever but he told he told hebrew boys and girls that look here once you are cemented once you are rocked up and tied up in christ the plagues that plague the egyptian not even one will come nearby a dwelling this evening we need to be covered under the blood covered under the blood we must be blood wash adventist blood wash elders blood wash member blood wash deacon blood washed weakness blood wash pasta we must be blood washed and it doesn't matter where the devil might be which wind the devil might want to blow christ will protect you you must not be afraid don't run away don't turn away don't allow satan to fool you the lord is with his church and god's remnant church fever and effective though she may be she will try on she will triumph god places his supreme god remember the church is the apple of god's eyes and remember folks when they rescued when when jacob when jacob got his senses and when they arrested that midnight when they arrested and when she was coming today break he cried out and said let me go let me go he wanted to be set free he wanted to be set free but but jacob hang on hang on jacob said i will not let you go unless you bless me he knew that he was in the presence of divinity he knew that he knew that the call that he had and the one who hold him was no ordinary hole folks let me tell you something we cannot we don't have that constraint to hold on to christ you know we must allow christ to hold us and when christ holds us we are properly held in the arms of christ for us to hold christ you might we would we were all free of fear behind because i said we let go that is why a lot of people they have started out well doing well in the church reach for in the church and they are backslidden christ wants he says he that endured to the end the same shall be said it means that we are in a spiritual race and it's not just to start the race you remember the local storybook have you ever read it we have the tie the guitar ties under here you hear a very breezy breezy animal settled like the wind and here when you hear look back he said so where's the tartar is he just playing and joking he went and he fell asleep but there come deteriorates gradually lumbering along but when the tartar is reaching here the ear was falls asleep the tartar is passed here slow but sure he that endured to the end same shall be saved he's not just to start for us and then we backtrack and we sidetrack we must endure even hardship as soldiers of the cross he knew before i closed he knew that he was about to encounter his brother he knew what what he did to his brother over 20 years before he knew how he checked him he knew how he robbed his birthright and he did not know what was going on in the brothers mind jacob maybe other family members did not know what jacob was about but jacob knew that he could not depend on money he could have depended well to appease he could not depend on his gunners so whatever whatever he had to depend on jesus there are some folks their strength is in their gun your confidence is in money oh yes their confidence is their will and you know what is happening now you know what is happening starvation is about to hit the human family unfortunately you notice what these guys are doing they are doing some very hellish things you know where they are passing legislation know that if you don't take that vaccine you're going to lose your work you are tying it to your to your daily bread and you totally vaccinate no bread no job yeah i heard one one interview is saying uh a radio commentator a journalist saying no job no job in other words if you don't get the job no job for you no work for you no work that's why you're advocating but but listen what christ says your bread and your water will be sure christ fed elijah with your favor christ he feeds his sparrows every here on your head is number is his number and if christ feels this power don't you think you are more precious in the sight of god than many sparrows come on they love it even they might deprive you of your work but your pregnant woman will be sure don't allow yourself to be suffered in depression and oppression you better glory even in tribulation because christ has overcome the world and all of us can overcome true christ then his name was changed from jacob to israel to this even some of you don't want any change of name you don't want any what you need to do is change your direction some of you are going in the wrong direction you back sliders you back sliders you know your back is against the wall some of you might be wondering if you get back into worship if god will receive you yes christ will receive you his wife his arms are open you are not the practical he says come back home he will give you he will give you the best rule be recover your nakedness cover your wretchedness which is group of righteousness so if you're boxing come back don't let the devil tell you that you are written off death is demonic expression christ is saying come home my daughter come home my son come back to your first love that's what this thing is all about you are made you might have made some awful mistakes you have gone far into sin and trespasses but there's hope at the foot of the cross for you come back home jacob his name was change from jacob be tricked up to israeli overcomer we all can overcome any untrue christ when you go to genesis 33 i'm going to sum it up when he he wanted to bribe he wanted to set up a bribe for esau he sent some men up there with a lot of stuff he thought that he saw he thought that isa was hungry no he's a must he lost a lot of weight he saw almost a lot of weight but you know where jacob got a victory when he wrestled at midnight with christ he rested at midnight with christ ever since that wrestling the lord put his son right in his head and jacob walked with her leave you know why he walked at him god gave him humility the olympus for him to be humbled you know if if some of us are to be saving god's church we have to be hungry somehow folks are very proud you know we have pro looks pro-walk told utteran if we are going to be safe in god's kingdom we have to calm down off our problems and pray we have to get back to know ourselves some of us don't know ourselves a little education little wealth can make us behave as if we are in heaven you are not in any heaven we need to humble ourselves that's why christ pushes hand right in his hip and humbly we walk with a limp remembering that he's just human you know when god touched when god touched sorry and there must control inspiration tells us that a work is suffering from a dreamy eye a leaky eye that's humility whatever god wants to make me humble i say do it lord jesus i want to be humble i want to be playable i want to be a servant leader i don't want to bully people know when people are going to much by someone and i appeal to pastors and appeal to elders are from tree if flock with tenderness treat god's people with love and understanding if never time we need to treat them like lambs as john 21 says cheat them as sheep is known we need to treat our people with a sense of understanding with a sense of purpose a sense of love and a sense of forgiveness people are hurting and they make vicious mistakes don't write them off don't push them here don't push them here they are not toys please don't push them you're not push them there please don't do it they're not ties please you're not twice take your time with your little children you're like alarms take your time with the old lady take your time with the old brother they need our peers they need tenderness they need someone to talk with them drive to the gate and pray with them don't abandon them i know this i know this couple both of them they are in the 80s no around the 90s they are old the husband suffers from asthma and right now he's in the hospital as if he had caught the gnostic virus and every day i tried to talk with your wife somebody's able to return try to comfort her the budget are hurting and just a phone call can make a big difference just driving to somebody's gift can make a big difference we need to engage we need to encourage as we move towards the kingdom don't be selfish selfishness is a sin we need to engage our brothers and our sisters i'll make a phone call some of you will buy it we get credit and talk to a lot of people but you but they need a call they need to hear your voice they need a little prayer and once you're called don't end the conversation unless you pray god hears and answers prayer when they embrace each other when they met you two the two giant of a men jacob and esau when they met they embrace each other come on that's what inspiration says you know that they embrace each other they break the embrace they embrace each other they embrace each other you know no war no more was it it maybe the devil wanted war but the holy spirit changed all of that and both men embrace each other you know what lng y says a type of what will happen when the two atoms shall meet the first adam that failed and mess up this planet the secondary on christ who conquered that rascally devil when the both of them shall meet the first adam will fall as if he is ashamed but christ will bear him up when his son jacob met is as if jay corpuz was trapping at the feet up inside his embrace they brought up them embrace each other and cried with each other they were happy to see each other it was a joy scene it was triumph are you longing for home yes all 70 adventist christians should be long enough for whom we are apocalyptic people we are people of the end time we have the end time trust we have the end time message we have the we have the third angel's message fear god doesn't give glory to him babylon is fallen we we ellen g white says that we have as as god living we have the truth he has sworn to it as god leave it this is god's remnant church while some of you at your bad mount in the church messing up with the church calling the church bad names but the lord will meet you in the judgment if you don't repent repent the message that we have the real summary is in revelation 18 and verse 4 come out of her my people god has his people in every denomination and lng white says that millions of catholics will be saved millions jesus of catholic to be saved don't write them off don't rip off the raster the rap head whatever as long as they call upon the name of jesus there is hope for them and they will come out in due season and accept and embrace the third angels message i summon you i summon you with you if you're a trickster running away like jacob you better wake up if you're a chickster and you believe that life is hopeless life is hope everybody's turning again so it's not true jesus loves you that is why he died to save you right off no one don't write off that backsliding husband that that sliding wipe that back sliding child go write off anybody please don't write off anybody don't do it don't venture there see everybody as a potential candidate for him especially the whole solar faith especially in this challenge challenging time heaven will be jump back let me remind him for a close heaven will be jumper but hell will be far more riddled with sinners but it's not about the crowd for god it's those of us who have made a covenant with christ to sacrifice this evening are you willing to renew your covenant are you willing to renew that covenant are you are you willing and ready saving the identities many of you in the church cracking up and rubbery knees shaking legs like nebuchadnezzar are you willing to allow god to give you a fresh injection of salvation we need a fresh injection of solidarity where we are settling the faith and comes what may we are purpose in our hearts are a tree evil boys that we will not bow our knees to bear purpose in our heart that will never go to bed but we'll be steadfast immovable abounding the truth as we move to kenyan's happy shore let us voice as we pray loving father we thank you for this platform this evening we thank you lord for the spoken word we thank you for inspiration jacob jacob would have made a lot of mistake but lord you didn't write him off esau would have made mistakes but lord you prepared both of them for home both of women buries each other jacob went back home and there was no war no war there was peace and tranquility where the boat brothers embrace each other forgiveness forgiveness was the end of the day and thank god you're a forgiving god it doesn't matter what we might do when we cry out when we acknowledge them when we confess our sins you are just and fear to forgive us of all our saints lord forgive somebody this evening on the platform whichever platform somebody that driver that teacher that nurse that doctor it doesn't matter your profession you might have made a wicked mistake turning your back against jehovah god because you are fool yourself in this world believing that a higher education that your money and your wealth can suffice no the fool and his money will perish will perish that's why christ challenge that rich young lula sell a lot to have and give to the poor what is bugging you this evening somebody something might be bugging you like a rich young you didn't even realize that maybe you are too educated i didn't realize that your mere education cannot save you you need to see you need to get back into your first love your first relationship with christ and sit at the feet of the real teacher jesus christ himself oh god i summoned somebody no to just turn i love christ to hold you and to enfold you in his arms bless bless the family of god this trait visit irish pen visit all the churches every whole soul every child especially those who might be on your attack by the enemy they're coveted i pray lord that you will unleash your presence upon them bless your people restore them to hell because you say intelligent that you wish above everything else that will prosper and be in good health you you want your people to be bullied but you want to give us prosperity love is prospered upon your people but above all give us good health tongues are hearing us oh god and tongues are anchoring us in the faith as tomorrow night we shall pick up where we have left off when you shall continue to march on amen and amen god bless you pastor scott please take over this time my friend amen beautiful thank you so much pastor pink for another soul stirring message as we are ensuring that we are ready for the soon coming of jesus at this time we are going to invite our praise team brother sister robinson they will come on at this time and they will lead us into our closing or closing him as we prepare to pull the curtains down on the very first presentation the very first session together as a district for our series professor robinson it is over to you for our closing song feel free members on youtube on zoom to type in your chat your comments your thank you so to pass the pink as we prepare to go for this evening [Music] [Music] [Music] marching on we go while our cause we know must prevail and better bright leaving in the lunchroom [Music] is [Music] christ is captain of the mighty throne oh and the victory one mary with a crown before thy face rose and soldiers running around the banner ready [Music] is [Music] amen amen have a wonderful wonderful week everyone please remember please remember that we join again tomorrow evening at seven as we continue our series as we prepare to go we'll play just one little song for you feel free to make your comments in the chat as we leave you for this evening remember we start tomorrow evening at 7. do [Music] foreign [Music] people get ready there's a trainer coming you don't need no baggage [Music] you don't need no ticket you're just staying so people get ready for the train to jordan picking up passengers coast to coast faith is the key open the doors and there's hope for all amongst those love the most [Music] [Music] [Music] who would hurt all mankind just to say this don't believe me now have pity on those whose chance is growing up for there's no [Music] you don't need [Music] you don't need no ticket you don't need no ticket you just thanking for his many blessings thanking for his glory thank you for all of the things that he did thank you for waking you up this morning [Music]
Channel: Family of God SDA Church, Jamaica
Views: 171
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: VafEXP8uReg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 30sec (6030 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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