Kencot SDA - Bible Study, Adventist Youth & Vespers Services - September 11 ,2021

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[Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] faith [Music] [Music] teaching and admonishing one another teaching and admonishing one another [Music] and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts [Music] [Music] let the word of christ happy sabbath again everyone and welcome to another bible class sorry for the uh technical challenges because this is that four past three but we thank god that has been worked out i want to use this opportunity to welcome all of you who have found it possible to join us for this bible study this evening those who are joining us on youtube and those who are joining us on facebook we welcome you there's a very special friend of mine from the west jamaica conference uh brother roger shippy i believe is joining us on youtube at this time he told me will be on i want to welcome you sir uh my good friend and one who is deep in the word uh we welcome your presence and all others as well who are online we go this evening into a very interesting study as it relates to the holy spirit one of those troubled areas i may say in the theological circle and so i believe this evening's will engender some deep discussion and it ought to because bible study is not designed to be a monologue but a dialogue and a sharing of ideas essential and so in the interest of time without any further do i invite you to bow your heads as we pray together father in heaven we thank you that you have made it possible for us to come together on this platform and to open your word we ask you now that you will open our minds as we seek to delve into the truth of god in jesus name amen let's go to the stream at this time and please know that your comments your questions as we go on is welcome and per adventure if you're not able to complete this study today we will uh follow through for next week but my aim is to see how best we can complete this study shall we shall we go so the first question as we address this uh belief on the holy spirit i want to begin this study by acts in scene that we are looking at whether or not the holy spirit is a personal influence force and of course we also been looking at other things concerning the holy spirit but we want to start here by asking who is a person if we can get this clear uh we are well on our way to develop further in our study now according to a person is a human being as distinct from an animal or a thing a self-conscious or rational being so a person is a self-conscious or rational being the actual individual personality of a human being so it also speaks to the individuality the actual individual personality of a human being as we seek to define who is a person again has this to say any of the three hypotheses of course is refers to personal personal nature we're talking about hypotheses this thing as distinct in the one god and constituting the trinity now this is coming from a secular i'm having a competition please can you note all right so this is coming from a secular thing this kind of definition but notice that how it puts it any of the three hypotheses existing as distinct in the one god and constituting the trinity they are the first person the father the second person the son and the third person the holy ghost so even the chinner that come sees the third person in the godhead uh to be the holy ghost and of course the holy ghost to be a person vice versa let's move so a person is distinct from an animal a person is self-conscious a person has personality the distinctive character or qualities of a person we talk about personally we are talking about the distinctive character or qualities of a person and a person is a rational being which means that a person can think a person can feel you and i are persons and we can feel we have emotions and we have feelings a person can understand because a person has a mind a person can be grieved a person can teach or be taught and that should be t-a-u-g-h-d a person has a mind a person can't speak well generally except you're born with that birth defect where you are mute right but generally a person can speak so with all these qualities that made of a person the question is is the holy spirit a person is the holy spirit a personal being and in the interest of time we're gonna take all these passages but some of them we will read we may mention that a person can speak the holy spirit can speak let's jump to acts chapter 13 and verse 2 and ezekiel chapter 3 and verses 24 to 27 you can take that one down be like the burien researcher for yourself and they ministered to the law as they ministered to the lord and fasted the holy ghost said so the holy ghost spoke he said separate me barnabas and saul for the work where unto i have called them so the holy ghost spake and he said sudbury unto and saul for ministry and this is the work of the holy spirit and his speech which is a quality of a person let's move on shall we move on thank you for ezekiel let's spend some time with that one all right ezekiel chapter 3 verses 24 through 27 then the spirit entered into me and set me upon my feet and spake with me and said unto me go shut thyself within then else put thou o son of man behold they shall put banks upon thee and shall bind thee with them and thou shalt not go out among them and i will make thy tongue cleave to the roof of thy mouth that thou shalt be dumb and shall not be to them a reprover for they are a rebellious house 27 last but when i speak with thee i will open thy mouth and thou shall say unto them thus saith the lord god he that heareth let him hear and he that forebear it let him forbid her for they are a rebellious house thank you very much so these verses that were just read uh speak to the fact that the holy spirit was given instruction he was speaking to ezekiel and noticed that he referenced to himself as the lord in verse 27 but when i speak with thee i will open thy mouth and thou shall say unto them blessed say the lord god so the holy spirit sees himself and rightly so as the lord god and he spoke to ezekiel uh emphasizing again the point that the holy spirit speaks and this is the quality of a person he sends people on mission we have just read that um no well we read verse two but verse three speaks of the fact of the holy spirit sending people paul and saul and barnabas on mission the holy spirit acts chapter 13 verse 3 uh we can have it back on the screen and when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them they sent them away it's the holy spirit who are called and chose them separated them to send them on the mission now he has feelings and can be greed ephesians of the four and verse 30 says and grieve not the holy spirit of god whereby we are sealed onto the day of your redemption if he was an essence or a force he would be without emotion but the fact that the holy spirit can be grieved means that he has emotion only a being that has emotional qualities can be grieved and can be sad and can etc etc and the bible says grieve not the holy spirit whereby he is sealed until the day of redemption again another personal quality [Music] he intercedes as well romans chapter 8 and verse 26 and the spirit has in mind and verse 27 will take that bullet read that can someone read that passage from the peace romans 8 verse 26 likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we shouldn't pray for as we ought but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered verse 27 and he that searches the hearts knows what is in the mind of the spirit because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of god uh romans chapter 6 chapter 8 and verse 26 let's go back to the previous verse likewise the script also helps our infirmities for he know for we know not what we should pray for as we ought to what the spirit itself maketh intercession now a force or an essence cannot make intercession for someone to intercede on behalf of someone then that person has to have uh person personal qualities one has to be able to speak one has to be able to think one has to be able to reason in order for one to make intercession uh so it's clear then again that this is a personal quality that we are seeing coming out here in this verse verse 27 uh likewise the script also and he that speaks search at the heart you have to be intelligent to do search because you have to know what you're looking for if you don't know what you're looking for then searching for something has no meaning and here we find that this is referring to the spirit and he that search at the heart knoweth what is the mind of the spirit now an essence or a force doesn't happen in mind because they make an intercession for the saints according to the will of god another text to prove that the holy spirit has personal quality again your questions your comments are invited and are welcome the holy spirit also strives genesis chapter 3 and verse 6 and verse 3 and the word there that is used the hebrew word if we go back to the slides the human word therefore stripes is d meaning to judge to plead the cause of to contend with no you can't judge something you can please the cause of something if you don't have personal qualities again an essence or a force can't do that you have to have personal qualities for you to clean the cause for you to judge and for you to contend with something let's move on he teaches luke chapter 12 and verse 12. again we will not be able because of time to go through all these passages so i ask you that you write these passages down and you do your research uh read them in your own time i will provide you the text and i will read some but some you will have to read in your own time so the holy spirit teaches he is intelligent and we just made mention of this and you have to be you have to have some amount of intelligence in order for you to search because you have to know what you're looking for yeah above all jesus refers to him as a person and um above all accounts we want to read these two passages because if jesus refers to him as a person then in my mind that circles the issue as to whether or not the holy spirit is a in john chapter 14 verse 26 can one of our readers uh take that outfit john 14 26 yes it says what the comforter which is the holy holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you thank you uh let's go to the other verse of the passage john chapter 16 verses 7 and 8. can someone else read please nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away or if i go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him unto you when and when he is come he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment thank you notice how jesus used the personal pronoun to refer to the holy spirit he calls the holy spirit him and in verse 8 he says and when he is come he will approve the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment jesus used the personal pronoun to refer to the holy spirit so with all these passages and to kept it off with jesus referring to the holy spirit as a person in my mind it's clear that the holy spirit is indeed a person and not a force not an essence because a force or an essence can do these things that the scripture speaks about concerning the holy spirit and his work let's now look at the word as it is in john chapter 14 and verse 6 and this is essential for us to look at because again it is speaking to the holy spirit has been a person john chapter 14 and verse 16. jesus says and i will pray the father and he shall send he shall give you another comfort i will come back to this passage as we go further in the study because there's a word there that i want to lift out of this verse and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever if we go to the slide the word is a compound word in the greek it is composed of the prefix para meaning at the side and the suffix which means one that is called literally it means one that is called to be at the side we move on they enhance strong's lexicon as is to say one who please another's cause before a judge again for you to plead someone's cause you have to be familiar with the cause you have to have a mind you have to have some intelligence you have to have personal qualities so one who believes one who pleads another's cause before a judge a pleader counsel for the defense these are legal terms uh legal assistant and advocate one who pleads another's cause with one an intercessor this is how they enhanced strong's lexicon defines parapleg shall we move on from this line now in the greek roman world the word was sometimes used to refer to the leader that instilled new strength in his troops in the judicial environment the power plead was the friend of the accused and i like that the defense attorney i i like that it tells me that the holy spirit is our friend and he is our defender um as of course would have been used in the greek or roman world we can move on from this life for the spirit to carry all the functions of parity he evidently cannot be an abstract or in personal being the spirit has to be a real and concrete person the handbook of the adventist theology volume 2 violent 12 rather page 1333 says the necessary conscious personal presence of god on earth required the revelation of the third person of the godhead god the holy spirit in the same book page 1 34 it says the greek expression another counselor that jesus used regarding the holy spirit suggests not only that the holy spirit is a divine being but also that he is a personal being in the same way as the father and the son are personal beings so the holy spirit the father and the son are personal beings the same book same page only when we clearly grasped the biblical understanding of the holy spirit as a divine person does the new testament specification about the old testament concept of the plurality of the one god come into full view so we have looked then at whether or not the holy spirit is a personal being or is an abstract some essence somewhere some influence somewhere and the conclusion from both scripture and theological understanding uh is that the holy spirit is a personal being he has characteristics of a person of a person and just as the father just as the son are personal beings and have characteristics of personal beings so is the holy spirit again my desires are for us to have a monologue so your questions i pause for questions if there are any i pause for comments as well all right if there's no not this time i'm sure we will pick up as we go along let's let's go to some other stuff concerning the street we have let's go back to the other slide before this one so there's a familiar question um and this was done very often cause people to think that the holy spirit uh you know is a force is some essence some influence because of the symbols associated with the spirit so the question is isn't the very symbols associated with the spirit making him personal let's look at some of the symbols that are used to uh relate to the holy spirit let's look at some of them water the holy spirit is referred to as as water let's read john chapter 7 verses 37 through 39 um still at one i'm going to ask someone to read that passage john chapter 7 verses 37 37-39 in the last day that great day of the feast jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink he that believeth on me as the scripture had said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water life strategies but this speak e of the of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the holy ghost was not yet given because that jesus was not yet glorified thank you in verse 38 jesus says out of his belly shall flow live in water and in verse 39 the bible says but this speak he of the holy spirit making the connection uh in verse 39 with the last phrase in verse 38 out of this belly shall flow uh living water so the holy spirit then is symbolizing this passage as water so some people look at that and say well the holy spirit can't be a person because look at the symbol that is used of him he's water what is a person it's impersonal there's personal characteristics and therefore the holy spirit cannot be a person um there are other characteristics the holy spirit is referred to as oil and i solve in the parable of matthew chapter 25 uh the bible of the 10th virgin is referred to as oil it's the holy spirit the oil in the lamp is a symbol of the holy spirit what is referred to as function the holy spirit is referred to as i saw these are not uh characteristics of your personal being so individuals look at that and say well the holy spirit cannot be a person then there's another reference to the holy spirit and that reference is dove if we look at john chapter 1 and verse 32 it says and john be a record saying i saw the spirit descending from heaven like a dog like a dog but notice that the bible didn't say the holy spirit is a doubt it's a symbol the bible says like a dove and it abort upon him so there are individuals who will draw or draw for this to say the holy spirit cannot be a person look at the symbol that is used concerning the holy spirit he's like a dog he's like water is like ocean and oil and these of course don't have personal characteristics they are of the symbol seal and earnest second corinthians chapter 1 verse 22. fire that's why it doesn't have personal characteristic of course wind and this is a very familiar one wind um chapter two versus two through four and someone find it in uh well it's on your screen can you read that one please and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the holes where they were sitting verse 3. and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as afar and it sat upon each of them verse 4 and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance so the proven tongue is a fire the wind and these things are in connection and are symbolic of the holy spirit and of course his activities and so on so these are of course some symbolisms that are used in connection to the holy spirit and as i said before there are individuals who draw on these symbolisms to say based on these symbolisms the holy spirit cannot and could not be a person because the holy spirit because fire and wind and seal and earnest and dove and oil and function and ice salt and water these don't speak of personal characteristics and the holy spirit being symbol symbolized by them couldn't be of course that's the argument out there so we are looking at the argument and look at how we can relate to them now the trouble though with reasoning that way is that jesus who is a personal being who they will not deny they will not contest he's also given different names that doesn't repeat him as a person yet he is a person let's look at some of the names that are given to jesus that don't depict him as a person he's called a liar the lion of the tribe of judah but jesus is not a literal life with four faith and and and those things you know that would make up a lion as you know a lion to me but it's called a lion he's also called a lamb is the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world but yet jesus doesn't have four feet and two big ears and a tail but he's called a lamb he's called a lion jesus calls himself a vine i am the vine of the righteous and these don't have personal characteristics to them he calls himself the temple destroy this temple and within three days i will raise it up again he calls himself a temple but yet he is not a temple as we know temple to be god the father is called a consuming fire even though it's not a fire like what we could with what is called a consuming fire and so if we look at these things not only does the holy spirit have uh these symbolic things to him but the father and the son also have these symbolic things to them and so to use the argument to say because the holy spirit has these symbolism to him he cannot be a person we would have to use the same kind of argument the same kind of reasoning to say that the son and the father aren't a personal beings either because they are symbol things that are associated with them that don't speak to them being personal beings and yet they are so arnold said as is to say only through an acquaintance with the different symbols and varied elements used for the holy spirit in the bible can his work and ministry in the believer's life adequately understood so he used different symbols and emblems so that the work of the holy spirit can be understood in the lives of the believers he takes on different symbolic meanings so that the world can be understood in the believer's life not because he is impersonal but because he wants for us to understand how he works in the believer's life it takes on certain symbolic meanings uh only in this way will we be able to grasp his position and understand the work he desires to do in your life and mine the types used for the spirit in the scriptures as we have just looked at serve to emphasize and illustrate teachings and ministries that might otherwise be difficult or even impossible to understand so in order for us to understand his ministries and his teachings and in order for his teachings and ministries not to be difficult it shows the scripture chose to use this symbolic uh meaning concerning the holy spirit for us to easily understand his work for us to easily understand his ministry but not to say to us that the holy spirit is not personal and don't have personal characteristics again your questions i have been talking quite a lot now and um i don't know if there are questions right here yes there's one thank the lord brother wayne thank you sir for breaking the money to me yes sir um yes yes um as i said last week once i don't i have no arguments against the rule of spirit i have no arguments against the of the holy spirit the challenges that i believe that that person have and as i have done my own you know reasoning and rationalization and my research on the holy spirit is that [Music] while there are symbolism and that are used the oil and the ice olive and water and so forth the wind and all of that correct and why is there other names as crappy jesus of course you said you know the conquering lion of a tribe of jew that he wrote of david and my career archangel and so forth there are two things that for some person that i understand one is that as i mentioned last year can i mention again that it is hard to deny the existence of jesus because the the um jesus was was was visible um he he walked this earth and and he was visible and so because of that um it is impossible to um to deny his existence i mean he had fair disciples he was crucified so so there's no there's no argument against that now also when you look at the prophetic scenes when you look at of daniel um when you look when you look at um daniel chapter 7 when you look when you look at um revelation 4 and 5 when when john looks at the judgment scene and so forth and the seal and who could open the seal it is undeniable that that that um that jesus exists because the ancient of this is is depicted um and the son of man is depicted but there is there is no mention of of um a visible being called the holy spirit that's one one aspect of it the other part of it when you look at genesis one for argument see that says the spirit of god move upon the feast of the waters it didn't say the holy spirit are the holy ghost he said the spirit of god when you look at even isaiah's um talking about suffering servant and talk about the work of jesus he said i will put my spirit you didn't say the holy spirit and and such is the problem with the nature of the language used as it pertained the holy spirit and also again the absence um because daniel and john speaks explicitly of the ancient updates and the salaf man together in one setting in one scene no mention of the this is the being the holy spirit so this is a challenge that that some persons are having and i i don't know if there's anything in the bible that we can use real actually to go around that all the context the rules and the figures and the symbols i have noticed that we made the work the function i have no arguments about that i am 100 soul and that i know what the holy spirit has done for me personally so there's no argument there what i'm saying to you and the challenge that we face in terms of of you know you know saying that yes definitively that is where people have a challenge um the absence and also um when you look at especially the old testament references it doesn't say the holy spirit or the holy ghost it's also he said i will put my spirit or i'll do so and so so linguistic challenges as well are going to pose these questions in people's minds again thank you for breaking the monotony i didn't know just want to go and go your points are real and i know the argument um that is all there the spirit of god and the spirit of g and and as part of my presentation i have looked at that argument and if time allows uh again if we can finish that in two days then we have to finish it next week but i've looked at that challenge that argument the spirit off on the because jesus himself is referred to as the son of god so if we're going to use the holy spirit that argument to say the spirit off or i will put my spirit then they're going to run into some serious problem and even when jesus is concerned but we will we will address that though as we're going to all study suffice to say that the the the argument and i know your soul and the holy spirit um but the argument needs to be raised here the the argument about jesus was manifested and he had 12 disciples etc we have never seen god the father being manifested on the earth so if if that argument is going to be used to say yes jesus was a real person he was because he walked on earth but we have never seen the holy spirit walked on earth and therefore you can't be a person god the father has never walked on earth and and therefore if we're going to use that argument we're going to run in problem two with the father so it's not an argument that is safe to use in in in for those who say the holy spirit is an abstract being secondly because the holy spirit is not spoken about in the judgment scene and only the father and the son are spoken about it does not negate the fact that the holy spirit exists there are places in scripture where the father is spoken about and we don't say the holy spirit where the son is spoken about and we don't see the holy spirit where the father and the son are spoken about everyone say the holy spirit where the son and the holy spirit is spoken about the father so because we don't see the holy spirit spoken about um in the judgment scene it doesn't mean that the holy spirit is not present uh in heaven it doesn't mean that the holy spirit does not exist it doesn't mean that all spirit isn't a person because the judgment scene is not spoken about there we have to understand that the primary the primary emphasis on the judgment scene is jesus christ not even so much of the father it's jesus christ working out for us the salvation process bringing to an end in himself all that he would have done and there is the um as a part of culminating the salvation plan there has to be a judgment scene so christ is the the main focus of the judgment and the salvation that he's working on for us and so it's not surprising maybe the holy spirit is not spoken about and christ represents himself to the father yeah in the judgment but it does not that's not an argument that in my mind and i know your soul again um on the holy spirit but for those who use that kind of argument to say the holy spirit is not in a person or or or is is only two persons under god head down the holy spirit is abstract to use that argument it really doesn't make water uh i saw a copy i saw sister jillian put up a quotation i like the quotation from the scripture actually but it's not safe because in the greek the verse is for chart so those who have an understanding of the greek uh that's not a safe text to use in the defense of the holy spirit um but i see the point here meeting and i thank you for it elder russell um i see your hand thank you very much faster an i'm trying to get a bit of understanding of what we is trying to say probably that probably i am interpreting incorrectly and believing that he's trying to say that people have a tendency to say that because they cannot identify a physical form of the holy spirit then they don't believe in him i don't know if that is what he's trying to come across with but let's say that let's say that just let's just say for argument okay argument said that is a premises and let us work with it of all the neurosurgeons in the world all of them every single one will tell you showed their entire operations that they have engaging and completed completed going into the brain doing all the things that they need to fix they have never seen the mind they have never ever seen the mind but they know the mind is there they cannot tell you the shape they cannot tell the form but everyone who has a brain also has a mind and they know and why i use this example is that i do not want people in general to be hung up and believe that the most serious shape there must be a farm to believe because as a surpasser they'll be going on the wrong road there are a lot of things like that we feel the wind we can't tell the shape now the form and christ himself said we cannot tell with it coming from right so people ought to know that or beliefs are also based on the faith we placed in god because by faith you know and if everything we could understand i see and touch and feel and give reasons for it i don't know where that would leave us we serve an awesome god almighty god a powerful god so we just have to also come to the understanding there are some things that we will have to accept by faith and faith alone right with me you see christ asked a question before let me know when the son of man return shall we find faith on the earth it's a serious question i will never want people to come to that because even let's say take your personal life when you started all for school even though you woke to end up with a degree a masters are a doctorate you did not see how it was going to materialize but you kept on working you kept on hoping you kept on trusting you kept on exercising faith that this will come to pass and it did and may not be education but whatever it is so that's just all israel that is concerned but where the mind is concerned we've never seen that it's the most powerful thing that we have come across the mind one person said of mine is a terrible thing to wish you know so i don't want individuals or anyone and i'm not knocking wind i'm just saying in general do not be so up in believing that if you don't see a shape or a form of the holy spirit then you're going to pose a challenge thank you elder russell and um you know you have rightly stated your points and i want to detail that and add to it that um jesus in jesus own words jesus makes out the holy spirit to have shape well how did he do it he referred to the holy spirit as he and him that's masculine and and [Music] the greek uses three tenths um are three genders if i may put it that way uses feminine masculine and neuter now jesus didn't use a feminine to describe the holy spirit and most importantly didn't use newton because neuter when that gender is used it speaks to neither male nor female so you need a male not female if that gender is used uh in reference to the greek language but he uses the the the masculine gender referring to the holy spirit as he and him giving the holy spirit uh personality and and um seeing the holy spirit as a personal being but you've already said there's things that we have to accept by faith and the scripture uh topic of where jesus referred to the holy spirit as a person another abstract um not an influence not a force but as a person and again i'm seeing brother wayne's at hand um again i want to emphasize the point that not because we don't see the holy spirit in a particular passage of scripture mean that he does not exist we have to take it where it is a line of online precepts upon precepts i cited a scripture earlier in ezekiel chapter 3 where the holy spirit refers to himself as lord god he refers to himself as lord god and he refers to himself in the singular i will i shall i etc etc the singular rather than refer to himself as a part off and that again i will address as we go through this story again i i perceive we may not finish this study today because there's much more i have to share on that uh we may have to pick it up next week right so so i don't know this is this point i'm born wondering here that i believe in the holy spirit i know your soul i i don't want anybody to believe that i am your commitment to me um also also i i made a point last week that i believe in the personality of the holy spirit because christ himself gave the holy spirit personality i did say that last week as well um and this one made a point that is very important in that for many persons if you don't see it you don't believe it and here is it that's the reality of oral witnessing today because there are many persons who are not soul and some things if they are not able to perceive it or see it um we live in a society and in the united age we are seeing is believing even though sometimes what you see is really not what you see that's a concept that that scene is believing so when we it is easy better run and and you know the class sometimes i pose these questions and these points because one of the things i've discovered is that when we are together as an adventist family it is easy to reason some things but when we are out there on our own and have to defend yes or a belief on our foundation we realize that we are not so strong as we think we are because here we are we are speaking with people who have diverse opinions and have visited um support as well um for the positions that they take right people tell you about um the bible being translated and stuff like that and and translated and transcribed and use different words that have slightly different meanings and if you don't know where you are by time they're finished you're confused you don't know where you are they will tell you that jesus was not in was not um in in the old testament or entered the battle because there was no no there was no j in the greek and any greek alphabet and that is true so when we are going to be this we're discussing a subject we have to make sure that we flesh it out properly some people will tell you that the holy spirit is invisible and that's a good argument as well right because it was never seen in a bodily form it was because it was transformed in many things as jesus's baptism in the form of adolf so that proves the existence of the holy spirit so i am not here saying that i don't believe in the existence of the holy spirit neither i might disagree with a person nothing to that christ how could i ever go against what jesus has said i'll be committed to blasphemy i could not do that right but i'm just saying though as a school we have to look at the subject broad and wide because it is not just it's not kid work it is multifaceted and there are people of diverse opinions who will come to and have texts that when they give her mistakes i should probably give you eight of them that when you read them you have to go back and do some research to come back to report it but because i have done the argument and i've looked at them and they look at the quota argument i am able to navigate myself through them so when i raise these points and these positions i want us to just think broadly as fast as going through and and is listening to me i want us to think broadly because as i said when you go there and you're in a gang of several persons who don't believe and share what you believe it's a different kettle of water thank you brother and um yeah i i never think for a moment that you're not sold on the holy spirit and the point of race the argument you have raised is one of the arguments that the bytarian um those who are bypareans use it it's a real argument and um i've met former seven deadlines who have been in the church for nine years and eighteen years and they came out of the seventh government church and became victorians they don't believe in the holy spirit and and this is one of the arguments that they use out there so i know the argument and uh i didn't believe that you're not sold on the holy spirit but the argument is real and there are individuals who will encounter this kind of argument and it it's necessary for us if we're going to stand on the word of god be able to defend the the truth as it is now esther yes master before you go um i just want to read the scripture but i'm saying that okay just logically speak other human term when we when we take like tablets as us of water we might see like what it is made of we cannot see we cannot see the ingredients but we take the tablets and we believe in the tablet and when we read and and the lord the lord tell us that almost in debates certain debates because in say it is vain and profitable and i think i was reading in something in subsequent that persons will ask you sometimes some difficult questions there are some questions that we will never able to answer until we reach heaven because jesus tell us about the secret things of god belongs to him but he have revealed those things unto his servant what we need to know and when we read um first corinthians chapter 2 verses 9 to 11 you say but as it is written i had not seen nor hear heard neither have it enter into the heart of men the things of the things that god i prepare for them that love him but god had revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit search at all things yea the deep things of god for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of god know no man but the spirit of god surpasses some sometimes we want to know a lot of things but some things we will never be revealed unto us we just have to accept it by faith what god has shown because him said some of these debates it does really it is unprofitable and it is vain okay so that is my take honey thank you for your point sister um while i agree with you that um there are some things that they will have to wait until eternity for us to understand fully deuteronomy 29 29 says the secret um the secret things belong to the lord but god has revealed some things to us of course as we understand i think in scripture though that the study of the holy spirit there is enough evidence um for us to wrap with and to exercise our minds and to try our best to understand and i think it's important that we see to understand this because it's important it's necessary for our salvation if we believe that those which is some abstract or some influence and some some essence then the kind of impact that the holy spirit should have in our lives we might not have that we might not have that kind of impact on our lives based on how we believe in him you know so i think from a scriptural standpoint enough life has been shed for us to at least come to a position on the holy spirit there are some things available that we may not understand until in that street by and by when we get to heaven and that we should not seek to know um exhaust we will exhaust that throughout the eternity let's let's go to the fallout now the slide so the next question is is the holy spirit a distinct person from the father and the son and the way this is the way we get now to the argument is he distinct let's look at john chapter 14 and verse 16 and we're going gonna spend a little time on this from what i'm seeing on the clock it appears as though we have to continue to study next week john chapter 14 and verse 16 says and i will pray the father jesus is speaking now and i will pray the father that's two persons jesus speaking and he's praying to the father and he shall give you another comforter three persons within this verse jesus's he's praying to the father and he shall give you another comforter that's three songs this thing to me but but hold on as we get deeper another comforter that he may abide with you forever that is jesus's prayer let's let's unpack the text let's go to the other side we are looking at the word another and how it is used in the greek and um versus the versus the word etheros and how it is used in the greek so in the neutral sense alice which is the word for another that is used in john in the text of just read john chapter 14 it is verse 16. in the neutral sense alice means another or several others an additional person or persons besides or in addition to the speaker so jesus was speaking praying to the father and based on how the greek has it alice means another or others or an additional person or persons beside or in addition to the one speaking different person who will be sent in terms of numerical difference and that's important to understand is a numerical difference here uh so you say if all person's mentioned or implied in the test look at ethereus now versus others heteros when the existence of an alice is denied then another a second or an additional person's or things of the same rank our nature is excluded notice the difference when the existence of an alice is denied then another a second or additional persons or things of the same rank or nature is excluded but it's important to know that the word that is used when jesus says i will send you another comforter is not hectorous but close which is a numerical difference let's move to the other um slide alice if the new miracle is numerically distinct so if we are speaking here we have 36 persons on the zoom platform not sure how many are on the youtube and facebook but if we are speaking here and i see another person is coming i will be speaking if i use the word alice to mean numerical difference if i use the word eteros it's uh speaking of rank is speaking of nature with the difference is concerned etheros super super ads the notion of qualitative difference number of persons etc thus christ's promise thus christ promises to his disciple that he will send not ether us but others foreign i lost the notes numerical difference it was denotes qualitative difference qualitative difference alice adds one besides ethers distinguishes one of two while others the notes simply distinction of individuals heteros involves the idea of difference two different greek words let's move on have a difference in meaning which despite a tendency to be lost is to be observed in numerous passages others expresses a number of a different sort christ promised to send another comforter house another like himself not heteros now this this is a powerful text you know as you reason the holy spirit and understand the difference in the greek uh words that are used let's let's move on oh um stay with us a little bit so it has since then in a sense the others that is used here in john chapter 14 and verse 16. jesus is saying whatever i am whatever nature i possess the holy spirit possesses the same nature if i am a person if i'm seeing a view as a person the holy spirit is seen and viewed as a person the trouble with those who reason that the holy spirit is an abstract or an essence or some influence is that they are they will inevitably reason the same way for jesus because jesus himself is saying i will send you another comfort i'll send you an alice one of the same nature one of the same substance one of the the same quality and while he possesses the same substance the same quality the same nature he is distinct numerically so he is not is not an extension of me he is not part of me is that coming out of me he is distinct numerically but he possesses the same nature the same substance uh the same quality as i possess is essentially what jesus is saying so those who are by tyrion run into difficulty if they are going to be true to the translation of the greek if they are going to be true to the passage they will run into difficulty with this place proves that jesus prayed to the father he was praying to himself that's two days and he says i will send you one others one is distinct in terms of numerical difference but yet possessing the same substance as i do the same quality the same nature and therefore again if jesus was a person and he is the holy spirit is in the a person i mean let's move on to the other text second corinthians chapter 13 and verse 14. look at the text the grace of the lord jesus christ that's one person and making a distinction in number the love of god too and making another decision in number the communion of the holy ghost be with you all amen three persons distinct distinctly different in number not in quality but in normal not in substance but in number together and this is coming from is sd bible commentary volume 6 page 9 28. together with matthew chapter uh 28 verse 19 this verse provides the most complete and explicit summary of the doctrine of the trinity i know we're not dealing with the trinity now it was the last week but we are here trying to make the distinction numerical distinction um proving that the holy spirit is not a part of this honor part of the father but he is distinct numerical it was a first read last week as we looked opportunity i want to refer to it again in showing the distinction the three persons the difference in terms of numerical difference kanye near that's isaiah chapter 48 and verse 16 come ye near unto me jesus speaking here hear ye this i have not spoken in secret from the beginning from the time that it was there am i and now the lord god and his spirit are sent to me three different persons jesus speaking the lord has sent him and his spirit has also sent him three different uh beings there mentioned so that's another supporting text to prove that the holy spirit is distinct numerically himself in the singular we read ezekiel chapter 3 verses 24 to 27 earlier uh there you can also reach up to four and let's jump to this um luke chapter 1 verse 35 then put it on the screen and revelation chapter 1 verses 4 and 5. luke chapter 1 35 can someone read them luke 1 35 and the angel answered and said unto her the holy ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of god thank you he looked there and and note the distinction the numerical distinction the angel answered unto her the holy ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the eyes referring to the father and the bible says therefore also that holy thing referring to bride shall be we shall be born of thee shall be called the son of god three different persons distinct if we go to revelation chapter 1 verses 4 and 5 we'll read these words revelation someone else can read please revelation 1 verse 4 john to the 7th churches which are in asia praise be unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne and from jesus christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood thank you so very much now jesus is mentioned here in verse five let's go and if we go back to verse four we go back to verse four we see where the father is mentioned from him which is and which was and which is to come a reference to the father and from the seven spirits now seven simply simply mean perfection it's not that there are some holy spirits before the father um it's really a language of perfection here but it is in reference to the holy spirit three distinct being so the question that is the holy spirit distinct from the father is he distinct from the sun and biblical evidence shows that yes he's a state corinthians we have read jesus's own statement the holy spirit refers to himself in the singular etcetera those are distinct statements in my mind that the holy spirit uh biblical evidence rather in my mind always builds this thing let's look at the argument though that has been used to say the holy spirit is a part of the father and a part of the song let's go back to the slide so there are individuals who say that because very often the holy spirit is spoken of as the spirit of god or the spirit of christ and i will put my spirit then the holy spirit has to be an extension of the father and an extension of the son christ is called the son of god the same language that they would use to say the spirit of god or the spirit of christ christ is called the son of god so to use that kind of argument in fact let's read saint john chapter 3 verse 18. and again your questions and your comments are welcome we just have eight minutes to wrap this up we carry this over until next week year can someone read that for me please maybe someone was never read it john 18. he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is all condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god the only begotten son of what god not as a language son of god the spirit of god the spirit of christ same terminology so the mytharians say because the scripture says the spirit of christ or the spirit of god or my spirit therefore the holy spirit has to be an extension has to be an abstract but is not separate numerically and distinct from the father because the spirit off if that argument is used we run into some serious theological issue when it comes on to christ because it's a very same argument uh terminology that is used in saint john chapter 3 and verse 18 the spirit of god but yet christ sorry the son of god yet christ is distinct numerically from the father he is not a part of the father in in in terms of an extension of the father he is separate and distinct as a person so that kind of argument really doesn't hold any water if one is going to be consistent and if one is going to be cohesive in uh and coherent and doing serious bible study that's an argument really that is flawed to say because it's a spirit off therefore cannon christ cannot uh the holy spirit is not distinct numerically from the father on the sun now we just have six minutes and um i will not want to touch this this is something else by itself maybe more than six minutes so i'll take questions here um seeing that we have not been as vocal as i would have wanted to by way of questions we have six minutes um to take the questions i wish i had another half an hour though but this is where we have to to wrap up i'm seeing um a hand down take back elder willis thank you pastor very interesting um study thank you so much um you know i have listened to the you know bible study about the holy spirit before and um you know was a bit confused at some point because reading the scripture i am trying to find where you know they said the holy spirit is a person jesus is a person on human form you know the woman 12 years issue of blood touched him he was crucified person i'm looking at you as a person or pastor and instead of um a person would have said that the holy spirit is the first is this to say that the holy spirit is not just a person per se but a divine person because i was confused when they said the holy spirit is a person so the best way to fit it the holy spirit divine person because um you know he's intimately involved in our salvation along with the father and the son as we are we are seen in romans 8 verse 11 where he says if the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead was in you so here we see the divine person of the holy spirit thank you brother and um thank you for that i really appreciate it we next week when we can't go into that um because the holy spirit is not just a person he's a divine person um but he has personalities and and what the point that we are uh for one of the word arguing today is that he's not abstract he's not an essence he's not an influence but he is a personal being and to fully put it he is a divine personal being one of the things that we have to understand too uh so that we don't confuse the issue the only reason uh we are able to touch christ well those who are in jesus day and see him etc is because it came in human flesh and therefore people could see him and touch him and interact with him but before he became incarnate he was in existence and he was a divine human person but in order to uh attain the salvation for us he was born of a woman he was born uh with he took on human flesh uh he was born of the seed of abraham so that the salvation process could be affected but he was in existence long before that from everlasting demolishing his god you know and he was a divine human person so we we need to make the kind of distinction where jesus is concerned um versus the holy spirit uh okay i'm seeing some hands here interesting three hands um i'll take sis a camille then elder smiley and then brother ronaldo and we have two minutes i'm going to make five minutes um for these questions but please keep them short yes coming here i just want to say the holy spirit's work is just as important as jesus and as god work because the holy spirit play a very integrative part in our salvation with god but if we reject the holy spirit remember the holy spirit that sealed us to our redemption so if we reject the holy spirit we the holy spirit cannot communicate with us right it cannot lead us so we would be of no use so if we reject the holy spirit we are condemned to death so that is my two cents thank you sister camille and you're you're very right on point smile thank you pastor i really sleep with anger and late but i love this little that target and i would not agree with you that holy spirit is a divine person only but a powerful divine person with the early attributes of jesus christ the holy spirit but i want to ask the christian person we refer to jesus as rock and is all refuge and living water um would you agree or can you tell us some of these symbolic references of the holy spirit you really join late um my elder because we went through that some of the symbolic references um water oil ocean fire dove earnest um some of yes there it is on the screen wind and so on those are some symbolic references that i use concerning the holy spirit covered all right um surpass they said that um um it's the only reason we could have touched jesus is because um of the fact that he came in a human form um my question is that remember where the bible says that no man can see god and live so is it because of because the sun came in human form also that we were able to see jesus the word became john 1 14 says and live you are correct you are correct now let's balance the issue though because jesus also uh came to individuals in the old testament yeah he was he came to abraham when he was about to destroy suddenly he was one of the three caesar in white he came to manoa as well uh manoa saw him manuela referred to him as the angel of the lord but each time as he would have come to them he would guard himself and veil himself in human form he would veil himself in human form there's a thing in theology called the theophany of god where he would he would fail himself in in human form in order to be seen and be related to just like oh abraham had seen him reasoned with him and manoa had seen him in fight enemy uh to eat and so on you know but that's old testament he had not yet born of a woman but when he in new testament when he was born of a woman he decided permanently to retain his human nature therefore as we were talking last week he is the divine human christ but before he would just appear uh in human form using what theo theologian called a theophany of god so they would have seen him in the old testament sorry read the story in genesis concerning the destruction of saddle and gomorrah and abraham pleaded um he will no no sorry pastor sorry pass not that i'm talking about where to find it the the singer said that in theology fully of god so we could have read that he came in human form himself where can we find that it's it's in many theological books um but the simplest way maybe you can google it the fearfulness of god and that give you a good explanation you can also um look at volume 12 of the sda bible um yes and you will find references to that as well any good any good um theological dictionary that you can find would explain to you what the theophany of god is thank you all right you're welcome brothers and sisters thank you again for uh joining us in bible class this evening and for those who have joined us by way of youtube those are join us by way of facebook we thank you for joining us and trust that you were inspired and you learn much as we continue to dig deep in the world and be like lyrics i invite you next week for a continuation of this story as we have not completed the study for this week god bless you and may we bow our heads for prayer father thank you for your word continue to open our hearts and our minds even as we dig deep so we can understand your truth in jesus name amen i ask you that you stay tuned for the a1 service okay good afternoon and happy south everyone welcome to ay let us pray to start dear heavenly father and thank you for bringing us safely through yet another week and bring us allowing us to be able to participate in this ay program i pray that the discussion will be fruitful that we will all be willing to participate and listen to one another and share our inputs and that we'll all be blessed at the end of the program and walk away from here having learned something in your name we pray amen okay so our first time today is hymn number two all creatures of our god and king [Music] [Laughter] creatures [Music] oh [Music] praise him hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] oh rushing wind and breezes [Music] hallelujah rising morning praise rejoice [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and worship him and humble us lord praise him [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] our next hymn is come christians join to sing [Music] hallelujah [Music] rejoice praises gracious [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the opening hymn is hymn number 27 the joy see pure in heart will sing the first three stanzas [Music] is [Music] with forces [Music] is [Music] is foreign [Music] amen [Music] the scripture union is taken from john 17 15 to 18 i will read in your hearing i pray not that thou should escape them out of the world but that thou shalt escape them from the evil they are not of the world even as i am not of the world sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth as though has sent me into the world even so have i also sent them into the world here is a portion of god's most holy amen now it is time for a prayer lord in heaven as i come before you today i ask for forgiveness i ask for mercy dear lord i ask for the holy spirit to sanctify myself and everyone who's watching us on zoo youtube facebook or any other platform there lord we are christians on our journey dear lord in this world it's not our home but while we are here on this earth dear lord we face many trials of various kinds their lord so as we journey on we may meet on challenges and sometimes we may falter for this we ask for your forgiveness we pray for the sanctification process to empower everyone to draw us closer to you we pray for those who are suffering in this time dear lord there are many in our church who are crying because of love love loved ones lost there are those who are ill so we pray that you may be with them and it is all said and done when you heard our prayers let us remember to return thanksgiving to you their father in christ's name i pray amen the ideals please stand for the day of my ideals to aim the absent message to all the world in my generation the motto for the love of christ compels us to a y pledge loving the lord jesus i have come to take an active part in the youth ministries of the church doing what i can to help others and to finish the work of the gospel in all the world the aoi song after two one two i've been to the way from my preventancy together we pray and work on playing happy harmony we have our faith to share with others everywhere a message of love from god up forth the show the world we care about is new adventist news i defended you you let me see thank you amen okay so today we have an interesting program for you all it's called value added the kingdom versus the world so today's program we will be comparing and contrasting what is valuable in god's kingdom versus her on earth what is prioritized what is shown who is admired and who is ridiculed so what we'll do is divide all of our participants into two groups so one group will be discussing how to succeed in god's kingdom and the other group will discuss how to succeed in this world and we're gonna be discussing five or so main topics so how to treat others how to dress how to spend your money cover options how you spend your leisure time and what to feed your mind so one group will be doing all of that for the person who is interested in going to heaven who is heavenward bound and who wants to get into god's kingdom the other group will be acknowledging these topics for the person who isn't really concerned about god or doing what is right in his sight so they just want to they treat others based on the worldly moral standing so if you this friendship has no benefit to me there's no links not gonna be friends with you i dress how i want i don't care who want to look on me that's how i feel i spend my money on the things i like new car new phone so i don't know if you guys are understanding yet and then the other group who's focusing on how to succeed in god's kingdom we'll be focusing on you know treating people with kindness stressing modestly spending their money being stewards of their money that god has given them so uncle tasman i don't know if you want to further expound or say how you're going to divide the groups well i don't want to expound what we'll do we'll allow the groups to expand for themselves so as you um were synthesized in the ay minutes this program is going to require the use of discord all right i know many of you guys already have an account so i'm going to be paste posting sorry i'm going to be posting the discord links um in the chat and uh making the assignments okay don't use the link that you guys used previously because we are no longer using those links all right so the first link i'm going to post it right now and this group will be discussing how to succeed in this world all right that this is the first link just checking the chat and while while we are organizing ourselves if you don't have a discord account please go ahead and create that account it only takes like two minutes to create it is free and all you need to have is a gmail address okay so uh if you don't have an account please go ahead and um post it in the i mean go ahead and create it i am going to ask our chat monitors to please copy the link out of the chat and paste it on facebook and youtube please all right so there and and for those who use the link on facebook or youtube just randomly um access any one of them because we won't be able to place you all right so let us go ahead and divide ourselves in the attendees we have 12 attendees so the first six i'm going to put in group one and the second six i'm gonna put in group two so the first six are andy s dl fitz sawyers uh fitzmahabi galaxy a20s marcia wright what's that one two one two three four five six and peter gay bailey so you all you guys are group one so just click on the group one link that's a y kingdom one invite just click on that link and it will carry and it will carry you to the server for that group and for group two uh rowena dixon sister enid shand steve seaton tatlin and that's it's a little bit short one two three four and i shall see months so that would be group number two all right and for our panelists i'm just going to also randomly assign you guys i can't assign co-hosts um ella ranglin group one anne marie rose group two so that's ella wrangling group one admirals group two anthony pierce group one anthony willis group two christopher johnson group one david wallin group two joshua willis group one kenneth bogle group two pastor anthony group one and patricia johnson group two ella stewart group one roy clark group two wayne wallace group one other drunkly yes oh i'll not be able to be a part of it because i am reading something so i'm on and off i'm going through something no problem i'm on and off so i'm not i'm not consistently on on the a y because i'm reading that's okay that's okay sister johnson that is okay all right so guys can you go ahead and start uh logging into the discord server and in there i will be posting the the activity for your group all right group one tell me i'm sorry i stepped away a little bit then you say take something could it be that person i stepped away a little bit did was my name called for something yes i was pleasing everyone in into groups and i'll start back over for your benefits azure wrangling one anne marie rose group two anthony pierce group one anthony willis group two christopher johnson group one david wallin group two joshua willis group one ken bob with group two paul stewart group two roy clark group one wayne wallace group two i don't uh pastor look i can't skipping him a while ago i think i said you are in group one let me just double check that yes pastor you are in group one so if you can if you look in the chat you will see the link to the discord um server just click on the link make sure you have an account and you need to log in um so that we can have our interactivity so remember guys uh we are still a bit on the learning curve for using this card to have our digital families so we have used success successfully twice before so this time should be much easier and i'm assuming that each time we use it everybody will get a little bit more familiar with how to use this uh collaboration tool all right i hear my server pinging away so let me go over to the servers and see what's happening um for the chat monitors i'm gonna ask the the chat monitors to go ahead and um and post in the uh uh what's called again know they they facebook and the uh youtube channels the chat links so that folks who are on our other platforms can also feel a part of it right here all right all right so i'm i'm gonna start posting into the various groups um what i'm what i'm going to remind you guys is that once you are in the group to disconnect your uh audio from zoom because it it will um it will cause like a cross across chat with um with with um with the with the chat server all right so i'm gonna ask also that one of the ay leaders lead out in the groups in group one can i ask ariel ariel can you go out and lead out in group one please and for group two let me ask uh i'm gonna ask uh tv8 leaders in group two please all right guys i see some some people are both in group one and in group two you only can be in one group at a time all right so let's go in and just use only one group so let me move over to sharing my screen with sorry how much come out of one group it was an accident just just just leave it so you click on the group and you click on options i can click on leave group okay all right so let me switch over to share in my screen uh brazil all right what's that on everyone suitable what to share in my screen uncle tasman can you post the assignment in the groups please the peeps are asking here okay i think you guys weren't hearing me for a second right a while ago so let us move on now so if you see my screen this is group one for this part right let me post their activity let me post your activity all right so node activities have been posted in the groups can i ask my a why leaders know to start the the the uh the chat sessions with their groups and i will join in and surf between the groups all right so group one let me see you start that's the group with um with ariel ariel go ahead and start your group discussion please so we can share share in tweets with you ariel i'm beginning to wonder if anybody can hear me okay let me type we can't hear you unzoom or we don't know if they're hearing you in the other chat okay no well let me hear my chat because i haven't activated the voice over on that side but we can hear you enzo okay thank you very much go ahead and start okay so let me assist this group i'm in group one right now i'm going to invite them to join a chat so what you need to do guys is that you need to you need to click on general right here and just join the the video server right here i want you to join because my camera is already in use by zoom so let me see who is in this group here just click over on voice channel and let's join right here over to your left hand side where is it general and click on join all right nikita you are in where are the other fools okay ari you are in where are the other a y guys so let me see who i have here i've passed pastor anthony let me try and assist you past anthony look over to your left hand side and you see general on the voice channel just click on general and you you will be able to join the collaboration there all right who is next l uh kenneth bogle voice channel look on zoom and you see where my mouse is on the voice channels on your someone are still hearing uh-huh all right so elder boogle just click on this side over here left hand side on the voice chat channels and click on general and you'll be able to join the discussion peter gay roy and andy s just do the same please over on the left hand side under voice channels click on general and you will be able to join the discussion all right now you're able to it is it is just like zoom just that it has more tools all right harry lead out your group and let me check out what's going on in group number two all right group number two we have tv tatiana hello wallen the other groups need to join also the other guys so group number two all right group number one i have a lot of guys in know so ariel just go ahead and lead out that discussion and i will join you guys all right [Music] okay let's see what's going on for group number two no all right tv i don't i don't hear anything going on for your group for group number two um let me see who's missing sgs um j01 rorina dixon and uh that's everybody just go go over to the left-hand side on the voice channels just click on general and you'll be able to join into the discussion okay all right tv goa go ahead i want to stream what your group is doing so let me silence my mic for a minute and you start okay yes i'm hearing ariel's voice instead all right let me check what's going on with groove [Music] okay i'm not hearing uh can can which one of groups have started can you confirm if you have started yeah we're focusing on how to succeed in this world so first where we have hairs how to treat others or how we treat others in general how do people but i'm not sure where it's coming from i am can everyone just check because it's affecting us it's our communication over here so oh on zoom you see where you have a microphone look on the arrow beside the microphone click the arrow and then click zoom audio i just checked that so we can communicate over here yes so we're discussing how people in the world treat others so as i was saying it's not with kindness and compassion but it's more as people are disposable and if they're not benefited you kind of don't pay them any attention so how can we present this in a scenario any ideas thoughts [Laughter] just trying to get their participation i said our first category is how to treat others that people in the world really concern themselves with other people subscribe to picture put more like their pasta hey uncle tesma before you start i think pastor is having some difficulty that's kind of affecting our stuff so fast that is right so i was saying [Laughter] no you don't need to do that pastel you see your microphone on zoom and the arrow no the arrow beside the microphone you see an hour beside the microphone right so click on that and there should options but should come up you see options come off okay do you see leave um leave audio or something like that leave audio um should say leave on right all right so click on that [Laughter] i just did okay great so i think that solved that problem awesome great awesome what is it that we are discussing saying something or should i just continue right so we're looking at as you can see there are about extortion topics that we're supposed to discuss and we're discussing it from the perspective of somebody who wants to succeed in this world so the first one is how to treat others there are no people in this world the moral compass isn't so sound and they're only concerned with other relationships that people can benefit from slowly how would we present this type of selfish um [Music] fish attitude in relationships any ideas well um from from a biblical perspective jesus says we are to do unto others as we would have them do unto us so in treating with others we should always bear in mind that we treat them how we would want to be treated and so we are to treat them with love and respect and cordiality uh because that's the way jesus would want for us to treat them and we ought to give to others as you want to be given you know um so we would have to follow the example of of christ in treating with these persons all right pastor but our assignment is to be a complete opposite everything do the complete opposite see in the instructions it says how to succeed in this world oh can i see the instruction please i thought that was alright you're not seeing in the chat and i'll send it again oh this one here how we treat others how we dress okay doing this all from a worldly perspective because there are people associated who want to succeed in this world we are not going to follow our christian morals we are going to indicate what is the wrong thing to do which scenarios come up with that are indicate four maybe um would like to volunteer for that who wants to be the maybe a harsh boss okay [Laughter] foreign okay sound good uncle tesla i'm just gonna ask i think it's um brother anthony pearce who just joined the anthony you see beside your mic in zoom where there's an arrow yeah click on them and then select from the options when you click the arrow leave audio because it's causing a um echo in this setting that was a good idea uncle tasman and i think that work setting can kind of encompass all that we need to disclose because here we have address on how to spend our money it could be a situation or maybe like a new christian person is hired then um say they have to i don't know lie about how much you're probably working i don't have any jobs so i don't know how employment works but maybe you have to lie about how many hours you work so you can get over time even if you didn't work that many hours and so um the new person could maybe be influenced or trying to be the other people around them could try and influence them to do the wrong thing and buy the flashy calls and spend their money for ghostly what do you guys think of just encompassing all these did you hear what i said before about the work setting [Music] oh i was just saying use the word fighting idea to encompass all of these topics so how we treat others you could just crush it all for me and maybe um you and somebody else could do that i could probably tag along and um just tell me what went wrong there and the bad person whichever one of us is going to be the bad person what we need to do and then there could be another scene in that maybe some kind of um show or so to do inappropriate and everybody is cashing out their new toys electronics etc they're maybe not paying their bills but they're purchasing all of these things so that could come in like the lunchroom setting etc if you could outline for us uh [Music] um the major thing then which is how to how to treat others and then we take the others after that yes [Music] okay okay that sounds um i get the idea so essentially sometimes okay everyone so who is willing to volunteer to be the sabotaging co-worker and the one who is getting stabbed okay my mother will sabotage anyone else who is willing to be [Music] i was directed in chosen that carrier path um and when you have chosen a carrier path then of course you will do your your your best by the grace of god and to ensure that you you carry out your duties and conduct yourself you touch away that it brings honor and glory to your name so let's see if our argument says that your carrier part that you have chosen based on god's leadership to be an accountant you have to try and be the best that you can be um you have to have your school put together so when somebody comes to you with argument's sake i want you to put the books that they don't pay the government enough taxes that is something that's a christian you can't do that right daniel exactly so in order to be successful there are two things that are primarily one you must ask god to directly choose in a career one and when you have chosen a career that you believe that god has shown you that this is the one for you you must carry out that that's the career path your rules and responsibilities that you carry ridicule um in accordance to the will of god and to the highest possible moral standards i'll put it this way um remind me of the parable of the talents right the only person who was punished was the one with the one talent not because he had one but because he didn't use it this is you did yes but we must use our italians no matter where it may be and we yes because when you look at things like like for argument because in the conversation i mean you can put it together when you're ready yes when you look at singing right if i i could be making money objectively right within honesty i have friends i have associates who are in recognition big people i i remember i had done an original song and i have a friend who's actually got right so some of the best singers that i have seen that are the ones who are asking in gospel of course there's some great customers but if you look at the answer i mean somebody lives in so again if you choose to be as seen as a carrier then you're if you're singing must be to the unknown okay so you know understanding this this part but you know that's you know look at it from a broad sense in terms of all your carriers can be used to glorify them [Laughter] okay um right now we okay this is you know how to succeed in god's kingdom we discuss what is generally what does the word success in god's kingdom mean and we have gone through some of the items we're not going in the original order we're going to tackle the easy ones first right then we'll go to the one so we've done how to treat others right we've gotten a number of points on that then we've gone to career options right succeeding in god's kingdom with regard to your career option elder wayne gave a very powerful testimony right all right so thank you so much elaine um anyone else in the group what's when it comes to success in god's kingdom what comes to your mind um is it just the traditional view of you just humbly doing your duties which is good but let me throw a spanner in it so is it okay to become wealthy when you're doing your career or if you start a honest business is that still success or is that only the worldly idea anyone yes do you think it's okay if you become rich while you have your career or your own business is that still success in god's kingdom depends on how you use it okay so you say it depends on how you use your welds yes okay there's another section coming to that but i'll note it um jay jail one do you think it's okay if you become wealthy in your success um well i think it's okay but like taishan said depends on how you use it all right um since we're going on how we use it i'll go to that point but let me bring the example of abraham and job those two without any doubts were very wealthy people in the bible right so there is nothing wrong if as you continue your career option as you do it diligently right if you become wealthy there's a general idea in christianity whereby if you're doing anything for god you must remain poor and humble like john the baptist which if you dive deeper into it that is not true as long as you go about your career in an honest way and you don't break any biblical principles you can be successful some taking the background so you don't have these people all right um so i'm saying mike has taken first year let's keep that in mind in our deliberation because it can give us a good guide or so or we flesh out the different eras no um as a christian being wealthy as you're right they said to me jewel was rich rich um and abraham abraham was so rich that he had a whole army no but micah 6 diverse gifts put it in perspective we are shooting all man what is good and what does the lord require of us but to do justice so if you are wealthy wealthy but you are a just person that's okay so love mercy if you are wealthy but you are merciful that's okay and if you are wealthy but you're walking humbly with your god it's okay as well so the problem is not about having the wealth the problem is how the world affects us and how do we treat others when we have become wealthy those are the issues but if we are wealthy and we can and we can manage well then it's fine god some of us will never do well because god knows that we cannot manage the wealth oh because some of us will never be willing but for those of us who are able to manage it god will certainly bless us that we are able to bless others as he blesses us a very good point my elder and it's something we have to look at with our career options right i pray that everybody in this group was watching us on zoom or facebook it's successful with regards to the kingdom of god now success in career in worldly terms is limited to generally wealth but success in the kingdom of god right it's about character while you go about your business if you become rich praise me to god but i like that verse right remember what is good and what does not require veda to do justin to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy god notice in that verse your status in life does not come into play so that's a very important bible verse and it this leads straight into our next point right um what do we do with our wealth now this might be a bit controversial how do you spend your money um some people have a feeling that you should always be like a monk that you should never have nice cars or anything other people have a view whereby this money is my money right i have earned it the right way the correct way therefore i should be able to do whatever i want with it now um what does the bible say we've been touching on this bit by bit right there is a what this goes back to what we said earlier right but how do you treat people um those who are better off i believe should consider the needs of those who do not have in my personal bible study i've been reading second corinthians right and paul was talking about generosity second corinthians chapter nine verses six remember this whoever source springerly will reap spring and whatever souls generously will regenerate each of you should give whatever you have decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion but god loves a tearful giver right [Music] okay [Music] mm-hmm oh i've never heard that one before ah hmm okay um guys what do you think um i want to challenge your notion a bit tasman but allow other people to go first well um is it is lent us by god right no as a human being one of the first things that we must understand and come to our knowledge of is that we don't own anything nothing at all we don't want our life our life is in the hands of god all our immaculate position is in the hands of god god has lent it to us and so it is we must understand that we are only stewards we are here taken and if we approach life from that perspective then if the decisions we make in terms of how we we distribute our wealth uh becomes very easy because we're going to be doing doing it in accordance to the will of god again um i heard somebody say would you buy a car for 20 million to buy a character for 5 million um but if i had 500 million dollars for me to buy a car about 20 million for the second nation i don't want to think about it because i have 490 million left back from where he's coming from no the point i'm making is that our wealth is not to gratify itself whatever god bless us with is to bless others um we are not here to build up ourselves we are here to develop the kingdom of god and so we must understand that the riches that we would have accumulated and i'm emphasizing honestly accumulated is not just to put down for our children with their underground until you have to build nice houses and have a plan to start right it is also to reach out and touch the life of those who don't have it every day we must be impacting other people's lives in a very personal and very meaningful way as jesus did when he walked the earth just he didn't have money when he was here but what he had he gave in and in closing let me say this if you remember the story of peter and john whenever the entirety of the temple couldn't get beautiful where the this man who was stupid would have been here too big because that's where oliver against the temple i saw this where they were walking and like giving everybody right now and they responded we are here to bless others with what god has given us whether it is we are here um why even on that point right i just want to add when you guys have time go to second corinthians chapter eight right where paul is giving a lot of praise to the corinthians because they are so generous they give what they can right towards the cause and he is just if i can use his words boasting on their behalf so it is good for those who have right to help those who do not now i also like tasman's example and i just have to draw a spanner in it now if you can afford yes all right no problem jayda in fact in the longest of wiles she's always so quiet in discord so if you can speak ayesha hello i have nothing to add what this is a real miracle you're quiet i just don't have anything else to hide yeah i'll cover all the points and stuff most of it i think okay i will never hear i i never thought i heard you when daita that she will be quiet but it's nice to hear from you anyway jayda tashon what are your points i was talking about the the car situation no um generally about how do you spend your money right i want your points on that like you can use test months example of the car whether you choose to buy the lamborghini or the ferrari 458 or the bugatti veyron or whatever expensive car or you know the church needs a bus so you just buy a prado instead and you buy the boss i think that would obviously be the better option i think it all comes down to intention um like are you buying the more expensive car to show off to someone else or just to say that you're able to afford it um when they're over persons who need something more important than that so yeah nice points desean i don't have anything to say okay then fine um i like the point on when it comes to stewardship because that really sums up how we spend our money um there is really nothing wrong if you have a fancy car right but will that fancy car come at the expense of somebody who is hungry i'm going to go again from the bible with another example of solomon solomon was filthy rich to say the least right he had very expensive clothes he they said in solomon's day silva was right next to nothing everything was gold but are you going to choose that ferrari at the expense of somebody being hungry let's go over nothing right it belongs to god so we are not saying that you cannot have things of good quality [Music] okay looks like group one is finished so let me go back to group two i'm i wonder if you can help me remember a bible verse i think it's in isaiah where it talks about helping feeding the hungry bringing food to the poor i'm trying to remember it sorry my yes isaiah chapter 58 verse 7. i'll start from verse 6. is this not the kind of fast i have chosen to loosen the chains of injustice to untie the cords of yoke to set the oppressed free to break every yoke is it not to share your food with the hungry and provide the poor wanderer with shelter when you see the naked to clone them and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood then your light will break forth like the dawn and your healing will quickly appear and your righteousness will go before you and the glory of the lord will be your rear guard and when you call upon him he will answer you will cry and he will say here i am um i'm also trying to yes really and we haven't done much okay i'll put together a presentation so we come off is that two jamaican minutes okay then that's fine so we have to wrap up so we covered three points in this section of how to treat people career and how to spend your money right i'd like to thank everybody for being involved um thank you for being patient with us when it comes to this discord we're trying to bring find a way to bring the virtual family the families back on to to virtual platforms hopefully everybody will get used to it and we will have a more interactive discussion i'm happy to hear the voices of people i haven't heard for a while like aita right and that being said let us go back on to zoom and thank again everybody for participating while i fix together the presentations okay okay sorry sorry about that guys okay right so while we're waiting on everyone to get back over um well not get back about to connect but they're sewn to zoo i am told that group number one is ready and um i really want to thank everybody for being patient with us as tv said we are really trying to figure out and get used to using this chord so we're still having a few little glitches with the sound but we figure it out as we go along if you all remembered when we started using zoom how it was but now it's like nothing but we're definitely going to be continuing using this card and integrating its interactivity into our programs so with that said ariel group number one are you ready yes i am so without any further ado i hand over to group number one oh we are okay um anthony kita stand by okay great bring bring bring hello hi harriel what's up oh you're welcome i'm good sister nikita how are you i am great looking forward to have you working with us actually i'm not gonna take the job teaching preschool children again you know because i'm young and i want to move to kingston so i can do something exciting i'm working at ac office second java benz so me i might move to kingston and i'm gonna work out it's a vibe entertainment oh no you don't know you're missing out on so much do you know how important it is to touch the lives of young children you would make you'd be making such a great contribution to society you sure you want to do that and knowing that you're a christian i'll be fine man i know who i am plus in these times you need to make money and that's what i'm going to kingston to do okay goodbye oh my gosh narrator today is ariel's first day working at it's a vibe entertainment she's excited to start her life in the big city in this new lucrative job listen does she know the trouble that awaits her namely in the form of her jealous conniving co-worker jessica wow this place is so beautiful and big i'm on the 15th floor this is such a dream come true oh i think that's my new co-worker hi welcome to it's survive entertainment we're always happy to have young blood thank you so where do you hail from you look um a bit stuffy there stuff really dressed i'm actually from montego bay i see and they teach you to dress like that down there well it's well girl don't even worry with that but guess what if you're going to work at it's a vibe you have to dress like it's a vibe you know so you have to get with it do you need some tips sure yeah okay meet me in the lunchroom okay is pizza get in here no i could do the feet what you feed your mindset hey trust what you got there what have you been doing girl games of thrones i'm just hooked to that show really how many episodes do you watch how many have there been maybe like 500 like all of them all of them i spent hours doing this oh it's so exciting so when do you find time to do like other stuff like hang out with your family or go to church family church people still do that um no sometimes you know i'll tune into a program but it's usually so boring so i just um go back to games as well or something oh okay yeah a couple weeks into her time at eight survive entertainment ariel sits with her new co-workers in the break room to discuss how they live and spend their money oh this sweetheart bracelet two thousand dollars us hmm look nice let me see if they have anything better two six oh this one is so cute i'm going to pay for this one i'm going to buy this what you got there oh just looking at some jewelry jewelry okay um so how much is it like what are the prices not much it's like 2006 euros us we make that much money where you can afford things like that it's not like your whole paycheck girl you gotta spend it to make it so it's important to put yourself together and present yourself in such a way that people will actually like looking at you oh i see so anyway the long weekend is coming up and i'm gonna stay at home you know read read my bible just really get in tune with me what century are you living in read your bible stay at home it's dream weekend it is what's that party party liquor and party it's what's happening today they have one in um montega bay ochereers nigrill all the resort towns have a dream weekend come on you can ride with me i don't think that's such a good idea tris but anyway i'm gonna go and prepare for our presentation that we have with the general manager of the company oh you know since you're new you can send me that presentation i'll go over it with a fine-tooth poem and whatever another tips i need to give you i'll give you so you can make it better okay so send it to me i don't have to bring my own copy there right well just um just send me everything i'll print out the copies and take them in for you thank you so much trust yourself you're welcome we have to help each other don't we right i'm so excited i'm gonna impress the general manager with my presentation and maybe i'll even get a promotion country girl come to town and show them what's up hello everyone i'm ready to make my presentation on why we should expand to the countryside with its survival entertainment country people like entertainment too so um here we have my presentation choice trust my presentation what are you talking about remember you asked me to send my presentation to you uh-oh yes remember yesterday we were in the break room oh no you're mistaken you didn't ask me that and i didn't get anything from you just remember you said chess come on you said um girl you're in trouble i i i didn't commit to doing anything like that you didn't send me anything i don't know what you're talking sir i have no idea what she's talking about she's making this up she's new you know the caliber of my work sir i would never get myself into a situation like this she she said she would go to dream weekend and that's what she did and she forgot to do her presentation because i thought we were friends that's not wrong and that concludes our presentation so in our presentation we had this it's a country girl who comes to town to work in a secular field so that was her career choice that she made even though she was like advised against a by a friendly key so that this is not a wholesome field or something that christian people should be engaging in so as soon as she goes there's already peer pressure to change the way she dresses because you know you want to bring in new customers and show that you're up to the times so that was pressure to dress and then next we have what we do in our spare time what we feed our minds with so ariel's new co-worker was not concerned with reading or hanging out with family she wanted to just watch tv all day day in day out no balance no anything no temperance and on another occasion this same co-worker wanted to spend her whole paycheck on jewelry to keep up you know with looking a certain way and the image of the company and she also wanted to go to party weekends and just drink liquor and have a have a blast in sin and then finally we have sabotage where the new co-worker in order to prevent ariel this new hire who maybe has new ideas from stealing her spotlight she had to sabotage a young girl and that's basically what happened in a presentation so uh sister ariel could you expound on like the values from the worldly point of view that you so were expertly illustrated well basically selfishness and using people you might be nice to someone initially when you're trying to see what you can get from them and what you can gain from that relationship but eventually you kind of just step on them when they're not serving you anymore when you feel like they're a threat to you and that's what trust did and then in turn in terms of what you spend their money on there's no money to be giving to church as you're tied you know what portion of that is god's but according to people who live in the world i make it so i can't spend it however i want and what are they spending it on frivolous things they're not investing or using it right they're spending it solely on their selves and they spend their time with drinking and partying there's nothing of substance going like those of the world right all right thank you very much so tv group two is ready um sort of my face away okay now i like to ask people what do you call success everybody has a different definition of what success means to them in the oxford dictionary success is called the opposite of failure no surprise it's about the fact that you have achieved something that you have want or been trying to do or get it continues about the fact of becoming rich or famous or getting to a high social position this is the general worldly definition of success right but we are going to look at success in the kingdom of god now generally when people think of success right and god's they generally think of you know have been spiritually having that high spiritual connection have been a very active prayer life but we're going to go deeper into that right now success as we said the spectrum is broad so we looked at different aspects one aspect of success is how do you treat others now when it comes to christianity there is no jew nor greek ritual poor we're all in need of christ so we're encouraged to treat each other as equals ephesians chapter 4 verses 2 be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as in jesus christ forgave you so therein lies the foundation of how we treat each other christ forgave me therefore i must forgive my brother i will treat my brother well and generally we see people we treat each other differently depending on your social status right some people when they come to certain events they get the fancy seats make sure it's right in front of the ac you must be next to certain people but success in god's kingdom is not this way we'll look at luke chapter 14 verses 12 then jesus said to his host when you give a lunch on ordina do not invite your friends your brothers or your sisters or your relatives or your rich neighbors if you do so they may invite you back and so you will be repaid but when you have a banquet invite the poor the crippled the lame the blind and you will be blessed although they cannot repay you you'll be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous so there we find a good contrast with regards to success when it comes to how we treat others people treat others well in order to gain something back you know there are terms and conditions applied i will be nice to you today but i will call in a favor tomorrow price is same be nice to the people who cannot repay you back people who will appreciate that and their lies are rewarded that you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous so christ is telling us those who can right if you cannot invite people to your banquets or tasman when you have your next banquet you can invite people like me and you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous and we are going to go deeper into this idea of success because when we think of success the first idea that comes to my mind is career and how you spend your money right so that is where we spend a lot of time on now when it comes to careers and success there's a general notion that you cannot be wealthy as a christian you must be humble and meet like john the baptist wearing rugs and things and living in a broken place when we look at the bible we find several cases where that is not true abraham was rich job wasn't rich he was filthy rich and solomon is the i don't know the riches of the rich right so that general notion of being successful in your career in christian eyes means being poor is not true but we have to go to micah chapter six verse eight he had showed thee oh man what is good and what do it does the lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy god success when it comes to your career has to start with a mindset to walk humbly with your god that's the first thing the second thing is that you must do everything according to all your might christianity does not accept mediocrity sorry let me rephrase that god does not accept mediocrity it's all or nothing right so whichever aspect of life we have where we god places us we must do our best now when it comes to choosing your career in christian eyes you must choose a career that does not conflict with the teachings of the bible so if you are an accountant and somebody comes to say you know cook the books so i don't have to pay so much taxes you have to be like a daniel and stand for the truth so that no matter what happens people will know that this man is a man of integrity so your career options right you can't choose careers that would say encourage people to gamble you can't choose career that say involve in the production of alcohol because those are things that will conflict with god's principles but outside of those you must do everything with your might and if you become successful in monetary terms there is nothing wrong with that but the next question is asked how do you spend your money let's say you become successful when you do honest right is it fine that i buy the latest bugatti veyron super sports if i want the lamborghini aventador or the bmw x6 the audi what q tree and all these fancy cars is it a sin for me to buy them in and of itself right not it's not a sin but let me expand that you let's say the church has a project right there are five people in a local community who's struggling for food and would desperately need assistance to send their children to school now you have the money to buy the latest lamborghini let me say tashan you have the money to buy the latest bugatti veyron super sport or you can humble yourself buy a prado a raffle instead and you use your money to help the poor in that context right it is better to use the money to help the poor because even though i said your money it is not your money it is god's we have to remember when we are on this earth we are stewards of his and we will be held accountable to everything so while we can become successful in terms of money right we have to remember that we have to give an account and being successful is remember that we must use your money your time and your talents to the glory of god so success is using whatever you have with regards to glory of god and that is it for group two all right thank you tv thank you very much so we are a little bit over time but i'm gonna ask ariel who was our leader today to do our conclusion and wrap up our closing points as we look at kingdom values versus worldly values okay so our presentations are pretty good so we're able to highlight kingdom versus worldly values worldly values you know selfishness greed dishonesty no sense of loyalty versus worldly values you're a steward of your time of your resources you're looking to help people you're exhibiting kindness and compassion so i think we were able to illustrate the contrast between the two very well and it's important that we as christians are looking to adapt adopt the world uh christian values rather than worldly ones so i just have some texts i'd like to leave with everyone and they are romans 12 2 do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what god's will is his good pleasing and perfect will and galatians 5 22-23 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace forbearance kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control against such things there is no law and our last text put to death therefore whatever belongs to your earthly nature sexual immorality impurity lust evil desires and greed which is idolatry and that's colossians 3 verse 5. okay before you go ariel i want to ask you a question as you look in the church today and you look at your peers uh would you say that there is a problem of the youth um adapting the values of the kingdom or is it that they are more attracted to the values of the world what's your answer no problem in the church not just amongst the youth but amongst everybody also the time people are so focused on getting positions in the church who is this leader who is that leader and it leads to conflict and people aren't able to just put aside their differences and recognize that you know we're here to serve god and for young people people are maybe more concerned with looking cool on social media than you know sitting down and just humbling yourself and doing things that are pleasing outside but you want to be seen all the time so it's a problem that everyone faces but in different ways maybe the things that affect young people don't affect adults and vice versa but everyone has work to do in terms of adapting the heavenly values well from from from where i sit i can tell you that all the older ones have problems in in in conforming our minds the question is how is it that we will be able to to have that heavily minded do you have any words of wisdom wisdom either you are trust can share some words of wisdom in terms of how is it that we can adapt kingdom values and pattern our minds uh according to the things of that and those things that will lead to eternal life final words i think one of the major things is an attitude of humility um we have to recognize that we're put here on earth for just more than ourselves we are here to serve others and if we should take on jesus's servant ministry than it is that that spirit of humility will be upon us and our whole ethos will be about serving and helping others and so we will not be filled with pride because pride is a is a big issue and we won't feel the necessity to compete with the world or to compete with others necessarily so i think just developing that spirit of that spirit of service service and then as well i always say read your bible and know god for yourself so yeah thank you sister tres and by the way i think you made an excellent co-worker but i i would just end by saying that the bible says that wherever you place your treasure there's there is where you will place um your your heart so if you are treating all others and building them up for the kingdom your mind will be on the kingdom if you're spending your money to build up the kingdom of god then your heart will be on the kingdom of god if in everything that you do whether it is work leisure or play it is towards the kingdom then that is where your mind is and last of all and not least whatever you feed your mind with that is what you will become like so if you fill your mind with the things of the kingdom then your mind will be kingdom minded all right so i want to thank everyone for uh coming out to ay to they want to thank sister ariel dawes for being our youth leader um leading on the program this afternoon and i just want to encourage everyone to be patient as we learn how to use this discord this new technology to um to enhance our interactivity so please bear with us as we get better at it and god bless you and have a wonderful rest of the week and with that i hand over to the elder in charge of response amen amen amen the wonderful ey was truly blessed i asked um sister ariel to sing a song for us as we prepare for this spirit of the living god fall afresh on me spirit [Music] [Music] on me melt me molds me fill me use me [Music] on me amen thank you so much sister and sister you know um our vespers this evening is nothing restrains the lord from saving by men or by few and you know our scripture today comes from first samuel 46 to 12 and i'll read it swiftly and it reads then jonathan said to the young man who boys are come let us go over to the girls of the uncircumcised it may be that the lord will work for us for nothing restrains the lord from saving by many or by few so his armament said to him do all that is in your heart go then here i am with you according to your heart then jonathan said very well let us go across over to these men and we will show ourselves to them if they say to us wait until we come to you then we will stand still in our place and not go up to them but if they say say thus come up to us then we will go up for the lord has delivered them into our hearts and this will be a sign to us so both of them show their themselves to the girls not the philistines and the philistines said look the hebrews are coming out of the holes where they hit then the men of the garrison called to join them and armor bearer and went up and did so so in abbreviation today just want to go through quickly you know that jonathan is today's message and you know imagine you're up against thirty thousand men you only have six hundred men and you are the armored bearer to go with you to fight the thirty thousand and immediately it says to me and that you have to know who you are with you know today we're discussing why you know um what worldians do versus what christians should do you know and it's clear who you want your friends to be at this time you know never before have you needed friends that are positive that study the world that will help to lean not on their own understanding and not on youtube but in the solar scripture you know um jonathan asked his armor bearer should they go and his armored bear's response was perfect he said followed what was in your heart and we all know you know the bible says train up a child in the way they should go and they'll never depart from and many times we know in our heart the right thing to do you know and we i want somebody tell you to follow your heart you know that you must trust in god you know as they went and the armor bearer agreed you know they they showed themselves to the philistines and remember you're in a battle the last thing you want to do is show give away your position you know and as god would have it you know he he orchestrated that they had to show themselves just to i remember they were risking it all for the 600 men in hiding if you should read first 713 and the first part of 40 or you can read that in your own time but the other persons if i saw where you were hiding i would then go and search for others you know and the bible is clear they made that decision to show themselves and you know they ask god to do the impossible and if we know the just just bare geometrics of warfare that if you're on the higher ground and i'm on the lower ground you automatically have an advantage and for me to come out on the lower ground and i identify myself puts me at a greater disadvantage and you know they put god to the test that told him that if the philistines ask them to come up to them they will go up and they are confident that they would have won and and it's it's just it's just profound the god we serve today that you know despite the pandemic despite all that's happening no god is still in control you know we have lost a lot of soldiers over the past months years since the start of this funding but we have we are confident that they have gone to sleep in jesus and we must ensure that we know do like jonathan and ensure our faith is secured in jesus you know and the scripture continues and he says that they identify themselves to the philistines and the philistines they come up to us and i want us to understand that if i have to fight a battle and i'm on the lower level in the valley and i have to go up the hill that mean that i would have to exert a lot of energy just to go up to the hill and you know when they reach up in here but watch this this is the best part doing that show that they relied a hundred percent on god because going up the hill they would have to exert a lot of energy reaching the top of the hill then to fight the enemy could not be done on man's own strength and this is where you know our faith comes into play because you see jonathan wasn't working on faith that had not had plans you know we all made plans this year you know we all had different situations that said all right we're going to do this in 2020 we want to do this 21 this is going to happen in 2022 but we have been directed in a different direction i know this is a time that we have to have faith in god and alone to lead our planets you know god is so magnificent you know jonathan is dreaming beyond our current circumstances and i want to understood bergen and friends to remember this despite what's happening it's said in our holy word that this would happen we must stick to our we must stay close we must read the bible daily we must humble ourselves and we must spread the gospel because you know it's clear that everybody is in a pandemic and everybody's panicking but we god's children know that he has gone to prepare a place for us and we must be confident like jonathan that he'll never leave us nor forsake us we must continue to have faith and trust that he will be true to his promises and honor his covenant with us you know god is just just perfect um in times like these we have no history books but the solar system too in times like these they we have a barrage of information popping up about mark of the beast but we have the solar scriptura that clearly identifies brethren and friends i encourage us at this time to spend time in the world tell a friend about jesus he close to him like never before god can do the impossible and that is all that we need to know no plans we have nothing is is is written that we can say yes we're going to stick to this god is the only option and that's why jonathan was successful in defeating the philistines because he trusted in jesus he made it all to jesus he placed all his hope his plans for his family everything he placed in jesus and as we go all this retards us virgin and friends keep jesus in our hearts we know we know the right thing to do we know whose we are we know who we belong to we know jesus paid the ultimate price for us and i ask that as we go let's tell a friend about jesus today let's not be distracted by the news and the the number of cases being risen let us stay focused at this time to his word and continue to trust him um i ask that you bowl our heads as we pray mighty god and father i want to thank you for the soul i speak to you father thank you for sending your son to die for us father to remind us that he paid the ultimate price for us father as we are living in in the end times father help us not to lean on our own understanding but to acknowledge you father and study your world like never before father bind us together father as you have done as clay as the potter father we have that you unite us father in your word that was not to be deceived by the many distractions that the devil has planned for us father help us to fight sin on our knees far help us to pray for the sick like never before because you can do the impossible father help us to speak life father over your children father help us to spread the word father help us to touch somebody father how to help us to be kind help us to be generous during these hard times father the persons people need to see the world needs to see the jesus in us today father forgive us of ourselves these three hours in your mighty and manchester namely [Music] see [Music] oh [Music] amen amen amen is a return the eldest come on i just want to thank the ai team again for yet a wonderful group and encourage us to continue to share the link youtube whatsapp facebook ig share a message with a friend i i know we're living in tough times but with christ in the vessel we can smile at the storm and i want us to continue to put him first as i as we continue to worship him together um and any announcements elder warling you have to pay for commercial time [Music] i want to use a while ago let me say i present good and i want to thank all those who take part in the summer days program we were all blessed and i encourage us to continue to work in the vineyard until the lord's come by with announcement sunday nights program begins at 6 30 with an emphasis on spirit of prophecy by elder gary ottensen he's the first elder of the old harbor old england sorry sda church in manchester and will be administering the charge under the caption keep the testimony alive it the emphasis on spiritual prophecy and the same emphasis will be on wednesday at seven where our own elder eldar ron russell will be a presenter sabbath is the south 18th we will have a pure and fasting i want to put a little more emphasis on the prayer on fasting material 17 you can redo a chapter when you have time but a man brought his lunatic son to be healed by the disciple and it didn't happen so the man brought the son to jesus and jesus healed the son and rebuked the the demon from him verse 19 then came the disciple to jesus apart and said why could not we cast him out verse 20 and jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for verily i say unto you if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed he shall see unto this mountain remove ends to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you verse 21 orbit this kind good not hold but by purr and fasting we hold us sick in our church that i bereaved the family that's a difficult time and i believe the the prayer the prayer ministry department could have a better time to put forth this day of prayer and fasting because we have a lot to pray about a lot fast about do not let this opportunity slip by you where others get through where you're left behind i am employing us all to get involved on all the platform during this prayer and fasting it begins at 6 00 a.m it's about the 18th and until the sun set we are employed us to get involved and to be a part of this prayer and fasting where we can move mountain let's not fall in the category as the disciple who could not heal the lunatic sun let us fall in the category where christ rebuked the devil may we may we together come together and fast and pray and rebuke sickness and rebuild pain and suffering that we can come together and work together to bring others to the kingdom while we are here waiting until christ come so remember that date it's about the 18th prayer and fasting we begin at 6 00 a.m until sunset put also in your diary summer 25th is our next business meeting we will discuss the business of the church so put it in your diary and break in mind that when the 25th come can be a part of this at our activity god bless you as we leave these perform for each other but before i go i just want to remind us that until summer 18 let us continue to pray now for those who are sick and prepare our hearts for the fire for prayer and fasting thank you very much have a blessed night looking for a creative way to study the bible vocal scriptura is here for you we're an online youtube ministry with engaging podcasts original music delicious recipes and healthy lifestyle tips new episodes every other week [Applause] let there be light [Music] [Applause] join us full collage an evening of testimony and friends saturday night on september 11th at 8pm on zoom we will have life-changing testimonies zone staring gospel music and an inspirational talk tell a friend to tell a friend see you there like subscribe click the notification bell [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Kencot SDA Church
Views: 384
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 47sec (12887 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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