The Undoing - Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

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[Music] i'm going to be in first samuel i prayed i prayed for you to be in this room for this message i prayed for you to be watching online for this message my prayer when i began studying was that god would make sure every person who needed this word would be in this room i don't count it a coincidence that you're here and i learned something about stepping into a platform that first of all bishop and first lady i mean my god this is not just a church this is holy ground and one of the things that i know when you are walking on holy ground is that you don't just step into it that you ask god for vision that you ask god for clarity because i know how my father feels about you and i wanted to make sure that even in his absence that the word would continue to flow that the word would come forth so i pray god everyone who needs to be in this room got every situation every household every bird and every worry god every purpose every dream that needs to hear this word god attract them to this room let them overcome every obstacle that would keep them from coming into this room so that when they get in this room that strongholds would come down that chains would be broken and i don't know about you but i wish i had about 10 people who would just praise god in advance i wish i had about five more people that would praise god in advance that you would praise god like the prayer has already been answered like you would praise god like the child had already been saved that you would praise god for the generational blessings that are coming down through your family for the generational curses that are going to be broken you didn't just step into church you stepped into a moment you stepped into divine authority and you brought everything that needed divine authority into the room with you [Music] oh yeah oh yeah i hear god saying i'll serve you according to the level of your expectation so if your expectation is low you better watch who you're sitting next to because you might mess around and get some of the overflow i'm expecting great things i'm expecting powerful breakthrough [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory my mother used to say glory glory glory she would walk through the house and she would just say glory glory glory and i didn't know why she was saying that she didn't pray she would just say glory glory glory and i recognize she was making a demand from heaven i don't need resources i don't need another connection what i need is glory glory glory glory open my house over my finances glory glory glory glory the doctors can't give you glory the bank can't give you glory [Applause] but you're in the right place at the right time [Music] for glory [Music] first samuel 23. i'm going to start in verse 9. if you're visiting it is our custom to stand for the reading of the word if you pray for my feet i'll make sure you sit down as soon as possible if you don't i'ma just read the whole bible cause i'm petty like that no i'm just kidding first samuel 23 verse 9. when we enter into this text david is on the run you see his anointing has come to the place of maturity in which it is a problem for those who were once blessed by him i wish i could say that nobody mind you being anointing anointed it's just when your anointing begins to push up against who they thought you were [Applause] his anointing is causing problems that's what the anointing is supposed to do it's supposed to shake some things that's why i told you to be careful who you were standing by because if you're standing by somebody who recognizes their anointing it's going to shake something david is on the run saul is after him saul is the king that is in position but he is not the king that is anointed for the role just because someone's in position doesn't mean that they are anointed for the role don't give up what god has given you because someone else is in position because position doesn't mean that they're anointed for it he's on the run and he hears that there is an issue taking place in quila the philistines are attacking a city that is close to where he is hiding he goes into that city he attacks the philistines and then he gets word that saul is headed to him and verse nine it says when david knew that saul plotted evil against him he said to abiathar the priest bring the ephod here then david said o lord god of israel your servant has certainly heard that saul seeks to come tequila to destroy the city for my sake will the men of kela deliver me into his hand will the people who i just served turn around and turn me over to my enemies will saul come down as your servant has heard o lord god of israel i pray tell your servant and the lord said he will come down then david said will the men of kela deliver me and my men into the hand of saul and the lord said they will deliver you so this is where we are in the text everything is falling apart and yet david is staying connected to god in the middle of things falling apart they're falling apart in coming together at the same time to be honest but we'll get into that later spirit of the living god we receive what heaven knows this moment is supposed to be god we're not here for our own performances or fancy footwork we're here to hear from you god god i thank you for every person in this room every household represented every trauma every future every triumph every victory and i thank you god that you see us completely and entirely and that this word will be evidence that you hear our prayers even the ones we are afraid to utter god i pray that this would be a fresh wind that there would be nothing standing in between the flow of the holy spirit and as the holy spirit flows may it carry our hearts our mind our spirit to the highest thought the highest way of being and that is to be connected to you in jesus name i pray amen amen amen amen you know when i am studying the word and studying the bible there are moments when i study and my purpose in studying is to get a word for myself god i need you to show me something about your history in scripture and then there are moments where i challenge myself to not just study the word with the intent of getting something for myself but to study with the intent of learning more about god what does this teach me about the character of god if you're one of those people who are diving back into the word i want you to write down that question and i want you to study scripture with that in mind what does this teach me about the character of god so many times we hear people say i want to get closer to god i want to know more about god and yet when we open the scripture we sleep in five to ten minutes because i want to know more about god but sometimes reading doesn't allow me to make the connection and so when i study i ask myself what is this showing me about god most recently in my prayer and study time i realized something that i had never seen before when i asked that question what does this teach me about the character of god i instantly learned that god doesn't mind starting over never really thought about it until i was studying in genesis i saw that god is our creator but i also recognized in genesis 6 that god doesn't mind starting over you see we care about starting over because we live with the consciousness of time and starting over means that i'm losing time that i've already started in one area so to move to another career which means i'm losing all of the time i invested in what was and yet we serve a god who doesn't live within the realm of time he created time itself so starting over is nothing to him starting over doesn't bother him if you don't believe me when you hear jesus in the new testament saying that he's going to tear down the temple god started the temple but i don't mind starting over again because the ultimate goal is for me to get to what i have in mind and if it requires me starting over i don't mind doing that now everyone's got that one piece of ikea furniture that you realized about halfway through i missed this step and you have the option of taking it apart or starting over or just telling everyone before they sit down and be careful before you sit down over there because i don't have time to start over this idea of starting over crystallized for me in genesis 6 in which god has decided that humanity must start over we know the story of noah how god is going to flood the earth because i'm going to start over genesis 1 says that god created male and female on day six of creation and he blessed them and said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it in genesis 9 and 1 after they've been in the ark for 40 days and 40 nights he says the exact same words to them be fruitful and multiply i'm starting over but the expectation is the same even in the starting over that's important because a lot of times when we start over we think to ourselves what is the new expectation now that i'm starting over and yet when god starts over what god says is you're starting over but my expectation for you was still the same my expectation is that you will still be fruitful and that you'll still multiply even in a new environment not every environment requires a new expectation i'm still calling you to purpose even though you are in a new environment when we shifted into the pandemic the environment changed but the expectation did not change i still expect for someone to be spreading the word of god i still expect for you to be functioning in who i've called you to be and the thing that stands in the way of so many of ours healing in our breakthrough is that we think every time we start over that we need a new expectation you see god's word sets an expectation for us when god says that you're fearfully and wonderfully made that is an expectation of your consciousness so that expectation doesn't change even after you've gone through the divorce that expectation doesn't change even after you've gone through the trauma you're still fearfully and wonderfully made and every time we start over we destroy the identity of what was before but god says before i release you i'm going to give you an expectation i feel this for somebody you're not going to be in a new environment without god already setting the expectation for you when you get there i don't know who you are but i feel like we just stumbled into something because you're in a new environment and you're wondering i don't know what they expected me and god says my expectation is the only expectation that should matter in this new environment and i expect for you to go into that room and to change that room not change because you are in that room that's the expectation i set for you my father told me don't forget who you are why did he tell me that because he knew i was going to be released into environments and that i would need to hold on to the expectation of my identity god's not going to release you before setting the expectation if you haven't been released the expectation hasn't been set but if you've been released there is an expectation for you when you come into the room my husband tells my children you need to walk like someone's expecting you to be there what's what you say when you say what you said to the kids you know what i'm talking about he tells them to walk with purpose and passion like someone's going to be waiting for them to get there when they arrive because the expectation oh god i wish i could say this the way that i feel it but there is an expectation when i come into the room and i don't mean man-made expectations i mean a spiritual expectation for why i'm in this room god didn't just place you in that family he says i've got an expectation for what you can do in that family god didn't just place you into that job i've got an expectation for who you can be when you're in that job i brought you into that room to establish something i brought you into that family to break something i got an expectation connected to your name that's why i'm not just going to drop you off after the ark i'm going to tell you before i release you be fruitful and multiply that's god's expectation i expect you to be fruitful and i expect you to multiply but i'm not multiplying with much that's the beauty of multiplication you don't need much for multiplication you don't need much if god said i want you to add when you get into the room you'd be in trouble but because god only speaks in multiplication you don't have to have much when you get in the room i mean i got much but i got something that god can multiply it may just be me and my babies for a minute but i got something that god can multiply the bait didn't approve it man didn't endorse it but if god multiplies it you serve a god of multiplication that's why generational curses are broken because when it breaks off of you it breaks off of everything connected to you because he works in multiplication that's why generational blessings go from genera hello you standing in a generational blessing because god speaks to multiplication when my father started preaching at 19 years old he didn't even know that i would be stepping into what he does but god knew that when he said yes that the multiplication was going to flow down through the bloodline multiplication multiplication i dare you to yell it over your house i dare you to yell it over your finances turn me up in the monitors i tell you to yell it over your dreams multiplication multiplication multiplication that's what glory does glory multiplies that's what breakthrough does breakthrough multiplies so when god gives me a word the word is meant to multiply [Applause] it's not just a word from me in this season somebody's received a word [Music] so that their children don't have to receive the word because if you get it the right way my children won't need to be validated my children won't have low self-esteem my children won't have brokenness because if i receive this word this word's gonna multiply through the generations if i receive this word then my children are automatically gonna know that being fruitful and multiplying is what we do i dare you to grab that word that god gave you and recognize that this word is a multiplying word this ain't no regular word this ain't no ordinary existence this ain't no ordinary anointing hovering over your life i know the devil tried to take you out i know depression tried to kill you but i hear god saying that it wasn't warfare it was word fair that it was coming after your word it was coming after that expectation it was coming after your multiplication [Applause] you're still called to multiply [Applause] new environment same expectation you're still called to multiply you're still in this earth because god says i can multiply that man i wasn't even that's why we have to be intentional about extracting poison and brokenness that's in us because that multiplies too [Applause] that's why it's not cute when it shows up in your children and you didn't even teach it to him somebody's going to slay a devil so that their kids don't have to slay the same devil i refuse to let it multiply again on my watch it came multiply with my kids i refused to see another person struggling to understand their worth it came multiply on my watch i wish i had just one or two people who would decide that it came multiply in my community any longer it was multiplying until it ran into me and when it ran into me it couldn't multiply any longer because i decided it was time for some new math it was time for a new way of being it was time for a new way of praying i'm a first generation but i won't be the last generation because multiplication [Applause] multiplication is what god has called me to do god doesn't place an expectation where there is no ability it's important for us to know that god's not expecting anything from you that he doesn't know that you have the ability to fulfill he's not haunting you he's not taunting you the reason why that expectation is in front of you is because god says if you stretch you can fulfill it so god has started the world over again and i realized in studying that part of the process part of the reason why god doesn't mind starting over is because god recognizes the difference between starting over and starting from scratch see starting over is not the same as starting from scratch that piece of ikea furniture you can take apart and you can put it together more effectively because you know better the path on how to put it together so starting over is not starting from scratch that means that even when you're starting your life over that you don't disconnect from everything that led you into this moment because if you disconnect from it you'll disconnect from the wisdom and the power and the strength and the faithfulness i want somebody to know who's starting over that you are not starting from scratch and i come up against every thought in your own mind that's making you believe that you're starting from scratch and i hear god saying that if you don't get anything else out of this message i want you to understand that starting over is not the same thing as starting from scratch that i pre-loaded this new environment with everything that you needed to step into this moment starting over is not starting from scratch if you don't believe me let me pull some bible in it because when he tells them to be fruitful and multiply he doesn't put the sun into stuck in the sky or the star in the skies in genesis 9 because he already did that you're starting over but you're not starting from scratch you're stepping into a new role but you're not starting from scratch god said i gave you everything you needed that i gave you every thought every mind god i'm not going to be able to leave this alone [Applause] until somebody understands that you're not starting from scratch that there's wisdom connected to those wounds that there's power connected to that breakup that their strength connected to you moving forward you're not starting from scratch you're not starting from scratch and sometimes you got to remind yourself that you're not starting from scratch because the enemy would have you believe that you're down to nothing but god wants you to understand that anytime i move you into something new that i prepared the way the bible would tell us that he went ahead of us and he made the crooked path straight i'm walking in a new path but god has already gone ahead of me and i'm not starting from scratch before jesus even came into the earth to start his ministry john the baptist went ahead of him so it really wasn't the start of his ministry because john went ahead of him so he didn't have to start from scratch you're not starting from scratch somebody's in the role right now teaching them how to deal with minds like yours so you won't have to start from scratch and i want to talk to people who got a call to be a trailblazer and i want you to understand that i know the burden is on your shoulders and sometimes it feels like you're starting from scratch but i hear god saying that if you will be willing to start from scratch it means that when someone else steps into the role they won't have to start from where you started from there's a generational thing in this room i don't know what this is about but i hear god saying that your daughter and your child is not going to have to start from the same starting point that you started with that your community is not going to have to start from the same starting point that you started with this wasn't supposed to be a generational blessing but there must be a generational message somewhere in here because someone is doing something today [Applause] that is going to change the way their families do it their communities do it for generations to come i'm studying because i won't let my child start from scratch i'm going to therapy because i won't let my child start from scratch i'm in my word because i won't let my child start from scratch i know somebody didn't start it from you but it could start with you if you get with it it can start with you if you got bout it it's gonna start with me it's gonna start with me it's gonna start with me because when it starts with me it's gonna multiply with me i don't know why this turned into a generational thing [Music] but maybe maybe the attack is about the generation [Applause] somebody in this room is an innovator you're doing something you've never seen before not just with your hands i'm talking about with your spirit i'm doing something i've never seen before i'm tapping into a sound i've never heard before this is not my message [Applause] but it must be your word [Music] somebody made a decision that we got to start this thing over it's too toxic we got to start it over we don't communicate well we got to start it over the business not performing well we got to start it over if god's not scared of starting over and i made in his image then maybe i shouldn't be afraid of starting over either maybe i'm not starting from scratch so i can start over cause i got more tools this time when i start over i got more wisdom this time when i start over i'm not that same little person i used to be i'm bigger i'm better i didn't figured out who my god is i didn't figure out how to tap into this sound of heaven [Applause] devil you can't have my mind i'm not starting from scratch i've seen your games before i've seen your tricks before and i've seen you fail before you should have took me out when you had the chance but i messed around and found out that when god said no weapon formed against you will prosper he was talking to me too [Applause] i'm about to run up on a giant again i'm about to run up on my breakthrough again i'm about to run up on power again i'm starting over i'm starting over i'm getting my mind back i'm starting over i'm getting my strength back i'm starting over i'm getting my power back it looks like everything is falling apart but i'm not starting from scratch because all while it was falling apart i said let me grab that wisdom let me grab that power let me grab that creativity what is she doing she making sure she got everything she need when she start over she making sure you didn't hijack my message so you better start over now you didn't hijack my message so you better make hell nervous now you got me out here so if we out here we might as well break something if you're claiming victory over your house i rebuke the devourer i'm starting over i won't just sit here anymore over i'm picking up the pieces i'm getting back in the therapy i'm going to go back to the gym cause i gotta fight i'm anointed for the altercation i'm anointed for the breakthrough [Applause] start over start over start over i don't care how many times we've been in it i can still start over i'm not afraid of starting over starting over allows me to have progression we did therapy before i'm starting over i prayed for that child before i'm starting over somebody stop praying i hear y'all saying your prayer life needs to start over somebody stopped worshiping i hear god saying your worship needs to start over why because the power you need to push through this next dimension you're not gonna get it on google you're not gonna get it on social media you need a divine connection for this start over what we doing what we doing god [Music] [Applause] the goal is to be sensitive in the starting over starting over makes you sensitive god i sense you're doing something but i don't want to get ahead of you and i don't want to be behind you so i've got to be sensitive when i start over saul and david are in an interesting position because saul was anointed to be king wasn't going to be a good king but he was still anointed for the time that he was in and now david is anointed to take over what's all started and the issue is that you've got what god did at war with what god is doing oh they don't like that [Applause] there are moments when what god did is at war with what god is doing he started the temple now it's time for the messiah what i did must become undone so that what i'm doing can emerge [Applause] saul is not necessarily wrong for fighting for his position he's just not sensitive enough to ask god am i fighting for what you did and warring against what you're doing i don't like that i don't like that what if i told you that sometimes you're praying for god to bless what he's trying to kill they don't like that they don't like that but it's true saul is fighting for what god did somebody's fighting for what god did and god says i'm trying to show you what i'm doing and joshua he says behold i'm doing a new thing shall you not know it because there are moments where we don't understand that god is doing something different so i got to be willing to let go of what god did my goal is to stay married to who god is in every moment not to stay married to what god did i don't know about you but i don't want to carry around yesterday's blessing and miss tomorrow's moment i don't want to carry around yesterday's breakthrough but god wants to bring me breakthrough in another area i hear god saying that you are limiting me to what i did which means you're gonna miss what i'm doing because you gotta understand i got a fresh win for your life that means the old wind has got to go away and i know you cried about it and i know it hurts your feelings but i hear god saying if you step into what i'm doing you'll see [Applause] oh yeah yeah this moment in the text what god did and what god is doing is that war this moment that we're standing in right now is what god did and what god's doing standing in war my kids are the older kids are at an age where they're transitioning into adulthood and who god told me to be to them when they were children i'm having to back up to see who i'm supposed to be to them now but if i insist on hanging on to who i was to them yesterday i may lose them in the process because i don't want anything to change but we serve a god who doesn't mind starting over which means there got to be moments where we release our hold i don't know what you're holding going to but i dare you to ask god am i holding on to what you did and missing out on what you're doing and david become so sensitive in this moment [Music] because he realizes [Applause] that i can't just fight saul the way i fought the philistines [Applause] he didn't ask for the priest to bring him the ephod when he had to fight the philistines because he knows that the philistines and god that god and he have a common enemy in the philistines god help me you don't need to really ask god to help you or should you break up with that toxic person you know that now you know that sometimes you and god have a common enemy i know god doesn't want me depressed i know god doesn't want me addicted but what do you do when you're running up against something and you aren't so sure that god wants me to move into this next dimension so david asked the priest to bring the ephod because at this moment there is an undoing if i had any title for this message i would call it the undoing because david recognizes that before i can determine my next move there's a certain sacred position i must take there is a sacred position that i need for this undoing sometimes we need to fight other moments we need to assume the sacred position that makes me sensitive so that i don't fight something that god's already got figured out so i'm not worried about something that god already has figured out so i i can't just go into the presence of god the way that i went into the presence of god before because i recognize the undoing is a sacred moment because if i don't do this the right way i can mess everything up let's talk about pressure the pressure of transitioning into what god is doing if i don't do this right i could ruin the marriage if i don't do this right i could lose the children if i don't do this right i could lose the opportunity and culture would tell us that this means we need to boost up our ego and that we need to have more pride in moments of transition and to go into beast mode but i want to challenge you to go into sacred mode david knows when to be a beast against the philistines and when to be a worshiper in the undoing so he tells the priest bring the ephod somebody needs to understand that there is a new a new wardrobe that you have to put on in the spirit [Applause] i gotta come before his throne differently in this season because i recognize that if i am going to step into what i've been anointed for that i don't want blood on my hands in the process god i don't want promotion by any means necessary david says i don't want to take saul out just so that i can move into the next dimension promotion by any means necessary could put me in a position where i end up just like the very thing i've been called to change but god if you make me sensitive i won't lose myself in the process god if you help me to understand how i can have purpose in this relationship i won't lose myself in the process god if you show me how to transform and to walk into this new identity i won't lose everything in the process i hear god saying you can have everything that i have assigned to your name i don't know who's worried about transition meaning that you're going to lose i hear god saying you won't lose anything that i have promised you if you learn to be sensitive in the undoing god says stay still in the undoing everything's going to fall beside you but if you stay sacred in the undoing that i'm going to anchor you in the middle of everything falling apart and hebrews it would say everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that that which cannot be shaken can remain how do i become someone who cannot be shaken in the middle of undoing i anchor myself i put on the full armor of god and i say to the situation i'm not scared of you but i know how to finesse my way through this position i know how to finesse myself through this war i hear god saying that the best way you can finesse yourself through the war is to make it sacred this isn't an ordinary moment this is a god thing that i'm not just in this circumstance by happenstance this is a god moment this is a god thing god i don't want to be more crazy i'm already too crazy i don't want to be more crazy after i grow through this so so show me how to transition [Applause] god [Applause] and when i was praying god told me that many of us are facing undoings but not many of us realize that the undoing is the beginning this moment in and detected the undoing of saul's reign so that david's reign can emerge and a lot of times we don't think that god has shifted anything until we've stepped into the moment but the moment they break ground on a lot the house is already being built when the ground is being undone so that the foundation can be set the house is already in motion and so often we feel that the undoing means that everything is falling apart but what god sees that is coming together in the undoing there is a term in business and it's called brand revitalization it's when a brand record i'm gonna read it to you the way i wrote it to you brand revitalization is a strategic process initiated for improving the existing product process or brand to meet the changing demands and requirements of the consumers in the evolving market it is a corrective measure applied when the business or the product is at the maturity or decline stage of its life cycle and is on the verge of becoming obsolete brand revitalization it's when a business recognizes that what i was known for is beginning to decline so i've got to expand so that i can begin to take territory and begin to see profit instead of decline for example dunkin donuts recently changed its name to just duncan because it no longer wants to be known just for donuts when people are drinking coffee and trying to be on the go but in order for it to transition from dunkin donuts to just dunkin there was a strategy that said there is a decline taking place and because there is a decline i'm not going to shut everything down all together i'm going to use the equity of what was and throw it into the dimension of what will become i hear god saying somebody's got equity and what was and that you've been thinking that you're starting over but it's really a revitalization oh god i hear y'all saying i'm about to change your name i'm about to change the way your identity is set up and it's not going to be starting over it's a revitalization it's still duncan but it's got something a little different to it because god helped me to see that i needed to be sensitive in the decline be sensitive somebody yell out lord make me sensitive in the decline make me sensitive in the decline help me to recognize that just because something is coming down doesn't mean that i have to go down with it that there's a strategy that will help me understand how i navigate this moment so that i can make sure that i'm still going from glory to glory to glory glory to glory to glory is still connected to your name multiplication is still connected to your name somebody's going through a revitalization i don't know about you but i'm crazy enough to believe that the church is going through revitalization i believe that one thing had to go so that another thing could emerge so that a new glory could set place in your house i don't know what you've had to say goodbye to but i hear god saying i wish you would finally play the funeral music and go and accept that it has declined so that that new thing can be birthed i hear god saying that marriage isn't going back to what it was that it's going to be something it could have never been unless it went through the struggle i hear god saying someone is praying for god to have revival and god is saying instead there could be revitalization [Applause] [Music] if you're willing to let what it was let it go let it go the reason why i chose this text is because it was interesting to me that david asked for the ephod any other time we see him asking the lord what he should do he doesn't ask for the ephod but there was something about this moment and something about what's happening in my own life that made me realize that i was approaching change and transition and circumstances in the same way that i faced them before bracing myself not sensitive you can't be sensitive and embraced at the same time and god was requiring a vulnerability for me that i couldn't give him and i told my sister this i said i feel like god is asking me to trust him in a way that i've never had to trust him before god you're asking me to trust you with my life in a way i've never had to trust you before y'all are so sanctified and filled with the holy ghost that you're just gonna let me be out here but this is what i'm gonna tell you there are some moments where god pivots on you so fast and it's not that i can't pivot but i've never had to trust you with my health before i've never had to trust you with my child before and so i'm bracing myself for disappointment i'm bracing myself for the decline and i hear god saying that what you expect is what you will receive and if you would change your expectation then you will see that you can be open in the change because you recognize that every good and perfect gift comes from the lord and that i wouldn't bring you this far to leave you if i'm pivoting you it's because i got somewhere to take you that eyes haven't seen and ears haven't heard so i need you to remove that fix i need you to remove that wall the undoing must take place the walls must come down the old way must die all things have passed away i'm ready for the new thing that god is doing so let it come undone let it come undone let it come undone i won't hold on any longer let it come undone god break the walls down god break the old way of thinking down god i'm ready to come undone i don't think you're gonna play me i don't think you're gonna trick me but i'm scared and nothing makes your worship more powerful than the moments when you realize i'm scared [Applause] but i trust you anyway [Applause] you want to talk about an intimate encounter i'm going to give it to you anyway i don't know what you're going to do with these broken pieces but i'm going to give it to you anyway i don't know what you can do with this gift and this talent in this dream but i'm going to give it to you anyway i felt like god was telling me sarah if you don't let it come undone then i can't build it to what it's supposed to be i can't build you into who you're supposed to be the undoing is the beginning it's how you become the type of praying grandmother that you had in your own life she didn't just get there she had some things come undone i called my daddy i said this is what it took for you to be who you were you had to let some things come undone 25 years so many things came undone oh god but so many things were built back up i ran around this church coming undone divorced with two kids coming undone and my daddy still got up here and preached you through your divorces and your changes in your grief because he recognized that god can build it back and they say it flows from the head and if he could withstand the undoing my jesus was on the cross his body was coming undone so that the holy spirit could emerge but even in the process of coming undone he was still the messiah and he looked over him and that man on the cross beside him said would you remember me because i'm still who i am even when i'm coming undone i'm still anointed for the altercation even when i'm coming undone you can undo everything but you can't undo what god gave me my anointing is still intact my hope is still intact i might not have the car but i'm still anointed i may not have the same house but i'm still anointed you may not be in that relationship but that relationship didn't break you up with your anointing that child may be crazy but crazy don't touch the anointing depression don't touch the anointing suicidal thoughts don't touch the anointing i'm still anointed i'm still anointed depression i demand you to come undone in the name of jesus breakthrough i demand you to emerge in the name of jesus generational curses i demand you come undone in the name of jesus and you're not taking me out with you i'm going to stand where god has planted me i'm going to be who god has called me to be i was born for this i was made for this i was anointed for this i wish the devil would i can push into this i can lean into [Applause] this all i got to do is find my ephod all i got to do is find my worship all i got to do is find my prayer hold on devil i'll be back i got to go put on my e5 hold on deborah i'll be back i got to get my prayer language you ran up on me and you caught me slipping but you didn't catch me falling cause i know how to put on my my e5 i'ma give somebody 10 seconds to put on the e5 to put on your priestly garment to put on the kind of worship that makes you sensitive in the undoing to put on the kind of prayer that helps you run up against that depression that helps you run up against that child not in my house not in my mind not in my body cancer you may be trying to take me out but i messed around and put on my ephod i messed around and put on my breakthrough i messed around i'ma give somebody [Applause] oh god okay i'm gonna help you this is going to help somebody david had to be willing to not be so hurt by the betrayal of key lock that he didn't that he missed the opportunity to tap into the level of sensitivity he would need for the next battle i wish i could say that the way i see it in my mind david has just gone to war for kela and then he asked god is kilogone turn me over and god says yes and that's where most of us miss the opportunity to put on our eva because i'm so wounded by the betrayal of what i served not serving me but david has to overcome his emotions to recognize that my feelings don't stop the battle my feelings don't stop the attack and if i don't find a way to put on my ephod i'm going to be even more wounded than i am by the betrayal somebody's nursing a 20 year old betrayal and i hear god saying that you're not ready for another battle because you haven't shed the skin of the last battle but i hear god saying if you would be married to me instead of trying to get validation from what you served then you'll be sensitive in the transition so this time when i give you 10 seconds to put on your ephod what i want you to do first is to let go the betrayal of things not working the way you thought they should so that you can put on the proper worship required for the battle that is ahead of you because i hear god saying you're still a warrior i'm still calling you to be anointed if david would have got caught up with saul in that moment he would have never received the crown somebody's ground is on hold but it requires [Music] yeah it requires a sensitivity that you can't stumble upon i see so many people tapping into worship because this is a this is a delicate moment and you're heavy and when delicate moments meet heavy spirits we could break something in the process so i need help navigating the delicate even while i'm heavy god god help me to put on put on my ephod the ephod this priestly garment this apron so that when i come into your presence i can hear you and not just the shame not just the guilt not just the anger not just the bitterness i to take off what was i got to take off what happened cause i don't want to miss what you're doing i don't want to miss what you're doing in my life i don't want to miss how i can serve what you're doing in the earth there are world changers not just in this room watching online and you don't understand how your gift and how your talent fits in the industry you're called to and i hear god saying don't don't post poke your chest out and just walk into it blindly i hear god saying that if you would just be sensitive i'll give you everything you need and from that place david inquires of the lord and god answers him god's still answering but there is a position we must take i want to offer someone an opportunity to come as close to the altar as you can get and when you come to the altar i want you to consider the e5 that you need to put on for the transition you're in you're in a delicate transition you recognize that this is going to require a sacred version of who you are as sensitive i can't do this as loudly as i've done other things god if i'm going to build from here i can't build the way that i used to build i put it like this god is calling someone to start over and they feel like they're starting from scratch but you don't want to miss the expectation that god has for you in this moment you don't want to miss the strength the wisdom the strategy the direction connected to this moment [Music] god was transitioning israel into new leadership he was transitioning his people into a new way of living and being and i felt so strongly that that's exactly what god is doing for so many of us you're transitioning me into a new way of being but if i'm not careful i'll be bitter [Music] if i'm not careful i'll be prideful if i'm not careful i'll let this new environment define me and i don't want to be defined by anything except for what god has for me so in the undoing i need to put on my ephod just for 30 seconds first what i'd like us to do is magnify the lord [Applause] magnify the lord oh thank you jesus god i thank you for your provision god i thank you for your covering god i thank you for your power god i thank you for your grace god you are majestic you are my healer you are a waymaker i want to magnify the lord because the ephod was put on because we recognized the greatness of who god is that i don't just come to the throne of any old body but i come to the throne of the king of kings and the lord of lords the creator of the universe i gotta lift him up because when i lift him up i see how small what i'm going through is to him when i lift him up i get to see my perspective from history his perspective about my situation god will show me that there's still healing god will show me that there's still power god will show me that there's still breakthrough oh come and magnify the lord with me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god you get vision god you give strategy god you are faithful god you are consistent god my identity is not in what i've gone through my identity is not in the transition my identity was set from heaven so when i step into this new environment god it is you and you alone who will keep me god you are a waymaker god you work miracles god my life is a miracle i shouldn't be in my right mind i shouldn't be in this church i shouldn't be trying to still hear a word from you god i recognize that you are all [Music] powerful the sacrifice of praise for somebody praising right now would be a sacrifice and yet i want it anyway [Music] now i want you to bring to your mind bring to your spirit the fears you've been trying to suppress i want you to let it rise to the surface the anxiety you've been trying to suppress i want you to let it rise to the surface because it's time for it to come undone it's time for that weapon to stop forming that weapon has been forming in your own mind but i hear god saying the only way it won't prosper is if you throw it at the feet of jesus the only way it won't prosper is if you admit that it's there so that you can see that his grace is sufficient for you i want you to bring it to the surface god i need to understand what's going on cause i'm afraid i need to understand what i'm feeling god because i've never had to feel this thing before i've never had to trust on this level before and god i'm crazy enough to believe that this word wasn't just sent for my neighbor that this word was sent for me i want somebody to give god permission to let it come undone your worship gives god permission to let it come undone got anything that's happening that doesn't look like what you have for me i give you permission to let it come undone the job was a blessing yesterday but it's tormenting me down let it come undone i want you to grab some holy ghost authority and to declare war on what is trying to stay in your life that god is trying to remove from your life and i dare you to start speaking back to principalities and to start speaking back to depression i bind you in the name of jesus i rebuke this stronghold over my mind depression you've been with me too long anxiety you've been with me too long i'm tired of the same old cycle i'm about to break into something new i'm about to push into something new keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing your mama couldn't push but you gonna push on her behalf your daddy couldn't push but you're gonna push on his behalf my babies can't push you but i'm gonna push on a behalf you gotta get out the way devil you got to get up the way into me my anointing is coming through [Music] it's coming i'm coming for it i'm coming for it i'm coming for it i won't give up i won't pack down a thousand may follow my right side ten thousand may fall on my list but i'm still going to keep pushing because i'm coming for it coming forward god god i don't want anything more than i want what you're doing i want what you're doing i want what you're doing i don't want what you did anymore i want what you're doing god i thank you for what you did but i recognize you're doing a new thing god don't leave me behind god don't let me stay in this bitterness don't let me stay in this shame i'm coming where you going i'm leading wherever you go i'm pushing i'm pushing i hear god saying it's time to start over and i hear god saying you don't have to be afraid of starting over that you're not starting from scratch that you're starting with power that you're starting with anointing i hear god saying you don't have to be afraid i'm going with you you don't have to be afraid you're not by yourself look at all these people starting over too i feel like an army is rising up an army is rising up to wage hell the way it's heaven on hell i hear god saying the kingdom is coming the kingdom is coming the kingdom is coming the kingdom is coming i gotta establish the kingdom in you so i can build the kingdom outside of you and i can't establish the kingdom in you until every other king in your life has to go away the king of fears gotta go the king of depression has got to go you've been reigning too long you've been ruling too long the king of pride has got to go the kingdom is coming the real kingdom the kingdom that cannot be shaken the kingdom that's going to save my child the kingdom that's going to give me [Music] the kingdom that is going to introduce me to me and i'm going to be who i need to be to step into it [Music] guys make me who i'm supposed to be [Applause] to step into this moment [Music] gotta [Applause] wisdom wisdom god i need wisdom god i don't have wisdom for this i don't have experience for this i don't have any point of reference i don't have a mentor for this but i got you guys i got the holy spirit god i don't know how to land this plane but i got the holy spirit in my ear i hear you guys saying i'll be your mouthpiece if you let me i'll be one call away if you let me but you gotta clear the line clear the line clear the lines clear the line clear the line clear the light fear you've been talking too loud i gotta clear the line got to clear the line cause i recognize that i can't hear who i used to be and who i'm becoming at the same time i want to pray for you just for a second can i hear nothing but the worship [Music] can i hear nothing but the worship [Applause] i hear the sound of ephods [Applause] worship glory glory glory i want to hear the sound of [Applause] glory what you release from your mouth is going to be waiting for you at your house i want you to release glory until it gets on the highway and makes its way to your house i want you to release glory until that glory is multiplied your great-great-grandchildren my great-great-grandchildren are going to reap from the glory a glory encounter god we didn't just come for church we came for a glory encounter god i just want to behold you because when i behold you i see the real me god is it okay if i bring my pain when i behold you is it okay if i bring my fears when i behold you god says i can handle that bring it all bring it all bring it all with you [Music] [Applause] um somebody just started over in the spirit [Applause] somebody just started over you didn't know it but that person you're standing by they just started over somebody felt their strength coming somebody felt the help coming i feel like i might be starting over i feel like that season of depression might be lifting off of me i feel like my creativity might be coming back i feel like i'm starting over be careful who you're sitting by because starting over is contagious you'll mess around and start dreaming again you'll mess around and start prophesying again you'll mess around and start speaking in tongues because somebody beside me started over i'm not leaving this place the same way i came in i came in for church and i left with the restart god we call you spirit of the living god because you're always moving always speaking always changing always transforming spirit of the living god break our walls down god we receive the edification that our spirit needs we acknowledge that there has been a breakdown we acknowledge god that we are in transition and that we need direction god i don't know how to handle this god i don't know how to step into this i don't know how to build this god i don't know i don't know what i'm supposed to do and instead of pretending god i'm putting on my sacred worship god how do i raise this child god what do i do with this new life god what do i do in this marriage god i don't know i never thought i would be here and i don't know how to transition this properly and i'm walking away from something that i thought you ordained so that i can see what you're doing now god i pray for every person experiencing the grief of having to surrender what you did so that they can receive what you're doing god because sometimes life changes so quickly on us that we don't get a chance to say goodbye god i didn't get a chance to to say goodbye on my terms and now i'm standing in a transition and i don't know what to do god i thought i'd be in this forever god if i'm honest [Music] i need to make an inquiry of the lord god [Music] i thank you that you're giving direction but before you give direction god that you're giving peace adam will see that you're giving peace god ah glory glory you're giving me peace just as you gave david peace in that moment david wasn't afraid the ephod represented holiness and peace god i don't have to be afraid god i thank you that you're giving peace in our households that you're giving peace in our mind that you're giving peace in our spirit therefore we will not be anxious for anything god we receive the peace that comes with your presence peace in the middle of the storm peace in the middle of the undoing and god i thank you that as we receive your peace that direction will become clear sometimes we want direction before we want peace but god you will give us peace and direction will become clear i prophesy right now in the name of jesus that when you order their steps god that you're going to do it to a peaceful version of who they are i prophesy in the name of jesus that peace is coming to their spirits god that peace is coming to their minds father that you're going to give them the strategy from the place of peace father and so i prophesy and we rebuke the war within the battle in our own minds [Applause] the enemy of our ownership our own fears and our own insecurities we rebuke it in the name of jesus we break covenant [Applause] with shame we break covenant with pride we break covenant with lust we break covenant with anything that has contaminated our spirit and we believe father that every person who you have breathed the breath of life into is here in this earth on purpose god help us to live in the consciousness of that purpose ordained to be in that family anointed to be in this community god we receive that anointing and we believe that the strategy will come for how we're to function in the roles that you've placed us in father you hijacked this message and i asked that you would create a meal that would serve those who are in this room father my prayers that they would feed off of this message not just for days father but for some that this would be a pivotal moment in their identity they would feed from this moment until it multiplies into the generations god we repent for not thinking the highest thought for not acting with faith and we thank you that you are ready and available to pick up where we left off we're ready to start over god and we are armed with the weapon of our experiences and the wisdom connected to our wounds may we start over with strength with peace power and anointing in jesus name i pray amen amen can you celebrate with me i'm about to let you go home but can you just take a minute and celebrate with me that the undoing is the beginning you can't tell it now but god is building me up you don't see it now but i'm a new beanie i got on the same clothes but i'm new on the inside i hear y'all saying this is somebody's debut this is somebody's welcome party family like i said in the in the prayer it's my hope that you'll continue to feed off of this message and that it will bless you and that you will create an environment for this word to take root and produce fruit i have to tell you for me personally like i said in the message i've been going through so many different transitions in my life and i was wondering what god was doing in the midst of and god gave this word to me first and when god gave the word to me first i just wanted to share with you what god was telling me about my circumstance and situation and hopes that it would help you as well can i tell you something as i was studying and praying upstairs i'm going to tell you this real fast and we're going to go home bishop preach for like two hours so y'all gonna be all right with my like 50 minutes but um as i was praying upstairs god told me that um the transition from the the trauma of 2020 and to what god is doing in 2021 is happening right now it took us a minute to come out of the pandemic right in the way that we were functioning in the pandemic but as we can see god transitioned not on january 1st but god is transitioning it right now and i believe that august is going to mark the month of new beginnings for so many of us and i feel like when we get to breakthrough now that when we walk into august i hear guys saying spend the next few weeks shedding everything that you've collected over the years because when august first hits i want you to walk into august versus someone you've never been before that when you walk into august first that it is going to be the start over that the gun is going to sound and you're going to take off like never before and it's to that end that i'm going to sow into this word and i want to invite you to sow into it this is totally up to you but if you felt like that was your word that's what my husband and i are going to do we're going to sow into this new beginning i need a new beginning for my household i need a new beginning for my spirit and so we're going to sow into this word i'm going to pray over your seed because this seed is going to represent the next level harvest when you put this seed into the ground for your new beginning i don't want you to do it out of religious obligation i want that sacred ephod to be a part of your heart and i want you to connect a need with this seed i want you to think to yourself what is the area where i am believing that god is going to help me start overarmed properly and i want you to consider sewing with that in mind i'm going to tell you mine i'm going to just we family so we in it now right i i took the month of july off from working the way that i usually work and in the process of working the way that i usually work i realized that i hadn't been prioritizing family the way that i should and i know that going into august i'm supposed to start working again but i don't know what that's supposed to look like i just know it can't go back to what it was so when i saw i'm going to sow into this and this is so personal but we're here but i'm going to sow into god showing me how to navigate my purpose and anointing while also being present for my children even if that means that i gotta slow things down or feel like i'm missing out whatever that means i want to make sure that god makes me sensitive to what my children need and so i want to sew with that in mind because i don't want to lose them and nor do i want to fall out of line and purpose either and so that's what i'm sewing into and i believe that god's going to give me direction i believe he's going to give me strategy and he's going to show me how to step into the moment and not lose all that god has connected with me in the process and so whatever your seed is whatever your need is i want you to sew with that in mind um any i think me because i'm a church girl right and we got to do stuff churchy right i'm going to sew with the number eight you know eighty dollars eight hundred dollars eight million dollars i don't know what god has done in your finances but i'm gonna sew with aid in mind um because i'm thinking about my family and i'm thinking about who god has called me to be and i want to walk in sync will you join me in sewing into this new beginning for all of us and if you pray over my seat i'll pray over your seed too let's take a moment family and just gather whatever our seed is going to be and if you can in the process i know getting back to the seats can kind of break our spirit and momentum a little bit but i want you to keep that sacred that sacred moment in mind your ephod that hunger for sensitivity and direction i want you to keep it in mind you're watching online family and you are a part of this moment too i want to challenge you to join us in this moment as well to consider what's starting over soon we're not going to stay here long as soon as you have your seat just grab it and stand up whether you're texting to give or i don't know if you've got envelopes that may be available because we're going to pray we're going to go to cracker barrel i'm going to take these shoes off because god wants my feet to start over i know that for sure i'm also going to be out in the front if you've got a copy of walmart evolve or would like a copy i'm going to sign them out front but let's pray over this seed this new beginning with your with your need in mind i want you to lift your seed to heaven i want you to lift your seat to heaven this is our way of presenting presenting our need god i'm sowing part of the reason why so whenever a word resonates with my spirit is because there are some words that just hit me so deeply that i say i want to mark the spot for where this word shook up my life god i thank you that you see the sacrifice connected with us sowing into this word that we're sacrificing on a grand level because we have a grand need the kind of need that only god can fulfill the kind of need that can only come from having direction from you father we present our seed to you and first we say thank you thank you for sending a word thank you for not staying silent thank you for shaking me out of my routine and shaking me out of my my way of being and thinking so that i could receive this word god thank you for not leaving me for not forsaking me and not allowing me to walk through life numb or guarded god we present this seed to you and we say build us build your church for sure but father we're asking that you build us we're not asking that you would build our careers we're not asking that you would give us anything we're just saying god if you would build us up and give us direction on what to do with the leftovers that we have in our hands and god we believe that as we sow into this moment that this moment is going to reap a harvest that the generation speak of god i thank you for the multiplication connected to this seed that it's not just for me or for them but it's going to be for everything connected to them and so god we say thank you we praise you and we worship you because we know that when we sow into good ground and we sow into good word that it doesn't just stay in the room but it follows us wherever we may go receive this seed father from every house from every relationship from every marriage from every new beginning represented in this room allow it to take root and produce fruit in jesus name i pray amen i love you family [Applause] you're the father the daughter of this house pastor sarah such an amazing word come on bless god for her please please you have your seed there are pmts that are receiving your seed down before we walk out the door can we all rest on our feet but there's two things we want to do if you want to be connected to our church it's very very simple that she releases a word like that about multiplication if you hear and you want to be a part of this church you can always join this church and you can get up and move this way towards the altar now make your way to my left our team is ready to receive you so if you're here and you want to become a part of the church we want to take these few minutes to give you the opportunity to make a move now please this is your opportunity this is your moment i want to give you a few minutes can y'all clap your hands i believe if you praise god people will come come on yeah this way there you go come on you praise him people will come make them feel good about making one of the greatest decisions of their life come on come on look at the lord multiply multiply multiply multiply that's it come on come on come on y'all keep blessing the lord keep blessing the lord this is new family come on make him feel good about it those of you who want to join online as you're calling 1-800 bishop 2 for prayer tell them i want to be a part of this church i want to be a part virtually all over the world you can connect right now as we speak come on let's bless the lord come on church come on come on they're still coming come on [Music] pastor sarah will be in the lobby signing copies of her new book so if you want to go out there and get in line as soon as we give the benediction please go wait in line and get your signed copy father we thank you for this amazing service you've been with us you put your anointing your seal of approval on us today be with us as we leave this place protect us and keep us let this week be one of the greatest weeks we've had all year long in jesus name amen you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 1,559,237
Rating: 4.8933482 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sermons 2020, sundayservice, tdjakes, sarahjakesroberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tdjakes 2021, the undoing, theundoing, pastor sarah jakes roberts, how to know more about god, what will moving forward do for you
Id: K7r09B95zC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 48sec (5568 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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