Beginner to Advanced Helmet Setups. Becoming deadly with your gear PT 1

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you're okay dude you've got a ricochet in your head where where's your helmet dude you didn't wear it because you've never trained in it you got a headache and you took it off [Music] hummus has come a long way and more and more people are starting to wear them but you know what i see a lot more people focusing on plate carriers and what armor is best and which plate carrier's best and very few people are arguing about which helmet is best because i'm going to tell you one thing guys as much air as your lungs can take in as hard as your heart can beat if there's no brain because your brain has been removed from your body you're going to be in the big sky and it won't matter at all so today we're going to be talking about helmets this is going to be the first in a series of becoming deadly with your gear now before we get into it we of course have to thank the biggest sponsor of the channel and that is the sonoran desert institute a big thank you to them if you're looking to get your start into gunsmithing they are a great resource we can't thank them enough for sponsoring this channel and we of course have to thank the sponsors for this particular video zydex computers a big thank you to them uh our gaming channel it's getting started which brings us to patreon patreon i'm not gonna forget the patreon man get into the patreon uh micah it's busting it's busting dude it's no other way to describe it it has all the content i don't want you to see i answer questions micah post just stuff that's not good and uh it's fun it's it's a good time so go and check it out also well check out the patreon find out all right ladies gentlemen my often forgotten but most certainly not by me bump helmets welcome to the channel so to start off we have to ask our question which type of helmet do you need and that's a good question it actually comes down to what type of protection do you need so right here we have my tried and true optical maritime slash ops core sf we'll talk to that we have an ops core rf and in its own category we have a bump helmet now i want to point out right now that we recommend ops core helmets it is what is best pound for pound protection for protection but it should be noted there's a lot of really good companies out there such as team wendy such as mtech and of course gentex which is the parent company to opt score using slightly older technology but to get back into it with our maritime right here this is your typical frag protection these aren't specifically rated to stop rifle rounds however there have been multiple multiple instances where they have done so so you have to understand that these offer a lot of protection a lot of people will say why do i need a helmet because i get shot in the head i'm dead anyhow not so much the case my friend i would highly recommend at the very least having the protection that is offered by the maritime sf system now what's great about it is it offers all of your classic protection at a really good weight moving over we have the ops core xr this is one of the newer designs that they have and what is incredible about this is we have a 2.8 pound helmet so very little weight increase over the sf now compared to the sf we have the ability to stop seven point six two by three nine lead core rounds now beyond that we do have another helmet the rf1 that will stop your common round so the 762 not the lead core but the bad stuff and it does an incredible job at that however with the rf1 we're looking at 3.5 pounds so we're going up in weight as we go up in protection class the question is what's going to work for you hey if you're a swat guy and you got your helmet on for all of 40 minutes for your raid that rf1 is probably going to be awesome for you maximum protection which is important but if you're hiking around the mountains all day you might want to sacrifice a little bit of that protection for something that's a little bit more lightweight because your neck can only take so much which brings me to our bump helmets right here so with our bumps a lot of people get this confused they say if i am going to buy a bump which is much less expensive than these guys which are anywhere from two to three thousand dollars i know expensive they say if i'm going to buy something as cheap as a bump why not buy a chinese helmet which gives me ballistic protection but you're misunderstanding the purpose of the bump helmet what's great about the bump helmet is for my military guys out there especially my army guys i don't know why but you guys are just chewed up by the army and spit out you probably have herniations in your neck every guy who's worn night vision worn helmets professionally has it and that's going to be really tough on you so what's nice about the carbon is it's very lightweight so i can still have the night vision the comms i can do all of the training that i need to do with a traditional helmet but with much less weight without putting that additional strain on my neck because no matter what those injuries aren't going away so try to take care of yourself as much as possible and that is why at different times i will use a bump helmet all right micah come on over here so there's a lot of questions about the cut of the helmet a lot of people see the high cut and they say why would i sacrifice this uh with the possibility of taking around through there where traditionally it's been covered by older helmet designs such as the older mitch system which is still a really good system well it depends on what you need so comms to me are incredibly important um for whatever situation you might find yourself in so to me having the coms capability is much more important than having that little bit of extra protection that we have there i will take the comfort which we'll talk about later of having this system in place now for those of you who believe that the opt core is overall sacrifice it is not because if you look at the back the opt core has excellent back protection as well as front front protection so it is a very well shaped shell and from many studies people will typically tell you that most of the fragger impacts are coming from the back or from the front and there's a smaller likelihood but no matter what everything is going to be a sacrifice everything is a trade-off there is no free lunch so we know what type of helmet that we need based on what we do now the question is what are we going to have on your helmet and i can't stress this enough every ounce that you add to your helmet is a potential liability you need to be so deliberate with what you're putting on your helmet because i've seen a lot of crazy [ __ ] on helmets recently so you have to understand every ounce that we add on there when we receive an impact or a head whether it be from shrapnel uh bumping something whatever that force that weight from that helmet is going to your poor delicate little spine so as much as you work out as hard as you make your neck it it's still a very weak part of the body you need you need to make sure that you're taking care of it so when we're talking about things that we need to have on our helmets there's a couple things that are needed in no particular order we have camouflage we have comms we have night vision we have battery packs and counterweights we have lights maybe and strobes so we're going to talk about all of that as well as suspension systems as we get into this camouflage so some are out there somebody's going to kill me for this one there is a salty special operations guy that has had his maritime for 8 000 years that's approximately how long they've been serving and their maritime has been worn shiny because you see when your obscure helmet shows up it's got a nice camouflage paint in it that breaks up light however as it gets worn in begins to wear off and you get that shine back to it as cool as that is as much of a vibe as that is and a sign of saltiness it could possibly give away your position so when it comes to camouflaging helmets this is something that's become more of a i guess topic as we've gone from insurgency fighting to a possibility of something else so in general at the very least i do recommend a helmet cover so the helmet cover that i typically use is this cover from odg as you can see what's nice about them is it does allow points to retain wires so i use it to retain my battery pack wires as well as retention whether it be for your strobe or for your battery packs um they are typically well done so i very much so like the odg cover but to be clear the ops core cover which is this one right here is also awesome so this one's actually screwed into the mount and then is velcroed on this is also a very good design as well the point is is you need to have some type of camouflage so one thing that i've been really liking are these helmet covers from low pro apparel these things are pretty awesome they add a lot of depth a lot of camouflage to your helmet i think are a really good option the point is camouflage your helmet get into that field craft that is going to matter so make sure you do some amount of camouflage at least to kill any type of shine or anything like that when it comes to your helmets so comms there are a lot of really good headsets out there and i really have to take a moment to thank a lot of the people that i've talked to in coming up with these videos you have to understand that my knowledge is always going to be limited i have my experiences so we have to of course thank sam houston from silent solutions and of course chip lasky and the many other active duty special operations guys that we can't talk about because there's still active duty but in any case coming up here my main bay are running pelter contact sixes um with the sixes they are really awesome because what they do have is a nib system it is a wireless system that when you have other headsets that are configured properly that are within about eight feet of you and there's gunfire or there's something like that where it's too loud to the point where you can't be heard it will actually transmit your voice and detect those levels and cancel out everything else so that is a really cool thing about the pelters another thing that i really like about the pelters is my ability to passively cool so if you come in right here these mounts from 3m as you can see here get onto the arc rails right there and when you use them you pop them in and they put pressure against your helmet so if we show that right here so you can see when i actually need to pop them down and get good hearing protection i can simply push those down now when i need to cool off my ears i can pop them out however when they are popped out you will notice that i can still hear comms that is why i really like the 3m system quite a bit now there are of course a lot of problems with contacts or problems with the mounts but there are certainly some good things about them now if we compare that to another really good headset this one from ops core you can see right here that is mounting in a completely different fashion so with this one right here we have these arms that swing from the back now what's really nice about these is that first off it puts the weight further back so typically especially when you have a night vision system on that adds a little bit more weight to the system and that allows me to not have to put as much weight in my counterweight system and is much welcome now besides that this is probably the most comfortable system of any of the kong systems so if i put this guy on that is super comfy and just wonderful now the problem being if i need to cool off my ears my comms are all the way out dumbo coming in for landing so typically you bring them up and you fold them back but no matter what it just it's not the best so the problem being of course as you can see that i don't have a good way to passively cool my ears off which is really annoying for me because if you've been in the military you know that a lot of military stuff or a lot of tactical stuff or if we're talking like real deal you know one percent maybe probably way less of combat but a lot of it is moving around talking to your boys and stuff so being able to passively cool off your ears as you're moving around with pelters is wonderful now if you really want to anger somebody or go full unholy union we have what i call the 3m amps so in this case i have bastardized a 3m pelter mount i have shoved it into an ops core mount and then i have mounted it to my helmet i want to thank the rangers for showing me how to do this um you guys are always just making things horrible so this is wonderful because i do consider the ops core amps to be a better headset than the pelters overall and this gives me all the benefits i can pop them out and it gives me the added benefit of giving people cancer probably because it's so ugly but real talk guys what's going to be important with your helmets if you notice right here is going to be routing of your wires so if you come and take a look at how i have my pelters routed you'll notice that these wires that connect the two systems together is routed internally through my pads that way it doesn't create any hot spots i see a lot of guys running these external you can certainly do that however i do believe it creates a snag factor and i do like writing them internal if at all possible now beyond there a lot of guys ask you know do i need a two down lead a one down lead so we see we have two right here it depends on what you do in your job probably a one is going to be more than enough for you you can see that on these particular ear pro right here so you can see right here i have these wires retained this is from coffin works they do some pretty good stuff you can also just take a ranger band up around here and wrap your wires up there there's a lot of good ways to do it point is take care of your wires get them out of the way don't let them dangle some different battery packs and different counterweight systems will allow you to put the wires back there point is just get them out of the way but if there's anything to take away from this talk about comms it's that you should have them great thing about helmets they are a great platform for night vision so the suspension system the ear pro all allows you to keep that night vision very very stable so if you'll come up here the first thing that we have is a g24 mount there are many different types of mounts available now for a long time people have said they liked or hated the g24 because the g24 does have a breakaway mount and the reason for that is if you're fast roping out of a helicopter and your knobs get snagged it doesn't rip your head off rather the mount breaks away or if you're wearing thirty ones and they're just gonna break if you look at them just kidding full speed through a doorway yeah you're done dude with 31 so they're just they're just straight broken but the g24 is like the classic um military standard issue now there of course our is the g22 which is a non-breakaway mount and there are a couple other different mounts out there in general i'm just gonna tell you guys g22 or g24 that's kind of just the way to go unfortunately they're super expensive blicox has the market cornered there's not much you can really do about that now with your night vision there's a couple different things to think about so if you come in here a couple things to notice these are pvs 31 alphas i do have two bands on them as well as this nice little retainer from t-rex arms that's right we're going to fight at some point not yet i'll tell you when but the reason i have those is to retain my night vision because this little mount right here can break and you don't want to lose these these are worth a lot of money and you'd be very sad and you have to tell your mom where all that money went that you spent her uh her credit card money on but in any case i like this mount it allows me to quickly attach my night vision and if i want additional security on these i can also attach the retention off my helmet on newer helmets right here you can see that the mount actually has the integral attachments right there so they're a little bit closer to the system a little bit more out of the way now if you come up right here you'll see a couple things i've done to stabilize this mount so to start off with one this mount can shake a little bit so i've actually shimmed it with a little bit of tape to make sure it doesn't jiggle or anything like that small trick of the trade beyond that i have these bands right here that i wrap up and over the mount that's just to make sure that it is super stable it is unfortunately it does have a little play at times and this kind of just keeps it from moving around so much so that is typically how i have my night vision set up articulation is nice of course because you can get it closer to your helmet because they're further away from your helmet you get the system the more weight you're adding and that will certainly matter when we get into more heavy systems like the gp and vg18s or some of the older systems like the pvs-15s or sentinels or anything like that my camera guy over there yelling about wobble on night vision systems that cost like 500 dollars for a mount i'm going to tell you micah they wobble shim them with tape surefire x300s also wobble on your light and they're like 330 dollars so go yell at surefire now speaking of weight we can also move back to battery packs and counterweights so the question is why do you need a battery pack when a battery in a 31 or sentinels or whatever will last eight hours well the reason for that is that the last eight hours in good conditions so where we are right now is it's getting pretty cold it was actually it's raining as those batteries get cold they're gonna run a lot less efficiently i've had pbs31 alphas burn through a battery in less than two hours so having a battery pack to me is pretty essential now what's nice about the battery pack is it does add a little bit of weight however it is not enough and this brings us to the counterweights for many of you guys a counterweight system might seem a little counter-intuitive because why would i want to add weight to my helmet when i just yelled at you guys about adding weight to your helmet well the reason is balance you see when these guys are all the way down like i've shown you before they're very far from your head and that's going to cause some problems the only way to alleviate that because that is going to begin to count your helmet forward and that's going to be very hard on your neck you're right here is just going to be screaming if you don't have any counterweight so we have the counterweight to balance it out to make it a lot easier on you so in general i'm typically using the ops core counterweight you can see it right here on the back so all you have to do is you can peel this guy open excuse me so get that guy open and this allows you to add little weights that they have in there you add the precise amount of weights that you need and then you can balance that system so these are pretty nice there are many systems out there we of course have to recommend the really good tnvc mohawk developed by those guys over there and they run night vision all day and that is a really good system the point is find a good counterweight system that works for you and use it you will need it even something like pbs31a some of the lightest night vision devices out there require a little bit of counterweight in reality i've seen a lot of guys muscle through having 31s mounted with no counterweight i know you can do it however if you're going to be running this for months on end and you care at all about your neck you're going to want to have a little bit more weight on there to ensure that you just don't hit your life in 20 years when you can't move your neck quick note a big shout out to uh canon cube tactical from spirit of systems rubber band trick very good idea now lights are also going to be important in certain situations um this is very dependent so for what i have done for like reading map work or looking at you right in the rain which you should have a small reading light is going to be important typically the most used light is some type of princeton tech we have this one right here we also have the the charge light which is right here uses a more common battery just a double a we got right here the point is a nice little flexible light is going to save you a lot of headache because not everything in the tactical world is going to be shooting and killing a lot of it is figuring stuff out reading maps so it's going to be helpful i always have some type of headlamp but you can understand that it's kind of difficult to get a headlamp up when you have a helmet on and you need to keep that helmet on as a quick note beyond these small little lights right here uh you will see some people using some type of surefire light some type of sure fire vampire is usually pointing up or down the question is why do people do that so you have to understand that night vision needs light to work there are areas there are situations where there is going to be zero ambient light therefore night vision will not work so by using a light especially a vampire light that means it's putting out ir light that is only detectable by night vision if you aim that up that can bounce off a roof off a ceiling and that can create a nice umbrella flood in areas where you need artificial ir light for cqb or for post assault work or for sse which is sensitive site exploitation that is basically finding important things on whatever target you just hit so those 100 have a place um and you just have to understand on whether or not you need that based off of what you are doing so if you're going to be in areas where there is no ambient light you should probably think about having one of those on your helmet so this is going to be super dependent on you on who you're with and everything but we have strobes so right here we have a healthstar6 this is your strobe used just all over the world proven all that good stuff so what a strobe does in case you're not aware is depending on what setting you have it'll either be visible or it'll be ir so we have our visible setting right here and then if we click it up we have an ir setting so there are different things that can be steady it can be a strobe and the question is why well in the military sense it can be used for many things it can be used during free fall so you can know where other guys are it can be used for aircraft in a sense of what we might be using it for it could be used in emergency situations in something like a pace plan if you're not familiar with what a pace plan is it stands for primary alternate contingency emergency that essentially is setting four different ways of communicating with teammates if one of them fails so for example if your primary way of communicating is a radio and that radio fails what is the plan after that and in emergency situations perhaps a strobe could be one of the ways that you're communicating the point is it is going to be completely dependent on what you do but understand that it is certainly something that can be added to your helmet that has a lot of benefit in many situations like the ones we just outlined and it looks freaking cool so we finished up the main parts of what is important to have on your helmet there are a couple last things i do want to talk about which are important so something like extra face armor right uh if you want to look like you're the mandalorian or something like that very cool first off but why um this isn't something that you typically see being worn on a ground mission but rather if you're vehicle mounted and that vehicle is moving you around man you can have as much protection as needed so that's where something like this is going to come into play and these integrate directly into helmets mtech makes a version of these they're definitely out there and they definitely do have their place another cool thing that i want to talk about is if you want to come over here and take a look at it is what's called this step in visor you've probably seen it up to this point so it's a visor you can see it has these nice little rubber seals around there so for guys who are used to those older turbo fans those older goggles this kind of is able to replace them and it integrates directly into your helmet a lot of good things that i have to say about this it is a very cool design and then when you don't need it you can easily just pull it off your helmet and what's nice about that is i can leave these clips on and they're very unobtrusive they don't really get in the way but at the same time i can keep this in a pocket in my pack and i can put it on when needed and this is going to be something that's definitely going to be probably more for vehicle work or for some really intense urban work where there's a lot of dust grime or something getting kicked up there is certainly a purpose to it so to wrap things up if there's anything that i can explain to you of everything that we've talked about the most important thing when it comes to a helmet is going to be wearing it if your helmet isn't fitted to your head because it's like i think gbrs group said it best it's like a baseball glove right these are going to be fitted your head everybody's heads are a little bit different everybody's shaped weird some guys have a five head some guys have a three head the point is find the pads that put this at the correct orientation on your head and wear it actually wear it like sit down at your computer when you're you know playing ready or not or whatever and wear it for a couple hours you'll be surprised at the types of results that you gave be like holy crap i'm actually starting to get a headache after a couple hours at this thing on like that's kind of concerning hike with it on actually train with it on i don't know why people wear plate carriers but then when it comes to helmets they're like oh that is crossing like the larping line like there is a cliff and i will not cross that cliff because the helmet is too much you should be training in helmets you should be intimately familiar with them and if you look right here on some of the newer ops core linings that we have they're incredible they're both incredibly comfortable they fit very well there's a variety of pads to get the correct height and ops core has an entire video about making them fit well as do many other manufacturers find them i love these because they ventilate my head very well and by ventilate i mean not holes in my head but rather they vent all the sweat off so that i'm not just sweating profusely so guys get out there train your helmets find a helmet that is going to work for you and set it up smart be deliberate with what you put on it but more importantly like we've always stressed training it if you don't train in it none of it matters guys so get out there and train i'm not going to say get professional training specifically on this but you should get out there and use it use is what is going to be the difference between being good with the helmet and just having no idea what you're doing get out there use them be deadly guys thank you so much for watching we've got nothing else for you final thing for you guys possibly not bulletproof hats coming out soon that's what we got for you cool save up
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,723,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helmet setups, special opertations helmet setup, helmet, ops-core, mtek, team wendy, ops core, ops core rf1, ops core sf, SF helmet, maritime, high cut helmet, super high cut helmet, best helmet setups, airsoft helment setups, ops-core amp, ops-core helmet test, helmet setup, helmet setup nvg, helmet setup garand thumb, tactical helmet setup, helment setup nvg
Id: V2omht92AyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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