Upgrading Our Equipment Shed!

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welcome back to another video guys we're back to normal temperatures luckily uh that heat was too much for me i saw some people commenting like oh that's our low temperature in the summer that 30 degrees or 90 fahrenheit that's insane i don't need that kind of temperature but anyway we're grabbing these skid steer because we've got some straw packs to clean out this morning we're gonna get started [Music] so that's the straw pack we're taking out uh it's for the calves the renault barn here it's pretty clean because we just put bedding in but we quickly after decided to take them out so we got to clean it out now and it is actually pretty high i don't know if you guys can see it on camera that well but it is uh probably two feet deep a straw pack so we got some work ahead of us so right away once i started using this bucket i noticed my pedals down here that i used to control it with they're not moving so good and that's gonna really slow me down so right away at the beginning here i'm gonna have to clean all of the crap out from underneath those pedals uh that just happens when guys step in here with their boots i do it too they're dirty you're walking through the barn and uh you track a bunch of crap in here and it packs underneath there and then you can't move it the full way and it just slows your bucket movement down so i'm going to probably grab some gloves and clean that out well i was about to start tackling that straw pack there but dean was feeding it this morning it looks like something got into this auger from the bin and plugged it up stalled it out and then it stalled the motor out took us a little bit to get that motor going again it tries to spin now at least so we made some ground there but uh it's still plugged up so unfortunately we got to put a pipe wrench on the top of that auger there and that'll get us to the flighting of the auger and we can manually spin it like that it's it's pretty tough work but at least we can get the auger going like that so once we've manually spun a bunch of the grain out of there i'll turn it on and see if it goes this is the uh beet ball bin and that's the heaviest grain that we got to auger out of one of these bins we always feed it really slow i've seen a pigeon in there once though and that kind of buggers it up and sometimes you get some trash in the bins really rarely but maybe like a little chunk of tire and that'll plug one of these augers it's pretty unfortunate you wouldn't have this problem with commodity bins but uh to each their own there's there's pros and cons with everything i guess but we'll try it again here well we got it unplugged didn't see anything in there i don't know sometimes maybe it's overloaded or i don't know maybe something was in there but we got it going again and it's looking good so got our gloves all right we've got those pedals cleaned out a bit see how much that does for me i think it's going to speed things up a lot this morning okay so it is the next morning dad took out the other straw pack of the renault barn over there that's pretty cold this morning we have a little temperature gauge right here you guys can see it is minus one right now i'm sure the canola that's up out of the ground already is gonna like that hopefully nothing freezes man we put the crops in pretty early this year and uh temperatures like this are pretty sketchy but uh i think it should be fine minus one's not too bad i'm in our storage shed right now and we got a pretty cool project going on today we got a guy coming out with a skid steer and he's going to be working in here all day probably our plan is to take all the sand or like a couple inches of sand out of here and then we're going to back fill it in with gravel it's going to make a nicer surface in our shed here the biggest problem with this shed like it's awesome it's big we can store all the equipment in here keep it out of the sun keep it nice and dry in the winter time if it rains we can always just park something in here this shed is awesome it's just got one major downfall and that is if you park something in here for even just a month it's absolutely covered in dust every single square inch every nook and cranny and every piece of equipment just gets completely covered up in dust when you park it in here for any amount of time and that's because the floor in here is all sand and uh we'd like to change that so we got some gravel just outside the shed here and some more gravel piles way over there and we might be getting even more today and we're gonna be scooping the sand out of here and then we're gonna be filling it up with gravel again and we want it to be perfectly nice and level that's why we're getting the skid steer out here some professional you know we're not going to be good enough with our bobcat to get it perfectly level you got to kind of have some experience with that to get it really neat and i don't know maybe they'll have a level so he's gonna probably scoop all the sand out the reason why we're not just dumping gravel in here on top of it is because the roof is on the lower end and when the drill is folded up i think we're half a foot it's just literally just a couple of inches off of the ceiling and that's why we got to make sure we don't bring the floor too high if anything we're going to bring the floor down a little bit even after we take that much sand out so that's the plan today uh this skid steer guys should be showing up here shortly and we're gonna be helping him out with the case wheel loader over there because to let this guy move all the sand out of here and bring all the gravel in is gonna really make things take a lot longer for him dad's just moved all the equipment out this morning trucks the combine sitting outside there and he's just getting it ready but uh yeah that's what we're doing today so you see the first couple of streaks through the shed there we're gonna be i guess peeling all the dirt out and then that skid steer will do most of the fine work it's pretty difficult to use the loader to kind of scrape an even amount of dirt nice and smooth out of something like this you just gotta really be careful that you're not digging down too deep too quickly because then you're going to dig some holes and the guy said that he doesn't want holes in here which makes sense it's going to make things a lot harder so just trying to slowly drive make sure that if i am going too deep i'm going to catch it right away lift the bucket up a little bit and one thing i do got to slowly do as we get through the shed about halfway i gotta start lifting the bucket up a little bit to get some weight on those front tires because of the sand that's in the bucket otherwise i'll spin out and we'll run out of grip but once i get some weight on those front tires i should be good to go push it all straight out so so that's the skid steer you guys can see it's got tracks on there and that's a earthworks unit i guess it's for working in the dirt and that kind of stuff and this guy's i guess he's got quite a bit of experience moving dirt and he's going to level it out first and i believe they're going to get a laser level and they're going to see the level in the floor and then we're gonna put the gravel in and then with a laser somehow pull that all flat as well so i'm pretty much done in here i just took out the volume and he's gonna make it neat and level pretty good so but i think i'm done i'm gonna start getting rid of this pile of dirt that's right here we actually took quite a bit of sand out already that's not a small pile at all [Music] so i'm going to start getting rid of that pile getting it out of the way there we got to give a quick shout out to costa 2 for cleaning the cab of this case loader i've already tracked a bit of sand in here but it is looking snazzy in here well probably didn't look so good in here since we bought it so me and dad are hauling with both wheel loaders he's in the new holland i'm in the case and we're actually wheeling this stuff directly into our sand room [Music] yeah this material does look a little bit darker than the sound that we had in there before but it still should be fun so buddy with the skid steer finished up this afternoon leveling the dirt out he's maybe got a little bit of work to do tomorrow morning yet but it's looking it's looking neat in this shed now i'm going to use the loader and wheel a couple of buckets of gravel in the back little bit of this shed here got a bit of a start so we don't have to do all of it tomorrow morning well we probably got a quarter of the shed lined with gravel now it's looking really good that's all we're gonna do today though i'm gonna grab the columbine put it back in here we're also gonna park the auger in here overnight and those are the two things that are gonna stay in here and we'll drive them out again tomorrow morning drive the columbine around for a little bit i don't mind if i do all right let's get this thing back in the shed all right we will get back to this tomorrow morning for hopefully a finished product i'll see you guys then well guys this is the next day and uh skid steer guy finished up with the gravel in the shed here and it looks awesome it's perfectly level the shed also looks a ton brighter just because the floor is so much lighter and there's light ricocheting off of it and it just looks awesome so we picked up a packer just a hand one that you can pull and uh costa's running that right now he's gonna do the entire shed and pack all the gravel down you can see the difference this is packed and this is not packed this is still super loose and this just feels solid almost feels like you're walking on concrete not quite but it's a million times better than this and that's hopefully going to keep all the gravel super tight on the ground when you're driving equipment in and out of here uh we don't want to get it rutted up too much we just want to keep that gravel in place where it's nice and level and the shop looks neat it's nice and smooth to drive on that's why we're packing it so because it's on there just going back and forth and back and forth well you guys can see dad went ahead and parked some equipment in here already this is kind of the stuff that's got to stay dry we should be getting some rain up here pretty quickly which is really awesome because we kind of really need it but uh the auger the two trucks the combine that kind of stuff needs to stay dry there's some other stuff still outside like the manure wagon a couple of tractors it doesn't really matter if those get rained on it or not and that's why you parked this stuff in here i guess but anyway costa finished packing this up this morning this gravel he packed it twice and it is pretty solid you can see the loader just drove on it there and it left a little bit of tread marks and that's it didn't even make a rut or nothing so this gravel is packed in here super solid and i think it looks awesome and it's going to be super practical every time we drive something in and out of here it's not going to be a complete dust storm making everything dirty solid upgrade for our farm we're stoked about this and yeah thank you guys so much for watching today's video if you enjoyed hit those like and subscribe buttons down below really helps the channel out and i hope to see you guys in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: SaskDutch Kid
Views: 119,896
Rating: 4.9809785 out of 5
Keywords: dairy farming, dairy cattle, farming in canada, canadian dairy farm, dairy, farm, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog channel, farming selfie, holstein, holstein cow, holstein farm, cow farm, farming milk cows, tractor, seeder, combine, crop farmer, land farmer
Id: 4pO1m5YxfwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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