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right muckers a truck that's nearly 70 years old it's been sat in a scrap yard for nearly 40 years the big question is will it start roll the titles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right then markers um very simply a will it start and why do we need it to start because you've sold this and it's going on a low loader next week yeah so um which you could drag on or push it on that's fair enough but the other end they've got no room to maneuver it's literally got to come off for lorry and then be turned and maneuvered into a shed so it has to run it has to drive now already i've come across two problems currently it doesn't run let alone start secondly it doesn't drive now there's several reasons for that first off there's no prop or rear diff in this one currently is it nothing but we've got drive to the front and it will be going with another axle so they can complete it more to the point though is actually jammed in second okay so it's jammed in second gear so we've got to get it started running unjammed second gear so we can then get it moving don't forget when i pulled this out scrapyard last year i had to disconnect all the prop shafts that were left on it so that we could actually move it so we've got to put all the prop shafts back on from the gearbox to the engine and the front prop shaft is back on yeah so yeah it's not very straightforward um but this is generally not one of these you know well will it start let's just see if it goes just out of interest is no this has got to go this has got to start and it was in a use with as a wrecker with a bus company up in yorkshire yeah um and there was two others as well that's got real nice coach built bodies on and they've all been preserved doesn't it really nicely and the good news about this one is it's kind of a good home and it's going to be restored exactly how it was in those pictures that we see fantastic that is fantastic so with a little bit of effort for us it's well worth it for the end result but there we are so um hmm not going to be an easy one is it it's not but as i think you know those who have been following us with the aec matador thing if they're a good engine they will go regardless even when they're a really bad engine we're proving they will go to a degree yeah but anyway so there we are marcus craig online yep right to get to the engine which is over there somewhere ah okay now the thing is yo you can't just dump this stuff because there are things like that which you need for the restoration you know and that's the orange look dorian just like you know honestly this is where you've got to be so bloody careful because oh that's scrap yeah i know and they'll replace that bit of timber but they're going to need that fitting there um so we've got basically take all the [ __ ] out but you say [ __ ] a lot of that we're gonna need so we're gonna have to just place that that can all go in the back once we've done that can't it all right carry on get the rest of this you found anything good in there oh nice hmm she looks like you mum knitted that yeah i know look nice on you why is he sold oh what else is in there that bit of rope might come in andy hang yourself no i think it will face water [ __ ] dirty stuff all right now i think that's enough in there enough to get there can you actually see the engine yeah you can see the engine in the knife so we'll now do the other side yeah um right get the other side then we get the engine up and get to all the good stuff where's that then not here 37. this is the driver's side this is where she's stuck in second obviously ain't going anywhere um but yeah there we are through the throttle free throttle's free yeah clutch is free hopefully that is actually free so we can at least wind her over yeah without it but mind you it's not going to matter different so all this can do is turn the transmission because it's not connected the minute so right and your foot will hurt for a while just a little while should we get this up and let's have a look what's under here this is the statute if there's an engine in there hold on let's watch the whole side of the cab go out now now the first question is is it going to be seized up well i think what we need to do first off to see if take the undergrowth take all the undergrowth yep um we've got the cobwebs all the cobwebs oh they've put the seat in so you can't get the that's good right um what we need to do oh yeah it's still got under here joking aside the raf it's raf number funny how oh that's amazing yeah i just i stayed the sort of things you know you don't come across those they make it all worth it yeah did you know we might even get to find out about history from from that number um but right oh i've got the plates on as well that's good and um do you know what around here yeah it's all there good the um even the dynamo is still on it sure right should we try and see if we can get this to turn over first by hand so if it isn't seized i don't think even even it'll only be a standing you know fruit isn't it you don't think we just collect the batteries up and press the button and well everybody else does just wind it over yeah no um let's just sit for sun seas first if you've got seattle turn over then what we'll do is if it does yeah let's then uh let's then take these rocker covers off we'll put some oil in the top yep all in there then we'll put some batteries on and then we'll see if we have actually got a proper starting handle so we can put the starting handling and try and turn the engine over with the starting handle right have we got the room at the front to do that we'll have a look okay just punch the windscreen out are you thinking about mate ain't gonna happen very good that is brilliant but that ain't gonna happen sort of get just get underneath it come on i'm getting a little hole down there you can get underneath it so i've got a little inspection window down here yeah well i can see the flywheel oh yeah yeah and it's of course his teeth on the fly well yeah well you just do your little bit down there and we'll have a look up here because if you can see that there's a fan look you ready yeah you actually looking at the fan yeah look at the phone mate come on yeah she's turning nice hey he's turning that's going over quite easy man that's good all right lovely job you want me to do a full revolution of the engine yeah you need tight spots yeah do that now well you've gone around this this one now is a full revolution sorry all the compression yeah that's good right why can't i stop now yeah just just fill a full of ether put two batteries on we'll go for it one and run now i think i think she'll be all right matt i mean oh girl looks well you know in there are you up in there yeah so you try to get on top of the gearbox um what is it you're actually trying to get right so i think what it is is the selector forks are seized selector and uh you can actually get to them by taking the oil filler plug off right now this would be really easy job if we just lifted up the uh the hatch above the gearbox however on the floor there is i think you see up there through there let me let me just show this there we go there is a bench up there that they put obviously a part of a mobile workshop we just put another floor above the floor above the hatch so we can't and i don't really want to be taking the uh the gearbox out this afternoon so we're going to try and get it from well let's have a look at another gearbox and see exactly what we're trying to get to right so there's a gearbox out of the vehicle um so the problem we've got on that matador is it's stuck in second yep uh and so the gear lever goes onto that there doesn't it on the shaft there basically you've got a long rod that comes along here yeah which is attached to the gear stick yep and it just pulls on and twists and it falls forwards and that's the same as this one it seems solid yeah which they do right so that plug comes out can you see the yep the sliders yep yep they should all be moving yeah so that's in there you say should be making these move and twisting it but they're not so what we've got to do over the road is basically get as much lubrication as we can in there first and then we've got to put try and get pressure on there we're going to either do that with a hammer or a big lever all right a big lead would do a big level dirt one up um get some pressure on it i'd put some pressure on above on the gear stick itself and move that between the two hopefully that'll then free these up just look on there give a bit of a history to it look west yorkshire passenger transport executive metro house uh as i say west parade wakefield so let's just say that's the old metro thing and uh yeah it's your wakefield i'm not hitting the gearbox not at all just sounds a bit like it special effects um there you go let's see if your lube has worked wonders so we've got first second third yep fourth yeah if you tried fifth yeah yeah let's try reverse so they're actually all this is on there [Music] oh he's alright mate yeah first banks are right i'll uh just pull them up and if you can get me oh shoes yeah if you can get me the little uh pry bar yeah let me just check everything's free good and dandy yeah right that's both of them uh lubed up and done really well be getting rid of all this vegetation though before we do much for more right so we've got the seat everything out of there now we're getting the argument with the seat had a little heart from the seat in the grinder now you on the back there are explain what you're doing there so this is the feed into the diesel feed into the fuel pump right now as we've got no idea what the state of the diesel is like in this that pipes they've been broken they could be full of crap so what we'll do we'll feed some nice clean diesel straight into the fuel pump and the other advantage of that is if it gets all excited and carries runs away with itself we just disconnect it very quickly very quickly and you can see just up there there's a uh adapted uh piece of pipe which we can then put that fitting on the back there and then on that one we can then put a very small fuel tank which is what we ran 37 on yeah and uh i gave her a fuel supply the other thing is with that gravity fed system we haven't got to worry about lift pumps no fuel pumps all the pumps any pumps right so the sides off the pump so we want to see if everything's all right it looks higher than that yeah yeah put a bit of lube on it first okay on the rack and then we'll operate the throttle mechanism yep always nice of an empty can right can you find that foot pedal i've just uncovered it okay let's have a little look so what you want to do just rock it mate just well i could just put my foot on the plate oh look the uh the bottle spring has now fallen to bits right so throttle down yep down all the way down to be revving it up let it go with neutral so such we're just sitting idle now pull her up to stop it yeah it does mate we just need to get a photo spring okay yeah empty right i've got water in there now uh closed the tap off at the bottom i've been drained down uh anyway so we've got some water in there uh which for just for the purpose of getting it running are sufficient right in order to uh get this thing at fire up we need to get those leads off there off the back of starter motor and then we can wire it direct uh so we cut all the switch gear because looking up in the cab looks be a potential fire hazard there we are they're off and uh we connect direct to that now right so that's battery leads uh put on there the remote remote ones so we took obviously the original ones off put another pair on so we can get out the side of the vehicle then connected uh with the solenoid wire to the remote starter to put a pair of batteries on how are you getting on there mate yeah check the oil in the pump that's all done we've got diesel coming out there diesel comes at the front there that's good and as i said what i can do very quickly is just rip this fuel pipe off if anything goes pulling starver off yeah that's the quickest way to shut one down yeah uh okay so we've got fuel we have got potential knife of power water we've got water uh which is always good which would you okay yeah okay that lube's a pump up all the leaves yeah put a pair of batteries on and then who knows it'll either be an engine turning over second option is an engine starting third option is a big bang or the fourth option is just nothing nothing at all just click click click click not even a click no you're not even a click yeah but i'm hoping for options one and two engine turns over and then fires up um as i said this hasn't been hasn't been run since the 1980s no no not so we talked mid 80s early 80s early 80s early 80s so we're approaching 40 years but this is basically you saw the stories that was from the bus company to a yard and that's where it stayed one thing we haven't done yet what's that right we've washed it oh no we've gotta wash it in we really that won't start well anyway we just gotta get another lead so bolt you got your bolt there normally we just bang them on with a hammer however these they take a big draw and they do tend to make things spark and we've had that happen beforehand like guy fawkes nights but we reason we've bypassed everything is because we don't actually think this is you know um yeah uh has passed at its path testing whatever and uh yeah it's uh so we've bypassed all this stuff and uh we've just gone direct with a little starter switch and all that good stuff um but as i said they do tend to fly fire and they're not out batteries no no you just pinched them let me go around this side it's just i've got let's run i know all right let's just start button we've got it's just cobbled up effort but what are you saying nothing just voted your man the year what's going to happen now are you having bets on this um i'm going for absolutely nothing all right with that yeah oh don't do it again moves what nothing ready yeah give me the dream well i wasn't expecting that no okay so with that in mind i'm going to give her a bit of throttle yeah all strong i just don't think it is either one or the other yeah um we know we can turn her off on that now yeah that works we'll give you another go ready her right up yet send it not even any smoke pressure little bit better i'll call it all the diesel all the smoke i can smell all that [ __ ] was that you would have installed it oh yeah i forgot not too bad no i think our gravity fed diesel system could be a little bit better yeah um well it went better than expected it did actually sounds nice and did you know what she runs smooth and no knocks or rumbles or nothing like that and you reckon you had 40 psi ticker i had and and and and she's dropped to zero now it's off so yeah i had i had a good [ __ ] yeah i had a good 40 psi but yeah that that tank wants to go high so does that you don't want any glue bottom do you want drop loops is what i'm saying because then having a pull up feed the stuff there oh yeah put on the [ __ ] roof because it's not going to fall off here is it straight on your [ __ ] head put on the back that's why i'm trying to hurry up to it you might sit in there no i haven't been worried about pulling them i wouldn't pull on too much we found right so um that's up there are you coming down this week right can you pull that pipe up a bit higher as well so that that's it so it's feeding like that somewhere okay here we go for another start yeah just let me bleed off okay there we go all right let's see here move another start now that is just absolutely fantastic pretty good is that worse we've had worse days definitely um yeah i'm really pleased yeah once a bit adjustment on there because i put it right up but that is fantastic i think it's a success give ourselves a little pattern i think so yeah i think there should be a uh ice cream waiting when we get home so uh there we are marcus that is another one uh we've got to run um i'm pleased with this one though this actually runs really really well yeah but then really what we getting on the 37 that is the one um and we know 37 runs but i'm i am surprised i'm pleased how well this whole girl runs after five years isn't it it's 40 years sat around 40 years doing nothing just did the normal checks as i said what you always do to make sure everything you're not going to damage anything and um that's the result what a fantastic truck this is really really pleased how that uh house turned out today uh one of my favorite i think will it start all in all now we can get stuck into this old girl and that i am looking forward to so there we go an absolute gem of a truck and probably my favorite will it start so far just because you know well the end result so much better than we thought yeah we thought we could probably get it running but then to find out it's such a nice engine that was a real bonus now last week's question time markers was what is the identity and make of the tractor that's currently residing in the workshop i'll give you the answer to that in the next video but this week's question time don't forget to put your answers in the old script below in the comment section and you know we've got loads of stuff coming up you know we've got tractors trucks pickup trucks combines aircraft all sorts but i've got a little bit of a window in which to film something uh which you can choose and it's going to be a tractor okay that's fair enough we know that that's all right but muckers and this is the question for this week right answers in the old school pick below do you want to see a vintage tractor a classic tractor or a modern tractor what do you want to see put your answers in the old script hit below we'll see which one comes out on top and as the opportunity comes up i'll go and film something either vintage classic or modern now to everybody who's been asking me you know how can we win a day out with me and george saunders to play around with uh george's tw and his fast track and my 8 100 and 33 50. um very simple i've told you all you've got to do is you know keep watching george's videos keep watching my videos the ones that you know in the last two or three weeks just gone same with george's and the ones in the next two or three weeks ahead same with george's because the answers are all gonna be in there and all i'm gonna do is uh you know just do a very short video then ask them three questions all the answers if you've been watching these you'll know the answers already put them down you go in the drawer and then uh about four of you uh we'll be able to bring a friend or a family member along as well you know and you'll be able to join us for the day come and have breakfast and everything and we could go and we're just gonna play over the tractors and you know put them to a bit of work just messing the boat with them whatever bit of grub as well during the day just have a good time but uh like i said we have to limit the numbers so make sure you pay attention you'll be in with a chance of winning so muggers oh was it that time again yes well it looks like it's the end of the show again muggers what are you doing anyway [ __ ] until the next one do well you
Channel: Lord Muck
Views: 285,980
Rating: 4.8922596 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, lord muck, aec matador, farming, agriculture, tractors, how to, diesel engine, will it start, barn find, jcb, caterpillar, fendt, construction, engineering, workshop, mechanic, cold start, abandoned vehicles, Abandoned places
Id: OucXfyyDxe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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