We're Doing This To Make Our Farm Safer!

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good morning everybody today i'm going to start out by moving this pile of gravel away from here if you guys have watched the channel for a bit you'll know that this kind of side of our farm of our yard here beside the barns we've kind of been working away trying to smooth this out i think dad's finally decided that we're probably just gonna get someone out to level this out we tried to working at it last summer we just didn't have the time and maybe we weren't able to get it as smooth as we possibly could so i'm gonna start by moving this gravel out of the way because we don't want this to get mixed in with all of that dirt we want to use this to coat stuff like along the sides of the barn so i'm going to be moving this this morning to where we think we're going to be using most of it which is beside our liquid manure lagoon that's the first thing we're doing this morning [Music] so right beside our liquid manure lagoon kind of in this corner here beside the ramp that's where i'm going to be dumping it dad told me to leave enough room in between the walls and this new pile of gravel said he could come in there with the sprayer he's got a little 10-foot square he pulls behind the mower just keep all the weeds down here and keep the gravel nice neat and clean so i got to make sure that i leave enough room for that so that's our new pile of gravel we moved it all over pretty difficult to not get any sud or any dirt in here you can see i did scoop some up that looks like clay to me but uh there's a couple of really dirty buckets right here tried to keep it separate but that is pretty clean so so we're still here by our liquid manure lagoon and we got some materials right there some wire mesh and some posts and that's because we're going to be building a fence around our lagoon we never really initially planned on building a fence around this thing but the walls you know they're only this is maybe a two foot high wall and wouldn't be too difficult for someone who wasn't paying attention to fall in there maybe or you know if there's any kids around the farm or if the cows get out it's not the safest thing in the world there's no regulation or rules out here i believe that you need to have a fence around your lagoon but we figured just for safety we would put one on here and we kind of were thinking maybe we should have it done maybe we should just get a crew out here put a fence on there but that is going to add up it's going to be expensive so we figured we're going to try and figure out how we can put a fence on our lagoon here by ourselves we'll do it ourselves and this is kind of what my dad came up with so he had some hud rights custom fabricates some posts that we're gonna bolt onto the side of this concrete wall here you can see this is just a used drill stem we use that drill stem all over the farm quite a bit and we got some flat steel welded onto it with four holes for bolts on there and uh we're just gonna bolt them on to the side and then the posts also have a hole here and a hole further up for a wire to go through string two wires across and then we will attach this wire mesh to those wires and that will be our fence on top of the lagoon here it is probably not going to look as good as a nice galvanized chain link fence but uh it's still gonna look decent i think it's gonna work good and uh that's the important thing so me and dima are gonna probably do the most of the work to put this fence on here and um me and my dad already marked out where all the posts gotta go so we got a bunch of marks every 10 feet or so and now we just need to drill the four bolt holes for those posts get those posts fastened down so the way we're going to drill the holes into the concrete for the post to be attached to it we're going to be using a hammer drill that should just drill some holes in the concrete and then we'll have to use some anchor bolts hammer the anchor bolts in there and then we'll be able to attach those posts to the concrete wall and we figured a really easy way to get square consistently placed holes in this concrete wall is to kind of fabricate a plate that we can hang over the edge of this wall here and that'll give us the exact spots where to drill those four holes because if you're going to sit here and measure out where they need to go it's got to be you know level and it's got to be the right depth or the right height constantly and that could be pretty difficult so we're going to fabricate some kind of a bracket that we can hang over the edge here drill the four holes in just to make our lives a lot easier because we gotta drill a ton of holes [Music] so this is the bracket mechanic brent welded up for us we should just be able to put it on here we'll use a level make sure that it's perfectly straight up and down then we can just hammer drill holes into the concrete and this is actually the exact same plate that's on all of those other posts that we had fabricated up so got a bucket of tools with us we'll have better sounds good so these are the anchor bolts you can see the ends of these things look a little bit different than a regular bolt and that's because once you hammer them in and put a bit of pressure on them they kind of kind of spray out a bit and clamp onto the outer walls of these holes that we just drilled in i put some nuts on just to protect the threads that's something people are saying we should do when we put the salt block holders up in the barn if you're gonna do that here too sweet man that's it and as soon as we drill the first few holes in that wall starts to rain this is just a little quick shower it'll blow past here in a couple of minutes we'll just wait it out in the truck but uh it is dry out here guys a lot of the fields a lot of the seed in saskatchewan is going in the ground dry right now and uh that's pretty too bad it's it's really dry out here so any rain is welcome but this isn't going to be a huge shower that's going to do anything for the crops but might keep the dust down for a couple of minutes so we got two posts already fastened down we just use a level on the side here make sure they're straight up and down and they're pretty solid you can see the hole for the wire it's just above the concrete here we just wanted to suck two of them down now just to make sure that the bolt placement was pretty good and i think we're going to leave them out a little bit further than this but this is looking pretty good i was worried that these bolts had gone too deep into the concrete but you can see we don't want this either this one's sticking out way too far it's still holding it just as good i think but you know you have these ugly bolts sticking out here now so there's going to be 18 posts per wall we just put the end one in here and we tried to stay six or seven inches off of the edge here just because you never want to drill and hammer a anchor bolt in right on the edge then you'll run the risk of cracking the edge off so stayed good solid half a foot in and this is gonna keep the wall nice and neat for the ramps here where we're going to back up still with the pump for the manure tip it over the edge we're gonna put regular cattle gates in here uh that's probably the cheapest thing we're gonna have to get some bigger heavier posts though we'll just pour them in right beside the wall here and that's where we'll fasten that gate on because these little posts that we're bolting into the side of the concrete wall like this these posts are just never going to be strong enough to hold a 16 foot gate here so we're gonna have to pour those in yet but we'll have that done later this summer most likely [Music] so we just used a little magnetic level make sure that it's perfectly straight up and down obviously these corner posts are not gonna be strong enough to hold the tension of a wire being pulled across this entire wall uh this end post here is gonna have all of that tension and all of that weight from the entire wall on this one post so we're gonna weld or install another plate here with bolts and then we're gonna weld a cross beam in here and that'll keep this post a lot stronger when we do put that wire in and try and suspend that fence up in [Music] here [Music] so that's all we're gonna get done this afternoon before we gotta go and milk cows we got the one full wall there done this half wall done and uh you know we started after lunch and we still have to figure out how we're going to do it all get all the tools ready get ready to go so i'm sure pretty confident if me and demos start tomorrow morning at like 10 putting these posts on we'll be able to hammer quite a few of them out maybe even finish all the posts tomorrow and um yeah we'll see how far we get i see comments in the video sometimes that we have a neat and clean farm and that our parlor barn is clean and stuff like that and we really appreciate those comments we try to keep on top of it but here in the parlor barn and in the parlor we have someone that comes in once a week off the farm and they clean everything down and we do try to always keep everything really clean ourselves with the fire hoses after every single milking but there's always going to be some menorah that cakes on on these panels here and on the claws on the sides of the shelves here and if you don't clean them once a week they're not going to look really clean after a year or so so um that's why we have someone come in off the farm that we know it happens once a week if me or my sister or one of my parents were going to do it say we're going to do it once a week then you know what's going to happen we can maybe chase some cows or do some field work there's always an excuse to not clean and this way happens once a week dad's also cleaning this straw pack out right now still gotta do that side as well but uh we would have liked to do this earlier this spring right away spread it straight onto the field but you guys saw we had some tractor troubles and we had to end up using our sprayer tractor to finish hauling manure out of the corrals so we didn't really have any extra time we need to use that tractor for spraying because seating needs to happen pretty quickly as well so um things didn't go the way they were planned but um it's no matter we're just gonna take this out now tuck it on the big pile behind the curls there and we'll get to it later this summer just which goes sometimes oh this is group one and they're just standing waiting to get up into the parlor we don't start putting the cows into the holding area until 3 40. 3 40 to the minute is when we're allowed to bring them up into there just because otherwise you slowly start to go a little bit earlier a little bit earlier alright so it looks like dad started to tackle the other straw pack as well this afternoon and he's got about one scoop left so that's pretty awesome we finished milking up here this afternoon and everything went really good had a couple of cows to needle and ai after as well so we just locked the head lockers after milking all the cows go and eat right away after they come out of the parlor so everyone was locked up that i need to work with so that works out pretty awesomely as well that is gonna be it for today's video guys if you enjoyed be sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below and i hope to see you guys in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: SaskDutch Kid
Views: 76,433
Rating: 4.9843259 out of 5
Keywords: dairy farming, dairy cattle, farming in canada, canadian dairy farm, dairy, farm, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog channel, farming selfie, holstein, holstein cow, holstein farm, cow farm, farming milk cows, tractor, seeder, combine, crop farmer, land farmer
Id: 7tcUOGtHgLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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