Concrete Floor & Silo Work

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That bucket on the caterpillar wheels is great! We just use wheelbarrows. Gonna have to tell the boss about that one.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/smoochwalla 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey guys so they're working at four in the floor today in the barn about eight a.m now they got started half hour ago so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i'm finishing up the beating for this morning just gotta run this little batch off for these heifers [Music] so we just feed these heifers once a day mix a batch after we do the main cow batch in the morning dead dried up five cows this morning so we're gonna chase these down to the draco barn two more to do after these three [Music] they're about halfway done with the floor now already do this pull into this pit that we wanted to get filled in we stuck some rebar in the sides throwing holes into it and then they they attached two by fours underneath so i'll pour concrete on that now should work pretty good [Music] got a bucket of tools the job we're gonna be working on this morning is in the second harvest store silo this is the one that we had a bunch of junk feed in we had the service guys out to look at it and they actually found a little hole in the vent up at the top some sort of air vent it's supposed to be a sealed silo but there's a pressure pattern something that was rusting and it was letting more air in i think that was the cause of all the spoiled feed so we got that fixed that's a good thing one thing that wasn't done is the silo unloader was not short armed once the title gets empty you need to shorten the cutter arm in there for when you start filling it again i've made some videos on us long arming this unloader which is when we pull the whole thing out and work on it outside but you can short on it inside the silo it's a little bit easier of a job you set the climb in there to work on it once you're in there it's really not too bad i'm going to take this little door off and then we can get in there and start working so we're inside the harvest store now this is the main arm that goes around has knives on it it's pretty sharp and they cut into the feed pull it to the center and it drops down into a conveyor that takes it out underneath there straight out of the silo when we first fill it we don't want the arm coming the way out the edge of the silo i want to shorten it a little bit to about here and that way when we start feeding it'll create a little bit of a dome type thing inside the feed and then we extend the arm again and then after that feeds the whole way around it's easier on the unloader this way because it doesn't have to cut into quite as much feed at first when it's making its first cut around and then after that it kind of has the space created so there's a spring inside of here putting tension on this chain we're going to loosen that first and then we can take the chain apart and we'll remove this little section right there we just realized this little lid is just about completely destroyed dad went to actually pick up another undo one of these parts [Music] so just loosening up the tension now [Applause] [Music] okay so you got this section out okay okay we're good [Music] just tap on that i think it should come [Applause] we got the chain back together [Applause] now the arm's just foot in half shorter i just need to tighten it back up i got it all tightened back up there's a bearing that put grayson at the end and there's a couple grease fittings [Music] [Music] so [Music] yep ready to go always good to have that job done let's see if they got this concrete done i just went for a little drive this afternoon to get some parts for the sprayer wanted to get these drop nozzles these are for putting fertilizer down on corn so we'll be putting these on the sprayer in the next couple weeks also got another set of nozzles that we can run a lower rate of spray than the nozzles we currently have got a couple extra nozzle bodies just for spares now we're getting a little bit more rain getting a bunch more rain we're so dry for a few weeks there now we've had about five inches of rain in the last week we got all the curves in the back done the floor is poured i don't know how well you can hear me because of how loud this rain is so they put grooves in the floor so there's a little bit of grip just to keep the heifers from slipping they put ramps on the edges this will be where we drive into the pen to add bedding or clean it out and put a four inch ramp and they're gonna pour a little concrete area outside too there's gonna be a curb here as well you can see how these water troughs worked out the water truffle just sat right on top of here we'll be able to hook this water line up you
Channel: 10th Generation Dairyman
Views: 345,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming
Id: dxqxOfMxEWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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