Upgrading My Army To Siege An UNSTOPPABLE EMPIRE!

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welcome spartans prepare for glory first we must choose our hero now we have an assortment of heroes at our disposal we've got perseus you can tell his name is perseus because he's carrying a purse then this big broad lad is named hercules and hey he kind of looks like the rock and then we got this guy achilles but we're going to start out with perseus now i've got 225 right we can choose our units of which we have various upgrades okay and look at this hephaestus lord of the forge but clearly you can see mount olympus in hades down below and then some dude oh is that atlas but we're gonna start with poseidon zeus or hades we'll start with poseidon and we are gonna go to war so we don't really know what to expect per se but let's deploy our specialist perseus with some soldiers now we got a decent amount we could keep pumping out archers so i'm just spamming out infantry now it looks like my special ability is going to be available right about now but also perseus is dead so we need to recreate our strong front line and i don't know i feel like we need to upgrade our hero here wait a minute i feel like we might be doing okay actually but as soon as perseus dies we need to look at how many archers in we need to get him out as soon as possible so it looks like wow this is a very narrow and short battlefield because we're already at the enemy's temple perseus is about to die we just got our special ability i don't know why poseidon is throwing ice showers from above when he could be you know sending tidal waves or unleashing oh release the kraken he'd be doing things like that you know things that poseidon would do poseidon aka bro side and lord of the ocean all right perseus died but we got him back oh here we go we got some spartans again i guess we've had him the whole time what's that oh i can heal my troops that's another ability i was not aware we had until i clicked on it what's this little heart-looking ui icon oh that that is your health my good boy and the enemy temple has been sacked so we've got upgrades for our units our gods and our hero i'm kind of curious to try not just beside but maybe let's go with hades next all right we move from this island to this island eventually we'll make landfall and march up to olympus or hades first i'm not entirely sure but i did want to make changes i i feel like who am i i feel like hercules is gonna be better but achilles looks cooler to me then again this guy's got a line for a hat so we'll go with achilles and i'm not going to upgrade my heroes yet because well they're variable so if i want to upgrade a regular spartan soldier which is the spear boys i've got 512 dollars what does this do oh now he holds the spear better now the spear looks more speary and now that spear looks a little bit less speery but it's still a spear got it all right so we know we've got hades and achilles achilles and we should be spamming out spearman when where possible oh achilles throws spears so he doesn't really make up the front line himself unlike perseus i like how they play a little bit different okay now they got centaurs oh and minotaurs that's a lot of tours going on over there somebody kill that champion of chaos over there were we fighting the beastmen let's see haiti's special ability oh it's just fire even though he's holding green we release regular orange flames alright the enemy is oh my god this is not good guys we are losing precipitously huzzah maybe the man with the purse is better all right my temple is getting destroyed and i can shout at my troops and it does something i'm not entirely sure what oh my god the enemy is overwhelmingly strong they need an autoplay because i feel like i'm not looking at the awesome action on the screen i'm just like spamming all of my buttons as fast as i humanly can which is i'll i'll grant you that it is rather fast but the counter attack is on as long as they don't get a giant minotaur like they do but it seems that we have critical mass i have so many archers and the enemy temple is already taking damage oh wow look you can see what was that called the colossus over like straddling the harbor and basically the colossus was created so like if you're a merchant you're coming to town you had to look at the big balls i think that's why they did it i really do our warriors have held the line i think what we want to do we are going to switch our hero up to achilles i mean it's a hercules i don't know what he does exactly i'm assuming he's a frontline soldier unlike achilles who throws spears so i think with our unit upgrades we can put most of it into archery and we wanted to try the last god here the king of all the gods zeus himself so oh level one was the first island level two the second level three eighties achilles first and a full assortment there's some dude pushing a boulder up a mountain in the background all right so we got spearman and archers the primary unit that we've been upgrading i don't think we really upgraded our swordmen so i feel no reason to do that yet lord zeus give me your power oh that's cool it's a giant lightning bolt and zeus's ability is also like or is it is it also hercules where he just releases the giant shield thing i love you oh they've got a cyclops i love the mythological units a little bit of lightning bolt never hurt nobody man hercules is dominating oh he just died so we gotta rebuild him all right we just need to hold the front line up until hercules can get there oh am i out of money i guess so dang we were doing good all right i i'm assuming the shield is like a defensive buff that guy is i think is he making progress up that hill all right we have just enough to replace our fallen leader look at this come on come on boys fight the good fight we've almost got them i mean we got them right where we want them almost zeus's lightning bolt isn't even enough to crush this simple human temple all right now we've crossed the river styx i think maybe now we're in haiti's realm i kind of like zeus the best of all the gods so i'd rather upgrade the timer and the power the power is ours there we go so we'll keep zeus i think we'll keep hercules as well oh we're definitely like in hades now just spamming units as quickly as i can and my special abilities but we are very short on gold there's no ability to upgrade gold like you can't upgrade your temple or anything so since hercules just fell we want to start saving up i've got nobody to protect all of those valuable oh man all my archers are dying all right we have no support hercules is gonna die he's okay what is going on what is going on is we're losing i have no money to get hercules back i think we're gonna lose very quickly i think this game is interesting they just probably should have worked on balance a little bit i can't lose oh look at the fates the artwork is really really good okay so what i want to do is actually upgrade my heroes now that i have a favorite i want to upgrade his health two out of ten is that enough spearmen are faster than swordman i wonder what that's all about all right hercules is down save up the money they've got multiple minotaurs this is brutal i wonder if there's different heroes like you need different heroes for different fights because even with the upgrades to health hercules is not doing enough i guess well let's upgrade his attack and his armor is that enough to get us through haiti's realm maybe we need hades in haiti's room all right here we go i feel like we've got to be doing better now that hercules has been significantly upgraded relative to where we started out and he's dead right as i said that he's like yeah he's awesome man we need him man he's dead the guy we need to fight the war so the weakening victorious is dead it's problematic come on hercules look at how many archers are backing you up buddy all right bye all our hopes are in you my boy all right here we go just hold the front line protect the archers oh there we go could this be the counter attack it's just whenever a minotaur pops up he crushes us i feel like this guy's even more powerful than minotaur the the uh cyclops god the artwork in this game is just glorious it really really is i'm surprised this was never made into a mobile game here we go finally victory seems to be within our grasp come on just keep doing it zeus is lightning fight all right hercules is down uh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i can't lose those archers if i lose too many of them i wish you could like give your men commands to retreat back that would be awesome and there we go enemy temple crushed oh so i thought we were gonna like make a landing at this temple but we're going up to mount olympus we're at the base of mount olympus all right ready i feel like we should just upgrade the hero even more i don't think speed is necessary or as valuable as like health and attack all right what does this happen oh okay there's a dude tied to the mountain that's totally not weird man it's just greek gods being greek gods you know defend those archers the lightning bolts aren't near powerful enough and hercules is dying so freaking fast it's ridiculous we are going to need to do a lot of upgrading if we want to get past this level we have 328 but there is one unit that we have not upgraded yet and i feel like we got to to some point our swordsman he's very important all right so what i did this time was instead of buying archers right away i saved it from more melee units and they're already all dead uh okay i'm not terrified you're terrified i think with how cheap the swordsmen are we need to like invest in them a little bit more so let's do just that all right i think this one's going slightly better it's kind of hard to tell you just feel like oh my army's further up and not like totally dead yet so maybe we're got a chance i spoke too soon oh wait this could be it this could be it to get us through this level to get us to mount olympus itself oh of course they're bringing in the minotaurs now the minotaurs look awesome man heavily armored got like these battle axes all right zeus is lightning protect us give us what we need man i pray i say my prayers every day to lord zeus please bless me all right he finally killed us but we have a lot of archers this time and they haven't died oh we're running out of money now i may have spoke too soon no i'm not ready to die i want to live jeez whenever you kill one minute or like more pop up just more how many more why is this always more i want less but victory's ours and the dude on the mountain tied to it nobody knows his name i mean somebody obviously does but i sure don't i feel like we gotta upgrade hercules even more we have so much money to put in right here so i could do and then let's do another thing of armor who needs health if the damage never gets through your armor even though like you look at him you're like uh you sure oh now we're going back archers i think maybe i might undervalue them a little bit with how cheap they are maybe that's the guy that we should be spamming i think zeus just crushed a minotaur with a giant bolt of lightning much what we needed but we need more zeus could you bless us a little bit more it's like you know when when your prayers are answered like yeah that was great but you wouldn't mind like i don't know maybe sending a little bit more my way would you cause that's sort of how it feels right now i hope zeus is not like you ungrateful little wretch because like i mean let's be honest i probably am a little bit of an ungrateful little wretch right now like i need more of zeus's blessing to get past this impossible level we may be pulling this one back out from the brink of disaster possibly no promises here but we have said our prayers to zeus and he answered with multiple cyclops and minotaurs okay cool oh i'm not scared you're scared wait a minute oh my gosh from the brink of defeat on the verge of defeat i rose to my feet something something they died oh my god gloriousness gloriousness glory i feel like we need to upgrade our archers we got 650 dollars i don't know what these upgrades do i really wish they could tell us because all we know is it's an icon keep sending the men oh man our guy is gonna die much quicker this time what city are we fighting him some coastal one wait a minute the counter attack is on again oh my goodness who's this guy he's a freaking giant troll that guy has so much health i think he immediately just knocked hercules out all right he's luckily just standing back oh no he's slightly moving forward oh man this is no joke he's slowly getting bored okay he's not like chained to anything directly oh just shy of 550 dollars i think that's what we need for most upgrades at this point 550 55.50 yeah we need 550 we're at 530. all right the giant's here but there's a chance that we destroy them before he gets there their temple is really really weak now hercules are hercules is really really weak but i think we're sending just enough support troops oh he just got there he just got there and we destroyed the temple oh my gosh that's the way to beat that one is you gotta do it before the giant arrives so now we're over in what looks like poseidon's neck of the woods we've got a thousand gold so i think here it's obvious the choice is upgrade our swordsman we should have upgraded him probably the first unit to upgrade all right yeah we're in poseidon's realm now wow look at how fast my guys are oh those guys look cool they're giant like they look like they're made out of like c sand or something like that i wish there was like keys i could use to spawn my guys in oh my gosh everything's getting crushed right now they have momentum they have so many units coming out this is ridiculous i can't laugh or else i'll just start coughing because i am still sick but upgrade the arches come on i don't know what the difference is sometimes i do so so well and all i did was upgrade like one little thing other times i'm getting crushed wait a minute i may have spoken too soon the enemy is on the massive counter attack right now and i don't have enough money to buy hercules i feel like i've been here before fully upgraded troops now after this it's well hercules all right the lightning does a little bit to those giants but not a whole lot all right here we go oh wait no but this is when they start countering this massive skeleton spam see i wish there was a little bit more depth to strategy like when they spam skeletons is there anything that i can do other than like prey i don't think so lightning doesn't seem to do enough oh wait you know what okay i stand corrected i know what to do here now that our units are fully upgraded let's upgrade zeus's power hopefully yeah fully upgraded blast of lightning should help here comes the counter attack this is when we need big lightning bolts that didn't do enough that didn't do near enough look at how many skeletons they have it's illegal all right we also upgraded the timer whereby zeus is ready to fire his lightning bolts again so hopefully that does something it does seem to be performing better in making the difference but this is usually the spot where we start dying i mean we're doing better i guess but is it enough i think the answer is most assuredly no [Music] oh my gosh i thought we were done for i i really do believe that we have a chance this time depending on what the enemy sends out but in most cases whether it's me or the enemy we don't really have the ability to like once an enemy gets critical mass the number of units you just can't stop them because you can't produce units fast enough so fortunately for us victory but if you guys want to see more heroes of myths we'll pull the chair on that like button and let me know and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 489,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, heroes of myths, warriors of gods, spartan army, gods, ancient battle, ancient war, spartan war, persian army, persian war, greek war, upgrading, max level
Id: PPAe8D6OI4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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