Epic Army vs Zombie BOSS Siege! | Stick War Legacy

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stick war legacy is one of the best maybe the best stickman games of all time it's been around so long that they put in these weekly missions they started them in august 2020 i guess in honor of my birth month and now we have look at this two over 200 now the 100 week challenge was epic and i can only imagine mission 200 will be as well survive until sunset for 15 minutes on this ultra level we're gonna be fighting multiple waves of everything and we're gonna be fighting units with undead armor meaning when they die they turn to the dead so i'm thinking for our skin choice we choose the savage skin who has bonus damage to deads now if we're gonna survive for that long we need a very very strong economy but i think more so than that or in addition we need really really strong durable units oh my gosh obviously minions no i'm not talking about the little minions from the movie i'm talking about this necromancer spawning in skelly warriors so health and damage and then archer damage and i think well wish me luck we're going to get three miners out and uh i don't know survive until sunset but sunset is 15 minutes oh artreos and kichu are apparently siblings of royal birth so we have a merrick and golden archetyn and a regular spiriton so the question now oh we oh my god we've already got enemies coming what the heck uh you guys better fight that yeah see how when they die they just spawn into zombies i'm gonna need more footmen on the front lines what the heck this is insane they're already just rushing me but like obviously right but this is this is getting out of hand i need more speartans to hold to make a front line oh my god and honestly i think i need another merrick i need at least two merricks so that the mayor can heal each other while my spiritins fight oh god please don't kill my miners one more spiritin and then i think we need to go back to a minor because we've got i wish we had like a minor count alright guys go out there and kill that archer please seriously all right go back to defending now as far as what is awaiting us in the next wave i don't know it said we're gonna be fighting waves of everything so at some point we need to be fighting oh yeah here they are that's three spear tins in like i don't know five seven eight something like that sword wrath this is getting out of hand we desperately need a magician here a wizard but they cost twelve hundred dollars but what we could do is a little bit of a minor rush but i think with two wizards healing and then one necromancer spawning in zombie minions then we have a pretty decent chance of surviving oh my god yeah so they have like their spiritual warrior died and spawned in a dead spirited zombie but once this guy's out we actually might be able to get a second one maybe before this next wave which would be huge where is the guy there he is okay so you can see him in the back he's got like this deer headdress he's a savage wizard naturally and uh he's spawning in little zombie minions they're gonna help me survive even longer by creating a relatively strong front line now after that i'm thinking with the front line established what we need to do is go with archer so that we can fire arrows above our strong front line and kill the enemy just pin cushion turn them into porcupines except dead and inverted porcupines where the spikes aren't facing outwards oh no they're facing inwards now you may be like what is this guy talking about guys it's strategy all right it's a it's a very careful doctrine of strategy you know oh my god that's a lot okay fire the arrows where are my arrows all right that's a decent amount of arrows and then the wizards can also help by coming in with these like giant fire blasts magickill need to be healing our spiritins not the little minions but the archers are doing some significant damage but you have to imagine on a on a oh i was just about to say you have to imagine that we'll probably have to fight a giant right well i was that is three giants do i have three magic kill out there i think the rest honestly need to be archers wow but then the zombie or like the skelly giants turn into zombie giants so that was already giants and i don't know i can't imagine us being like more than five minutes in oh my god the amount of zombies attacking our stick man army seems infinite almost look at that that arched and poor guy he's blocking like 50 arrows but that 51st one gets in and hits him in the eyeball and he's having a bad day but this is kind of scary so what we're gonna do is not let the enemy stack up we're gonna go out and meet them you know like the the men of rohan and lord of the rings which is oh the best movie trilogy of all time and i grew up being a huge star wars fan but nowadays the most recent star wars trilogy is like what are you guys doing it could have been epic all right americans get behind lines please thank you they're making me nervous what do you think's gonna come out from the other side of the screen i heard some kind of a moaning i i see some ranged zombies that can't be it that can't be the only thing attacking us but if it is it doesn't matter fill them with arrows boys i mean that giant push was the big push maybe there's a big push every five minutes oh i spoke too soon that's one two three four five that's six giants okay we're we're gonna ride out to meet them again i don't have a lot of spiritons but i have just enough but the archers need to get out there now what we could try to do is get this spearton to try to get behind their lines and start stabbing them in the back because he'll do twice as much damage look at that he just stabbed someone in the pancreas and the giant fell to his demise pull back before the next invasion comes our archers will be able to pick off that zombie look at that isn't that terrifying merricks what are you guys doing you guys are the single most important unit well uh everybody's important in their own way like if we lose any aspect of this we are almost at ten thousand there it is ten thousand gold i could lose my whole army and replace it probably with all giants and still have a little bit of money left over that's a good oh my god it's it's griffin wait is that griffin yeah that's griffin the great they get griffin the great so griffin the great is a special unit here let me show you so he's available in the shop he costs 1 000 gems just to kind of give you a little bit of scope and 10 000 that's like about 10 10 u.s dollars right now is out here trying to kill us and ruin our dreams of domination oh my gosh arrows don't do a whole lot all right what we need to do is flank get the flanking get the flank in yes all right oh oh god they got a kai rider okay all right griffin is about to fall reminds me of that scene in game of thrones where the giant goes down to all of the arrows you just can't repel fire power of that magnitude my friend oh he turned around now our arrows do a little bit more damage and he's dead oh my god we we survived that was it wait it said 15 minutes how did we do it in 12 minutes and 58 seconds then that seems a little bit interesting so after mission 200 what is next now we need to convert every unit to the lava skin because the lava skin has damage reflect and when you have every unit using the same skin there's a little bit of synergy you get a little bit of a passive income i need a strong income i'm gonna have to use sword wrath but then i think i want a giant and then let's do health and foot speed oh man we could have made we could have made like a zergling style rush i think this is the way to do it oh we have nine hundred dollars i wonder if we could just rush a giant house let's try it i'm gonna go for a giant right off the bat i've never tried a giant brush but when you start with 900 gold i feel like the question is why not rush there it is we have exactly 1500 we'll get this guy we're doing damage reflect so even when they're attacking us we hurt them it's like we're on fire or something all right so at this point we've got our giant i think we go for two miners oh we're under attack okay giant let's see who wins look at them taking damage he gets the stuns oh he's getting hit with archers actually he's doing damage to them right yeah we're going to get another giant and then after that sword wrath just spamming sword rat the rest of the way are they retreating smash i'm surprised that club did not insta-kill that archer there we go reinforcements are arriving oh that giant wound that'll be his name one one you fought all the way to the door if he survives this battle actually pull back one one let the other giant take the damage oh he's healing somehow that might be one of the synergies the double giant rush is all that we needed for victory oh they're retreating no way does that giant survive they're very rare species these giants boom oh man twin giants for the win so mission 201 not nearly as hard we are so close to unlocking a chest i'm very excited for that well we've done 200 and 201 but what about 199 lavish the leader of the miners is on his way there's triple barricade gold rush start with zero gold reversing sword rasputin's magical okay we need to pick a skin that is cheap and effective and that is the leaf skin they build faster and they have a discount on their units this is a gold rush and every piece of gold counts now if it's gold rush we need to have at least one mining rate pickup and then we can't rush sword wrath so the cheapest unit we can get is archers oh my gosh whoa wait a s lavish the leader of the miners okay good so he's gonna help me mine i've only got one gold known so actually the first thing i want to get is a unit two punch through this rock wow look at he he just mines faster he's got a bigger bag i mean he's got jewels in his hair that is how rich the man is so we got 148 from one miner how much do we get from this guy 150 wait a second we wanted more than that right oh yeah see they have sword wrap you cheeky cheekers 12 damage each i don't know how much damage the archer's gonna be doing 34 oh wow okay i'm glad i upgraded their damage we're gonna need a lot of them once we break through this wall we could have six miners here's a question do miners help you break the wall and do they actually do a little bit more damage because they have a pickaxe right it would seem to make logical sense i mean i would hope so oh yeah and the miner's helping excellent then we want a few more of these guys so that once we get here we can get as much gold as possible but yeah let's see the race who can do it faster i feel like whoever breaks through is gonna have a much better chance and oh it's definitely going to be us the good guys i say defend what are they do what are they just they're just shooting it no yeah i i do not like that but you can't tell everybody to go back to base look at all that gold i just brought back if i had gone speartons they wouldn't be attacking well it's too late now look at them in their golden haircuts you idiots it's time to die one of the things is you can oh man you could like you could give yourself a gold note right look at that i just materialized it out of the ether we could not have attacked anything and just span those maybe at home i wonder how many you could actually build that would be an interesting challenge oh god this is not good gentlemen defend the realm all right each spirit needs to pair off uh-oh this is bad oh my god i have all this money that i'm just sitting on like an idiot all right there we go oh please take him out yes the achilles heel we've got the stronger army but i want to have a definitive overwhelming force so let's do a little bit of a skirmish it's easy to have an overwhelming force when you killed most of their economy like these two guys out in the front hey buds you're dead look at that guy he's working with three arrows sticking out of him can you imagine you know like the dude at the big old corporate america job who's got like the employee of the month and he's got his own parking spot that's this guy the guy with three arrows sticking out of him he's like oh i'm just trying to you know work my nine to five and go back to my kids play legos in minecraft man that i can't blame you buddy that sounds awesome me being a father now i cannot wait till i get to play legos and minecraft oh my god that's gonna be awesome all right this i mean that's a big army right that's the definition of big army let's go and you keep doing that mining thing yes wiped out their miners that is a big army though and they're gonna get reinforcements and arrows don't do a whole lot especially after the defensive wave comes but we do have spiritons out there so we want to do is actually time this so we're not wasting all of our hits on the statue and instead on their units so our archers are doing maximum damage highest dps they can oh and they just sent their miners out they're getting greedy but at this point ah their spirituals are actually putting up a really really good fight they're better than ours but they're not supported by an insane amount of archers look at all of these arrows they can't repel fire power of this magnitude and victory is ours so if you guys do want to see more stick war legacy we'll pull the trigger on that like button and let me know and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 876,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, stick war legacy, swl, stick war legacy new skin, undead skin, necromancy skin swl, swl new skin, Stick War Legacy, stick war legacy survival, Stick War Legacy weekly Missions, SWL New missions, stick War Legacy, stick war legacy game, stick war, stick war legacy download, stick war legacy gameplay, stick war legacy mission, new stick war legacy, stick war game, stick fight, stick man, Stick war legacy baron, new, 200
Id: JAyAoTqn14g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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