Evolving WW1 Stickmen to Invincible Levels in Stickman Trenches UPDATE

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we're back in the trenches Stickman trenches jumping into hard difficulty you're going to notice a lot of things have changed but first I want to show off something that we've been working on now a lot of people have been asking Baron what happened to Stickman trenches what's new well the research tree for one so first off let's go ahead and take some ground remember that Stickman trenches is all about you guessed it trench warfare now the research tree have has been completely revamped but there's sort of a meta progression in that in order to unlock all of these different Technologies or weapons inabilities you've got to play the game and get experience right now I've been grinding for about an hour and I've got about 17 000 XP so what I want to show today is the fully upgraded troop so we bought combat boots to increase the unit speed by body armor level one and then the final upgrade is body armor level two now the cool thing about that is it's going to change the look look of the troops so since we're actually fighting hard difficulty we're actually gonna have to play this very very carefully hard level difficulty AI is you guessed it pretty dang difficult so I've got all of my units abilities and vehicles that I want to use in this game the enemy uh you know what we could go off in an early raid and get a few quick guys to well kill and build up our XP to try to get medals within the game because the meta progression these are unlocked and now every time I play this game in the future these are unlocked now I still have to spend the medals when I'm in a game to unlock these so there's progression within each individual battle now the enemy is setting up a few troops we're gonna go on a little bit of a trench raid here and we just leveled up let someone a shotgun her I feel like that is incredibly helpful especially in the early days now we're gonna hold this middle trench but maybe doing an attack on their trench might not be a bad way to open this up they just got a fully upgraded machine gun so oh and we're definitely taking the middle here although unlocking the officer unlocking the officer gives me two medals but I want to show you something we're gonna take the metals crate because remember that the big thing that we have going on is upgrading the troops I want to show you how visually the units are different now you notice none of these guys have any boots right no boots on the ground these guys no boots these guys have boots because they get combat boots now wait till you see them in full body armor it is pretty amazing now another cool thing is they're going to be faster because they got combat boots and they're not getting stuck in the mud so I'm gonna oh man I'm gonna have to sacrifice these men but look at how much faster they are I love it now we're on hard difficulty so the enemy base should run on development build normally the base should recharge itself I swear it never happens this is the fun part about developing now we're gonna need to save up three more medals to unlock body armor level one now there's a lot of really cool things in here including two that I'm very excited to show off K bullets increase sniper damage against tanks and anti-tank grenades tanks are incredibly powerful and the only direct counters to them are more or less oh definitely taking the medals artillery or just tons of troops and we wanted to kind of change that okay so now we're gonna give our men body armor level one as well as increase the spawn rate of our infantry since we're upgrading our infantry and we want to spam Riflemen just to see how cool they are we're gonna want that now we need five medals to get to body armor level two so let's see how cool look none of these guys have body armor this guy has body armor so he's gonna be fast and increases survivability these guys body armor these guys no body armor uh now there aren't any surviving guys that don't have um shoes like I said you know it's it's tough out here in the trenches and many men died today and many more will oh gosh that artillery hurts my soul that is emotional damage so at this point we've got faster stronger Riflemen a 20 chance to survive a shot that otherwise would kill them it's a lot of medals to be put in this area and grenades is also a really fun Tech Tree I want to show that off in another video Grenade level 2 and then anti-tank grenades I've got 4 500 XP so I'm thinking at this point I could either unlock reinforcement level 2 or the K bullets and I'm thinking we're going reinforcement level two once I get that we have a 40 faster spawn rate for infantry needless to say we wanted to have a meta progression between all of your battles and then within each battle the ability to kind of go different Tech routes now like I said in the past Stickman trenches is a very much a collaborative effort in terms of like how we steer this game and what we do next so as we take this trench and actually move back since I don't think actually I may have been able to take that oh there we go the base is recharging we've got room on this Tech tree for more and we know that we want to add certain Technologies ideally if we could there would be a unique tree for each individual unit we're not really sure about that right now but we do know we want to add like one or two more columns and one for like artillery and maybe one for tanks so if you guys have some ideas feel free to leave them in the comments so now that we know how the research and Tech is working and here we go we'll jump into normal on this new map will be the Germans and you can see that I unlocked these in the last one I did not unlock any of these and we do want to start saving up for them I'll present to us a challenge I'm gonna use well attempt to use Rifleman only so I think the first thing that we need to do is do reinforcement level one now all the other metals need to be saved and these trenches are pretty tight we're on normal difficulty on a river map and I think if we take this we'll be pretty well served so I'm gonna get a machine gun but the only unit that I want is Rifleman now the enemy's bringing up oh wow we both fully missed that that is a freak occurrence but fortunately they weren't able to capitalize on that now the enemy is moving up I definitely need some medals they're attacking in small amounts so basically I don't want to unlock any guys well JC well we're gonna take any currency and any medals unlocks that we can get now we've got one medal and we're gonna need at least two more to either get reinforcement level two or combat boots and I think reinforcement level two might be the one that we want to go for next alright I feel like the enemies just you know what they presented us a good opportunity we have a ton of men they went flamethrowers ooh two flamethrowers and machine gun I don't think any of these men are gonna survive this oh there it is that's exactly what we want our first medals crate and that gives us four we're gonna take uh we actually have a ton of money I'm thinking we're gonna start going down this track it's a relatively long map and getting men to the front line is going to be all the more important although now that this is happening I'm realizing maybe faster spawn rate look at this we got guys with boots and Guys Without boots oh one of the guys with boots took a bullet from the officer so what we could do is try to farm some XP and go on what I call a raid which means you know send in a wave of men man they all got toasted I don't even think that was necessarily worth it we didn't get a lot of XP from that but we're two minutes in and we can quickly replace our losses the enemies putting more money into specialized troops you can see shotgunners flamethrowers they've got their Machine Gun Nest right there now looking at our XP bar right here we're pretty close to the next level so I'm definitely gonna send my minute they got two flamethrowers again oh yes medals absolutely all right so what we need to do is take that now our men are gonna pop out with body armor body armor level one look at that one with boots and one with boots and the body armor oh this is kind of a nasty attack I'm hoping we can hold on flamethrowers are pretty nasty shooting them before they can fire well that's good that's good for us sending in another wave of attack oh we didn't even get a shot off that time luckily we have a few men in the trench to deal with this officer and the shotgunner oh they're sitting in another attack a shotgunner a Rifleman and a musketman a musketman a flamethrower where did we go the Revolutionary War and the enemy is getting very aggressive right now all right we'll send in a little bit of a an attack here and we'll take the Stars wow okay now we need to take this one as much as I want fully upgraded armor we need to take reinforcement level two so we can get even faster men we'll upgrade our trench and our machine gun since we have the money oh snipers cool but we took him out of no man's land these poor guys cannot be recalled once you're in no man's land you either take the enemy trench or you don't come back I was just about to say if the enemy gets artillery and hits us pretty hard we will lose our position we got very fortunate that they try to Target our reinforcements every now and then the AI does that and you know what thanks thanks AI we're gonna go on another push farming XP we're at what 200 we got about a little over halfway there yeah so at this point it's just like spamming the one key and every now and then sending in our medals for greater weapon Technologies and three more medals and we'll get fully upgraded infantry units now you can also increase their accuracy by going Scopes level one and two and then K bullets if you're dealing with a lot of Tanks fortunately the enemy is not and all the while playing we are getting more XP so I should be able to upgrade maybe K bullets this should be enough to get us to the next level and I'm hoping it gives us an opportunity to get um two oh my gosh oh there we go receive three Metals absolutely okay so we have eight I'm gonna turn one in take the body armor now the enemy's coming this is not good this is that is a massive attack the machine guns probably gonna do a decent job but once those flamethrowers start going oh my gosh we barely held on so now you're gonna notice our men they've got I mean they just look really cool at this point I love the way their body armor looks now currently the AI cannot buy these upgrades I'm thinking maybe on different levels of difficulty we're trying to figure out like what's the best way to incorporate these kind of Technologies to the enemy like is it sort of like random little RNG now do we want to make our men more accurate all right we got fully armored men cinnamon ooh that's that's nasty one of the guys gets shot in the river but they're definitely surviving a little bit better uh this is not good once again oh they took out our machine gun there this is not good okay they pushed us back so at this point it's gonna be a matter of maybe we want to increase accuracy Advanced scopes for our men now we can quickly rebuild our troops oh they're gonna send in a machine gunner aren't they I don't know if we're gonna be able to pull this off but I'm gonna try I think it's worth it if we can hit them before the machine gunner gets there that's a tall order against this entrenched defense oh they just got it and they called in artillery so they actually might send their men over the river I wonder what the upgrade for a flamethrower would be like right now that would be absolutely devastating but The Rifleman only challenge is alive and well I guess oh look at that they're building up the support trench now I'm thinking we could support our Rifleman oh oh we got out of there right before the artillery hit we'll take the medals because I want that we went from 10 increased accuracy to twenty percent so at this stage you can buy gas masks there's upgrading to hand grenades and there's also K bullets at grenades are gonna look really cool though yeah I think at this point we definitely need a strong artillery push before but I think right now my best chance of just spamming more men I think we did take out their sniper it's too bad we can't call in paratroopers all right we're going hopefully oh they just reinforced it we probably had a chance before that they called in direct artillery and then an artillery barrage can you believe these guys they've got to be pushing at some point right they did use up all of their artillery and I mean the amount of men I've lost is a lot oh my God we didn't even kill a single guy that time they're attacking us now are we gonna hold on the flamethrowers are firing oh this is not good take the medals and we're gonna need oh God geez talk about barely hanging on now art base is not healing up I guess that means we can also use poisonous gas now they normally go pretty deep with officers but we're gonna have to complement our troops maybe with K bullets I mean we've got the XP let's do it increase sniper damage against tanks I don't they don't have any tanks yet but it's very possible they're gonna have them now at this point in the game the hard level difficulty is really putting us on the back foot and I'm not feeling too good about it oh Oh My My Soul hurts all right if they just did that I don't think it'd be wise to attack we need to hmm that was a direct one I guess go for it right why not take out a decent chunk oh look at that the sniper shot missed we actually pushed through these guys are messing things up get out of there look at that we took out their Machine Gun Nest oh and of course they got a machine gun here now I'm not sure if the machine gun is in range of this trench that'll be very interesting to see okay I'm here in a tank we don't have four medals so we can't unlock cable it's we do have Precision artillery that we can use maybe once he gets like right here here we go let's see if I can't get them both they're in the trench though so that's a risky proposition oh survive yes okay good we survived we'll get a machine gun to replace it these guys should be able to absorb a lot of shots armor can deflect or block it average Rifleman come on come on boys you're almost there dang it flamethrowers I hear another tank we will have this Precision artillery before this cannon tank gets to our front lines that makes me sleep better tonight the river also slows it down that is huge for us and I'm gonna try to get a little two for one right here I'm gonna take the medals I need that summoning in artillery brush is tempting but Metals is better let's do it now oh oh my goodness my my soul hurts all right we're taking K bullets so the idea here is we don't do grenades we're not doing gas masks just although they would look really cool with gas masks all right we need a solid trench there I need more Metals so I can unlock other artilleries to complement oh okay good we survived that one of the things that I want to ensure is that these armor upgrades increase the men's survivability against artillery fire look at that those guys took that out now they weren't able to hold it because there is another machine gun and at this point I wish I could like right click this or something so just Auto queue up Rifleman oh okay we didn't lose our machine gun we didn't lose too many men I'm pretty happy about that can we kick these guys out oh we can and we can get out of here heck yeah I would say that's a huge win we'll take that tank out you know what I think we just took the middle ground all right I'm gonna call them up oh that was awkward so what I'm gonna do is hold this one until the machine gun gets here actually screw that we're taking this ground it is hours now we are back 10 or so minutes after that huge pushback do I hear a tank I do hear a tank now at this point I don't know if we're gonna have this oh wait we have cable it's who am I kidding all right hold on so cable let's increase sniper damage that was my idea too this is what I get for being dumb [Laughter] we have no direct counters because that is only for snipers that was at the time I don't it slipped my mind now do we use Precision artillery to soften up these trenches and go for a big push oh nope there we go that's the answer oh that's just tempting 16 minutes in our fully upgraded Rifleman oh my God they just dominated that trench the enemy base is defeated we summoned 241 men they killed 217 of them that is wild now that being said we did win the battle and so at this point and also by completing this map on normal we unlocked another one that's another part of the meta progression within the game the game is part of tacticon right now it is on sale so check it out but let's see how much xp we got there we got 5496 almost enough to get hand grenades level two that is going to be the next thing that I want to do is show off to you guys anti-tank grenades now remember that the question of the day other than have you bought this game and why not is what other research in Tech Tree options can we bring in to Stickman trenches now I haven't showed off the game because I wanted it to be big the next time I did so can't wait to see you guys in game thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 256,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, stickman trenches, stick war, stickman, stick fight, stickman fight, stickman war, stickman game, stickman animation, stick figure, stick figure war, stickman trenches game, stickman trenches gameplay, stick man, stick man war, battle simulator, stickman games, trench fight, trench war, stickman world war, stickman trenches new, stickman trenches update, war stick, stickman battle, stickman trenches brutal, stickman trenches upgrade, tech, upgrade, new
Id: CdAq9CMu64k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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