I Survived 100 DAYS as a HARDCORE ARMY! | TABS

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it's time to finish surviving a hundred days in our last video we've survived 52 the rules are simple if we lose any of these battles we lose so to lose we have to lose got it rules really are simple oh my god i can have modded units oh you sweet summer child we'll have to keep that in our back pocket and pull it out immediately i've got an operator i don't know what he does you know what i know what he does he fights on the front line who would have known that to survive 100 days all we needed was modern weaponry because modern problems require oh my god modern solutions where did all these guys come from i just got four 50 caliber machine guns gentlemen light them up this is amazing this reminds me of like stories i've heard about the korean war i mean obviously i wasn't there gentleman fire when ready am i gonna i'm gonna have to do this myself blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah oh god okay good look at this man just two bros hugging it out and firing high powered machine guns together in the um frozen north the temple of zeus is being invaded by yours truly and defending it is well a minotaur and you guessed it zeus now this one looks pretty crazy i'm thinking we want some marksmen you got guys up here that's cool how about a sniper sniper on the hills and we're gonna put some foot soldiers up here these guys are like the veritable indiana jones is raiding the temples here keeping these guys distracted so that our main anti-armor bazooka soldiers and special forces operators backed by snipers are gonna be able to do the dang thing look at that immediately after starting you just see tons and tons of tracer fire here in totally agribattle simulator because gentlemen we must survive 100 days so all we need is some kevlar vest that can protect us from lightning my god but that's all right we've got artillery and oh the battle for the temple is just absolutely nuts the sniper buddy you're supposed to fire from distance not charge a minotaur it's not like your sniper rifle has a bayonet or anything this man needs to work on his tactics maybe he should subscribe to baronvon tactics where sun tzu says i don't need to write the art of war i can just watch baron videos that's what he totally said guys wait they said i was getting ready for d-day oh viking d-day on a frozen lake meaning they can't even sail the ships they've got to carry them no problem i have a solution kawachas the idea here is oh my god the whole watches didn't even get a fire guys i think we've broken the game it's like minecraft 100 days on hardcore but like you're modded not to die or something i think we've clearly established that using this modern faction we can break the game now shall we go back to a challenge where we can only use one modern soldier with our units we'll do one of each type and we'll see if they can do it to make these battles a little bit more balanced marksman do it oh wait you're the spec ops guy yeah you got the radio pack the headset and the m14 battle rifle oh oh buddy uh you're not too special if you jump into a hole and die all right that's that's not how we do special things around here who's going to win in this shootout a 50 caliber machine gun or watch that spittoons this man in the head luckily we still have plenty of soldiers left oh bazooka guy he just committed uh treason right there yeah that if you had survived that would have been a court-martial he fired the bazooka killed this guy and then proceeded to commit supuku oh god oh my god this day for a little impossible vip impossible they say i know just what to do firing lines anti-armor bazookas on the sides and i'm talking 10 bazookas 50 caliber machine guns on the further flank they are flanking the flank spec ops because they look cool and you guessed it snipers a whole lot of snipers who wins this battle this is kind of scary actually they have so many high-powered units out there bosses from multiple factions secret units but it doesn't matter because this idiot brought a tree to a gun fight we're back to one of the military units and then if we have extra money we're just gonna use hobbits actually no the challenge continues oh god they've got valkyries shoot those things down oh man this is gonna be so bad for the bazooka uh you did it you done did it you idiot he just killed everybody oh god luckily this guy is an absolute beast i thought we were gonna lose we need to reevaluate where we place the bazooka because if we're gonna lose this it's because we're dumb oh my god okay i think what we have to do is put a machine gun over here and a bazooka over here this is kind of scary i don't think our seven units are gonna be able to defeat this because look at this we've got a bridge full of enemies oh four oh yeah that's that's a little bit ridiculous redonkulous we're gonna have to use our fodder unit the operators here and we're gonna need a lot of them because monkey kings ain't no joke now we need some artillery i'm thinking the ancient faction ballistas that should be enough now the ballistas are designed to do massive damage to high priority targets um like all of these guys so how's the rest of the war going i mean if you what the bazooka just what are you doing fella why did you shoot our artillery pieces wow they gave me way too much money however the monkey kings have just entered the fray and two of them just jumped in the water and you know what i guess it's fair though mr bazooka he fired his bazooka as he was dying you know good job you you did it you you did the thing it's just the thing was you being an absolute idiot wait a minute is this deja vu do i have to do the same thing with less money challenge accepted we'll put a support there anti-armor over here flanked by two operators in each case concavity boys we're gonna get a wizard with a main battle tank this is the new artillery pieces and we'll also have some pikes all right so m1 abrams tanks are a perfect complement to a modern faction the issue is the terrain on this map is quite chaotic and the tank drivers well they didn't even get their learner's permit and they were you know like hey why don't you drive this what are your qualifications like oh i just played a lot of like uh tanks in video games you're like you're hired this is how you totally accurately run an army oh my god it's just chaos wait a minute what's in this cave shields catapult oh gosh artemis samurai giant and cheerleading zeus and they gave me only twenty thousand dollars seriously that's that's not nice what we need to do is take man of the bazooka guy so as long as i don't friendly fire and just lob shots down that tunnel we should win zeus is down look i didn't even friendly fire all right boys defend these tunnels i'm just gonna sit here and watch otherwise we lose this is awesome clearing tunnels is easy boys get in there and do that thing okay shotgun's going first i love that i can't tell what's happening except victory oh my gosh day 63 we want a few extra operators and i'm thinking we're gonna need a little bit more especially against this formation we're going to watches on the flanks and you know what i'm putting a watch up here fire yes i did it oh oh my gosh i think i just won the battle right there to watch his fire kill the giants kill the cheerleaders oh yeah wait what's back here in artemis they have an artemis creeping around over here her watch is firing oh yes that's the way to do it wait what is still alive oh my gosh these levels they pack in all these little secret units hiding all over the place but victory has come for the good guys all right we've got a samurai giant which can repel lots of firepower oh they got a monkey king over here what else are they hiding troops coming out of the temple anything up here oh my of course of course there's units up there anti-armor you're gonna be off by yourself you're in timeout i'm thinking an army of archers oh my gosh i can have so many i'm gonna make the game lag we're bringing in more firepower in the form of muskets i have so many units but so does the enemy alright uh our frames are down to very low the issue here i think is the monkey king versus all of our archers because he's gonna clone himself and that's gonna prove a bit of an issue but as long as we take these giants out before they close with our lines i think we should be fine oh no here's the bazooka he's aiming at a dude's head this this cannot go well oh that actually worked out okay wait a minute the samurai giants are falling from mount olympus are they dying they're falling in the water this could not have gone better uh this one looks like he'll survive though and that one will as well i think we're winning bazooka guy hasn't killed too many of his friends and he just registered that king over here we're losing our left flank a yarl or a couple of them just came out of nowhere and by a couple i mean oh my god that's a lot of urls i love how like we've got renaissance era like conquistador looking musketeers and then vietnam i ain't no rich man's son it's like there we go this is our army this is perfectly normal this is how a totally accurate war goes oh this brave brave man the king and country actually that's french he would be spanish looking oh you did they'd be like for the lady mary that's also french accent i i i've got to work on it the only thing i know how to say in spanish is pedri pedri pedri from that one soccer game i saw in barcelona oh my god all right this is worrisome we need to have all of our heroes and we need a heavy raid of fire we're bringing muskets back i gotta say wouldn't it suck to be the dudes on the front lines like oh yeah we gots in here where's our backup well they're not for like 60 yards away so that's gonna be problematic for your chances of survival anyway oh 50 calibers laying down to start dishing out the pain train oh he's getting poisoned wait a minute they're using poison gas that's definitely against the geneva convention but i think also using yogi giants is also sort of illegal look at this guy he's just like doing his uh it's not downward dog and it's not cobra let's break your back pose all right snipers only oh man that reminds me of like the old days of call of duty like call of duty one on pc was the best all right are we killing the dragon we are there's a few chuco news in the back and they're luring us into a trap what did that guy just fall from the roof that's some seriously tricky ambushes guys this is not how you'd do it are you wait what is going on right now i don't even know what just happened okay we've got the specialist units and oh there they do have juco news oh my gosh look at that dodging whoa this guy's so oh he's definitely dead this guy took one to the left eyeball and the nuts oh no but he was our only casualty it's day 79 i can almost taste victory in victory tastes sweet but i'm thinking we're learning that my god these snipers okay yep they break the game let's go back to the original challenge one of each of the specialists i like to put the valuable guys on the opposite side of the bazooka and i really love viking berserkers they're just so good at distracting the enemy they literally jump behind their lines and just start messing things up wow they jumped over the bullets that is awesome it's almost like we planned that oh the bazooka didn't kill his friends and he made it to the front so friendly fire whoa this man's got a small head and he's got a gas mask this is hilarious it looks like it's a mech being driven by a little man but nope he just he just went to one of those pygmy villages like out in the middle of the pacific ocean and uh got his head shrunk okay uh i i gambled guys just yes we hit the chuco new first and now it's just a bunch of cheerleaders one sniper is all we needed to beat that the question of one shot one kill well who shoots first we we d we do we shooted we we shot the gun first that's incredible oh no valkyries hmm we still have 11 000 left what's the best unit to defeat valkyries we're going to recruit viking mercenaries we're going to be all on the ground i think that's enough i mean we have so many soldiers we've got berserkers to jump through the air to try to catch them and we got lots of bullets oh man we got a lot of bullets oh yeah we got this one oh bazooka a little bit of friendly fire never hurt nobody it it actually does it hurts so many people okay a mass viking invasion i just want to see what this would look like all 50 caliber machine guns versus a massive invasion of viking warriors oh no they got berserkers uh oh uh oh oh no i i can't even tell what's happening anymore i thought we were gonna lose so like my heart just sank but it seems that we have enough bullets okay i don't even think we lost too many surprisingly okay a lot of healers hmm i can afford two snipers all right we blew up the ship and the ship's soldiers are way back here they're trying to heal him but he'll eventually walk to the front and be the target of opportunity for the sniper if they stop this weird holy mosh pit and then there's this guy like hey guys how are you doing okay well this didn't turn out exactly like i thought it would and the last one go dude come on man he goes there we go dead okay this has to be tried out bazookas blow everybody up oh oh you're trying to hide some knights i see there's probably another one yep over there got it oh they got a lot of guys hiding in the woods this is an ambush how are we even supposed to get these guys wait is that a dude in there there we go artillery is getting blocked by the trees this is vietnam right here man look at this man this is look at it look at that come on boy shoot really you're missing from point blank range oh he's shooting back all right we're gonna grab a guy and we're gonna oh well we're gonna win oh look at this they've got every projectile unit in the game i think is there a musketeer no they've got well they left one out that's weird they left a couple out i see your range units and i raise you mine oh my gosh yeah sniper rifles shoot far it's 92 i can taste victory oh god there's a lot of guys out there oh oh this guy's fighting with a spear and his femur look at that fire rate boys uh [Music] oh my okay that's interesting now i wanna test the sniper but oh man yeah we're gonna need a little more than just a sniper we're gonna do sniper and spec ops and i really think these two units can win this whole battle because eventually the sniper's gonna have to reload and that's when spec ops guy comes in spec ops guy is racking up all the kills this is like when you have two-player co-op and you're shooting and one guy's just like getting all the points like man did he just shoot the air did you see that uh oh guys get the get the archer oh wow he almost hit the sniper but the sniper dodged out of the way well i mean if you're gonna line up in a giant conga line of death we're gonna take you out oh they didn't have any healers so this should be funny who gets the kills artillery strike yep artillery strike 95 hard boss okay we are prepared we're gonna go to the dynasty and bring out whole watches we're gonna recruit mercenary samurai to fight for us so that our heroes can hide but i mean him can come in at the end of the battle and finish it off is that enough to beat this oh my god these are all shoguns that the shoguns are gonna be able to block all of our projectiles right uh it's really hard to tell what's going on anymore oh my gosh but the shoguns some of the shoguns are falling in the water some of them are just killing us artillery's doing it though we have spec ops and the heavy gunner over here buddy you need to get up and fight stop doing that don't worry about the giant he can't keep blocking bullets tom cruise was the last samurai not this guy yeah all right now the giant goes swimming i have to get uh um on his level yes wow that one was close i thought they were regular samurai they were shoguns who were very good at blocking stuff oh okay a lot of guys on these cliffs right so if you spek up where did this elephant come from wooly point man grunt operator so the idea here is hopefully they call in artillery strikes up there oh that's brilliant they did oh i'm so thankful that you guys followed the tactics now these guys are just falling i don't know if that one was very well thought out wait a minute who's left alive they're calling an artillery on someone wait a minute is someone stuck oh it doesn't matter yes calling an artillery was brilliant idea thank you me you're welcome you everyone's in a line this is a line of snipers that are just in most cases look at this he's firing through his buddies like armpit oh brilliant 98 are seven heroes versus a rather impressive army now as long as he's not hiding stuff in the woods again wait is that a guy in the woods no it's a chicken in a barrel of course uh-oh incoming catapult heading straight for our shotgun boy oh oh we took down the grunt all right there are snakes out there yes 99 oh we got flying things we got our seven heroes now we're gonna need some mercenaries we're gonna bring in the spartans spartans prepare for glory oh god okay oh god they got a hawacha i was not accounting for that are all of my spartans dead was that a friendly bazooka that did that oh god you better kill that monkey king or we have some serious problems as leonidas fights to the death right here oh where did the monkey king go is he dead i guess he's dead okay the monkey king is dead oh my gosh we lost a fair amount of our heroes day 100 this one's called omega omega alright now if i was a less mature man i would say something like omega these nuts these aren't regular samurai they're shoguns oh my god cheerleaders and uterus okay this is no joke but i have a solution bombs oh god my camera went all wobbly whoa i feel like i just got a concussion oh the bazookas are going off and look at that samurai ulra's flying in the sky is that guy alive ooh not anymore he just broke his neck their lines have collapsed day 100 we've done it we've survived 100 days and tabs yes if you guys do want to see more we'll pull the trigger on the like button and let me know and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 2,090,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, tabs, tabs mods, soldiers, tanks, tank, tabs soldiers, tabs army, new tabs, tabs new, battle simulator, totally accurate, totally accurate battle simulator, tabs zombies, tabs juggernaut, tabs upgrade, tabs max level, tabs zombie invasion, tabs vs, tabs samurai, samurai, 100 days, 100, days, tabs spent 100 days, spent 100 days tabs, survived
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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