Adding MAGIC WEAPONS To Ravenfield Was a Mistake...

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the AI on broomsticks is amazing today in ravenfield I want to ask one big question what if you used magic like say from Harry Potter where you've got wands in Wizardry and magical spells versus the United States military or a modern military who would win on top of that a little bit later we're going to be showing a magical boss fight and this magical boss he can summon unlimited enemies and we're gonna have to defeat all of them inner Brothers games for sponsoring this video [Music] now before we check out the boss battle let's see the modern military's base they've got a number of aircraft hangers with heavy bombers pretty good attack aircraft with multiple rocket launchers machine guns and they've got this top secret military base that's armed with tanks quad bikes transport helicopters and even rather incredibly powerful Attack Helicopters now if you go to the magical forces base they only have broomsticks which I mean they don't look nearly as powerful as the air force that the modern military could muster and they've got magical looking staffs and Wands so this looks at first glance like we know who's gonna win I'm gonna be joining the blue magical forces spawning at the Airfield and my weapon selection I could either use a blessed sub machine gun which sounds curious as sorcerer's staff and then I've got two wands Crystal or fire I'm gonna start with Crystal and I even have an infernal anti-tank rifle in case I run into enemy tanks now as curious as I am about these wands I wanna see a broom and there's even different types of brooms look at that look at the entire you guys aren't gonna die are you right nope are you gonna do fine look at them they're like hey Dad we're just gonna go out there do some magic tricks against the US military that might be against the Geneva Convention all right uh yeah I don't know if magic is no oh okay this works exactly how we we planted to okay there's the enemy aircraft I've got my Gunner um Gunner and loose quotations oh wow my maneuverability is unparalleled by the way did you receive my speed too uh I just rammed a bomber and I'm fine okay the broomsticks are absolutely incredible I mean this is magical So speaking of magic have you ever wanted to take the Wizarding World with you on the go well I teamed up with Warner Brothers to showcase the new Harry Potter magic awakened collectible card MMORPG game that was globally released June 27th I'm a big Harry Potter fan so I've been playing in a fair bit so click the link in my description box and download Harry Potter magic Awakening now the vast Wizarding World is filled with exploration an immersive story campaign potion making playing things like quidditch and even dueling with magic wands so naturally the game has it all now personally my favorite is dueling and I started off by creating My Wizard that's me I got my wand from ollivanders headed to Hogwarts and picked my favorite house which naturally is Slytherin now right away you experience Harry Potter lore like fighting the troll in the bathroom and talk to famous Wizards from the Harry Potter universe so what are you waiting for dive into the Harry Potter Universe right now by using my link in the video description below and there's one in the pin comment too to experience the vast Wizarding World thank you to Harry Potter magic awakened for sponsoring this video now let's get back into the magic I really feel like Harry Potter in Operation Desert Storm right here and it's pretty incredible this is what I've always wanted to do in video games just stack two armies that should never be fighting up against each other just to see what's gonna happen what is that oh that's his wand that was really freaky I thought like Barrett doer was collapsing on us all right I've got oh my oh that's a good one we're in slow motion do you see how fast these things fire all right I've got 10 shots 10 opportunities now I can pretty much oh oh I disabled the Blackbird by ramming it I mean I guess I'm enchanted this is some of the most fun I've ever had in this game I just destroyed that thing immediately I mean it took me a few shots but magic is maybe overpowered now just look at all of my infantry units look at them just cascading their magic so we've done a live test of the brooms and they're deceptive they look stupid or simple I mean it's cool for a broomstick but compared to an F-22 fighter or a turbo prop ground attack aircraft it doesn't look as cool let's try out some of these magic things alright so here's my wand it looks amazing Lord Aloha really did some work and oh oh oh my goodness what it's exploding crystals I love the flare this guy has some serious Style with his wands levios look in the bottom left I can switch the attack mode on this the gout of flame the wave of force healing Aura all right let's try the gal to Flame oh oh yes all right wave of force oh I think I need to be near enemies or I die magic has a cost and then the healing aura now there's also the wand of fire and I've heard it's incredibly powerful so we'll save that we also have this which is a 100 millimeter Titus anti-tank rifle we need a vehicle to test this on and I'm gonna have to broom over there to get there let's see how this does that is insane it just it's like fire magic in an anti-tank rifle imagine if they had this in World War II now this is a World War II era weapon but I guess magic is even older than that so modern military seems to be doing okay that tank is still alive let's try one more yeah this thing is not strong enough what about the gout of flame that just seems better it's still alive I just wave forced it our only vehicles are broomsticks this one he just you can't take them man that's mine oh please please don't hit the rock [Laughter] this one's got a cauldron under it is that a heavy bomber I can drop cauldrons no I can't really see them I killed somebody with them oh I think they shoot ahead of me I thought they were bombs the enemy is gonna have a distinct advantage in vehicle power and I think that's being reflected right now on the scoreboard but look at the frost ones destroying that helicopter look the enemies are spilling out of it right now I'm hoping we defeated all them I need to kill that guy over there and take this flag Leviosa am I the best wizard ever absolutely not am I having the most fun of all wizards ever yes we need to make a battle plan because this isn't working everybody converge on that while defending that point we are 20 or more we're 30 behind the enemy that is not good we've lost an entire Battalion wait a minute magic is supposed to be better you got to make your own sound effects sometimes oh fire muffins I wonder if we could take a flag Behind Enemy Lines that's the problem with the broomsticks is we don't have a lot of troops but there's no one protecting this one all right let's try this can we take this and hold it magic is causing my frames to absolutely drop but me and my buddy here have taken this flag by ourselves that should definitely help this plan out we want to defend this one all right buddy come with me I just got hit with something oh oh okay that's the fire wand we need to try that out and I'm gonna spawn here because they're sending vehicles and I want to fight them fire wands oh I just spawned in a magma wave they're trying to run through it with their vehicle and it is not working oh my gosh this thing is amazingly powerful I haven't killed him yet but they definitely do not have a very good chance of winning here no I guess I have killed him I don't think I got the notifications okay fire wand insane the AI teammates of mine should not be allowed to use this no wonder we have more losses than the modern military oh man is this what Voldemort would have felt like if he invaded the world of man well like I mean I guess the Muggle world there's so much magic going on arbitrarily I don't think the AI knows how to use it we've got a bunch of Muggles armed with wands everybody now this is gonna be fun I'm going into slow mode just because I want to see what the wave of force does and I want to have more time to be able to talk about it because excuse me sir have you met my friend Matt look at this guy getting Air wave of force rocus I broke every bone in that man's body finding the vehicle ran him over insult to injury there goes dragast well magical responsibilities means I can come back from the dead all right I've got the gout of flame let's do a little gout of flame a distance distract the enemy with Ah that's gonna burn me and then we move in with a wave of force oh I'm burning somebody oh my God that was so powerful bullets are still powerful now if you look at the score it does seem magic is absolute getting its butt kicked and I need to try out the Blessed submachine gun yeah that seems like a pretty classic submachine gun I love how my bullets aren't called bullets they're nine by 18 millimeter sorely inits I I don't know how to pronounce that but it's magical sounding okay these are really powerful I think it's clear to see by the score that we lost this let's try something a little bit different before we do the Boss Challenge against em The Necromancer we're gonna switch up what weapons my team can use well where's the brooms I don't know how I got this broom I definitely didn't steal it the brooms is the best part of this entire mod hey we've taken this and we've taken the other one we need to update our battle plan oh this is amazing oh gosh those are tanks I have the magical ability of slow motion and you can't stop me how does fire do against tanks we'll use the holy anti-tank rifle please don't kill me evil Muggles they're trying to wipe us out we need Hogwarts as a map dang this needs to be upped in power I think goodbye broom flying upside down oh hold on yeah yeah at least it kills mongooses the enemy is beating us I think right now with the technology and abilities of my AI Brethren to use magic is a little bit low now it's time to do the boss battle and the balance of power is all zombies and making it so we have 120 enemy zombies to fight now all I know is my modding team told me to hold on to my tookus and be prepared for a freaky map oh that's creepy oh no uh I've got a little motorcycle here in my wand we're just gonna casually drive up to this creepy castle and see what's inside um is anybody home oh God yeah there's people at home oh yeah those are zombies for sure that's a lot of zombies zombies come here oh they've seen me all right uh I don't want it plea please stop this is not good let me know just putting some Flair on these guys I keep worrying that like there's gonna be zombies behind me oh they're on a conga line of death that wasn't a pretty good counter-attack by them I don't know if they have some form of Gestalt Consciousness and there's an over mind controlling them but they all tactfully engaged me local superiority all at once use The High Ground Obi-Wan oh the wave force is amazing yeah I thought there was gonna be some guys around this corner Flames may not be the best for close range combat yikes because I think I can walk in them and get hurt oh there's a flag here just lit up a table I know I'm supposed to take this flag point from the enemy and then something um magical should happen we've captured the castle oh yeah there's more stairs going up there's a lot of interesting things but the mysterious tower has this oh that's creepy it's got little faces on it to help you drink it I guess which is nice but that is creepy so if we pick it up insolence brings you before did you hear that oh God he's shooting big balls at me I don't want to get hit by big balls I don't want to get hit by big balls all right we gotta wave of force ready huh yes no maybe what we need to do is use the fire wand this thing is really good and should get me to the Necromancer relatively easily he sounds sort of like Palpatine oh God what's this oh this is nice now you can't hit me with your powerballs where does that go am I supposed to know about this I don't know but I'm gonna take full advantage of it all right Necromancer these tunnels remind me of the old Wolfenstein games in Doom where's the Duke Nukem get burninated the healing order doesn't heal me unfortunately oh they found me I'm gonna have to go out there and fight this guy wait a minute I did heal myself with the healing Aura I'm definitely not a muggle I do not like his magical abilities now yes I got him this has to be one of the absolute coolest mods we've ever done we tried to fight a modern military using Only Magical vehicles um broomsticks which are amazing and magical spells and Wands and I think the reason why we're not run by an Overlord of magical ministers is well we've got vehicles and then we fought the evil Necromancer boss in a legendary boss fight in the castle so I want to say big shout out and thank you to Harry Potter magic awakened and remember that you can get the game for yourself using the link in the video description below thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 154,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames
Id: CioukadKoFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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