I replaced the sea with poop in Cities Skylines 2...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to City skylines and welcome to engineering then now this is a city from my patreon exclusive series uh a realistic City build so I've tried to build everything in this city as realistic as possible and the city is absolutely flourishing I mean look at how much money I have that may have been because of a slight glitch but everything isn't as it seems in engineering there is a massive issue one being a poo problem hence way this is the perfect map to try today's myth you can discharge sewage off the edge of the map without consequence so at the moment I try to do like what British UK government do they just dump sewage into into the rivers and they try and hide it with trees and stuff so no one knows however there's so much sewage cuz this population this city is so large now that uh it's it's quite hard to hide this hence the myth of dumping it off the edge of the map would be quite useful so what I'm going to do I'm going to buy a load of tiles that take us to the the edge of the map I mean up here we've got my C what if we just buy like if we just buy those so 54 Grand yes please I'm going to hit pause before I do anything and then going to delete these sewage Outlets so now no one can poo anywhere we then grab a sewage pipe and we'll head up to myari which it was realistic looking I had like I had teered layers and everything but then oh but then that spawned like that sort of ruining the illusion but uh since there's a road here I can take my sewage pipe from there and we can just go up and around up through the mountains and oh man these are really steep I didn't realize how steep these mountains were but yeah up over to this way where we can then grab our sewage outlets and potentially just discharge in that direction so we'll make sure they're all connected with these and we'll press play and then hopefully the Poo will fly off the edge of the map and then it's someone else's problem if this works this would be incredible oh no it doesn't look like it's working oh no it's filling up fast it's filling up fast uh oh wait did it disappear no it's still there it's still very much there it's just what angle you look at it okay so I think very much there there's an invisible wall and the the Poo water will not go outside that hence it's running down this way let's just speed up time intrigued to see what happens when this when this water makes it to there like will it go through that or is that also going to act as a barrier cuz it can't go off the edge of the map it seems can it go out of areas you don't own yes oh look oh it lifted it lifted up that line look at it going up no way wow look at it there's actual I didn't know there was like actual poo physics in this game that's actually quite impressive not going to lie anyway so that's heading down that way and it will probably just fill up like down here so I guess that's sort of a solution I mean at some point it will fill up this entire area and then we'll have a massive POA fall that will probably like drown out my Quarry ruin my Farms well probably Ru a city as well but I reckon you've got a long time until this area is actually filled however as far as the goes you can discharge sewage off the edge of the map without consequence I would say that is busted because sewage does not go off the edge of the map yes you can dump it into areas that you don't own but there will be consequence at some point anyway for our next myth I think I'm going to buy a load of land up that way then I want to get my Landscaping tool out and I think what I'm going to do is is a bit of that so I've made a dam so this should start filling up nice cuz I need I do need some water because this myth is water can't flood over a dam now obviously this isn't a dam there is an in-game Dam which I will unlock I need two progression points thankfully I do have two on this map so let's get that unlocked um so I think there's two ways of doing this so the first one I will just shove my dam across there like that so we'll see what happens when this fills up what should happen is water should come down like these shoots so as it starts filling up at the back hopefully we'll see water come through those and it won't open overflow I mean that's how damn should work right right okay I think water level has hit the sort of top so yeah out the front there's water coming out wait is it coming out the front or is it coming out the sides uh I don't think that building's meant to be underwater um I will leave this running a little bit just to see if it does over top it shouldn't but there does seem to be a lot of water coming out the back of it okay so it's been running for quite a while looks like water's definitely not going to overflow that so that's working as intended that's a good little Dam uh the other way I can do this is just to like search charge it so I was thinking if I in front of this add another Dam and since it's a bit finicky I may need to actually get some water flowing first let's just put a little a little notch in there cuz yeah I think if there's no water you get that not on Shoreline an annoying little an annoying little glitch but when there's water there you can build it okay so now we have some water the dam is in so if I hit pause now basically what I want to do is Overflow this Dam so if I grab like that level cut out the wall like that and you can see there's a solid wall of water there so if I now press play that should come flying forward and then we can see it's over topped definitely oh dear oh dear okay well I think that is 100% certain water can't flood over a dam that myth is busted the dam the dam didn't break though it did just get flooded any where's this water heading it's heading straight towards my town oh no my bridge okay I may have to load a new map before that happens but first since we have quite a large fire down here that brings us to our next myth snow can extinguish fire now you might be wondering well how are you going to get snow on there Matt well I have access to the dev tools so if I come into this simulation tab if I come to weather and climate we have this climate bar and currently we're in summer so if I just hit pause quickly if I move that that's now in Winter I can drop the temperature to - 50 I can increase precipitation to what one cloudiness to one so therefore it's now snowing like it's- 50 so we should start to see snow forming on the ground the question is will the will the fires go out or will they stay I mean the fires you can hear them they're burning quite rapidly and right snow is forming it's all on the ground you can see the trees are go oh look when the trees get covered in snow the fire does go out oh no way I honestly was not expecting that so the myth snow can extinguish a fire I I think that's confirmed it definitely can wow now for the next myth I am in my loading screen because this myth is a functioning all roundabout city is not possible well well well if we load up one of my old Maps what did I call it you spin me right round right okay so this was the roundabout City I made so basically this entire place is just roundabouts like you got loads of roundabouts to enter the city houses are literally surrounded by roundabouts we've got roundabouts connected to other roundabouts that go to like town and Village roundabout and uh basically this city running really really well like look we're over a millionaire yes we may be losing a little bit of money per hour but not too much everyone's extremely happy apart from some with a bit of polluted air that's these guys I may have put them too close to the too close to the chimneys that but we're up to 1,600 people there's more people joining all the time so overall super successful City and you can go watch that video if you want to if you want to see the full story of how it was made and just in case that myth meant in real life just Google Milton keing because that's a place in the UK that's 99% roundabout anyway a functioning all roundabout city is not possible that is myth busted it's very possible and it's thriving and as a Brit that makes me very very proud anyway whilst we're here I did want to have a little play with the old air pollution thing so basically air pollution is Flowing from this over that way I just want to see if I were to delete these and then just make myself some room basically delete all of these roads oh I just got an achievement for destroying a th000 buildings nice right I think there's still enough pollution coming from this area to make these guys yeah they're not happy you can see the wind lines they're clearly going from from all the pollution to those houses in fact let's put more houses in just to prove a point so yeah this guy they haven't even built their house and they're already complaining about air pollution so definitely air pollution happening there and basically this myth is you can stop air pollution with a mountain so if I want to try and stop these guys getting air pollution what I can do I can either shift to rain tool and then literally just plop a mountain up I mean it's more of a wall technically but if I do that and then even could go a bit more extreme with this I could do do mountains down that way maybe down that side as well cuz the wind's coming from this direction so I don't want it to just hit that face and then then like wrap around so I think like a nice horseshoe will really prove this one so wrap that all the way around so now clearly if air pollution's coming out this way it will hit this mountain and then it should go around and then the wind still going that direction so it shouldn't be able to go back up these guys should have clean air I guess we just keep it running for an extended period and uh see if their air clears up okay so I've left it running with the HUD off for a while so let's turn the HUD back on still air pollution I mean maybe it's not tall enough but I think air pollution just doesn't take ground into into concern cuz in reality these fumes like yes they might go up that face but I don't think they're then just drop like the other side and like this trash pit that's down that's downwind as well so that shouldn't be affecting I think the myth you can stop air pollution with a mountain is I think we're going to say busted because I wrapped I wrapped the corners round and I mean I can't see going higher I can't see that helping but you know what I will we got do this the most scientifically accurate we right and that that is going to that level if if air pollution is going up and coming back down this then in oh look what shape I made that was complete accident I swear that was an accident I'm literally just trying to do the wrap around it's so I'm so high up it's so hard to actually do this accurately all right that is a wall with no holes in it it's a bit hideous but I think it is actually quite accurate um so you can't you can't tell me that pollution can get up and over there and then drop down that would be ridiculous I'll leave it running for a little bit but then we'll come back and have a look um wow that is like the stuff of nightmares actually that right okay it's been it's been a little while now let's head around and see is there still air pollution yes there is so yeah 100% that is the myth busted anyway for this next myth we're on a map I haven't actually used before I don't know how possible this is going to be actually like I forgot how big city skylines 2 maps actually are but I I tried to pick the best map for this uh basically the myth is you can't drain the sea oh boy it's going to be painful it's going to be a painful run right first things first then we want to come into here and buy all the sea tiles so can we buy like that entire area yes we can yeah I've then just bought the river tiles cuz although we worked out previously that we can't block these up um I'll probably just make like natural dams just so the water is not coming down here but yeah basically this is going to be a whole lot of brushing stuff so let's grab that level we'll just block those up like that do the same down here and that should buy us some time to try to try and get rid of the sea I don't even know like how this is going to work um o ooh but while we're doing this we can do a myth within a myth myth setion uh cuz someone wanted me to try and uh try and sink one of these boats again so the myth you can ground ships which is what I what I busted previously because I think before I tried to just like do that and look we found out that oh goodness that ships can do wheelies and then fly but no basically that shipping lanes are like like they've always got to be wet so I can't actually do anything there but someone suggested what if I delete the shipping lane cuz you can delete these and when you do the land comes back so if I were to delete a shipping Lane that has a boat on it does the boat stay and get grounded I'll tell you what I might do I might lower this ground just so it doesn't get like buried or something so let's go to say just that level so we'll fill that in so it looks like that nice and then when we delete that shipping linke and press play oh so it was grounded briefly but then it disappeared so nice idea commenter but I think cuz it disappears I don't think we can call that a win therefore the myth setion myth of you can ground ships it's still busted you can't really you can't oh what you can do though you can you can use this technique to get rid of the sea right cuz I can't exactly drain it cuz we have sea like all the way around the edge but I don't see why I can't just go up to the edge and then do a bit of that so if we just do a whole load of painting and delete those shipping lanes then have we have we got rid of the seat I mean we haven't got rid of the seat we've replaced it with land what I'm wondering now though if I were to punch a hole ah look there's no water there is no water so I can just cut the sea back out and look there is water now but when I Let Go it disappears so we can definitely get rid of the sea does this count as draining the sea I don't think so I think to drain the seat we'd need to try and use like these water pumping stations of which there are these Advanced ones so if I were to shove those in connect them to a road make sure we got a Transformer station for power and that's pumping a million M cubed a month I'll tell you what actually to make sure it's in use I can grab a water pipe I could literally just take this to the edge of the map look can you see that Arrow up there that means we're importing or exporting and you can see that water is now being exported we're exporting a million M cubed a month which should mean well I was hoping it would mean we'd see like the water actually get pumped I don't think we are I think actually it doesn't do anything visually cuz this water is very much still moving I tell you what what if I open this with Anarchy and some other mods cuz at the moment I can only have one of those Advanced water pumping stations but there is a mod that will allow me to get loads of those I think so wait right there 2 hours later so now we're back I can have unlimited amounts of these so let's just shove as many in as we can make sure there's a road going to all of them that means they're all connected by pipes and electricity all right so now when we press play does anything happen with the water levels please it'd be really nice if it did no so nothing happened visually I don't think these affect like actual water depths at all City Skyland one they did and like there was a modded one which was basically one of these we could suck up loads of water and I did actually use that to drain the entire sea in the first game I was hoping I could do that with this but look looks like the only way you can remove the sea is by well is by doing it this way replace it with land and then remove the land again cuz yeah these pumps although they're definitely pumping water you literally can't see it uh so that's that's a big shame actually and it means the myth you can't drain the sea that's that's confirmed you can't drain the sea however however our next myth you can replace the sea with sewage I have a feeling this one might be possible now two things I'm going to do I'm going to come into simulation I'm going to where's water there it is I'm going to up the water simulation just to get these rivers to run completely dry although oh no there's water escaping up here hang on hang on I bought more land just so I can do that a bit so we got more storage there now same over this side bring that up to there then just delete that okay nice so water from up there shouldn't be an issue now I've just waited for the water to come down here okay that's good can then just delete all of those yes delete the road delete the Transformers don't want any of that all I want to do is get rid of this water by bringing it to a low level and then putting the high level back on top right then if I just fill in all of this land again or all of this sea technically then there is a way I can replace what once was sea with poo now first off in order to make poo as we found out before we need some houses so let's just do a do a bit of a grid there fill them in with houses connect a road up to there do a sewage Outlet down here doesn't really matter where that is as long as it's connected with a pipe over to our houses all right then when we press play they should start building which means the Poo should start flowing yeah there it goes which means I can do a very small hole so if I turn my brush size down all the way and then just make a little bit of a hole there right okay then we have then we have poo in a hole and now if I press pause I think I can make that bigger and the Poo extends with the HK if I press plate yeah that's good in fact I can even shift that down grab a level down there so we've got a really deep pul and you can see that is now all poop so all I got to do just slowly keep expanding this so I can use like the big size we got a very big we got a very big volume of poo there can then make it even bigger and O the level does seem to be dropping a bit actually interesting I wonder how far I can push this though oh no look it didn't fill it in all the way to the Edge O it has it has a max distance oh no I thought I would be able to do this but yeah if go if you go too far with your poo water it doesn't spread properly right hang on a second let's just see if I fill that back in I fill in these edges is it because I expanded too quickly have I just got to go like just do little expansions if I keep doing just little bits do we lose the depth at the end oh we still do or do we no that seems to be working a bit better no not n poo physics have something weird going on with them you can see how much the level has dropped that's how high we started we've lost a lot of poop we have sort of me to see though so yeah I guess really you can't you can't use this sort of glitch thing you would have to you would have to fill in the entire area completely manually which would take years probably like I'm not talking in game years I'm talking I'm talking IRL years that would take so long but I do think it's possible thing is does filling just a hit count as count as the c or does all of that need to be pooped cuz I don't think you can do anything out there even with anak on our little bird has gone red oh yeah still can't go outside the city limits so I think for now you can replace the sea with sewage is plausible but it's not quite confirmed and it depends on what you define as the seat but for today I think we'll leave it there so I'll say peace love and poop myths bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 147,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, rce, real civil engineer city skylines 2, real civil engineer, city skyline 2, cities skyline 2, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 reaction, cs2, cities: skylies 2
Id: 7CVxDZDeN_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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