Overclocking The Raspberry Pi 5 To 3.0GHz! Taking The Pi5 To The Edge!

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[Music] foreign [Music] back here again today we're going to be overclocking the all-new Raspberry Pi 5 up to three gigahertz on the CPU and we're also going to be overclocking the GPU up to one gigahertz or 1 000 megahertz if you're familiar with the new Pi 5 you know we've got an all new SOC it's a quad core running at 2.4 gigahertz it's using cortex a76 cores and at 2.4 it's definitely the best performing Raspberry Pi they've ever released but we can definitely get a lot more out of it and through my testing so far I've been able to get up to three gigahertz on this new SOC so if you're ready to get started I'm going to show you the settings that I used and then we'll jump right into some testing so it's actually a really simple process to overclock the Raspberry Pi 5 just like it was with the other Raspberry Pi's you can use a Windows PC Mac or a Linux machine or you could do it all on the Raspberry Pi but we're going to be using a Mac here we'll just plug our SD card in find the boot partition from here we're going to find our config.txt once we have this we're going to scroll all the way to the bottom where it says all and underneath here we're going to paste in our overclock so with the pi that I have here I did have to take over voltage to three my arm frequency is 3 000 and my GPU frequency is one thousand so this should enable me to get three gigahertz on the CPU one gigahertz on the GPU and it really depends on the luck of the draw when it comes to this over voltage you can go up to eight I mean that's a pretty high over voltage there but you know I've been really stable at three so that's what I'm going to leave it at go ahead and save your changes now we can put the SD card back in the pi 5 and Boot It Up okay so now that we have that config.txt in place this Raspberry Pi 5 is overclocked to three gigahertz on the CPU and one gigahertz on the GPU and I'll tell you what I mean it definitely makes a difference first thing I noticed here was just how Snappy it is and I've installed a few things here just to show you that we are overclocked we can actually check in a few different areas I've installed a bunch of applications that I ran some benchmarks on that I want to test out here but first things first minimum clock one gigahertz maximum three we can also open up terminal and check out neofetch you can see we've got that eight gig Raspberry Pi 5 at three gigahertz listed right here and finally we can check directly from terminal check the max frequency so yeah this thing is really overclocked and initially when I ran this I didn't think it was you know I definitely had to check three times myself just to make sure we were really getting up to three gigahertz but it's definitely a lot snappier the first thing I wanted to show off here was some 1080p playback from YouTube now even at 1080 60 we'll still get some drop frames and I'll show you that in a second but the first thing we're going to go with here is this 1080p 24 FPS movie from blender and we're definitely going to go full screen with it make sure we're at 1080 stats for nerds and on the initial load in we had a few drop frames this is totally normal even on my high-end gaming rig I get drop frames when I load into a video but throughout this will not drop any more frames which is really awesome but we're only at 24 FPS and a lot of people want to see some 1080p 60 playback but I'll just buffer ahead a bit here to show you that you know it won't even kind of fall in its face if we need to buffer a little bit here so that's awesome and you know watching movies at 24fps or even 30 on the pi 5 here especially with the overclock it's going to work out really well next thing we've got to take a look at is some 1080p 60 playback and again I do want to mention yeah it's going to drop some frames unfortunately that's just how the pie is but with kind of our go-to test here Big Buck Bunny we're at 1080. it's a 60 FPS video checking out those drop frames this is nothing compared to the Raspberry Pi 4 or even the pi 5 with no overclock with no overclock when I hit about 2 000 frames we had about 250 drop frames and I'll just let this play through a little bit you'll see we're right there under 40. and buy about 2400 we're at 40 drop frames which really isn't that bad compared to no overclock at all this is actually really smooth the next thing I did was run a few benchmarks and I also threw the Raspberry Pi 4 in here so for 7-Zip decompression higher is going to be better Pi 4 7 489 stock Raspberry Pi 5 13 423 and the pi 5 with the three gigahertz overclock on the CPU sixteen thousand three hundred and eighty nine multi-thread CIS bench Pi 4 7116 Pi five with no overclock 10 573 and with that three gigahertz overclock we're at thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifteen the speedometer browser Benchmark is another one I tested Pi 4 27.8 Pi 5 64.1 and with that three gigahertz overclock we got a nice little boost up to 74.3 and the final one I tested here was geekbench 5. so at the very top we've got the overclock Pi five single core 724 multi 1709 stock Pi 5 on single core 612 multi 1617 and you can see at the very bottom we've also got the Raspberry Pi 4 coming in with a single core of 239 and 711 multi so yeah in terms of synthetic performance with this overclock it's looking really awesome but let's get into some real world stuff now I've got more that I want to test here and the first thing's just going to be Minecraft I did install the Bedrock version but I can't get it to launch we're just going with the modified Pi version which does offer a little more very smooth experience and I will admit I didn't test this on the stock Raspberry Pi 5 I just went through with the overclock version but yeah I mean we're definitely at 60fps this is really smooth and of course I wanted to show you the emulation performance increase here with this overclock so in my original video we did test out a few things I also made a little bit of an emulation video we tested out some Dreamcast some PSPs some N64 and Dreamcast ran great at the native resolution but now we're actually going to take the resolution up on this and then we'll move over to some PSP because that's where the big Improvement is and for Dreamcast I am using the Standalone version of redream okay so from the very top we'll go to our video section I can upscale to 1920 by 1440 with this overclock and before you know with the harder to emulate games like DOA we were at the native resolution and even with that we did have a lot of frame skip going on it's still turned on but we're able to take the resolution way up now I also went through and tested Sonic Adventure 2 at 1920x1440. we had a steady 60 FPS and the frame counters up in the top left-hand Corner if you've tried this game on lower end arm chips you know how hard it can be to emulate even with this awesome emulator re-drain but now with the overclock on the Raspberry Pi 5 we can really take that resolution up and it definitely makes a huge difference in visual quality and the last thing I wanted to show off here was some PSP emulation I'm using the Standalone version of PPSSPP and in my initial video we did test out chains of Olympus this is definitely a harder one to emulate especially on the Raspberry Pi's and at 1X resolution with the opengl back end because that's all I have access to right now with this version of PPSSPP it ran pretty decently but when there were a lot of characters on screen it would dip down into the mid 50s Let Me Go full screen with this but with this overclock I think we're pretty much good with chains of Olympus at 1X foreign another thing I monitored through all of my tests were CPU temps and remember I've got that uh active pie cooler so this the official Raspberry Pi 5 Active cooler from the Raspberry Pi foundation and at idle 47 degrees Celsius was the highest temperature I saw three Watts but while maxed out it did jump up to 76 degrees Celsius which is way under thermal throttle anyway and was pulling close to 11 Watts at 3 gigahertz so far overclocking the pie five to three gigahertz has been a really awesome experience I mean we're definitely seeing a nice bump in single and multi-core performance not to mention we also overclocked the GPU and I've got a little more to work on here there's a lot more that I want to test and I will have a couple more videos coming it's still a bit early but as you saw in this video yeah it is possible to overclock the Raspberry Pi 5 to 3 gigahertz so that's gonna wrap it up for this video I really appreciate you watching if there's anything else you want to see tested on the Raspberry Pi 5 definitely let me know down below I will have more videos coming and like always thanks for watching
Channel: ETA PRIME
Views: 126,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etaprime, eta prime, raspberry pi 5 gaming, raspberry pi 5 gaming test, raspberry pi 5 emulation, raspberry pi 5 projects, raspberry pi 5 case, raspberry pi 5 windows 11, raspberry pi 5 retropie, raspberry pi 5 release date, raspberry pi 5 ps2, raspberry pi 5 overclock
Id: K6dWE2x4viw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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