UP CLOSE How To Vinyl Wrap A Front Bumper W/ Inlays Jeep Trackhawk New Color!

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[Music] what's going on guys all right so today I'm gonna wrap the front bumper on this Jeep track hawk now this front bumper is not that difficult taking it off the car was probably more difficult than the Ferrari so I couldn't even do it so I had to get the body shop next door to do it so if you own one of these or you own a Jeep Cherokee in the at all then you're gonna have a fun time taking it apart because it's literally probably one of the worst cars I've ever taken apart besides that we've got it taken apart so we've removed the top plastic grille here everything behind here behind here and the fog light areas as well right so this way we have a nice pure canvas to wrap one the sensors are also removed there are sensors behind you here I remove them anyways I didn't have to because this is gloss black so stays it stays gloss black and I'm going to talk about the inlays that I have right now so I'll have an inlay right here I have one long in long inlay across the top here and then one here and one here that's all the inlays we're doing for this front bumper done with knife let's tape of course you can see that I have my necklace tape set up again on the inside here and I'll show you kind of how we tackle that once we get to that point so be prepared to watch this for the next hour or so alright now I'm going to start by anchoring the film I've got my I'm in a different spot today so my camera is going to get they're gonna walk across constantly all the time no big deal so obviously the service is prepped with isopropyl alcohol I've also taken a compressor to blow away everything that might be loose and kicking around now guys if you're following me and you like what I'm doing don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you like these videos don't forget to hit the like button again I will post tools that I use in the description below so if you're interested in picking up some of these tools for yourself by all means click the link in the description below it'll take you right to the tool that I use they're not all available online so some of them are like you have to go through yellow tools to get them and stuff like that so I can't actually put a link to them but anyways just so you know I'll put a link to everything that you can buy online in the description below so I'm just gonna line this up right now don't have to remove the headlights on this guy because they're not really in the way and again this film is got a protective cap on it has a protective cap on it so we're gonna remove that and remove that right now so the color and brand of film that we're using today is vivid and this is called nebula black so it is a combination of red metallic and black and it gives it this amazing burgundy black affect certain angles as you watch like on the hood video you'll see that certain angles it's black like obviously like really across here it's very black while up here I can kind of see in the camera that you know you see how it turns like Rhett it's cool it's just cool so other than that other than that I mean prep is pretty straightforward this bumper should be pretty straightforward right now and we're going to get to it this will be the very first bumper I've wrapped in this film this is a brand new style of film the film is a little bit thicker which gives it a deeper appearance again it's a little bit thicker but it stretches really nicely and it's not super sticky it's just also very nice just try to find so my wife here she may grab the camera at some point and help record to get some close-ups right now this is pretty straightforward stuff so don't really need it just removing the backing paper just get around here so the bumpers are pretty tight on this they're pretty close to 30 inches top to bottom I actually for full coverage on this I need an inlay on the bottom all right we're just gonna Center it make sure my lines are good a little bit lower so literally doesn't step out what that much at all which is nice like I said I'm just putting a little tension on it cool now let's come back the other side and let's get this Center and iron up a bit higher note that's what I meant can I have to put more tension across the center so because I don't have a lot of tension across the bottom I need a tension across that wall I'm section as well so yeah we're gonna have to reposition now I'm gonna pull so you can see I haven't added any heat yet which is nice I'm able to get that nice and tight across the bottom I was just being lazy before and wasn't pulling hard enough let's get some of these wrinkles out so as far as the air dress goes super easy very nice to use I cut off a bunch of extra film back here but too much I do the same on the other side [Applause] now I'm gonna start to add a bit of heat [Applause] just checking my microphone since I lost audio on the hood wrap I'm gonna pull it back a bit and I'm just gonna soften the film slightly I almost wanted to grab the bumper a little bit tighter [Applause] this is my not-so-good side to pull on not as strong with my left hand on the lower side I'm right-handed gonna be fine though see that that's exactly what you want guys you're not you're not getting that to happen to be nice and tight like that we right you got to start over you're not doing it right [Applause] just get the top section done here so we can be at peace with it so you can see why we want it to be tight across right we need it to grab on to everything otherwise we're gonna have too much slack on the top and bottom so again let's go back the opposite direction here just gonna throw magnet down here safe measure always a wise idea right about there I just go back a little bit further right there [Applause] when we're heating we don't want to forget about the bar all right super important [Applause] it doesn't take a lot of heat to get it to start stretching so I'll be somewhere around there as always my heat gun is on the absolute hottest setting it can be on good good I'm good with that let's get some air out of here see how those massive air bubbles just kind of squeegee out it's awesome actually all right so I'm just trying to shrink it down into this for a little bit of a recess here and that section is basically all done across the middle now we're going to start doing it around the headlight here and stuff like that but I need to do this pulldown I got a little wrinkle there there we go hold down what I'm not going to do is stretch in whatever I do right now is laying okay lay in as much as I can that roomy that means coming from the bottom and relieving tension okay once I get the film laid end and then we can work out so here [Applause] and it's more so just because I have the option to lay in here sometimes you don't have the option to like I will have to stretch this at some point but I did have an option to lay you start laying the filming here which is nice so you can see that she's laid in there much nicer now I'm gonna bring the film back again just mix up some of the top here shrink it down good there's the top right there let's just get all that cool [Applause] all right do it [Applause] [Applause] just like that guys exactly what you want if you don't want to cause wrinkles like I just did right there so I gotta go back that was just because I didn't wait to squeegee i squeegee to quickly [Applause] [Applause] alright that looks better should be good right in here yes excellent to follow right through so I do have this slight edge here which I'm gonna have to lay the film into and then come out because it will definitely pop out of there as far as here goes I don't need to go that far in I saw how far in I got to go but in case we got to check what we do is we just cut a hole somewhere around the middle then we check to see where our edges we finish off the top and then we'll get on to that bottom section [Applause] just letting all that shrink down when we're letting it remove down we have to hold it into place all right we have to hold in the place we want it to be in otherwise it's just gonna start shrinking down wherever it wants to go you wanna guide it into a specific spot [Applause] - no tension whatsoever along this edge [Applause] okay so now I'm going to start laying into this fun little recess no idea if you can see that or not pull it from the bottom of it get my hand behind the film no choice [Applause] yeah because if we try to stretch into this recess it's game over so we just did a g-wagen here and it has a lot of little recesses like this in it and every pretty much every gon wrap that I've seen it's failing in these areas that's because everyone's stretching into these areas we can't put a seam here because the body line trails off so we can't put a seam there so we have to lay in here [Applause] bring it a bit this way now athlete extra careful right so I'm trying to not pull back too far yeah I have to heat make sure there's no movement in the film right there's movement in the film and I'm trying to put the film in here that means it's gonna pull back out of there so there shouldn't be any movement in the film when you heat now once you get to the edge you have to be very careful and we have to heat and pull out slightly okay just to balance all of it back out perfect so from here see how I pull back like this I don't pull the film this way that's because I won't come past this edge I'm not likely to come past that edge got a bit of heat I'm already at the edge it's perfect clothes come back a bit here let's finish up down here you see how this actually dust on on the car already that's how fast it gets dusty [Applause] so again trying to draw its bubble out trying to draw the film back again no hearing I'm able to stretch this without any heat for how thick it is and in small increments obviously when I do larger areas I want to add a bit of heat it just makes things go faster [Applause] so I want to draw up towards the corner this is going to allow me to have a shrink around the corner also at the same time as well as having no tension on the edge down here I'm gonna fall down and you just get this mixed up a bit Hey all right not a lot of movement [Applause] and we're around the edge [Applause] [Applause] all right let's get on to the other side and then we'll do I'll do the cutouts that's like 120 degrees today [Applause] oh that's fine [Applause] [Applause] we've got to pull this wrinkle out don't think I can push down on it maybe I can there we go that's great sometimes you can do that [Applause] then laying in see that I'm alleviating tension from the bottom right I'm letting the film come into this area right here [Applause] [Applause] I can't make things difficult to work with when you do stuff like that cuz it's obviously it changes what happens to the raps on glass anymore right [Applause] okay let's get those wrinkles up here [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right a couple more pulls and this I will be done then we're on to trimming okay pretty close to the top here and I'll have a lot as you can see what that means is I got to swing the bottom around a little bit more so I'm going to take more stretch from the bottom and swing that around I'll have enough either way but I'm just obviously trying to ensure that I do [Applause] so let's bring it back a bit now let's bring it back to the boat here yeah that's why I left hand so I suck my left hand on the bar [Applause] we have no movement not really its importance right all that shrink down or reposition reset itself [Applause] that's what you when that hole I don't mess around you know I'm just I just got to do it so again I don't want to cause a wrinkle here I get it last time so I'm just gonna gently push down this bubble and get it out and see it's just gonna make its way to the edge why jerk okay I'm almost at the edge it doesn't matter cuz I have to reposition the film here anyways [Applause] [Applause] all right freak it down look but all that shrinkage happened [Applause] go up I'll go up here there's that edge that we'll have to lay into again Oh miss another spot of air push down one spot comes over another spot that's because I haven't squeegeed properly or thorough enough I had squeeze you there would not have popped up there so alright almost so while I'm here I'm going to pull back the vinyl and get this late in super important again this is like again this is where things get a little tricky you could try to put as much primer in there as you want guarantee it's gonna fail so the only way to do that do it is this way you know this sometimes there's multiple ways to do things in this case this is the only way to do this one [Applause] so again that's a little trick for you right there should help you in the process of wrapping your car so I'm not really in a tough spot it's pretty smooth already [Applause] and get that slack in there that I needed to I moved it better fix it and then get enough out so you notice that I'm putting my hands behind it quite bit it's fine as long as you're not handling it too much and I try to keep my hands away from the edges mostly [Applause] but [Applause] screwed that one up there's some wrinkles not what I wanted to do [Applause] so what I'm trying to do here is do this I want to lift it up and out of it and again lay in see idea [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right almost died [Applause] so guys always when I use heat I use it to kind of accelerate how quickly the job can go I don't use it to compensate for a lack of skill you don't want to use too much heat we just want to make it jobs a little bit easier a little bit faster it has its place so when I take the bumper off what I'm gonna do is fix the trim all that in there [Applause] absolutely let's just do it now come under the light [Applause] let's get a bunch of that out of the way [Applause] [Music] house Turkey all right so I'm just planning my next move just see I probably still will need to do this small section when the bumpers off not to do all the rest here so are we looking forward I mean looking for a relief cut so sit down and get into cutting so I'm gonna cut hole this is just to demonstrate how you should be doing this you can take the bumper off and have a look at it afterwards and trim it all up then off off the car but that kind of gives me a perspective okay the edge is there that edge is there that edge is there cool so before I do any of this over here I'm gonna start to lay in some of this [Applause] I want to do my knife there it is I'm just gonna reach him behind here deal ok so it's right about there that's where it kind of ends so I can cut actually a little bit further that helps [Applause] really what you want to do is start with the thinner edges and get those kind of taken care of because this will allow you to start doing relief cuts go so the bottom of the lip is right here I can cut down to about here and sort of arounds I can feel the back with my hands so I can cut around this is going to help relieve and attention right there especially see [Applause] now we can start shrinking a lot there it is right there well you see how I kind of pulled it through and squeegee at the same time what am i what's the goal right here I'm trying to cut away as much film as I can to create relief so working in increments is very important [Applause] just scoping out the scene on a top [Applause] and again but basically this is as much as we could do as far as creating relief ghosts so I'm gonna get a wrap will actually because you should be using one right now and I hate it and I'm gonna kind of pull it through and push it at the same time the reason why I'm pulling it through is to help keep it glass okay I wasn't even that bad it was actually way less of a recess than I thought [Applause] so for those asking how I'm gonna wrap the sensors take them out wrap the moat best thing to do these these are out so now I can just trim the hole around it part the hole on the inside well so let's get into doing the middle here and let's do the thankless tape section so you can see what that's all about so I know that I can basically cut anywhere in here cuz I have an inlay of a massive inlay and as long as I come underneath this edge cuz I rap pretty much right up to this edge with the inlay we're good now what I want to do here is start coming down [Applause] and then cut out this circular spot you see how I masked off this piece completely this saves me from worrying about look I had boxes the knife let's tape bow yeah so it saves me from worrying about cutting into this black plastic piece so that mr. mayor [Applause] I'm gonna do is work the top section [Applause] I suppose you could take out this black plastic piece on this car I didn't even look because I gave me a nice gap to look around so I just just roll with it [Applause] what we don't want to do is when we're cutting is cut through our knifeless state alright so you might keep that in mind obviously I don't have to worry about that just yet it's a little bit lower okay start working in the side of it here and then I'll cut out more from the bottom get over top of the knife this tape and then we're ready to hold it so I have a lot of tension here I know that I don't need to have this much material here so this can make a relief cut it's more make a huge difference [Applause] all right so I've got a pebble here and see it and get that out all right got another one over here this is this is the nightmare part about doing bumpers sometimes this happens stuff falls from the top there's only so much there's only so much you can really do so try to make it as clean and crisp as possible I know the difference between of stone and stone chips it's another one they're buggers okay [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I'm really making sure everything's solid nice and tight it shrunk it down I want to make sure all my edges are tension free before we do any cutting with a knife this tape [Applause] with just about there guys [Applause] getting closer than that those tapes are to be cautious just pull that out there's my team okay let's finish up the other side and then we can do it [Applause] [Applause] the side has no rock chips so what happens sometimes [Applause] so as opposed to even cutting this right now when I'm new is I'm just going to go for the ninth let's tape on the other side actually just the small relief cut right here and school for the knife was tape on that side [Applause] take my glove off I'm gonna break the string first out just going to be easier and then we're gonna go from there put your thumb I put my thumb when I get into weird areas just over it let's go let's get all the knife listt pulled out of it slop a little bit of heat on it [Applause] there we go [Applause] all right through the top section right here and then I'm probably gonna fast-forward the rest so I can get it done I'll show you guys the end product so I'm gonna do this top section right here show you how it's done so I know I have an inlay I know that I have it in there that comes pretty much the edge so all I really got to do is come down about an eighth of an inch I can actually see it I have my finger anchored okay super importance gonna move myself because I need to get behind my behind my cut I don't want to be reaching out do that's the worst thing you can do all right let's get the top overlaps and the bottom is gonna be a little bit different so what we have to do see you one second here is we got to cut around these little prongs well whatever you wanna call them so what I need to do is squeegee the film right up to it just like that do the next one over here there's only two luckily I've done cars that have like five of these on them and all we're going to do now is because we have inlays on them is cut up and up okay we can allow the vinyl to fold down see now the vinyl and pull down in its home this homeless where wants to go so again cutting up it's somewhat of a guess you just have to know where you put your invoke a can cut through that score it or not Aereo is one there and let's do this one here got through it again perfect so we're gonna make sure everything's hugging nice and tight [Applause] [Applause] using my fingers for this you can use your squeegee to probably make more sense [Applause] stand up with the arrests super precise cutting here a little pong there for the for the grill poly two or three yep [Music] so I did not cut through here wait enough so right now I'm cutting vinyl on top of vinyl right not that concerned about cutting through I won't cut through you may want to use knifeless for each one of these little bits it will be very tedious this is more slower skill level comes into play the worst part is like when you go to put back these the grills is that sometimes it pushes the vinyl forward so we have to be careful of that so something to keep in mind when you're putting everything back together in the end it will happen the grills the gills grylls the grill spit very tight so sometimes they push the vinyl out a little bit so we have to take care of when we're pushing though the grills in [Applause] [Applause] cool so I'm gonna fast forward the rest here and we're gonna show you the finished product and I'm just a minute [Applause] all right so the bumpers all finished up now and so what it looks like so you can see we got to put though everything back together that's like an hour process but hey some pieces were getting painted like the bezel the bezels here and the little rings that were gray they didn't really match anything on the car so customer more than painted in gloss black next door they're doing that and we get a little bit more to do we get the roof to do still the rear bumper and the rear hatch and a couple of fender flares that's about it otherwise look at the front fender flare here still put on otherwise pretty much done so about another day it's worth of work and then it's got to be slapped back together some of its back together already guys I hope you liked the video on the bumper wrap if you did don't forget to give it a thumbs up and if you want to see what this beast looks like when it's all finished up don't forget to subscribe button I'll do a full walk-around of what this looks like it's gonna look amazing inside and outside I mean as you can see right now it's just an awesome color again vivid nebula black awesome finish super glossy super deep very little orange peel looks awesome guys thank you for watching take care you
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 67,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, how to wrap a car, how to vinyl wrap a car, how to wrap, how to vinyl wrap, vehicle wrap, car wrap, vinyl hood wrap, vinyl wrap a hood, how to hood vinyl wrap, Jeep, Trackhawk, Jeep Trackhawk, Jeep hellcat, hellcat, new vinyl color, nebula black, black rose, Vvivid, Avery, 3m, 3m 1080, APA, Oracal, Hexis, KPMF, dip your car, dyc, paint protection, ppf, vinyl, wrap, car
Id: gRsS0x27aX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 48sec (3228 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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