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all right guys what up it's david from premium and today i'm going to show you guys how to wrap a front bumper um luckily today we're going to be doing three different types of bumpers we're going to be doing this range rover bumper behind us with the enos tech film and we're also going to be doing the uh i believe it's a chevy 350 3500 it's the 2500.84 2500 at4 there we go thanks jack we're gonna be doing that one in an avery um carmine red i believe gloss carmite red and uh they're going to be different materials so you're going to see the concepts of stretch between an enos film versus an avery film all right guys so just a quick rundown of what we're going to do with this bumper right here adrian already cut out the material um with this film it's a little bit more used to applying more heat but less of a stretch or a pool so this film's already pre-shrunk from factory and pre-stretched from factory sorry about that adrian anyways uh so the what we're gonna do with this film is we're gonna apply it right here and adrian's gonna go ahead and hold this side while i just heat it up and what he's gonna do is he's gonna hold it with tension but not cool how we traditionally pull with the old techniques um this is something that i learned in the eno's tech class called the zero stretch method and it's been working really really well for us here what adrian is doing right now is he's going ahead and like wiping it down with alcohol making sure all the edges and all like the little crevices have no dirt just because with this film it's really staticky and once you get debris behind the film it's really difficult to take out so what he's doing he's wetting the wheel well area and any additional surrounding areas around the vehicle and also down at the bottom just so that when we pull the material off of the liner it doesn't attract any more dust particles inside [Music] adrian wants to let you guys know that you wet the backing because it uh prevents any more static from going into the back of the film first step is to just kind of give it a cold tug in the middle that way that gets kind of gets blast out do you have enough i'm good you have enough yes i do all right go ahead and give it a cold pull i'm going to kind of just drop this i've done videos like all right this bumper is not difficult just because it's not so rounded like this other one so i'm going to show you guys a different technique on how to do that one little bit right there so i'm just holding yeah so now what you want to do guys is adrian's in the correct position he's he's getting kind of level with me and where i have to be at and he's just basically gonna hold it with tension and as you guys see these wrinkles go away the uh bumper is just gonna glass itself out so once these wrinkles start to go away start to go slowly okay you got your balls come on a little bit more like that so the key to this is you guys want to heat up and down [Applause] and since the material's already kind of pre-stretched then it will go ahead and just glass out [Applause] so we're going again a little bit slower [Applause] [Music] [Music] now that we already made it you don't matter now the most important part about this is even though we did already shrink it technically we should always heat our hedges just to make sure that they go down [Applause] so as you guys saw um the whole concept between enos tech is that we're not we're not trying to stretch the film too much we're just heating it up and slowly letting the film technology work into itself so it's basically just heating the whole thing up letting it shrink molding it onto the panel so that's the difference between enos tech versus avery what we're about to show you next so the difference between this bumper and this other bumper as you guys saw that one's a little bit more flat this one is a little bit more rounded out like that so with this film that concept won't work because it doesn't shrink as much as that film so what we need to do with this one is give it a nicer pull that way when we pull the film at a very like angled weight this way we're gonna have the lines running horizontally so it could just wrap over so it's basically kind of like wrapping a door handle and we're gonna show you guys that next [Music] all right with this bumper i'm going to need a couple hands just because i don't have it on the car so it's not as sturdy so that's what i'm going to have to probably have someone hold it here and you guys are going to see that we're going to be able to stretch it along this way that way um it doesn't fall off the stand [Applause] let's have him heat the center so anthony's gonna do he's gonna heat the center we're going to give it some tension already that way it kind of gets a small little stretch going [Applause] go ahead and give it a good pull adrian keep good yep yep [Music] go a little bit slower like over there you can see how there's still wrinkles and then hop spread right here [Applause] all right so as you guys saw with this material it is a little bit more stretchy but you need a little bit more hands because it's off the car but the concepts are still the same you just have to pull it really good that way the film wants to grab around itself versus just having a lot of tension running this way so now that the bumper is fully glass now we can go ahead and squeegee the air out and just like every other panel that we do we always use the 5050 method meaning we just go so it would be using this much overlapping this much so you always want to overlap and some of these little micro scratches that you guys see in the film um those will go away in the sun so don't worry about it too much but you always want to make sure that you have a clean buffer small little bubbles like these will go away you just have to push them out and we do sell wrap gloves so go ahead and find those in our website and you can find this sweater as well and another tip guys so before you do any trimming you always want to heat your panel up just to make sure everything is relaxed [Applause] because if you trim it if you guys trim it and then you guys don't relax the film it's going to peel back on you so you want to make sure you relax all of the film and you want to post heated right before you trim [Music] so when i cut i like to have a little bit of excess material that way i could just go ahead and heat it up and roll it back you always want to start on the corner first and spread the material out and then come back and you guys can clean that cup from the back right now what i'm doing is since this is a very deep recess i mean i don't have to get full coverage on it but it's a good habit to just go ahead and try to feed material inside here that way you're not just pushing it in you're feeding from this side and this side inside here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys um i don't know if you guys saw but we did remove the parking sensors the reason why we do that is because we have to get full coverage in it and with this being a white truck it's not really going to work out that way especially if they protrude like that there's a high possibility of this shrinking so since we pulled this way you guys can already see that the film is shrinking this way and it'll be kind of a little bit more pronounced when you eat it so before we make that cut we always want to make sure that we shrink the material we'll make a circular cut we'll go ahead and shrink it again and then we can go ahead and give it a small um excess material and wrap it around the back and to prevent it from shrinking any further you guys always want to heat it up to the specific post-heated um temperature range for your material from avery and 3m i believe it's about 175 to 185 and with enos it's a little bit higher but don't um quote me on those numbers you kind of just have to look for yourself on that so right now we're killing the memory of the film [Applause] so with this i was able to kind of just heat it up and push it down as you guys could see it's not too deep in there but if it was a deeper recessed area then we would probably have to do some inlays or something like that just so that the film doesn't peel back on us we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna cut this out and then shrink the material since we did pull this way we may develop some lines right here but that's not a big deal because we'll leave about about i would say one one eighth of a material excess left over and we could just wrap it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys now that we finished up the bumpers as you guys can see everything is put back together um it looks really clean i know that you guys saw that there were some areas where it did show white but that's where you have to keep in mind where your trims are at because if you trim it a little bit too far back then you may show white but with this vehicle as you guys can see there's some black here that covers up some of the areas that were white and once everything's put together it looks really really clean so that's it you guys could apply pretty much all the basic uh knowledge to what we use in this bumper to other bumpers um like the theory of stretch versus cooling and just heating and stuff like that as you guys go further along into like your rap experience your rap knowledge it's it's going to get a little bit easier throughout the time throughout like the more you do things but yeah that's pretty much it if you guys have any questions drop a comment down below like and subscribe for this video and if you guys want to see other things on how to like wrap certain other panels please let me know and we'll go ahead and we'll try to cover those for you guys [Music] you
Channel: Premium Auto Styling
Views: 35,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premium auto styling, premiumautostyling, wrap, vinyl, car wrap, how to, daniel sanchez, how to wrapping, how to wrap a truck, can I wrap a truck?, how to wrap a truck bumper, how to wrap a Car bumper, truck wrap, diy wrap a bumper, How to vinyl wrap, Car wrapping, How to foil a bumper, Inozetek vinyl, How to inozetek vinyl, Learn to vinyl wrap car, Where to vinyl wrap my car
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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