How To - Vinyl Wrap Stripes On Any Car

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[Music] what's going on guys all right let's make sure if I'm Mike all right so we're gonna do some custom racing stripes on this Challenger I'm gonna explain how I did this right now so we're gonna use knifeless tape or any kind of wrap cutting tape like wrap cut works too I'll probably have to use some some running underneath let's tape anyways so we have to take measurements and you need a baseline to start on so what we do is we take a measuring tape and we find the center of the vehicle right so we know that this hood is let's say 60 inches all right so what's the middle thirty right I know that this piece of tape is inch and a half all right so I want to make sure that I put this tape right in between 30 so it's gonna be 29 and a half - sorry 29 and 3/4 - my god sucks ones recorders 29 3 of course anyways put it in the middle it's gonna be 20 and a quarter plus 1.5 basically so we're not gonna quite go down to 2 it's roughly the calculation I'm sure someone's gonna correct me on that calculation and I just measured it right so I just measured it and just find the middle all right so we're dead center with 30 for this for the actual piece of tape now you can use any size tape as like your your guideline so or as your as your starting point you can use inch you can use 1/2 inch you can use 2-inch you can use uni and if you can't get tape wide enough then stack two pieces side-by-side however weight however large you want this stripe to be alright in the middle the gap this is the gap so we're not wrapping this piece what we do from here is we measure out so I want these stripes to be 12 inches right so I need to make sure I have 12 inches here we're going all the way across to the very top so we're gonna do the top section of the bumper at the same time because it just makes sense just lay one strip down and call it a day I'm gonna wrap into the scoop and then we're gonna be doing some red on the outside custom stripes as well so it's love stripes going on on this thing I'm going to grab satin black because that's what we're doing it in and I have it right over here grab the satin black I'm gonna generally cut what I need I need about 30 inches all right let's put this back and just make sure we got full coverage it's pretty close it's pretty darn close but we made it alright so if I didn't make it I would just cut this film in half and then spread it out a little bit further based off of this piece right here anyways it's fine I can work with this you're gonna want to leave yourself a little bit extra more than I just did just because it'll help you so let's get the backing paper off alright so I've already prepped the surface it's not a concern obviously that shouldn't be a concern because we should always prep the surface and I want to make sure I've got a good lineup here because I cut it so close I'm really maximizing my film here that's for sure because I cut it so close got to make sure I get it really lined up right from the beginning cool and let's get this off alright fun part do doing the stripes isn't that difficult you want to make sure your measurements are pretty much bang on you don't want them to look weird or anything like that and plus when we're when we're laying the knifeless cake we have to make sure the center is still good like all the way through a lot of times if you start the knife let's tape up here and you try and end down here what happens is that you get a weird shape in here and that's not going to work right and so on got coverage all right let's squeeze you this down start in the middle just make sense so let's do some custom stripes all right he's gonna be awesome I'm not I don't love doing this kind of stuff but hey it looks cool in the end and it's just like a quick little DIY for yourself if you're looking to do some stripes you can just buy any kind of color change film and do this and you can wrap over the wrap it's no problem wrap sticks over wrap I remember when I did the the genesis coupe in silver chrome a lot of people were giving me flack for doing two layers of chrome on the hood it's a red car so I don't know it made sense to me to do two layers of chrome on the hood just wanted to hold up against stone chips wrap you can wrap over a wrap it's not a big deal so awesome the knifeless tape has moved so I'm gonna have to find this line again it's awesome the surface is clean just the nightless tape isn't very sticky all the time I actually prefer wrap cut to use to do straight lines sometimes it just sticks better so you can kind of see what I'm doing here let's check it out [Music] and share our lines not off all the way up here looks good [Music] so I did go over this obviously but it didn't want to stick make sure the bottom is good and we're good alright obviously there's risk involved now when I put the vinyl up like this [Applause] alright so there's a lot of debris coming in from this really really poor weather stripping that it has underneath the underneath the bunk the hood remember that where the bumper meets it so I'm going to actually trim away this bottom piece and then do a separate piece because it's all dirty now see how it's a little bit more challenging to kind of keep the film lifted so I can get it smooth over the knife let's tape just because I don't have a lot but I got it so in the image that the customer gave me they they cut this out I don't I don't like that really it just kind of looks like it's half done that's just because they use stripe kits and the stripe kits are easier to do in that sense because they don't you don't have to do the centerpiece they don't really use they don't use color change film like we use we use we use past film they're most likely using calendared film which doesn't bend and stretch and stuff like that so you're gonna have issues stretching it into here on top of that it's usually wet apply this is dry apply which is nice you might see a couple of small marks down here that's just it's a hood there's stone chips in the hood but I just see a lot of contaminants under here which I'm not happy about so we're gonna be redoing that piece you see even when it's Avery I'm not just glossing the film out and squeezing I'm lifting it up so I don't trap air see I got my sweatpants on today because we're leaning on the car and I don't want to be scratching it with a belt buckle or a button or something on my jeans so you can see that's really challenging to keep their wrinkles away as we get closer to the edge because I didn't get myself enough play with the film and I got a wrinkle so now I need to heat it a little bit [Applause] [Music] just trying to hold the thumb up so I don't get wrinkles because it's so close so we're gonna do that I got a friggin wrinkle on the edge which I have to go back and get now let's get all that squeegee down be careful all right let me fix that one up now [Applause] [Applause] [Music] when I go over the knife let's take make sure the knife list ape has no air in it [Applause] before we do anything [Music] my blade so you know what I was gonna do all this in one piece but it doesn't make a lot of sense so find the bottom and do my relief cut [Music] cool [Music] ix escape if I cut it will drop and let's cut through that tape perfect so pushing down to find the edge there it is [Music] [Music] I don't want to cut through all the knife let's tape I just want to cut through some of it [Music] perfect this is just a little different because I have a scoop to do I mean if you're doing the same car they're gonna be doing this nearly the same thing you can just take the scoop out if you want to it's super easy all right so now we have some slack my necklace tape is great because it's already laid up to the scoop itself pulling this direction and lay this in this is not a heavy stretch so I'm not concerned about it lifting or anything like that and it's pulling this direction the reason why pole in that direction is to kind of guide the film into into this position in the recess cool so now we can see it's happening I'm just gonna cut out some of this tension here let's cut out some tension here perfect something kind of see what's happening and before I pull the water I'm just going to turn this off just need to pull it up to the edge so I don't I don't want to cut the knife this tape right that's off to be very careful when I do this right now it's fine if I cut the knife let's tape it'll still it also run its course right to the edge I just don't want to I want to do that perfect so let's clean it up again and then slop the piece down another piece of satin black so what happen is this weather stripping right here this really is really worn out and it's got like little little pieces of debris so I'm gonna have to be super careful when it comes to laying this down again right here I have a smaller piece of satin black and I guess not that's fine [Applause] all right so I'm just gonna try and line up the top edge so I don't have to cut it again just kind of like this it's cool and then I'm gonna work the film down it also kind of locks it in so that locks into the top so I don't get any contaminants underneath if you see anything obviously it's just stone chips so we've cleaned it we've prepped it as thoroughly as we possibly can once you start putting a layer of film over a layer of film things become a little bit more predominant underneath the rap just because now you're putting two layers over a bump so just set stone chips and stuff like that damn it stone chips they actually protrude they're not they look like bumps under the rap the reason why I knew I had contaminants under the rap was because contaminants usually come clumped together and I had a couple of clumps up here and stuff like that right near the edge and it just made sense so pretty much there all right guys so make sure I'm over a night let's tape properly and we don't throw all the way underneath you can go as far as you want to go but you don't have to cool so let's let's cut this all right so we're gonna do is grab the knife las' sorry grab yeah we're gonna pull in the knife let's tape which way should I go let's go this way I'm gonna cut off some just so I can grab the knife this a little bit better perfect so let's I'm gonna snap all these in the bottom right here okay it's gonna leave that there for a second got there for a second [Music] wanna be a little more cautious when it comes to the section here cool and then also I'm going to do is I'm going to start this top section over here because I got to come down or on the scoop place about these kinds of strife is that we'll have a lot better coverage then a stripe kit so we'll be able to wrap around the edges and stuff like that where a stripe kit normally you can't wrap around the edges because they don't give you enough so I see air in there eliminate that you know what how about in a little Instagram video because these are always fun just do it more caught up [Music] [Applause] [Applause] alright let's remove all this lovely green tape it's going to be a ton of it all right let's take this tape off let's see what's going on what things look like see the weather stripping it's like kind of just like coming off even on the masking tape so I just wanted to show you perfect so obviously we have to go over the edges cuz they're not looking good be gentle don't put a crease in it or anything supposed to kind of supposed to work the edges out like so this is the edge I want to go out that way okay these are squeegee is probably better your finger can get hung up on it I just go over with my finger to apply better pressure than the squeegee can picks it up up there looks like it kind of missed a little bit there's still green tape in this one show you what this guy what this looks like guys let's cut off the excess make sure it's around the edge slightly [Applause] we'll do the will do the red as well we don't need to do the whole car I'll show you what this is with the roof from the trunk look like right now I've had them have them already set up for for the ninth list tape and they're measured then after that's just the bumpers I'm gonna have to fix this up a little bit there perfect now let's trim this out cheer uh call this in go on squeegee side the buffer side first [Music] it's awesome it looks awesome alright and let's trim off the bottom and let's tuck it in all right and then we're done that goes away don't worry it'll post heat why is this overlapped here this is overlapping that a little bit let's pulled back there we go this weather stripping was really loose when I got the car it's not really clipped in or anything it's kind of like worn out and so didn't even think about it when I went to go through the stripes alright so let's check it out let's check it out quick [Music] cool it's pretty awesome right [Music] so we got the line already I go over more in the middle you'll see that lines up straight down the middle that is because we measure from the outside in making sure that we're dead center when it comes to laying that piece of tape if you're gonna do stripes down the whole car that's the way to do it all right we've got the front bumper like I said to do top and the trunk I'm not gonna show you the top of the trunk because this is the same thing you're just going to do exactly the same thing same with the bumper you're gonna do exactly the same thing all right so we're gonna do the red stripes that's what we can do let's make sure it tucked in there and Eisley cool and let's get the red stripes going I got red right over here [Applause] these are pretty supposed to be pretty thin as far as stripes go sorry I'm just getting the film guys you know sign Drake home and look pretty nice but what we're just gonna do it with this loss loss we'll see I'm just doing like uh you wants red but obviously red comes in like a hundred different shades I've got I've got satin red and I've got satin red chrony beside the Reds where it's at let's do the satin red I think the sign read Chrome's would be a little too flashy yeah that's way better all right let's do this one I'm just gonna trim off the excess [Music] let's trim off the excellence here just a little funky okay let's not drop it and I'm going to put this against the car so I'll cut it these are about one inch one and a half [Applause] well it's gonna look a lot nicer this is probably right where I run out of nice list so I'm gonna overlap the black alright guys just slightly using the edge of the knife this tape we're gonna be able to keep it nicely in line [Music] if you do a double stripe also just a little tip you could probably hide a bit of your mistake if you're a little bit off a little wonky with the next piece like with this red with this red stripe cool let's make sure we're good probably gonna run out right here and then when you get into some rap cut yeah [Music] oops [Music] [Music] so this was kind of hard because the scoop on this the swell in here throws it off a little bit when you're trying to lay or initial stripe the red will be super easy now that I have the stripe to go by but it was a little difficult at first alright let me drop some rap cut because I know we're gonna run out this and if everyone took it and I don't know I'm gonna do let's see oh I got something cool everyone keep just taking all my stuff all the time so I'm not gonna bother have very minimal left let's grab some of this lovely right stuff and get this down now this sticks a little bit better there's also this is also tricky there's a string on one side but it doesn't run through the middle all right so you have to line it up based off of the string not the tape itself this one with a knifeless the tape runs right in the middle so you go either side doesn't matter but the red rap cut is a little quite a bit different when it comes to that what I need to do is grab a little piece of masking tape I've got I've got like ten rolls here somewhere and I have no idea where one of them is ah yeah all right there's one on the floor all right I'm gonna do these stripes exactly one and a half inch this makes it super easy there's not gonna be a gap of gray and then red you can do that too whatever I mean that's an idea but I'm gonna do it one and a half inches all right and this helps me keep everything in line you can use a skinnier piece of painters tape or masking tape or whatever kind of tape and make this pipe make the stripe thinner but it's great to use the tape because this gives you a great straight line to go by as long as I'm lining it up we're rocking [Music] cool now this is the easy part guess where this goes oh yeah it goes right on the edge right perfect this is getting all weird on me so I find that sticks a little bit better give me a little too sticky sometimes I guess does stick pretty well it's also this is not really as pliable as knifeless so just in case you're wondering it works gets the job done I like it for straight lines but when it comes to anything curved comes a little bit more difficult it also doesn't really bunch up when yours when you're squeezing the air out with your finger like I'm doing right now night let's tape tends to bunch up quite a bit so that's one thing to be careful of when you're using knifeless I have no idea how long these rolls are but I got like ten of them so it's perfect alright that's that one there and then we'll do the other side and then we're going to do some kinda lifeless cutting and we're gonna get to see what this looks like I'm pretty pretty excited actually where you position your tape as many times as you need to to find the perfect spot this is your this is your guide you know when I say like use your hand is it use your finger as a guide when you're hot when you're cutting well this is using the tape as a guide for when you're laying nice tape it's always good to have a guide so I actually because this string is so is only on one side I got to go from the bottom to the top this time so I can lay the string later tape the way that one is so weird patents you know he can't copy another idea so it's why it's like that makes it different enough where doesn't infringe on a patent just a suggestion if the owner for the owner of this tape will be nice to make the tape a little bit more pliable just a suggestion if you're watching that's just difficult because this but this tape doesn't Bend very much so getting it into the swell here where the scoop is this is where things change right now all the measurements are accurate the lines are straight but it throws it off a little bit because of the bend when you're applying this stuff be firm with your pressure cool all right let's get the gloss right out of here because I'm not gonna use it look good you want a matte block but I think satin black some nicer choice so let's do it guys all right I can actually just take this without take this out of the way actually I almost went over it some of these tapes leave adhesive this one doesn't so keep in mind that you might have to you might have to clean this area before you do it after you remove this tape all right or this type of tape this one if anything just clean the surface and took off all the debris so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] boom alright and for those who are wondering who the boom guy is it's the crazy crazy Russian hacker that's where I saw him on YouTube actually got quite a following he's got like I think like 10 million followers or something crazy like that he doesn't need my shoutout that's for sure oh yeah that's the guy who does boom funny actually had a good life mmm-hmm let's just be pushing really hard on it awesome let's get the other one down and then we go for it [Applause] [Applause] this thing is gonna look awesome she's my finger just whatever means whatever you want use the squeegees finger perfect so a couple of things is that the rap cut is a little bit difficult to break the string so with the rap cut I don't actually break the string usually I just pull the string out of the rap cut all right so let's do that piece first I actually have to cut off some more this alright what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna actually flick the string out of the wrap cut use my blade separate it it's the easiest way to do it guys if I want to cut this alright there we go cool going we're going we're going we're going does exactly the same thing as knifeless sorry and you even have to remove the little red string afterwards cool that's without little one the nice list I can just snap let's do that [Music] let's do here [Applause] we think so far I think it looks amazing alright last piece skip them let's get the string out cuz it's rap cut again it literally takes a second make sure when you're doing this don't pull the wrong piece vinyl because you're not to do it again now you could do a butt joint but I don't recommend doing a butt joint simply because the vinyl will shrink this is avery satin carmine red though anyone who's interested stripes with Avery satin black and Avery gloss metallic gray so lots of Avery I just had satin read in Avery so I used it I don't know I don't think that it has Sun red I'm pretty sure three endows but we don't I don't carry a lot of 3m alright make sure that's all cleaned up just do the backside and then we're gonna do the cut for the hood where it meets the bumper and it's gotta go somewhere in the middle boom she's done let's check it out all right it's when the other side it's better lighting chips awesome imagine that all the way down no yeah it's gonna look so so sick sure all right so is that my friends is how we do custom racing stripes we can do this on any car in any way these are just basic straight ones you can do them in different designs I could have probably had it follow out through the body line and stuff and had a little bit more black gold talk that's how we do it guys if you liked the video and you found it informative give it a thumbs up if you want to see more hit the subscribe button thank you for watching as always take care [Applause] you
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 314,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, vinyl car wrap, vehicle wrap, car wrap, how to vinyl wrap, how to vinyl wrap a car, how to wrap, how to make stripes, custom racing stripes, challenger stripes, dodge challenger racing stripes, installing racing stripes, easy racing stripes, easy custom racing stripes, dodge challenger, challenger 392, dodge 392, challenger, 392, dodge, dodge hemi challenger hemi
Id: 0JJfirZjwuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 21sec (2901 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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