FIRST TIME WRAPPER, Paradox Shows Him The Way In Real Time *No TimeLapse* | Making Of An Apprentice?

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if you're watching this video this is probably your first or second time wrapping a car and you're struggling so in this episode i'm gonna help you figure all the hardest parts out welcome back to the channel guys the paradox the rapper sitting in my favorite spot right by the waterfall look at this look at this yo i got secret i got secret strawberry plants that i didn't know about that's gonna be dope right there okay so on this one um it's gonna be a technical episode where i'm gonna show you guys actually i'm gonna show somebody how to wrap a car in real time okay so i'm gonna talk him through it and we're gonna see if he has what it takes to become a rapper um i have a test car right in there for him and this is his first time really rapping he watched me wrap the whole um pink glitter car while i was doing it but when you watch someone do it it's nothing like actually doing it yourself when it comes to wrapping it's always as hard as how easily you give up so if you don't get on and just try it and do it just like riding a bike you will never learn okay so there's no amount of talking or showing you through video how to do it you just have to buy a roll and really just try it yourself and as long as you can struggle through and do every panel and then learn through that process that's when you know you can rap if you give up midway especially on the bumper then you can't do it okay so it's all about willpower and overcoming the difficulties and problem solving as you go so in this one i'm going to show you how to do a bumper how to stretch a panel the correct way and set it up so that you're not struggling through and trying to fight all those wrinkles so let's get into it he's already started rapping i'm gonna show you what it looks like because i was like all right you watch me did it now wrap this whole side of the car so let's see where he's at holy cow look at this mess so it looks like there was a bad cut here totally lost a quarter panel okay gotta take the door handles off right here what's going on with this hood so i mean overall not bad for the rest of the hood but you got like stuff like this stuff like this and a discoloration line you can see here going all the way up so i'm going to show you how to avoid this so you know this one's not gonna be like how to wrap the whole car in real time but we're gonna go through and kind of just talk about the common mistakes that first timers make oh what we're doing is re-wrapping this quarter pack this quarter panel so like always you want to measure one feet extra from where the door is um if you have four doors six inches if you have two doors all right and we're gonna take this all the way back here bam where the quarter panel ends is 140. see right there okay so we're gonna measure at 140 because this whole quarter panel it all connects right down there all right so that's great this has no size skirt so it's a little unique all right there you go matt's got it measured at 140. okay he's going to make a line there because this is not any markings and you're going to continue that line all the way across but as close as you can oh we don't have that much left boys okay there you go so when you're rolling solo you gotta roll this back up it's too big of a piece for you to handle all right all right so i had him get all the magnets and then line them all up right here and as you go first off you're gonna grab one you're gonna grab two of them okay grab two all right and then you're gonna put it okay look oh you're too short you need to go one inch over one inch over okay see that right there you can feel it okay put another magnet there so it doesn't move okay now roll across all right as you go you're going to want to cover up here right so you want to grab another magnet and stick it right here okay okay keep going so you got two you're gonna stick two on the doors one on the front door and one on the left because you're because your thing is this thick right so it being that thick you're gonna want to cut that thick over here straight across that's the right there okay keep that keep that straight but don't go too far don't get too hasty keep going you're going to get to your point right here now if this is your first time cutting and you don't want to be short ho ho hold on you gotta feel that okay hold on you want to feel it and you're way too close you need like a little more lead okay and then right here look look at this door okay before you cut it [Music] this is your limit okay you want to be that much over your limits so you'll find right here this is where the door is you can feel it hanging off yeah so keep going follow the door line all right we're going to slow down when you're coming around this turn don't feel with your hand okay but remember this whole thing goes all the way around keep going okay see it see it see it oh hold on slow down keep consistent okay go to the bottom of the door and then straight across straight across yes it's all connected up okay yeah keep it consistent okay great now that is your quarter panel piece take all the magnets off and move the quarter panel that way so you can see the doors all right you gotta move it back far enough so it covers that back door okay but it's got to cover all of it i see i see a little piece sticking out you got to go down a little bit all right so you know you're gonna cut out both of these doors back door and then the front door because you slid the whole thing because it had an extra 12 inches here you slid the whole thing back so you have room to cut where that door is right there but rather than waste that nice big top piece we're gonna lop it off where that window is so yes you're gonna feel for your window and in fact you're gonna take your magnets and you're gonna set your limits where the window is all right so you're gonna move these up and make sure that this covers that so this is where your window is so you cut above the magnets yeah you just kind of go like that because if this car has a wing you're gonna use that for the wing in fact you can actually use that for the side skirt if you wanted to is it covering the whole door before you cut covering the whole door okay go cut with an extra inch it's better to be higher than to be short okay straight across okay great i'll put that up somewhere yes use it for later straight down you see where the door ends you're gonna go two inches after that right here or three you don't want to go over too much that's where it ends yeah put your magnet right here okay i see we're seeing it's being too generous yeah because remember you need you need this piece for the door yeah this is troubling size make sure you feel it go forward more [Applause] okay you're pretty much good to go you're a little tight a little tight but that's why we got extra in the back you're fine right here see that covers covers covers right here so you can actually go forward a little more and that completes the back door piece nice okay so now you have your back door piece and then you have your front door piece and the quarter panel is still intact all right so tomorrow tomorrow matt's task is to work the fender finish this door that he started now he has it now he has a man it's ugly all right and then this is your backup front door piece where is it where is it so michelle tells me that there was a deer in the yard earlier we need to tame that deer i need a deer pet i wonder if it's over here anyway i just got home from my office day job took the 240 today and uh we're gonna look for this deer real quick apparently it was drinking out of my waterfall over there but the car's in there so we're gonna go in there and see how matt did hey i just got home from work matt is the man look at him i'm so bad right the improvements y'all the improvements look at that so he's able to do this whole side all by himself what was the issue the first time the issue was not pulling it hard enough actually that was the issue well there was a lot of issues so for first time do you recommend after uh learning from your first mistakes to being able to do this what are you gonna tell them still don't speed up and the wrap is a lot stronger than you think so you can really put your weight into it to uh flatten it out so don't baby it yeah and originally he was squeegeeing the wrinkles i squeezed everything i thought the whole thing was a sidearm you got a glass on the whole panel right once you glassed the whole panel it was easy just when you get this this line right here make it nice and glass right as you say yeah yeah then everything else is um it's easier as opposed to just throwing it on which you didn't just keep taking it off and on because i did that like 200 times on that so don't do that how many times does it take you do this door not long that took me about like 20 minutes right yeah once once you get one panel all the panels are pretty much done the same thing you're not mad at yourself and you're cursing a lot happier experience all right so i'm showing him how to do the quarter panel i'm positioning these magnets right here so that that's where the quarter panel ends and the bumper begins there you go cut out all right so now you're gonna blow the air with a compressor behind this so that um you get rid of all the dust you can also cut this flap right there cut that flap [Music] good you're gonna put a magnet like right here and then another one like right here it's just two of them right there but without that wrinkle in the middle yeah like flatten it out yeah just flatten it out just enough it's fine it's not very good you're gonna remove it again okay and then you're gonna oh you gotta pull this off first the plastic cover you can't stretch it with that plastic cover on [Music] [Music] stretch it across you want this as flat as possible don't have too much yeah spread your hands evenly even pressure okay now pull back see yeah okay okay yep yep yep too much up top you're pulling too high this way but you're not pulling hard enough down low gosh you gotta pull even all right yep there you go bam okay there it is you're still pulling way too much up high so you got you making these these wrinkles for yourself all right do it again there you go okay that's that's better good now you're gonna before you do that pull up and down okay yep good this is called blasting out the film there you go now you just handle it like the rest of the drawer [Music] that's an actual temp well that's where the tail light is where it starts so you want to just work it from this down and that up you know and then once you have that set and you anchor it down you can pull this up here and pull this down there [Music] there you go you want to set this first before you do that because you're going to cause an air bubble right there so you want to go from here up to that and then do it [Music] yeah you don't want to squeegee the bubbles because you're going to cause those cinch marks you can take those things off now already made too many cinch marks i don't want to do that again any bubbles you want to squeeze that with your finger okay yeah then you just work from this bio and up to about right there then you're good and you work the bottom body line down you gotta squeegee it progressively from a starting point you're just doing it right now you're making a bubble right here for no reason start from the body line and work up across then up [Music] he's got all these wrinkles just gonna lift him back up [Applause] okay lift up to the wrinkle lift up to the wrinkle right here oh okay fine that's right [Music] make sure you get the body line once again flat okay right here but [Music] the harder you pull the more nasty wrinkles you're going to cause yourself but don't pull on it just heat it up i'll lay it down without stretching it there you go when you heat and then you lay down with a stretch you're gonna discolor [Music] all right now good right here all right you're gonna take a bigger chunk you're still trying to do little little ones take a bigger chunk step to the other side of the door yeah yep keep going a little more okay there you go and then i pull it forward and then lay it down towards you yep keep going those are good wrinkles i love those okay right there you're good to stop there all right all right right there don't okay good grab back here go back here all right but lift it up to that okay right there okay now heat uh heat this whole area all right that's good do you feel getting supple you're looking supple okay now grab yeah grab it like that wait hold on okay now you're gonna make the turn just just turn it okay well you you didn't make it go back move again lift it up to here okay that's fine stretch it towards you and then make the turn as you come down [Applause] good that's perfect okay now work from the middle so first off you want to pull the opposite directions and get those out [Applause] but deal with this first okay damn okay there you go now you're going to do what you just did across the whole put over here yeah yo look at him go guys tell matt in the comments how well you guys think he's doing okay down in the comments below this is his first time wrapping the quarter panel piece is quite hard you have to work in multiple pieces but look at it look at it boys he's got the neck oh damn look at that look at that notice i have not touched the car okay i'm only over here narrating okay there you go and we're taking some sick thumbnail shots all right right here look you can't make it over here because this is causing your tension what you need to do is stick a squeegee back here and cut on the squeegee all the way up to here to relieve all this tension so you can then come around that's the concept you're going to relieve the tension all the way up to here yeah you can do this too you can tear it with your finger if you wanted to see all right so you just do this okay lift it up to the to the wrinkle and then pull it back down go all the way around yeah yep yep all the way around look there we go that's fine rub it find out where you're at where your end point is okay and then this will just pull up [Applause] give it a little heat together get rid of [Applause] [Music] you're just this it down no no pressure there you go right now you can love it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and work it into that crevice with the [Applause] [Music] squeegee all right now all you have to do is lift all this rack up right here now there's no tension into here and then you use the squeegee and you work it into this curve you work it into these where this light where this tail light meets this thing all right this is the bumper pieces so they're split 30 inches on each piece with the longest side for the back bumper so whatever bumper is longest then you cut to that size all right and you split it in half this is the only way to make 60 feet work okay you split in half to do both bumpers yep you want to put your next two magnets down right there you're too high look there you go make sure that you're low enough all right all right just lay it rest against the that's fine you don't need any muscles just [Applause] the key is to make sure that from here to the same spot on the other side is as flat as possible you got enough yeah that's good enough that's fine you got some wrinkles you can pull out of there okay that's fine don't we don't even mess with that do the same thing on the other side [Music] you see okay yeah good all right you want to see me do it okay yeah all right here's that you gotta get the stamps okay so they know the stance here's how you practice your country you're doing a uh get get low on the angle okay that's my action shot baby here's the cuff so you want to make this you're doing this this scooting thing yeah i'm doing a little crab walk [Music] look at that form oh okay all right so it's a smoother okay i mean is it better i don't know it's just up to you to decide right but once we have that we can pull these down so right here [Music] okay that's fine it's still recording [Applause] all right so now you're gonna flatten the whole nose there you go it's pretty good all right you see this line right here yep all you need is to get to this line [Applause] okay yeah you don't care what happens anywhere else but where this is all right now you just got to do this bottom part you gotta section out the bumper [Applause] remember we're not wrapping anything beyond this point so it doesn't need to be that tight it doesn't need to be that good all right now this part section right here you want to peel this back to here there we go he's gonna try to get to this point here and then heat it okay keep going you gotta get those out just just okay good all right yep okay lower you see that you're too short here spot you got a spot you gotta do the asian squat [Applause] okay that's pretty decent do it again okay there you go yeah that's better okay all right so now you have your nice area right here so you just reach down pull that down you get behind it [Applause] asian okay remember you don't care about any of this here you just care about that okay right there good deal with that later at the top reach behind the headlights you did too much oh no remember you gotta have tension going diagonally that way okay you only care about the area you care about there you go great outline area you care about no you want to rub it from a body line yep okay where do you care you care right here you care right here right this is the headlight see that's why you got you can't anyway okay so now you mess yourself up you gotta start here and then go that way so that the air has a channel to escape if you just start cinching parts then it's gonna trap there exactly i mean there is air release as you can see here and it's gone out but you don't want to depend on that it's always smoother when you just mix make it smooth see look i'm rubbing the body line that i care about because this is all areas i'm wrapping all right right here yeah okay so his job now is just to get this part okay you don't want to undo too much of what you already did pull more up top okay now you want to heat it up slightly and then you're gonna let it rest get all that too [Applause] okay see all this up [Music] all right you know let it rest for a second and cool off okay and then go feel it feel it more on the bottom more on the bottom more on the bottom you can if the wrinkle goes up then you've got too much tension up top the wrinkle goes down you got too much tension on the ball yeah okay feel it good now these you can pull out yeah right there you go okay great okay down and back down and back oh you wanted more you see all these oh good needs to be horizontal with the side lift that back up from here okay yep yep yep oh yep oh clean okay rub it out now that's your reward all right all right what and then look at all these nice horizontal wrinkles now you can just do your thing okay great that's looking good well you just have this one now okay good rub that out okay look now you just gotta make it all the way up here so now you have to unfold all of this all right all you want to do is pull it back enough and lay it back down now that discoloration is gone then you can just work these bubbles out progressively you see how i'm progressively doing it yes okay then up here create your line okay now all you have to do is do that same thing i showed you back there trim and tuck okay down here same thing you set this all the way to your edge get all these bubbles out and then you're ready to trim and tuck okay go all right so i showed him what to do to get to this point right so on this particular car this time around i decided to run a seam right here and this piece is a separate piece because we want to run this as whole piece and this still connect if i were to do it again i might do it the same right here and then run the same this way on that bio but for now i think this looks good enough you can choose to run this black if you want to and then you would do a black like sharp shape here and then you would do a black sharp shape here and it would look natural but either way uh we're gonna do it this way first so all matt has to do now is to tuck it in here cut that off cut all that off and then duplicate what we just did over there by himself tomorrow while i'm at work on this side all right here's where we stand um he didn't he didn't tuck it in enough and then what you want to do like right here you see this lifting so um you want to make sure that you tuck it all the way into there heat it and then once it no longer moves and no longer fingers that's when you cut it so this happens when you cut too early without tucking and heating when when i showed him to do this part i tucked all the way into the light and that was the exercise over here he had some difficulties and i think because of that difficulty he just matched the rest of the of the car so i'll ask him what's going on but right here is the big part okay this is the most difficult part to do um i had to do it several different ways and i chose to run it with a separate piece down here he wasn't able to follow that strategy and for some reason he cut here and then like put this connecting piece kind of overlapping it like this so let's see that's no good no good okay and he like lost a chunk right here so the goal was to make sure that this all connects here and then it'd be a separate piece down here for this exercise so i'll have to see what went wrong here um he'll talk he'll tell me about his experience on this portion and then oh it looks like yeah it looks like he just gave up on this whole thing here and chop this whole thing off and then just ran a little different piece here uh i mean you can do that but the important thing is you need to make it clean to here without this being black and then you can run a separate piece this way if you really wanted to but um yeah it's his first time and this is probably one of the hardest things that you'll ever do to work into these vents especially with like a weird light here it's hard and then on the edges right here what you want to do is make sure you tuck it all the way in heat and then you cut all right y'all since he messed up on the front bumper i had him reset the bumper again i did that kind of off camera where i'm literally just sitting on the couch over here and i'm like nope stretch it again nope pull it back stretch again this next lesson is on how to tuck it into the headlights of course it's easier if you take all this stuff off but um he wants to try doing it my method where i don't take none of this off and that requires a lot of planning and a lot of nice tucking so what you want to do is just cut this much off and then tuck it in okay uh right here he's short so he didn't do what i told him to which was cut way up here and then tuck it in and do not cut this until you have it all the way through so messed up right there again should i make them redo the bumper guys for a third time well we're running out of material right now so i'm probably gonna have him just do the back bumper and then we don't have enough to finish his car because he messed up on so many pieces so we're gonna um we're gonna let him finish both bumpers and then he's gonna work on his own car so if a rapper does not have his own car wrapped then you got issues okay don't ever take your car to a rapper where his car is not wrapped um you need to see what his skill level is and how he did on his own car all right guys that's it for this episode let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed this kind of like detailed in-depth tutorial where i'm like showing a lot of real-time stuff but it doesn't complete the whole car sometimes i throw these types of tutorials in for those of you who are really struggling and maybe this helps so let me know below on the next episode you guys might have noticed there's a truck sitting right back there that's matt's truck if he's able to do these two bumpers like how i want it i'm gonna let him practice with another roll that i have sitting around and he's gonna wrap his own truck right over there it's like a ram rebel whatever ram 1500 rebel or something like that so his task will be to wrap this truck within one week starting sunday and then completing it by saturday afternoon okay so if he can't do this and wrap his own truck then it's no go he has to buy another roll and practice until he gets it right because i'm not giving him any more material and then if he's able to completely wrap his own truck then maybe maybe we'll start offering trucks and suvs okay but uh this is something that you know i'm i'm trying to see if it's possible i don't know it's it's unknown until a rapper can do like one or two cars by themself without having very many issues of course i'm always here to guide so stay tuned for that episode that's going to be entertaining until next time guys like comment subscribe i'll catch you guys later hey there we go look at that he was able to do the back bumper all by himself while it's gone very good seems like he's got the concept down and then right here front bumper very nice he did this side while i did the other side and everything looks like it's staying because it's been sitting out in the sun i just have to show them how to do the vents where those lights are and we're good to go promising that truck next [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Paradox The Wrapper
Views: 657,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ufSOv-0ybxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 12sec (2712 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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