SUPER CHALLENGING Front Bumper Wrap How To Wrap A Front Bumper Dodge Challenger 392

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[Music] what's going on guys all right so I've got a challenger right here and we've got the front bumper to wrap all right so we've got some cool stuff and it's a little bit difficult as far as this goes now this was a huge pain to remove the grilles and stuff like that honestly Mike Jordans here this guy who's gonna be like the comic relief from now on he's here we can introduce himself he wants to do it there's Jordan all right so Jordan is possibly a new member we don't know yet we'll see how well he does baby and used to be a customer of mine actually he's just interested in doing rap so he's not really gonna do a lot of rapping he's gonna crack more jokes right now until he gets better at rapping yeah I just loved her so alright yeah he just likes cars supposed to be here so it's cool to be here so we've got some fun stuff going on with this so it's a little flimsy on top neither we remove the grill he helped me remove the grills on the top and the bottom those are a huge pain it took it took us like an hour probably to do do it all properly and not break any clips and stuff like that so this bottom piece right here super flimsy as well so now that we have it out I'm just gonna try and angle the camera down a little bit so you can see we have to change the battery halfway through this because it's died already so this little section right here is super thin and super flimsy one of the most challenging parts of this bumper right here is the fact that it tapers in the bottom so much alright so lift the taper in on the bottom I'm going to show you right now is pretty drastic so you can see how that tapers in quite a bit on the bottom there we're gonna have to stretch the film quite a bit across all right and then we also have to worry about getting a flat across the top and then also worried about these top corners over here which will be there'll be a lot of tension up here if we're not careful so doing this properly is gonna be really important so you're gonna see how I do this another thing is working it around these little fog lights they're not too bad I was gonna I was going up with an inland here but I don't feel like I need to I feel like I'll be able to work the filming into that section no problem we don't have to go in too far there are covers that go back in here so we're totally fine I all I have to do is just kind of kind of come right out to the edge because comes right to the edge and that's it so I'll go and maybe an eighth of an inch and that's it alright guys so I'm gonna grab the film right now obviously I've prepped the surface with isopropyl alcohol and blowing away all the dusts and we've been able to wipe the wipe it down really thoroughly let me just grab that in perfect Jory can help me out a little bit so the film we're using is avery dennison gloss metallic gray perfect should be good there so major concern make sure we're high enough at the top also at the bottom this is gonna require a ton of heat when it comes to stretching across and I come a little bit higher and get a little bit further off the ground don't need to be that close to the ground I've also put the car up on the hoist a little bit it's not actually lifted it's just sitting on it's just sitting up on the hoist a little bit with the wheels just to give me an extra like 4 or 5 inches off the ground because it's really hard to get under there with the taper that it has so I'm gonna start by removing the backing paper right now let's do that and then we're going to gloss this out [Music] stick back there this is a very large piece another thing when this bumper is that this bumper is larger than 30 inches all right I've cut this piece at 36 inches it's actually only about 34 so I've cut the piece of 38 inches it's actually only about 34 33 but it's taller than 30 so that means that we can't cut this piece in half and use the other half for a bump for the rear bumper and the rear bumper is taller than 30 also so we have to order extra film for a car like this good ol American Muscle right so it's oh yeah it's so great so sorry about the noise or just shoveling some snow to the shop [Applause] he's got a Pontiac so don't mind his comments about American Muscle [Applause] all right so I kind of gotta wait a little bit because they had the door open I wasn't expecting that so we're just gonna give them a second with the door and power washing all right so we're used to the power washing sound as that goes on all the time all right so let's look see what's happening here right now so what's happening here right now is that we've got a lot of slack here so I can't obviously just wrap it in underneath that's not gonna happen we need to contour the film across so we need to do that right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to camera back a little bit and just get a better angle for you guys so this is gonna become super critical when it comes to how you do this and how you're gonna be able to wrap this bumper right now this is the most important part so what I'm gonna do is just try and glass it up slightly and just get it going all right Jordan's gonna observe mostly and then just kind of learn from what I'm doing let's glass out the sexy here a little bit more okay I'm just gonna kind of watch all right so now looks a little bit better I haven't really stretched it a lot but you can see that there is some tension across the across the front bumper this is what we're gonna have to add heat so I'm gonna lock it in a little bit and try to not drop past a certain point when I do this right now this is for most of you going to be it definitely a two-person job [Applause] [Music] because you're gonna need someone to really pull in the verticals so we're gonna heat it up get it soft and this is going to take several attempts right here your tenth our tension line is basically right across here but we do have to make sure that we're heating the top and the bottom pretty equally that way they that way they contour with the center as well all right so right now we're gonna try and keep this as glass as possible watch my body positioning alright okay so that's one so you know how I always say never stretch on stretch on stretch well this is a bit different where you kind of have to stretch the stretch area again we don't want to come back too far but we are looking pretty good as far as this goes I'm pretty happy with this right now what I need to do is fix this up before we get too far ahead of it so I'm gonna pull this down obviously we can pull our wrinkles down right [Applause] we can always pull the wrinkles down in the opposite direction [Applause] okay so we can see that we're doing pretty good under here we don't have any more slack in the middle anymore even if I class this out right now we're not gonna have any slack in the middle now it's just working it out this way so let's start the other side now I'm going to anchor this just to here so I don't want to come off and I've got a magnet on my fender on the other side and we're gonna do the same thing over here alright so let's do it like I said this is the most critical point just doing this part right here [Applause] so heated until I start to see it move and then I'll kind of move on so again we're going to have extra tension across the middle pulley in both directions now when I do this right now I'm super close to this pole so I might get hung up with my butt hitting it but that's kind of the name of the game when we've got limited space and it's such a huge bumper all right so I'm watching those lines all right super all right we're good all right I'm happy with that so what happens here now is that you can see we have a lot less fingers running up and down I could probably just heat this and shrink it back down and let's fix this up right here so let's gloss this out I need to fix up this little section right here and then what I want to do I just try to fix this I'm gonna end up cutting this out anyway so I can fix up any wrinkles that I have in this section up here afterwards I can't really reach that one right now so I'm gonna have to do it after we're gonna gloss it out [Applause] just gonna leave the heat gun running up with my skis you over here it's gonna leave the heat gun running cause I'm gonna keep I'm gonna need it frequently and then what I want to do is try and get this bottom section nice and tight all right right down here so I want to heat this up get all those wrinkles out again so you can see that we're hugging in the underside of the bumper right here just perfect see right here awesome and now we've come down to that lip and everything is still good alright if we have to if we have to stretch up a little bit and down a little bit that's not a big deal what we're trying to do is eliminate most of the stretch from stretching up and down and draw the tension across because we have so much up we have such a large span across here that we're not going to be creating any overstretching all right [Applause] [Music] all right so I'm going to work and finish this up a little bit here hopefully you can see the top of this bumper in the video see ya heat it and place it down heat it and place it down heat it and place it down so what we're doing is we're not creating stretch here we're just letting the film shrink back to its original state be thorough in your squeezing not to miss anything all right it looks pretty good right now I don't know about you guys but I think that looks good I know I know it's good this is where you're gonna want it to be all right so again stretch and reposition all over again we're gonna pull back to the point where we don't have any more wrinkles in this center section here which is with it which is our tension line and we're gonna stretch and heat again all right he and stretch again sorry and that in that order [Applause] [Music] we have to be careful that we don't heat too much over on this line because we don't want to cause any discoloration so when we're heating we're kind of heating before ahead of that line all right or behind it but not on it [Music] Aereo good times so I put a lot of muscle into it any film is gonna requires a lot of muscle going into it put your weight into it whatever you whatever works best for you all right so it's gonna get really funny down here on that bottom corner if I don't start stretching it across the bottom even more not only that I have to be concerned about is the top corners this is where it gets very challenging all right it's not only just getting this section set up here but it's getting around the corner if we didn't do what we were doing right now we have so many issues so we would have so much more slack on that author on that on that corner would even be funny you would even know what to do with yourself [Applause] so we do have to lay this top section first as I like to lay in a little bit more and then pull the film out after [Applause] yes I could probably cut out the gap and then stretch the film just don't want to all right good times here we go so let's get it to see where that's the bottom lip is okay over there we're here or all the way there and then it kind of starts coming up around here all right so I got to make sure that we're glass around this area right here I can do that just make sure I heat and shrink [Applause] as I pull back right now and to do the bottom corner and that's on the upper corner what I want to do is make sure that I don't pull back as much past here let's take care of this also the top all right okay all right so I'm just looking at the film so now with a bit more focus with my arms and my attention when I pull around the bottom and it's hot I still need to bend around this corner here too though so I'm gonna get my hands a little bit closer [Music] that way my when I grabbed my where I can apply tension is a little bit more even if I don't grab close enough the issue is that I'm not putting enough tension and spreading out the film where I need to be spreading out the film okay it's just a little too poults let's try that again it's right around here where I didn't have enough heat let's try this again [Music] [Music] once we once to wrap the entire bumper we're gonna use a shrinking the shrinking technique to shrink all this around do you see how I kind of reposition things look making sure that I'm not getting too many wrinkles built up around these high tension zone so here is still an issue all right I can't do it with the door open right now because it's just too cold so we're gonna wait for them to bring in the cárdenas the last one when you give that a second just cold air blowing in on the film it's cooling it off enjoy of winter so I still got to come back more because I haven't obviously tapered the film in enough down here it's going to be an issue let's move the camera a little bit more so over here so you can see all right so you see where the issue lies right here so if you think that this bumper is hard the Camaro front end is also very challenging as well so those two front bumpers are not fun all right so I have a wrinkle on this see this is a tension line this is where it's causing a lot of tension I can't get this crease out without pulling the vinyl back or at least lifting the vinyl up let's try this again [Music] no we don't need any primer so don't even ask we don't use primer on color changes you want to use primer on our prints whatever it's your own prerogative I mean if you want to use it go ahead just we don't need to use primer dress [Music] I'm gonna try and bring in that swing in that bottom look now I got messed up here though let's try see how it's still hot still not enough it's a lot of work but I don't want to do is over stretch the film so that's not good either so let's just put this down and fix up the bottom okay let's try us again it's usually me going across the other side is better for me this sides besides the more difficult side for me we'll see though [Applause] there's only so many times that we can really mess around with this film yes it looks really wrinkly right now but every time we heat it we we self feel it all right all the wrinkles go away yeah I'm here tomorrow see you tomorrow every night guys [Music] I'm going to try putting my right hand a little bit closer [Music] you must heats the hell out of it down here alright [Music] all right I'm gonna tote I'm gonna complain what's going on here I kind of made it on the corner but I'm not really that happy with it I'm gonna show you what's going on so this is what's gonna happen to you but probably even worse if you're in a little bit inexperience is all of these wrinkles right here these wrinkles are drawing themselves right up to the edge where the fender meets alright so these are not good we can't have these like this we don't have a lot of outs as far as being able to work this out it goes so we can't pull this way because that's we can't pull this way because it's towards the front of the bumper now so what do we do so we have to we have to reposition this again so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to lock it in around here so let's move the camera back and move the camera over here a little bit more alright so what we're gonna do is walk it in a little bit so that's what I want to do first before I start messing around too much and God everyone's gone I got some space now and and no hassle with the garage opening and closing so I'm gonna shrink that [Music] and in order to get rid of the wrinkle I can push down and up at the same time [Applause] okay this would be a super interesting challenge in Chrome we definitely would need a heck of a lot of endless and the seams mostly seems I guess it's not so much in lace it's no lock all this in I don't want to I don't want my work to peel back from what it has already so we have no grab no tension on this edge pulling in this way all the tension is running across right so we already know that if I can kind of lock in the bottom a little bit let's see what I need to do is lift this up and I'm gonna have to shrink it down a little bit let's make sure we got the air out of here before we get too tight cool always some stone chips from bumper we're gonna want to do sorry what I wanna do is hold it and just kind of see what's happening when I heat it and get a feel for what I need to do with it because I'm not even too sure right now this is troubleshooting right now you have a long way to go just great I'm gonna hold it and I'm just gonna heat it softly and try to manipulate the film without stretching it too much okay the bottom is looking a lot better good times all right what I wanted to do why the reason why I wants you to the bottom is I wanted to try and get a line here so I can finish this top section this top section is actually actually quite small like the bumper is gonna end right about here and then it comes in here so we've kind of got we just got to cut it off about here we're pretty close so the bottom on the other hand tucks in pretty far so my butt down on the ground and I want to lock this in a little bit more and fix it up while I'm here because it's gonna get even tighter as I go go through it more and more they're gonna shrink it all right shrink it down lay let's lay the film somewhat into the foglight area all right we want to get some film in there while we have slack on the bottom and then work our way out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so what I want to do now is I've got I've got a cold stretch there [Applause] and I can lay into that little recessed area that little ring which I was debating about doing in one in a separate piece poor Peter [Applause] cool [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right you can pull down we can pull down that's fine because we have a lot of extra slack down here so far is like skill level goes on this bumper it's part of school level goals I would give this probably like a nice eight and a half to nine out of ten it's difficult [Music] it's not even that it's just difficult it's hard but you're learning how to wrap it right now all right so it's definitely gonna require a bit of Post heating down here [Music] [Applause] [Music] just trying to get the film into the recess without too many wrinkles and without too much stretch it's a little recess there this car also has a front lip so you're gonna want to remove that we had to remove that too that was a lot of fun so much yeah Durham's like the biggest handyman ever he's got rid of all got took most of it off I didn't take so I'm gonna lay into that recess she's very good at this guy's yeah like his method is just unbelievable unbelievabl cool it's so many times one piece there guys so it looks pretty nice pretty happy about that and I feel like it's laid in there really nicely so I'm not too concerned about anything lifting there's no shrinkage on the bottom at all we just gotta look the top corner right now so I'm just gonna so I just restarted the video just because the timer runs out of 30 minutes we're at 29 there so it's good time chef and then my blade here this pouch always falls off forever and ever and ever so I'm not gonna use it anymore right now let's cut some of this film back because I have way too much let's try not to cut the paint well it's not cut the paint let's just pull the film back towards the blade and get some of the way all right so what I want to do right now is heat and shrink and see what happens all right sorry heat and hope that some of this shrinks [Applause] it's definitely shrinking not in the way that I want it to so what I'm going to do is I'm going to find a better line right here right now and I'm going to redo this section at a better angle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't want to hit stretch too much all obviously try to want to get rid of these wrinkles before the vinyl settles as it's warm it's gonna be a little bit easier to squeeze you the arrow squeezing any vinyl while it cools becomes a little bit more difficult to get the air out sometimes plus the edges start to seal off the area channels start to seal off and then you have to reposition it again so just to avoid doing that that's what we do I'm here too so let's cut off a bunch of this great so we're doing pretty good right here I'm pretty pretty comfortable with these these wrinkles right now yeah I'm just adding a little tension to the film I'm not killing it with the stretch just heating it and softening it slightly and then I'm gonna try and draw some of this down and lock it in well so we're almost there let's just get this a little bit around the bottom and then again I'm going to heat this will shrink for sure I know that I just got to put it I got to make sure what I'm shrieking it I'm letting it come down in a nice way and not just wrinkle up again as it's coming down [Applause] perfect [Applause] this is just one side we got together side to do still the trimming parts super easy on this bumper there isn't a lot to trim out since we did remove mostly everything alright and then I'm gonna come down and wrap around the corner and then finish this wall room corner off perfect here what I'm actually going to do when I'm done this bumper is remove the bumper and then tuck everything in especially around these edges here tuck them in about half an inch or so just in this area here just because I know there's just higher tension here than normal [Music] [Applause] when you have high tension you do not want to cut right off at the edge the line go we don't want to go beyond the edge well so I'm gonna show you guys this for some of you might get a little bit bored of watching soft for everyone this bumper that's for sure but it is a very complicated bumper so you can see that we have some some fingering right here past the lip there that means there is high a bit of high tension in this area so that means I'm gonna wrap it around a little bit further go about half an inch but everywhere else we're good I've already heated so it's just it's just scrunched up film for the most part but there is no fingering going on there's no fingers it's nice and smooth it just scrunch it up film all right you check that out in there that's gonna last because I push the film in there first and and then laid the rest in so let's do this side so now you can see why it might be a struggle if you don't stretch the bumper across enough if you don't pull across this way enough you're gonna have a ton of film in this area and it's going to be such a namer surveyors fly I knew it was a my phone I was just kind of looking for my phone you're you're more popular than I am you're way more popular than I am you get way more you get way more phone calls than I do no Suzy just your wife from your mom though why and your brother yeah your bro bro Bergeron brought me some souvlaki for dinner was really good it was pretty bomb good mom the shoutouts and souvlaki I'm not shouting at the restaurant much and rested not weird most of the people watching won't even not be able to go anyways too far alright guys same deal so you can see I'm just trying to kill it right across so I have a lot less stretching to do by the time I get to the end that's a lot of fun okay so we've got that good pull here pretty sure I felt like I put my back into it you can do it you can do it put your back into it alright I am ice cube that new commercial with ice cube no he just he just bought a high-end I stinger Hyundai Hyundai yeah yeah yeah it's all the same thing it is Korean sorry if I offended anyone with that [Applause] it's actually a nice car gotta say it's pretty nice for IKEA I was impressed when I saw the interior that's like the main thing for me I don't care about the fast what do you know about fast man you have a g8 he hates when I make fun of his yay I don't actually make fun of it I just kind of bug him about it [Applause] you're right heaven I wrap that g8 like three years ago it's bubbling everywhere no you tell me just joking man [Applause] all right same good time over here guys so making sure that we're getting that whole right across especially this area here if you have like three friends that you can pay them in beer or something to help you do this I highly recommended it is tough no I got a wrinkle right in the corner there it's fine I'm gonna deal with it after I'm happy with the rest so I'm not anyone to touch it this I can get from the inside so I'm okay with that and I'll show you what I mean sucks nope all right it's fine it's on the end of the world we're gonna get it when we cut out this section here and then reach in from the inside and pop it out cool cool cool I wasn't even talking to you no you should be listening all right same deal same deal here guys let's get the foglight area in it's crucial to use the slock just kind of like my opposite hand right now see how this I was a little bit easier for me just because I don't know if either hand makes more sense for me to be wrapping them this way than the other way I don't know why it's cuz my right hand I think my right hand is my more dominant hand and it's hard to pull across the bottom the one thing where I'm teaching classes that I noticed most people when they're when they're pulling they're not pulling enough across the bottom it's the same that goes with me too so [Music] skills it's just it's just technique man [Applause] [Applause] so you can see there's not a lot of pullback right now so we don't have a lot of stretch right or not the film is not moving super importance it means we're not overstretching the film it's really hard to get into this recess nicely without it wrinkling on it's like a bad angle for me to the side get this with my left hand [Music] trying to figure it out left-handed oh I see I was doing it wrong alright time to lay down again oh I think my back was already broken just by taking this stuff off bumper never mind wrapping it just be ready to put the work in if you're about to do this don't quit [Applause] to level things out over here and then draw the film back a little bit more [Applause] [Music] sorry just fill them down and back well I got to watch these scenes come back a little bit past that it's not good in the awkward position of this area here area [Applause] [Applause] get bored over there quiet is the playas have ever heard him are you talking about usually he's talking so much I can't even work [Applause] I bet you never thought the bumper could come off that way no learn something new every day exactly they're definitely challenging to work on no just the best everything about it he's biased he's biased it's like me talking about rapping plastidip blue filter you talking about yeah have you seen your car instantly give another 10 horsepower this Brad is 15 huh red is 15 this is this is like common knowledge and every single every single every single Kia owner [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stickers yes I know marvelous I know what stickers already but rats you to just thing about it wrap it wrap is it a wrap is at least 100 horse because it's it's a it's a sticker for your whole car you change the color yeah it's more streamlined that's right yeah everyone knows that I teach that of the workshop teacher right no I don't actually I don't actually teach that were so wrong that the wrap is never half adds more powered yorker don't worry [Music] yeah saw that holographic right a rap that will put McClaren out of business huh [Applause] it's a serious claim just wrap yours what what color do you think that he should wrap his stinger guys we're talking in Chrome we were talking about either pink chrome in chrome yellow purple pink chrome I'm actually probably buying krishna's wheels yeah he's gonna actually buy my old wheels and I'm gonna look like the coolest ATM game remember ah I'm gonna sell it to him for three times a bracelet fired shots fired all right guys so I know that I don't have to go in too far here but I gotta know I gotta go in far enough I can look from the back and I can feel it so there's my finger right there so I can feel the edge right which is nice about having the the grille out yeah see I can fix this all this fun stuff it's really tight still here but once I get that up yeah let's grab the heat gun just cool so that's the advantage of having the grill out imagine if we didn't have the grill it would be a little more difficult right we would have a lot more difficulty trying to push the film in and trying to fix up correct things and and all the rest of the fun stuff so so this section of the bumper is done we just got to cut it out and lay in the little bit that's left over for the four this grille part and then this grille part and then I'm just gonna finish up the bottom right now cool so you're going to wrap underneath and finish this up get it while I feel like getting down there we go see the record button alright battery died we're still here after you guys really know all you see is a pause in the film for like a second and then we're back so so we should finish at the bottom here [Applause] and cut it off and there's a front lip that goes on here as you own the owners of this vehicle no so there's this one grill here let's get the blade out right there with it just hide it a night yeah no it's here let's turn off this bottom [Applause] I'm not rapping crazy amounts underneath here plus there's like no lip anyways to wrap around so it doesn't go very far it goes like a quarter-inch under here and that's it alright let's do this I know that there's an edge right at the top right here and that's then these are all grille pieces alright fix this up [Applause] guys if you like Jordan on the show give him a thumbs up I think you got to give him a chance he's little tried today yeah doesn't really know what to say actually it's just weird yeah well he's weird for you I mean besides there's potentially 40,000 people watching you right now 40,000 yeah if you get nervous found that many actually is it not no why me and some YouTube subscribers sorry some YouTube people have like millions then it's crazy I don't know if I get nervous but it's just kind of crazy it's a lot of people well you know I just have that face yeah that face only a mother could love Thanks look at that darn it that's that's dumb let's blow that it's all cold stretch guys so we're not overstretching cool let the grill here so you're just cutting on the backside with a little bit overlap [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we don't want too much film on the backside because it'll start to push the grill won't sit properly so because these grills sit really tight so we want just enough to make sure we have coverage anything more than that we're gonna go over about an eighth of an inch tops [Applause] any more than that it'll that could potentially push back out when you go to put the grill back in or the grill won't fit properly I've got to put tension on the film be careful when you're cutting here because every several inches the blade runs over a tab and that's when you can actually slip and run into your wrap and you don't want that scared that let's just cut this off sweet starting to look like something I don't wanna Smith it's been a little bit longer than I thought I was gonna take it was a little bit more difficult than I actually thought it was going to be guys so yes it is always important [Applause] when in doubt glass it out there we go even though I'm not a big glossy person it's it's I like the saying it's kind of funny when in doubt gloss it out that should be more of like I don't know I feel like a more professional channel in mind kind of saying no anything mother I got professional I just I just wrap cars I just wrap cars guys it's all I do make videos wrapping cars that's all I do [Applause] when in doubt toss it out I don't know if that works in all situations but it probably could work a lot I don't know like it looks like a trap saying it's a new thing now you know every time they began rapping they think you're like a rapper I have enough I'm just like alright guys I'm just kind of feeling again how far in I gotta go at this point I could probably take the bumper off I'm just gonna leave it on right now but I could probably take it off and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut out the fog light while I'm here we can tuck in a little bit to the foglight but we can't tuck in too much because it only goes so far with the with the tabs that are there for the fog light covers so I guess that about an eighth of an inch or so is enough the covers come right to the edge the earth singer aren't you are you gonna sing on the show apparently apparently guys he's a good singer so maybe one day maybe one day we'll all get to hear he's he's shy I don't like he's not really shy like doesn't sound like you lost your voice to me hey guys we're just gonna really I've never felt all right you Brandi had tonsillitis or something all right guys so you see that the film drops in which is cool because that's part of when we stretched across it wants to just go in this area now so particularly on the Camaro when I did that bumper I denied over a couple times a few times actually this is how I did it and that goes in there it goes in here a little bit further than this one does it's a little bit deeper which makes it a bit more of challenge so you want it so you want it to be like not too much slack here and look when I heat it it shrinks itself through the bumper it's pretty cool it's one of those things so what I want to do is kind of work the film up and get find an edge in here somewhere and then do a relief cut luckily it's not it's not that far as far as how deep this goes so could be much more challenging if this was a little bit deeper in the top and the bottom [Applause] when I stretch well I'm doing instruction here I just want to find I want to find this edge over here it's actually right there which is which is great so I don't have to stretch the film very much at all if I just do my relief cuts properly okay I'm in your way sorry I'm in the cameras way so I did a relief cut in a top corner and then I pushed in here to find to find where the edge goes down here alright now that I'm down here I'm going to lay the film in the rest of the way pull on the opposing edge as you can see it's nice to have the grill again so we can pull the film through being able to pull the film through makes a big difference if we get if we have a grill in there then we can't pull the film through like this I can pull I can reach in there and pull the film through done awesome right so that's what I mean by that so I'll explain again what I was doing over here for this section so in this area right here we're going to zoom in first and I want to heat a little bit and just find an edge just applying an edge I don't want to stick it down all I do is find the edge all right then I'm gonna let it come back and I know where I have to put the relief cut I can put it a little bit closer down here I know that I can put it close to that here excited that side already so I know about how far in I have to go so I'm gonna actually turn a bunch that out making this a lot easier to push in [Applause] and there's not much stretch there at all we're still up in the more like the five ten percent range but not like 20 percent or anything like that so [Applause] so I'm gonna do my relief cut down here in the corner finish that off cool now we've got this nice tab that folds down I'm gonna finish all this sauce mind zooming out we'll begin Oh okay I got it all right now we're gonna finish this off and trim up the rest and we are done I was gonna do the rear bumper today but I think that I'm done tomorrow is the rest of the car which is the stripes and the stripes and the rear bumper rear bumpers not nearly as hard as this one stop all this stuff back together and have the other side to do and then we're done guys so that's it but I'll trim this out right now I'll remove the bumper so you can see I actually anchored this bumper with the screws that go behind here you turn just turn the actual screen so I can see it okay as long as I'm in it it's good alright so i anchored this I entered the bumper at the top I just want to make sure it was gonna stay while I was putting all that tension on it as I undo these and unclip the bumper what we're gonna do is we're gonna put on the ground I'm gonna show you how I wrap around a little bit further and then trim it all off that's it so let me put these screws back where they go over here perfect let's remove the bumper so it's always nice would be so this is a really difficult bumper to remove it has it sounds horrible it's not really that bad it's just the screws you got that son okay yeah this size so I'll show you these screws back here are they feed into these hole surfaces one at the top and one really far on the inside here and it's you got to reach in there and get it let's put the bumper down flat so we can put the bumper down flat on the ground as long as it doesn't roll forward we're good we're just gonna want to it's gonna want to use fine I can I can hold it and let's get let's get the camera into a better position awesome can you hold the bumper I just pulled out a clip sting yeah perfect no I just pulled it out of the clip accidentally all right so if it's doing its thing it's cool so for all for all this area unplugged it we're going to take this film and stretch it around guys we're gonna make sure we have that overlap that extra film because we want it we want it to hold we do have a lot of tension on the edge and we want it to make sure that we're locking it in so I'm gonna leave a bit excess for sure and just make sure that we're not gonna get any pullback [Applause] this is one of those situations we're leaving excess film around the edge is gonna be needed gonna make sure there's no wrinkles on the edge because it'll look ugly [Music] it's going on what you can do over there is there now without heat maybe he's doing I have no idea this is also one of those bumpers that your for-sure for-sure for-sure gonna want to remove at least just to finish this part off because of how challenging it is to get that corner section done [Applause] [Music] so again I'm just gonna leave quite a bit of film there and call it a day I'm not even gonna trim it off I want it to be there that's my reinforcements reassurance basically something wrong with creating a little reassurance for yourself but there's a lot of situations where you don't need it so most people will leave too much foam around the hood and stuff like that and it's not really needed [Applause] who knows maybe someone would argue with me that I don't need it here maybe I don't I think that I do yes I I do me yeah I just wrap the way I wanna wrap guys and you guys can fall if you want to yeah as long as there's not wrinkles on the edge and you're probably doing pretty good see ya come on let's go [Music] we've got some heat there Perkins [Music] I know a lot of you guys always want to see me finish the trimming part and so here it is stuck your hands go on be careful here it's testing up a little bit a little heat to finish it off always [Music] lady this morning all right yeah man all right so only about how it looks about how it lasts all right go out we've got to have it last you just hold the bumper straight and then I'll finish this off switch I had Rikki's great steps in there it's not the footsteps like it's the furnace it's the electric heaters gosh sorry yeah let me finish coming up this side here very gose no love rollercoasters I don't like I don't like flying [Applause] other than rollercoasters I like because I feel like I'm secured to the ground at least a planet I'm definitely not secure in a plane though you mean not secured to the ground at all you're in the air 30,000 feet that's scary man how fast you would die how that you'd die fast enough you die pretty fast on a plane so you hit the ground you're done there's no slow dying on that you have time yeah it's time to call people at least guess what my planes about to crash [Music] once you call anyone or did you sit there in a frenzy [Music] I know you thought about that I mean you only got another few minutes to live you might as well do something I don't what we're talking about right now so let's get back let's get back to the rap let's get back to rap [Music] we're probably gonna have to cut it out alright guys so we're gonna run the blade across the top Jordan did a pretty decent job yeah pretty decent I haven't gone over yet but I just had a glimpse right now I'm just gonna leave myself some access the seal goes back on so I'm not concerned too much cut as straight as you can though yep bumper bumper took it out of me [Music] [Applause] vacuuming yeah I mean [Music] yeah that's pretty good all right you want to just go the other end and hold that from up this side we can actually slide the bumper down a little bit so I can show everyone how to trim up the ends hips lift it up let's put it there all right so I'm gonna post heat here make sure Jordan got it around pretty good what you did it's good it's not pulling back it's my main concern did it pretty nice on the corner also so quickest trims them off try to move it too much all right it's okay son you know yeah all right and this massive strip is out of here let's post it again [Music] this is the kind of bumper you don't want to mess around with your PO seed on so you're gonna you're going to post keep this bumper as much as you can be thorough you don't want it lifting you don't want to redo it alright guys just kind of lift it up grab that piece of iron off the bottom there yeah and then maybe that little piece just a couple two pieces still and one more little guy perfect so we can kind of look at this all right I'm not gonna look at it just look at it all right why is it not sitting here right now I just wanna let it sit there I don't want to go too nuts okay so there she is guys all right this is a fun one super fun but we got it done and like I said I couldn't imagine do it in Chrome I don't know how I'd do it I still haven't trimmed up the side marker but that's not really much of a concern all right let's check it out on the back side we got the splash this little splash thing covers this so no big deal you can kind of trim pretty close I actually can go over this edge yet with heat but I still have to do the side marker and go over this little bit here with heat also that's it so let's check it out a little bit more cool I was a fun a little recess right there and check that out cool so the right technique and the right way you go about doing things you can definitely get this done it might be challenging but it can't be done and the whole idea is that I can show you guys how to do that it might take you more than one try you know when I started wrapping this stuff took me like this stuff took me like many many tries before I actually got it going and I felt comfortable enough to start charging people for money and things like that luckily there are training workshops now and there's YouTube so I never had YouTube anyways guys if you liked the video give it a thumbs up if you want to see more hit the subscribe button thanks for watching take care I'm Jordan photobomb me
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 197,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ck wraps, how to wrap, how to vinyl wrap, vinyl wrap front bumper, front bumper wrap, how to wrap a bumper, dodge challenger, challenger 392, dodge 392, dodge hemi, wrap a dodge, wrap a challenger, gloss metallic grey, gloss grey, gloss gray, metallic gray, metallic grey, avery, 3m, 3m 1080, oracal, apa, vvivid, hexis
Id: 6-FSVkeMXp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 30sec (4530 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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