5 Most Common Vinyl Wrap Mistakes

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what's going on guys Christian here from CK wraps  so today I'm gonna talk about five mistakes that   beginners usually make when they're learning how  to rap or in their early stages of rapping these   mistakes are hand placement squeegee pressure  over stretching the film stretching the film   to the edge and leaving too much foam around your  edges and corners these are very common mistakes   that I see frequently throughout workshops and  Here I am to explain them and show them to you   in in more detail basically these are things that  you're gonna have to look out for down the road   when you're learning how to rap and practice  just practice in the end that's all it really   is guys don't forget to check out my new website  CK wraps com for more exclusive videos discussion   board location board forum for you guys to  ask me questions talk amongst each other and   so forth I do have very exclusive videos there  for learning new techniques and techniques and   things like that with with this some disassembly  videos as well so check it out I'll put a link   in the top corner and in the description below  for you now let's get to it we're gonna start   off with over stretching and I'm gonna show you  what that looks like when you over stretch the   film when you over stretch the film what happens  is you cause usually distortion in the actual   finish or color this can make a gloss film or mat  it can make a matte film or glossy or it can just   simply change the pigment you know I'm gonna use  this metallic here this is a matte metallic film   so matte metallic films are a little bit more  vulnerable vulnerable to showing discoloration   when you over stretch them in certain areas so  we're gonna use this so this is Vivid's right   here and I'm gonna show you what happens when we  do it so I'll bring the camera in I'm gonna wipe   off the panel and give you a nice close detailed  look at what we're actually doing first off we'll   wipe off the panel with isopropyl alcohol so  we can just get a nice bond in the beginning   here we're going to cut a piece of film and I'm  using the hood as an example here simply because   it's the front of the hood is usually an area  where people do stretch over stretch too much   I'm gonna lower the hood down slightly give  ourselves a better perspective here perfect   now let's put some film down on the hood now  what happens with the hood usually is we get   down to this bottom corner over here in the front  and we start getting a lot of bunched up material   right around here depending on how much the  hood curves let's take this film and show you   what happens when we actually over stretch near  the end here this will be with mistake number   one so I'll lay this down right here really  nicely no stretching obviously we can see   that I'll lay down some of the bottom section  here just so we can see that nothing is being   stretched and then we'll stretch it we'll get on  to squeegee pressure after this because you'll see   me squeezing very nicely like that that's simply  because of my correct pressure so let's do this   so as we can see the finish looks great right  let's go all the way across here we're going   to make a line basically from right here because  where most people would start stretching so I'll   lift the film up to this area and just kind of  snap it up quick we're going to heat the film and then stretch it not pulling it yet you'll see when I  pull it right now I'm just warming it up hopefully the camera doesn't  get in my way when I do this let's do it let's pull the film tight and get  it all glossed out towards the end here okay   so I haven't done anything else but heat  and stretch let's see what happens here I   haven't squeegee to done yet okay so you  can see a line running from here to here   now now does this go back to normal yes  it does let's bring in a little more it   will go back to normal you can shrink this  back one of the ways to avoid doing this or   causing this to happen is to stretch over a  larger area or not stretch directly from this   line right here where your film was making  contact with the hood you want to start a   little bit further back right here so let's  shrink this back down and see what happens when I shrink this back down I want to go past  the problem area so I'm a little bit past it   this is gonna help tie things in a little bit  better and it should it should mostly go back   to normal because of the memory in the film now  that will happen with it's a lot less likely with   a solid gloss color but it will happen with  a solid gloss color as well something with   metallic or pearl in it again it's a little bit  more likely so let's just keep it flat and sort   of put it back to normal here okay so along that  line there we shouldn't really see we shouldn't   really see anything anymore just lift that up  got a wrinkle there that's okay I'll just leave   that for now cool so I'm gonna look around and I  don't see the line anymore it has now healed and   gone away so again on my website I do show how  to heat and stretch over a large area to avoid   complications that might arise when you're  heating and stretching in smaller areas like   that now and it stretch the film a whole lot  I just stretched it a little bit maybe a few   inches in the beginning there nothing crazy  but that can happen let's move on to mistake   number two all right guys mistake number  two stretching to the edge just do that one got the fresh piece toss that away cut a new piece   it's just a rental car so this is  why I'm using it for a nice demo let's grab that new piece of film and  see what happens when we stretch to the   edge okay so now all fun and games you know  let's say let's say we've got the film down   and you know we're at the edge or we're  getting close to the edge or we're able   to stretch the film out over a large  area then let's say we're stretching   the film out over a large area and we're  making it down to the bottom here but the   main problem is stretching towards the edge  okay and I'm going to show you what happens okay so let's take the film let's keep it flat  and let's stretch towards the edge here okay   so right now I stretched it a lot and I didn't  get any kind of line there so that's showing   you that when you heat and stretch over a larger  area and not at that line where it was connected   you don't get that line but on top of that let's  get down here now okay so I heat it and pulled the   film down to this edge what's the problem here  the problem here is that we just drew all the   tension down to the edge when we draw attention  to the edge let's say we cut it off at the bottom   here the film wants to retract this way if we had  avoided that with a 3d stretch or three direction   stretch then the film would want to pull in  at the sides and back but if we can get it to   pull with the sides it will want to curl around  the bottom side a little bit more which helps   it so I just I just stretch directly to this  edge let's see what happens when we add heat   cars running summer times coming let's bring  the camera in actually I'm gonna put my hand   right here just to hopefully allow the camera to  focus trying to burn myself let's see what happens   so I can see the film wanted to pull off  the edge where it's mushy right there look I recall back there see so depending on how much I stretch it's gonna keep  going depending on how much I stretch the more   it will pull back okay so we see the results of  what's happening here now if we simply just took   the film and pulled it across the edge or expanded  it outwards across the edge then it would want to   pull itself underneath let's just all right so  mistake number three say number three is gonna   be not squeezing hard enough or not putting enough  pressure down on your squeegee you don't wanna put   too much definitely want to put too little you've  got to find a balance there where you're able to   force the air out of the film and not leave  any behind basically you know what I what I   sometimes say is we're not petting a kitten we're  trying to lay this sticker down on a car okay we   want to make sure that we're being pretty firm  with the sticker and its adhesion to the panel   itself so let's take this right now and I'm  gonna show you a result of what happens when   we squeegee to light versus when we squeegee more  firm what I notice a lot in my workshops is that   people don't put enough pressure and a lot of  people have no experience at all when they're   actually doing this when they're coming to  the workshops they come in they have zero   experience learning how to rap basically they've  never done it before let's move the camera in so   I'm gonna put this film down on the hood make it a  little more flat and I'm just gonna squeegee it as   what I see most of might be most beginners  squeegee I'm gonna remove the bottle from   underneath the hood here bring this hood down  in a better angle and get a work butter okay okay so what's important is pressing firmly  thumb in the center and squeezing with firm   pressure okay not like brute force pressure but  firm pressure what I see most people doing in   the workshop is this they take the squeegee and  they push really lightly and I'm pushing really   lightly and what happens is is they start getting  stuck with wrinkles like this and then they start   getting more and then you're squeezing over that  and of squeezing over this and then you just keep   getting more wrinkles and more air bubbles look  at all the air I'm leaving behind so we're not   we're not actually getting the film out the air  out see you it's happening here so if we don't   actually add enough heat or sorry I don't know if  pressure to the film we're not even able to get   the air out on top of that we're getting a lot of  wrinkles and creases let's bring it in so you can   see better what I'd also like to check here is  to see if when I heat the area if we're getting   a lot of air bubbles or NOx I didn't push very  hard so let's see what happens okay so you can   see the air bubbles starting to arise because  I didn't push the air out of the film so what   can happen even around here is getting some  air bubbles there is that that the hot air is   showing me this because air has moisture in it  right you end up getting into a lot of trouble   when it comes to doing this because then you  start getting small air bubbles trapped in all   over the middle of the hood or in the middle of  a panel and it becomes a pain the but on top of   that we've got a lot of wrinkles here okay  there there there these are not good these   creases don't always necessarily heat out these  are very hard creases they're very sharp creases   so you want to make sure that we're putting a  good pressure down let's see what happens when   we put good pressure down on the actual film  when we squeeze you use the exact same spot there is technique also involved when you're  squeezing more than just pressure it's also   reading the film that takes that comes with a  bit of experience but I can also teach that all   right so let's see what happens let's put this  down and see what happens when we actually apply   decent pressure to the film okay that can't be  squeegee so suck it up a little bit but you can   see that my pressure is good and my speed I can  go I can go pretty quickly with it yeah I got a   couple down there I'm starting to get bunched  up with the film but we can go pretty quickly   when we have good pressure with a squeegee I got  the whole piece down other than that tiny little   bit right there no big deal just to show you  the difference between it squeegeeing firmly   and squeegee to light now let's run a heat  gun over it and see if we actually left any   air behind also that's the edge sending speech  the edge there will suck more in the middle don't see any tiny air bubbles at all okay nothing  in the middle here now you don't want to go too   quickly when you squeeze you or use the corner  because look what happens that is not going away   that is basically a friction mark in a matte film  you can make these all day long okay even though   my squeegee corner is covered you know I still  have buffer there it's not it's not rubbing like   that you can still make marks in it so that's  the Capone Asst mistake right there let's say   mistake number six try not to press with the  corner of the squeegee that's why I always say   you're pushing put your thumb in the middle when  you squeegee and have good pressure now let's move   on to mistake number four so mistake number four  that most people make is leaving too much film   around an edge for example now I'm gonna show you  what it looks like when we leave a little bit of   film and we leave a lot of film a lot of film is  a problem I'm gonna end up doing this more around   the back corner over here so I'll move the camera  in its good example for cuz people you tend to get   extra film or round corners as opposed to just  trimming it off where they kind of should so I'm   gonna get that wrapped get the camera in and I'm  gonna show you what happens all right so let's do   this corner with excess film wrapped around it  basically and show you what that sort of looks   like a lot of people end up doing is they don't  end up usually prestretching the corner enough and   then they they end up just trying to push down  a whole bunch of vinyl around the backside of   the corner which doesn't look pretty in the end  I'm gonna try and lift the hood up a little bit see if I can get it to sit in the spot that's  probably better yeah so what I'm gonna show you   here is just basically heating and pushing the  film around this is the one mistake a lot of   beginners make right here and then on top of that  they usually leave too much you guys would leave   not you guys but beginners in general usually  leave too much film around the bottom side okay   so we'll do that and then what happens here is  the trimming you guys are normally afraid to   leave more for vinyl around the bottom side so  you end up trimming a little bit lower here and   it doesn't look as nice as it could if you just  cut it flush okay so something to show you here   is what I did versus like what you guys would  normally do or beginners to normally do versus   what I'll what I'll do in the end here so let's  keep this up then and then you end up getting   extra vinyl hanging down around cuz it's folding  underneath right so what happens here is is on   this very corner right here right there it ends  up holding and not sticking to the underside of   the actual panel anymore so it kind of hangs  down doesn't look pretty not to mention we   have wrinkles in the corner so that doesn't look  good either I bring you in a little bit right so   when you guys do corners and things like that  you want to make sure that you're not leaving   all this extra material around the back end of  things sorry about the camera moving here see   what that looks like doesn't look very good even  if I just trim this off right now it will look a   lot better so it's not like it's the end of  the world because you didn't get the corner   down nicely as long as you don't leave too much  vinyl it'll look a lot better so already it looks   tremendously better than it just did a little  bit of heat and stuff like that you can massage   it down now if you really want to make it nice  take it and you trim it off on the bottom side so let's do the same let's do the corner again  it's now I'm gonna do it the way I normally do   it which is just added I try to kiss the heat  right here soften the film up and stretch it   outwards a bit get it to hug around now what I'll  do is make sure nothing's tacked on to any other   edges here heat and shrink the film and then trim  out the excess the corner itself does come down   slightly around here your there's a difference  between European and Japanese cars European cars   tend to have thicker metal so it tends to be  a little more tricky to do some cars certain   like Mercedes and stuff like that their corners  a little bit more difficult trying it's getting   your way here now again do we have to worry about  the film pulling up and lifting well no I heated   it I shrunk it I made sure that it wasn't gonna  go anywhere so this is what it looked like when   you don't leave too much film let's get a little  bit of heat just so you can see it's not moving   anywhere not pulling off that corner let's bring  the camera in all right so I hope you guys can see   it more here it's a bit hard to get the angle in  the light so it looks a lot nicer a lot cleaner a   lot less film kicking around that edge just makes  it look better alright last but not least mistake   number five basically heating and stretching in  certain directions okay you want to make sure   that your hand placement is in the right place  okay most people cut too much film let's say   for a mirror and then have this huge chunk of  viola for the mirror and you're not able to get   your hands where you need them to be so I'm gonna  show you what the mistake is that most people make   versus how I actually do it here's our mirror our  mirror is actually a very complex mirror to wrap   in one piece a little bit difficult it's not the  easiest but our Mir piece and shape and size is   very important okay if we have this massive piece  I'm gonna cut one out right now I'm not gonna cut   it that excessive I've seen some people go even  more crazy than this let's do it so I'm gonna kind   of look at this okay I'm gonna cut it like a whole  bunch of this right here cut a bunch of that off   and then try to wrap this thing what happens is  we're not able to get our hands close enough into   position where we need them because what we end up  doing is we end up grabbing an area that doesn't   make any sense like right back here so just  for example I'm gonna I'll try to get this done   really quick so I can get on to the part of how  to do it right I'm going to show you the mistake   that you guys often make or beginners often make  versus the weighted that you should probably do it   so I'm doing this so I can basically I'm  basically kind of prestretching the film   around the back side over here so it hugs and  then we're going straight down the back side   make sure that stays down all nice and tight  okay so now you have this you have this piece   right here which is enough to wrap your mirror  it's definitely enough I've got my Amir ends   right here and my hand is all Tamir ends like  right right here and my hand is can come all   the way back here so that's pretty far past the  mirror if we're if we're heating and stretching   out here we're gonna have problems be able to  stretch the film melt properly okay let's try it   I'm definitely gonna distort this finished but  that's not my goal right now is to maintain it   it's just actually show you what happens when  you can't put your hands in the right place   and it's harking to you so what you guys will  end up usually doing is pulling from way back   here and then you get a lot of wrinkles to other  wrinkles and you're not able to actually stretch   those wrinkles out okay it's really really hard  to do if your hands are all the way out here when   you're pulling across a panel basically any kind  of panel for the most part this goes with bumpers   so goes from ears fenders mainly those areas  there you want to have your hand sort of over   top of the situation now I'm gonna show you what  happens when you actually have your hands in the   right place this piece right here is more of the  size piece that you need so let's just remove this   one show you the size difference here okay this  is more wrong the size that we need so I've got   an extra like six seven inches at least I mean  this is stretched a little bit but you know six   seven inches at least once you shrink it back down  you know extra on the top extra on the bottom just   too much so this right here is more along the  lines in the case that you need I'll try and   set myself up the same way but you're gonna see  what happens when I actually have the right size   piece and where my hands are going to want to be  positioned so see now now I'm forced to grab it   more at the end of the mirror because I can't grab  it all the way back here because there is an extra   film so I'm I'm forced to put my hands more over  top of the mirror so again let's get this set up like even when I'm pushing right there with my  fingers and like my thumbs and stuff I have them   mounted over top so I can spread the wrinkles  out okay so let's see what happens now when we   heated stretched for something from close to  the same place nothing not too far away it's   gonna heat the film let it shrink down around  the back a little bit so it stays anchored now   let's heat it and you're gonna see where I'm  forced to grab the film but on top of that our   hand placement should go on the top and bottom  our hand placement should go here and here okay   look what happens I can pull it apart not here  what happens when I pull here we get a lot of   wrinkles we're not able to pull it apart it's  impossible so hands over top is definitely more   beneficial you can see I'm sure I'll just order  to finish here too and again I'm not trying to   make it prettier fancy I'm just going to show you  what happens when your hand placement is correct   versus when it's not shrink that back down yeah I  don't know and and with a smaller piece we don't   have to sit here and heat it for so long so I'll  put my hands over top and bottom pull it apart   stretch it and down we go okay I'm here is done  in like one shot because we're able to actually   just put our hands over top of it and spread  it and spread the wrinkles apart look how many   less wrinkles there are hand placement is very  very important alright guys and that sums it up   for the mistakes that most beginners make five  mistakes I actually threw a sixth one in there   for you mistakes that most beginners make when  they're starting out if you don't try to adapt   or learn from these mistakes you're gonna keep  making them so try to get a good feel for you know   what the film is doing how it's responding to the  actions and the heats and the tension everything   that you're giving it pay attention to what's  happening by paying attention you're actually   gonna be able to figure out with hopefully help  from these videos here on how I go about how to   go about wrapping your car other things like maybe  a goalie mask which I just did tables anything for   example you know it doesn't have to be always a  compound curve it can be a flat panel it could   be anything at all hi guys I hope the video was  informative and helpful again don't forget to   check out my new website CK wraps com thank you  for watching very much I appreciate it take care
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 2,339,829
Rating: 4.8894501 out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, how to vinyl wrap a car, how to vinyl wrap, how to wrap, vehicle wrap, car wrap, vinyl wrap tutorial, vinyl wrapping tutorial, vinyl wrapping, vinyl wrap mistakes, mistakes, mistake, error, bad wrap, bad vinyl wrap, bad car wrap, Vvivid vinyl wrap, cheap vinyl, cheap wrap, Chinese vinyl wrap, wrap fail, fail, epic fail, mirror wrap, how to wrap a mirror, cut vinyl, cutting, heating, stretch, stretching, heat, car
Id: Ua730hMOm5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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