Professional Level How To Wrap A BMW M Series Front Bumper Full Length Point Of View

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[Music] what's going on guys all right so I'm gonna do the front bumper on this 7 Series BMW this is an M style front bumper this is not normal for a car like this so we already know that there was paint being removed as we removed the film so I've gone I've spoken to the customer it's totally cool with it he knows he figured it would happen and it's not you know this paint job wasn't very good to begin with so I'm not bashing any painters for this it's just the shop didn't do a very good job but he knew that already so job can be done better smooth I'm not a body guy so I don't really know all too much about what I'm doing as far as sanding things down all I know is that you have to do it in stages so I've taken some small some 400 grit and then some 1000 just to kind of level it out a little bit it might show a little bit but probably not too much anyways that's pretty much the extent of that what we've done here is we've done inlay so you can see I've done an inlay here and inlay here and inlay here this is actually to inlay so there's one on top one here and then this is a little bit different than what I did before now this one here's a bit different actually this one here I didn't run the line all the way across I just ran it down with the body line right here so what we're gonna do is we're going to take the tab we're going to fold it over this way once we once we kind of get to that point and then like we're gonna cut a tab like this and it's gonna fold right into there also same deal on the other side so there's a seam right here and you can't even see it which is pretty awesome I can't see it at all same on the other side what I did here is also last time I put a separate piece right here this time I did not put a separate piece right here this is one piece connected to this piece right here alright so car is not magnetic it's cold yeah if so if you're not bringing a car in is another is another car coming okay it's cool leave it up for now need both doors open what so the cars not magnetic so I'm just gonna take the film I also have the bumper already pre-cut oh yeah and we also have enlace right here guys you're gonna notice that the bumper is very very flimsy okay I have not really mounted it I've just clipped it in a little bit and put a couple of screws in the top but as far as the sides go I didn't put any screws in there it's gonna be fine it's pretty still it's still pretty secure and it's a pretty flat bumper the main it's flat but it's not it's not flat because we have all these recessed areas but it's flat in itself where we don't have a lot of contouring of the film to do so we're gonna be there's gonna be too much pulling up on the vinyl itself so what I want to do must have brushed against it there is just tack this down on one side and just get it in place alright also the reason why I did this like this this time is because I didn't want a seam right on the very edge here this is a vulnerable place for there to be a seam facing I was such a long scene facing this way so I was able to fold it around underneath and kind of follow a body line right there I love winter all right so I'm gonna cut off some excess here just so I'm over here let's get that out of the way in case you're asking what question are sorry in case you're questioning what color this is this is Vivid's gloss Riviera blue or Smurf blue I'm gonna call this car Papa Smurf there's a big car all right so it's all line up this side a little bit better and then we're gonna remove the backing paper the entire way so you see that I have enough coverage up top and I should be good on the bottom we don't have a lot of coverage needed on the bottom because simply because it's just destroyed underneath so the violence it's not gonna stick it's been scraped a few times and not much I can do about that so I'm basically me cutting the bottle off right at the bottom I'll roll it around slightly but not too much [Applause] so let's get it around the bend and what we don't do is tack it down so that we have to keep it in its place so as you can see the viola isn't really bunching up that much that's because this bumper is flat there's always gonna be different technicalities when it comes to bumpers from bumper to bumper this one needs a lot of inlays while other more rounder ones might not need as many inlays or any at all but you will have to stretch the film a lot more so it's still freezing cold in here I'm gonna close the door and close the door all right [Music] not try to stretch the film this is going to be this is gonna be way harder right now it's so cold in here they literally had the door open for like 5-10 minutes all right so we need to contour the film across your turn I'm gonna crank the heat gun up so that this goes a little bit faster [Applause] I'm going to have to do this in small sections as well just simply because it's cold in here [Applause] let's start to move with it a bit see I can do something with this and it sucks cousins Colts alright make it work guys Lauren it's gonna be more of a struggle so I'm gonna leave that there I'm gonna work the other side a little bit just like I did there I wanna I need to fix this up right here it's not looking pretty down here it's great alright so I got a good contour across the bottom but I was focusing the heat on the bottom or because the cold air is well walked in underneath and stay low so obviously I didn't put enough shrimp on the top so ain't the contour the top a little bit more than what I have bring yourself down to a level that makes sense don't try to stand up and do this if there's any more difficult okay now I got some good stretch coming across the top yes it's gonna take considerably more heat simply because it's cold in here [Applause] - when [Applause] it's definitely word infrared heater if you want to get one we come in handy so I'm gonna go for it and just see how it looks I'm not gonna kill myself because I know that it's cooling off faster than I'm able to heat it alright so I want to be particularly careful right around here not to reposition the film too many times simply because we know the paint is delicate in this area since it did come off a little bit so I'm gonna take the film and shrink it down as you see you're shrinking it down over the top [Applause] exactly what we want [Applause] now I can't see where I sanded which is awesome did a pretty good job so again we're gonna I'm gonna iron out this area and then we're going to go on each side all right so a little bit on each side let's do what I can do is this I can cut it off of here and I can get my hand closer [Applause] let's check this down well just get the squeegee out and get all this outlines here hey what's up calling me really hello all right guys sorry for the interruption so as I was saying remember where I was at really it's all good we're gonna keep on wrapping this so I'm gonna do this section in this section separately obviously and there's certain warm-up from the shop again finally so we're good as far as that goes I was able to do a bit of a relief cut here because obviously I've put an inlay in this section right so we're gonna see how this all looks in the end so stay tuned let's start out with this side right here since it's a little bit more accessible and go from there [Applause] [Music] I don't want to come too far back but I do want to iron out all these wrinkles all right [Applause] so hand placement is going to be important when it comes to glassing this section are right here I'm gonna have to put my hand right about there [Applause] till somewhere on there [Applause] this hasn't worked out right where I want it this hasn't worked out the way I want it to be yet so I have to pull it off we go cool as far as here goes I can take all this and probably shrink it back yep so that's good if I have a little bit excess luck we can take some push it in and pull out okay see see how I use my palm to push in and then we can pull the rest out now let's finish it off right up here [Applause] let's see what happens here as I push and heat well so you saw how I pushed in here this creates tension in this area so if I just left that there and then tried to squeegee it but what happened is that film might bunch up because I saw there was some bunch left film there if I pull it in though and push on it then I attention to the film which which prevents it from bunching up [Applause] alright I'm gonna do my squeegee it's right here so we're gonna iron all this out [Applause] you only go so far because I have some wrinkles that I gotta take care of right there so what's going to happen is I'm going to again reapply the film once I pull it back a bit I'll be a little bit I'll be able to just kind of squeeze you this flat without adding any more heat cool let's see what we got to do so right now what I'm going to do my knife it is self since again I have an inlay here what I can do is maybe cut a tab right about here just trying to look one second so I have it in late I do have I do have the tab that has to fold in for that section there but I do have my inlay here so what I can do is I can cut a tab here and put a little bit more of a relief for this area right here so I'm not stretching so much actually it's not even it's not even really sticking out but it's fine we're gonna try to do it like this just to kind of show you so now instead of stretching this anymore I've separated these two pieces now I have this nice little table that I can work with right here so again we're going to take some heat across the top moving across the bottom just balance it out a little wrinkle there I want to get that out it's this right here and this is causing that to happen because I'm not getting enough pull from that area perfect there we go [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] so it's all about thinking about the situation what we can and cannot do let's go squeegee you see how I squeeze you the air as I go I just it's just more so how I like to do it you can wait to the end and squeegee it if you want to it just it can start to get locked in there we don't want that so again what I don't want to do is cut away the top so I don't want to have too much just pulling here and not enough here and not enough here it's fine to do one area top or bottom I very much rather do the bottom since gravity pulls down if you cut a top here this is going to be flim flimsy and just flopping all over the place all right so it's why I haven't done one at all again we do have to take the stretch around where the headlight is so it's all good because we're cutting all that out so we can heat the heck out of it we want to [Applause] so I'm not too worried about that I should be fine the more difficult one is this guy under here because underneath hard edge well this one I can probably gain access to it from the bottom and this one I'm gonna have to get into the top just fine when I start cutting away stall of this so I can do that so if I just drag the blade against the vinyl it'll cut it I don't even have to put it on the surface of the headlight itself we go this just gets me a little bit closer to where I'm able to access this a little bit better so now you can see the difference with me pulling here as opposed to pulling up there I all I have to do all I have to do is just get it to there okay keep it held up while you do that and you're good so that section is nearly finished [Applause] [Applause] little wrinkled there [Applause] [Applause] cool that section is done we're gonna do a talk around no headlight here we want to shrink this down you like get it up well they're spring kit down all right if you look boom all right see just shrink itself in there that's perfect exactly what you want what I'm gonna do afterwards where I can do afterwards I don't really need to because bumpers pretty loose what you can do afterwards take the bumper off and then fold everything over really nicely if you want to and finish up all your edges and your cutting taking the bumper off afterwards before you draw your cutting really ensures that you don't mess anything up if you're not very comfortable with your trimming and your cutting yet that's a good way to do it here a little bit I'm gonna hold it up I'm just gonna shrink it back now that I've got that I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna fold this top down it's got a very heat [Applause] analysts it alright but down on a ground and finish it off so I'm gonna cut away a bunch of this get my way cool what we can do here is finish this off and then that's holds the rest down [Applause] so I can work some out to this corner down here and it can work someone through this corner over here back a little bit more and then see it's gonna set the lock err on it and the edges if we wait too long so we want to hit it with our squeegee and get it down quick so click here cut off all this excess knowing the excess vinyl will frustrate you having when you have too much picking around [Applause] Oh make sure I don't have an air kicking around in here and we're good on this side we're gonna trim it all up afterwards so I'm gonna lay the other side and then I'm gonna get into my trimming so far it looks pretty awesome so I have it again I have a ton of extra film on this side which I need to just cut off because it'll drive me nuts see on Chikara but that was because I got both bumpers out of one light one one length of sheets one length of vinyl so I cut the rear bumper which is longest then I go for the front I'll Jenna be a little careful right there just because we know it's been repainted and we know that that was a soft spot this is always my worst hand when I'm pulling this way I like going that way we always feels a little awkward to me get up in there we're cutting all that out alright so we can kill it a little bit in there [Applause] I want to do is level this are I don't like the way that looks right there so there we go it's a little better for me [Applause] so it turned out better here not better here it's fine I'll pull the vinyl down it should be it should be all good I do want to get this part situated simply like I said because of the repaints the respray on the bumper [Applause] alright then let's come down here lock that in a little bit and then let's fix this up a little bit here here pull down right Henry hope just lock that in cool do this no same deal same deal that I didn't hear it looks y'all heat it a little bit and then what I want to do is add a little tension alright cuz that's going to keep this from bunching up what we're doing is we're kind of assisting it or pulling it into this area when we put tension over here [Applause] what I'm gonna do afterwards is once I cut all this stuff up I'm gonna come in here I'm gonna put I'm gonna relieve the tension here especially not that deep Oasis but I don't want to stretch it too much in there and then I'm gonna relieve the tension in the body so let's go here oh yeah watch here I say heat if I put a little tension on it oh not work out for me I'm locked in over here there we go I'm gonna reset that there we go reset all that [Music] [Applause] sometimes doesn't work out the way you intend but you have to know how to troubleshoot it now now that I have this just actually slack here I'm gonna do is I'm just going to go for that I'll pick this up right now a little bit back [Applause] it's a line right there I can see my inlay right about there once I cut this out I'll be able to go back in there kind of fix us up a little bit and put a little bit less tension here so right now if I push down in here I can kind of push down in there but if I relieve some tension here I'll be able to push down even better won't so let's get this little bit going we're gonna have to pull the vinyl back to about here all right just level it out let's do it again [Applause] so depending on how this poll goes I may or may not do the tab thing like I did on the other side you're just kind of depends on how this one goes right here [Applause] it's not probably gonna do so it's cool right in this little gap there first let's iron the rest of this out I'm gonna have to pull it back see how quickly it can lock in dere and when it's a big bubble like that it's really difficult to push them out so we're just gonna go back and pull the vinyl back and then go in and push it out while the vinyls pulled back [Applause] these lines I don't really like these are gonna look red so we're gonna pull back a little bit further it just means there's more tension in that area what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut my tab out actually so let's just do that and that will help reduce what goes on in that area perfect [Applause] so much easier to pull the film when we have this tab cut out I said sometimes sometimes you have the option to do that other times you don't it depends on the bumper depends on your endless put crease in it what about that after this let me go down this time right away and just get it taken care of [Applause] that to happen I need to tip any tension on the other side or it's fine I'm going to use the vinyl zone tension to kind of keep this section rolling until I can get most of the wrinkles out and then we're going to go again keep the top corner and stretch it up that way [Applause] so we're almost at the trimming part [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] good a little bit more because I want it to curl underneath so that when I heat and shrink it it curls underneath same girl over here so again it's about how you pull the vinyl and how much you pull the vinyl you don't want to pull the while and kill it we want to pull the vinyl just to be able to manipulate it alright so that's all done and then we're gonna do up here a little bit pinch that off [Applause] and now we're gonna cut out this [Applause] I had a hard time taking the head I had a hard time taking the headlights out of this thing so I left them in I couldn't find the last screw I don't know where it is so I've got tape there it's perfect about where I want to cut down to you put a few layers so that I can cut up high enough [Applause] so now again what we do we heat and we shrink OVA this will be a good example of that right here pull it back a little bit and get that wrinkled off the corner and then I'm gonna hold it up just to keep it glossed and that once it's shrinks I'm gonna let it fall down like that beautiful so if there's the top of the edge right here alright so we have no stretching on this edge at all zero so here I have an inlay I can see it [Applause] what I want to do is I want to get rid of this first this inner piece before I go for the bottom piece how this know the strength that I'm pushing my blade is not very much I didn't even cut it see well the goal is to try to score the film without that what's doing that so if I don't score the film enough my blade is probably not sharp enough so let's not went off then it won't it won't actually break it won't it won't run down the line that we wanted to this will definitely be sharp enough these are really sharp blades cool see very gently we don't want to push we want to add a tiny bit of pressure with our finger most of most of it is just the blade doing the work not our strength all right so now I can fold that in there really nicely right so check out this section right here right there is there is a seam here but do you see the seam there no you don't that's the goal as far as the rest goes [Applause] I don't have to go too far in since this is a black car and I go to the first edge that sat underneath the headlight not there's another edge there so if it's white then maybe you want to go in a little bit further I don't need to and it's not a matter of me like being lazy right now it's just that is that is the extent you really just need to go to is the first edge it's just that if you want to do a nicer job and you need to cover the white and you don't want to show them you're didn't go a little further and no so so I'm gonna cut on the inner edge look at that see super gentle back of the blade is resting on the backside of that bumpers edge alright so I'm gonna do is going to run the blade out right now and I'll cut I want to do these in two separate pieces go over everything afterwards a little bit of heat I can see that I got a little excess film right there and just find what I want to do is I'm gonna cut a gap right here right now separate the bumper about 30 so you can just reset it so now the bumper just dropped down a little bit excellent look I'm gonna put this here see what see what happened here is that I heated this before I actually put it over the edge so I just take it back and put it over the edge it curled back I don't want to crawl back I want to do the opposite way so if I put it around the edge cold then when I heat it it's gonna curl around the edge to now boom crow the self around the edge no fingering on the edge here at all no pull back right I'm going to the top corner here as I always do my corners and the corner video that I've done for you guys see this now resorts back to that corner video I appreciate a lot of you asking for these corner videos but now I do show corners and how I do them in all my videos and I do them no differently every other time so one so we're gonna trim this part away we're gonna get into the fun stuff like the endless [Applause] which should be shouldn't take too long at all let's get this out I said you can remove the bumper since I already have it off you can remove the bumper at this point and then kind of finish it all up I'm not going to I don't need to I'm just gonna do it just like this [Applause] gotta pour in I gotta go here right to there [Applause] I just want to see where I got a gopher here so as I put a relief cut right about here a little bit nice if I could have taken the grills out and stuff on this car you cannot because an aftermarket bumper and what they did is they silicone door glued everything in it's kind of a bummer I wasn't about to go in there and resell echoing everything just a bit too much work and I'll have time to wait for stuff to dry all right so we start at the bottom there then we have this more of a table like thing we can come up a little bit higher [Applause] feel the edge of that light right there let's cut it out beauty let's get into the fun stuff right over here it's probably the part you've been waiting for so I know that I need coverage coming in look at this house pull this up so I need all this coverage so what we need to do is we have to make sure that we're covering this little gap and then when we cut a tab from here to here and roll the rest in but for here what I can do is again I can cut some of this because I can see my inlay edge right up there I'm gonna cut some of this right now and just separate it's gonna make it a little bit easier to work with don't cut towards yourself don't hurt yourself there we go so much easier to work with right now this is what I mean I do want to relax it make sure it is relaxed and then we're just going to gloss it out slightly we're gonna make sure that we're over top of this area right here so we are gonna have a small scene that shows there and shows there very short it's going to only show here in here there very low all right that's that's the goal so for here what I want to do is be cautious and I come in a little bit lower just in case again we're just scoring the film alright we're not I'm not pushing it I'm not killing it just enough to be able to do that [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so now I'm at four here of the blade do the work guys now this is a challenge and part is getting this piece in so I can cut off a bunch of this cuz it's just gonna get in my way and hit the grill just cut some off let me take the film level it out a bit and I need to come up slightly with it [Applause] I'm back a bit again [Applause] so I did not put in just so you know I did not putting in lay in the top that's because I didn't know how far down I wanted to come so I can always put that inland afterwards it is on the top side of things so we're not gonna see the edge so what's going on here now is that I want to shrink this down after I messed it all up [Applause] we're going to fix all this got shrinks boom want to level this out and I want to squeeze you over those wrinkles because they kind of show a little bit I'm going to level this out a little bit nicer and whether it looks right now I want to stretch it too much just enough all right Ariel it's good enough with that let's grab the squeegee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's there what we need to do is make sure we're fully covered on the bottom inlay of course for the first end lane that I put in there I can see that this is kind of cutting it a little bit close right here perfect [Applause] now how I'm gonna cut this I'm gonna cut it right on it very carefully [Applause] and then for this piece right here [Music] [Applause] I'm Way happier with how this looks this time around then at what then I am with the white when I first did the white you learn things as you go along at least I can save you guys that ache [Applause] alright let's go over it [Applause] it's all it looks good let's cut off this little tab and get it out of the way well so the inlay isn't terribly noticeable you can see that slight overlap there but as far as the rest of it goes in the recess you can't see a lot which is important so let's cut this away I want to do now is I'm going to bring this back up [Applause] and what I want to do is pull it in and down I want to pull it in to this recess so much better to that way so now it's pulling more across as opposed to just pulling out at least this is what I find alright other people might have different opinions on that [Applause] I got to cool slightly I need to get in here [Applause] I'm go a little bit wire just for now if I need to trim it back again I will so I don't like how it's sitting on the inside there and then coming to the outside I'm going to draw it off more afterwards I'm gonna draw it off a little bit nicer but mainly I just want to make sure that this part was taken care of before we did anything else well so we can see that rounds off into there a little bit no big deal that's entirely minor as far as this stuff goes we're just gonna give her one of these [Applause] and just tucked in slightly [Applause] we're going to go nuts salt cars not white we're just gonna go in we're going to the inner edge but yeah we don't have to go nuts sup Johnson [Applause] we squeeze again don't know where my squeegee is it's fine it's just getting a little wrinkled up there I want to make sure that it isn't wrinkled before I do any cutting again this section doesn't have to be perfect this is hidden by the kidney bean grip grill once we slap that in there well it's cold in here and I put my finger through the winter [Applause] [Music] let's say this car was white let's talk about this for a second we might want to go and wrap up this alright so as I was saying for the battery died is that if your car is white and you're doing a BMW to have these kidney bean group grills you're gonna want to wrap you might want to wrap up to this edge right here that's why I group that's why we remove them because what happens is when you look through there is a space around here and you might see white now depending on how much this bothers you if this is your own car or someone else's car that will vary but generally this is as far as you need to go if you need to go if you want to go in further it's totally up to you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this one's a bit easier just because I cut a little excess I got a little extra excess off all right so there's this mm again this side if you guys you don't have to stay and watch this now you've seen the whole thing but I've seen half of it which is saying the other half if you decide to stay then we're gonna go through it right now find that line again right here and do it get it out of the way just like that this makes it so I can lift it off and then not cut on my route so I'm trying to be a little bit more care of this and you move a little bit faster now that I've shown you what to do I'm just gonna so I'm so paranoid right now they put the cold airs could potentially ruin all this okay again pull in let's finish all this off wrinkle [Applause] and eels last time I need to find this line right there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a little too aggressive there [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] just to put it into perspective guys right now it's like negative five I'm surprised you can see my breath yet [Applause] sternly nuts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice to hear and in like five minutes you have a carload card you okay sorry guys I'm trying to get this done so that these guys can get on with their day [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] new dlc this second like two minutes I'm not even all won't even do the edges around the other head like but you got a good idea what this whole thing looks like let's do this section here in the middle I mainly just want to show you the inlays we can you can see all the rest in the finished video I played really that doll or not just not going off it happens when you're when you have don't come off yeah when you have the girls in the way the blade hits it all the time and it just dolls it's a beer blade and like one pass here this [Applause] so there was paint being coming off from the underside here I did not sand the underside down just so you know [Applause] but it won't have trouble sticking because everything wants to kind of pull itself under right now [Applause]
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 376,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, vinyl car wrap, vehicle wrap, car wrap, how to vinyl wrap, how to vinyl wrap a car, how to wrap, how to wrap a car, side mirror wrap, wrap a mirror, car side mirror wrap, wrap a side mirror, riviera blue, Porsche blue, gloss blue, light blue, vvivid vinyl, Avery, 3m, 3m 1080, oracal, apa, hexis, BMW, BMW 750i, BMW wrap, mirror wrap, vinyl wrap a side mirror, vinyl wrap, how to wrap a bumper, BMW bumper wrap, BMW M bumper, vinyl wrap a bumper, car
Id: lwWxUoKY9KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 45sec (4185 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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