C6 Yoimiya Went Horribly... (Genshin Impact)

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hi muglets today is a very special day we have c6uomia well we don't but Rocky AKA Rock wolf does rocky is also my very first God mode muglet and and we have a pretty poggers parasocial relationship so she let me use her account to Showcase her C6 yumia and since we can actually start at C4 we can actually compare she's been saving these constellations for like two weeks just so I can go in and I actually uh send her once we look at C4 and then you know C5 is just her burst which is whatever so I'm probably just gonna jump straight to C6 C4 sounds really good already her ease cooldown is decreased by 1.2 seconds every time her burst thing explodes which I think has a two or two and a half second interval time so you could probably do her e again really soon which basically just means I would need to be faster with rotations because typically by the time I get back to umia her e is already off cooldown C5 is just uh three levels for her burst which we're obviously gonna need to be doing her burst now but I don't I just can't really care that much about and then C6 during her her skill where she's firing pyro arrows there's a 50 chance to fire an extra fire arrow dealing 60 of the original damage so my quick not even napkin math would say this was like basically a 30 damage buff overall we won't see any higher numbers with this because I assume it'll be a separate number but it should be cool to see anyway they did have one request for this video and that I go through Abyss to showcase the C6 euromia I will try but I've never been on Rocky's account and I'm not really used to their characters so that's going to be probably pretty hard I'm hoping she has zhangli and angelon and Benny okay we have an ayaka team this is a very solid umu team as well I would imagine it's basically the main yoy Mia team Sino team I guess aggravate spread team hutao team another sort of spread aggravate team they do actually have the majority of the characters who are missing Eula Ito nilu kaven baiju sad ito's missing I cannot find Elon I didn't see that they didn't have Elon no oh okay well we can get away with sting show I guess is the Benny C6 at least you are at least halfway at yomi I mean as it says in your uh description there if your Benny's not too six I'm gonna get him to C6 I'm not even joking okay good gotta check out the builds as well we got R1 thundering pulse and four piece shimanawa I mean shimanawa is fine still think crimson's better especially at C6 but her burst typically is at the end of her rotation so I think as long as you start with full energy it doesn't really matter main stats attacked pyro quick damage there's really no other choice there I mean you could have crit rate but as long as you have a decent amount of crit rate it doesn't really matter 65 wow you actually have a really nice build 65 to 258 let's see what her yorms can do in my typical sort of uh yomiya Team here uh what's that big hit doing 87 kind of expected more but it could be my yulon was putting in a lot of work as well because she has that damage boost on her burst because that's why he's I'm pretty damn sure her yogya is better than mine uh the issue is we do kind of get burst at the very end there so I do kind of want to see what that C4 is doing so it lost 10 seconds with an 18 second cooldown so there's only eight seconds to swap to everyone else and do their stuff before coming back to yomiya which I mean should work if you only have their burst to do especially with shimanawa it's gonna be pretty hard to see her actual cooldown getting decreased when her bursting explodes so like now and I'm just gonna keep attacking oh yeah there it goes yeah I could see at least two procs before masanori died but yeah there was C4 let's go ahead and get uh C5 and six uh I am kind of curious about this extra arrow that fires at C6 I want to freaking just see that here it's really hard to actually see it because she is firing two arrows on like half of her normal attacks anyway oh wait no that was three all right cool let's just see that in action see if we actually see like three different pyro numbers pop up we're only Really Gonna use junglee just to get a shield yep that was three yep that was definitely three it seems like it's doing more than 60 of the damage though 13 13 15. oh I think I get it it's not 60 of this 63.6 it's 60 of the entire one hit damage like 127.2 which yes when you look at the individual numbers the bonus attack is higher than the first two because it's kind of split in half you know I mean it doesn't really change the initial math I would say it's basically a 30 damage increase for her skill which is definitely very significant so yeah we're gonna try Abyss with her new C6 euromia ginshin added a cool new feature where if you have a C6 character all you have to do is snap your fingers to immediately clear nine and ten all right cool so now we're moving on to floor 11 where we get normal attack damage increase by 50 which is cool I guess I should look to see which other units are C6 as well um of course we've got yomiya there now not even C6 Wanderer or kazuka is this a free to play account pretty much all of our five stars are C zero C2 ayaka C1 hutau which is good but I don't think I'd be using hutau and yomiya in the same Abyss so I'd probably prefer to go yumia on gc6 um I'm used to playing with a bunch of C2 and 3 characters so this is probably gonna be hard for me C4 Mona I guess I don't really use Mona what's also important of course is uh making sure they have like weapons and stuff on them or I will have Shogun in there map America I mean I guess it works maybe I'll go kaguru's Verity I don't think I'm gonna take Mikko 47 to 150 crate damage probably works more or less we are in five piece deepwood at the moment so we could change something I'll probably Swap this to dendro damage tignaris looks better so I'm gonna take that and yes I'm going to leave all this from the video so Rocky knows what to do to repair her account I'll try not to change too much though we're gonna do yomi a team first half as far as I remember second half doesn't really matter too much except for the end here we need dendro or cryo alongside Electro so yeah we're gonna just take the good old aggravate team I never really know who to pair with these two honestly hersara is raged I'm not sure if her star is C6 though I I didn't check that C5 why would you stop at C5 if he was in the banner I probably would have summoned to get that lost Sarah whatever we'll take Causeway I'm definitely going to use him wrong all the time I forgot it was a defensley line I think we should have vinti here but I'm gonna try it without her second half you don't really need CC but for first half it's it seems to be pretty important uh what are we at 83 percent uh 82 if we can stay at above like 75 I think we'll be all right because this other side here is a lot easier and we also have kazuha anyway 69 yeah I think we'll be okay I'm just going to save bursts now that wasn't too bad but we are still on floor 11. damn yoy Mia got her bursts like super super fast so I just kind of used it uh he is going into his shield phase anyway moving on to the final chamber here oh I did not think about this dude because usually we have yolan which can just bring that dude down oh well we still do have yomiya so if we really needed to we could have but uh oh I didn't even see this cryo Abyss Mage over here how's it going yes and then the two two Abyss Heralds yeah that wasn't too bad so that was floor 11. again though floor 12 is a whole different league and this floor 12 in particular is one of the hardest if not the hardest ever mainly because you need so specific elements for the inquisitive Baptist I think the biggest issue I had though is chamber one because the the Whopper flowers are so tanky and they just keep disappearing everywhere and then this floor is also takes a long time I remember I used vinti and actually that was pretty pretty good he's useless for the other two Chambers but they're easier so I think I'm gonna try that again I don't know how we're gonna incorporate yomiya into this though if I'm just looking at second half then I think I would go aggravate spread team with Benny and zhangli like this trying something like this it's a very wacky team but it might work just for first half oh man this is never going to work those pyro Whopper flowers take no damage from yomiya okay well this team is never going to work I might just ask Rocky what they used because I think they 36 started last time themselves probably to see me suffer yeah dude you have 40 seconds and we're not even done yet so so the team she used were vinti Shogun nahida and uh that's an issue because I stole her weapon I remember the other issue is this is a team for a good player there's no healing and no shields in this team at all I uh I'm not sure about that but uh I guess I'll try obviously we'd have to give Mikko her weapon back though I'll at least give Nikita lost prayer I I don't know who had that a second ago so that's also something I have messed up and uh you'll probably need to fix I forgot everything already so I I can't fix it sorry about that I don't even really know how to use Miko second team is water dude Benny kazuha and joy Mia so yeah again just Binny as the Healer no zhangli just just just nothing I don't understand how you how you got through this but whatever my shogun's already almost dead before the battle even started the stupid Whopper flower plants popped up and almost killed me I mean this is of course quite a bit faster I suppose is but considering we have no cryo or dendro for second half and that somehow Works uh I I assume we'll at least need some time um we will be at around half time it looks like yeah we'll see if it's enough and or if we even survive no no they just want at least we do have for healing in this team but yeah it doesn't doesn't really help again the stupid Whopper flower yeah we're at about half time again what I'm more worried about is that my entire team is also half dead so uh that's the side with the consecrated beasts what uh 44 seconds I mean they are all going into their Shield phase soon here oh no are we no she died damn it freezing bastards I think we're making slightly better time now oh just one left has a bunch of HP for some reason that's dumb where did he go now why is he invisible bad I'm like spamming Electro and dendro all the time how could they go invisible survive ish or not why why am I gliding oh man we're gonna be here for a while okay we have a little bit extra time this time like 20 seconds that could very well be enough no God they suck I still don't understand how they got rid of the hydro shield without cryo or dendro like I know there's only one and I guess it works eventually but like you would need a lot of time even if you're like never getting hit what what what [Music] this dude had no HP for like 15 seconds that was crazy it played the dying animation I'm sure of it why is the first chamber the hardest I think this might be our best run yet one minute ten for the first half our issue definitely seems to be more about dying than anything else though dude what is this how do you just dodge the abyss Herald when there's three of them going absolutely ape who maybe but it's just complete chaos with three and then I feel like there's zero chance of doing anything in chamber 3 without a Healer or a shield they just do a series of attacks that's like covers the entire screen with garbage and it's like what am I supposed to do I just feel like this is going to be impossible first half with this team actually I've gotten down pretty well I I don't get hit too much there because vinti is seeing them all the time second half just seems undoable though mad props are rocky though you're a much better player than I am though to be fair that is a that is a pretty low bar one over here my Mikko is more than half dead I don't know how much time we have left probably around half time but honestly it's not really mattering because we're just dying all the time anyway no no no no a guide this that was actually looking pretty good for a second there all right I think we're making the best time yet uh I also chose a different Abyss buff this time where we recover 30 of our HP for a burst I don't think it's gonna help that much here because we're literally just going from Full HP to zero in like half of a second so I guess we'll see stop please now switch switch no there is zero chance we don't even have enough time that that dude over there doesn't even have a shield yet there's 20 seconds what am I supposed to do with this are are you joking why is that one way over there and invisible is it dead oh there's a full health one okay and now there's just a full health Whopper follower that didn't get why is it doing this to me why now yeah it just keeps getting worse we're like at half time again it's like at that point where frustration and hopelessness makes you even a worse player no literally one shot literally one shot um I'm sorry I give up I don't know how to do this differently than I I've done it I don't know how to do this with your team's mad props to you you're like insane God gamer but like I can't do it I've been trying for two hours solid now and I can't even get close you know I can't even get close I really hate giving up but I don't know what else to do honestly I might be able to do it if I didn't have to use yomiya but like what's the point then this is kind of a yoinia showcase at the end of the day this one is the best time I've had by far we have gotten zhangly instead of Binny in the team I don't know if or how this is going to work to swirl the pyro now I was thinking maybe we just start with joymia burst go to kazua and then come back to joymia but then she doesn't even get the shimanawa proc so I don't know I'm getting quite desperate in the meantime seems like it just swirled Hydro anyway for some reason this time we actually were able to kill one so that's something but we have uh yeah no time left now so all things considered it's still like nowhere close I have really no idea how we're supposed to get rid of this Hydra one even swirling pyro I don't think will help that much power itself doesn't do enough either and our yomiya died I really tried my best I'm sure it could work with the team you said you did it with I'm not good enough I can admit that what can I say I'm sure it's possible just not for me I guess that'll do it tell me what you think in the comments below dropping like or subscribing if you enjoyed it is greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 72,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, yoimiya, c6 yoimiya, yoimiya build, new abyss, moga, honkai, star rail, hsr, mihoyo, hoyoverse
Id: we-5BXCOvVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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