11 of the MOST Regretted Genshin Characters

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it's showtime about a month ago a Reddit user by the name of Riri do you love me made a Reddit poll asking users to vote on what characters they regretted pulling the most and given that it wasn't an actual poll that people could just click a single response on 824 responses is pretty good they had to fill out a Google form where they could then type in their own response and then give a reasoning for why they regret pulling firsthand character they even gave explanations on each of the reasons so that there was no confusion as to maybe why people voted in this category starting at 11 and 10 which are the least regretted on the list and it happens to be a tie between the two starting off with Ryden Shogun why would people regret riding Shogun right at the gate I think we can eliminate two of these categories even from the possibilities and that is dated and team Synergy she's never felt dated you might feel that personally but I don't think she's dated by any means or any definition and team's energy Ryden Shogun has so many available team comps in various different styles somewhere she's a support and somewhere she's the main focus as the main DPS now a lot of these categories are highly subjective false polling and buyers remorse can happen on any Banner to any person a material Gathering fatigue could also happen to literally any character as for riding Shogun however I have one guess as to why people would regret this character and that is her damage no there's nothing wrong with her damage it is very good even at c0 but that is the problem people think they need C2 to be good either because they see people see to ride in Shogun and they assume it's c0 and they compare it to their own c0 and feel bad about it or because possibly the far more common case which is people love to over exaggerate the importance of the C2 and think she is only viable because of it which is strictly not the case it's easier riding Shogun is still very strong and sadly this is not the only time a character will suffer from this as we'll talk about later so let's just quickly move on to Wanderer because neither of these characters have a lot of votes Ryan is just kind of a little bit more interesting as for wander I don't really know why people would regret this character necessarily aside from being an Animo DPS that means he's Limited in team comps so he doesn't really have a lot of Versatility necessarily even though it was passive he technically does however one factor that may make people really regret him is if they never got C6 fires on or don't have C4 Gene those are two very important supports that without you would probably feel pretty damn bad other than that I don't know maybe somebody just pulled for his overall mobility and just didn't like his playstyle that came along with it there's any number of reasons again neither of them have a lot of votes so who knows I'm just gonna move on to the next one next up we have the animal archon venti now one reason why a lot of people might regret pulling for Fenty is because they eventually pulled for kazua just kazua by himself was enough to really put a dent in venti's usage rates however we didn't need a new character for him to start falling off the game kind of just did that just evolving since his main usage was to suck things up with his burst naturally as more enemies started to be put into the abyss that couldn't be affected by his burst he would just eventually start to fall off on his own as they say sucks to suck especially when all you can do is suck and no I'm not talking about you person using C1 NT as a main DPS on to number eight with hutao when we have our first graph showing us why people voted and we can see that gameplay clearly people do not like hutau's gameplay now he's disrepresentative of everyone absolutely not who tau is extremely popular that's undeniable and people generally love this character has everyone universally love her gameplay no that's never gonna happen there's always going to be people who do not like the way they play but I think what a lot of people don't like is her c0 why don't they like it for similar reasons that people like to talk down on c0 or Ryden they think it's necessary or they think it's the reason why they are viable or where they are in the tier list well that's simply not the case because it's what makes them overpowered without it they're still very strong stronger than most other characters in fact what's likely Happening Here is people are actually just reporting dissatisfaction with Caesar who Tau specifically now whether that's actual genuine criticisms about the jump cancel playstyle or whether they think it's just not that viable or they're really just Placebo affecting their own mind into thinking it's not that good we don't know all we know is that some people aren't happy with their purchase of futau and that's perfectly okay here at number six we have arataki Ito now why might people not enjoy Ito I can think of any number of reasons but going by the graph here it's a little bit of a mess unlike most other characters in this poll itos look like they're driven by just poor financial decisions slash mistakes I probably wouldn't have even included the impulse polls option because building pity is something you're always going to regret when it backfires and it often does backfire it certainly is still a way of regretting the character like you can regret that you got them but I just don't think it's the same as saying like I regret Ito because I really did like the character but I just didn't really like his play style it's not the same as me saying I regret pulling on Layla's Banner because I got this in any case why would people regret Ito well I can think of any number of reasons one his playstyle is very repetitive build stack spin Stacks build stacks spend Stacks throw a cow at some people I find it fun I can see why a lot of people wouldn't team Synergy he basically has none he has Ito and the boys which is Ito Goro Albedo and Jeong Li and there's a couple Flex spots but they're almost worse than that exact four team for the time being anyway I imagine for this very reason many end up regretting Animo and geodps they're rather simple and they just have a low ceiling because of it the head empty just hit things with geobat play style it's not for everybody and I totally understand that and that's what I thought a lot of people would have regretted I thought team Synergy slash team comps would have been the number one reason for regretting Ito because you require two other five stars and a c64 star to be optimal though a lot of people don't have that his damage is gonna suck his team's gonna feel kind of bad and even when you have that because damage is just rather average as for the buyer's remorse I don't think a lot of content creators were talking about I think people just got drawn in by his big massive personality and maybe the gameplay didn't quite live up to that standard coming in at number six we have Eula with user specifying well not specified and dated as the reasons they don't like Eula and uh I forgot to take footage of this before the the game went down for maintenance so uh yeah enjoy the demo while I talk about it it's very well possible that when people voted for dated for Eula they might have literally just meant that physical feels dated because it's it is it it reminds me of physical kaching when I started or Banning Razer for a bit or even the people who played physical shungling or physical Jeong Li and it's entirely possible to people who didn't specify just didn't find a box that said this character is a physical DPS to click if you're someone out there who hasn't yet gotten their hands on Eula and was maybe looking forward to her next rerun to pick her up but maybe this makes you a little bit hesitant let me tell you this Eula is still perfectly viable the only time you really struggles truly is when the abyss is cram packed with things like Abyss electors and Abyss Heralds exit of shields because then her physical damage really doesn't do much at number five we have gone you with an overwhelming majority saying gameplay seeing gameplay is the most stated reason is about as shocking as a new Call of Duty being announced so many people out there are so eager to tell everyone who will listen just how little they enjoy gonyu's gameplay you point and shoot you point and shoot or you play more Anna which I find to be one of the most formulaic and boring teams in this entire game I however actually really enjoy milk on you the freedom it gives me from this game's atrocious flaming trash bag of an auto aim system that can't be disabled is a value that I just can't appreciate it though coming in number four we have Xiao and just like on you I am not surprised to see him here I would have expected him to be on this list and if anything I'm surprised he's not a little bit higher much like gonu gameplay is stated as his biggest reason and again completely understandable the pogo stick is not for everybody I do believe that there is one moment where everybody at least has some level of regret playing Xiao and that's the first time they fight any big Elite and they realizes how much they get knocked back vishaps are particularly awful they act like those dudes that when they get hit in the nuts they go flying backwards like it was Goku that just punched them that alone is enough to drive me nuts I hate the knockback and is one of the biggest reasons why I just never actually play Xiao however we're talking about regret and one of the reasons why I would have expected him to be regretted is because they feeling dated he is dated he's one one of the oldest characters in the entire game he was in the beta and he kind of did what he does now except I I hear he was just a little bit better before but even so plunge attack spamming not exactly the most engaging gameplay so it's pretty easy to understand why a lot of people would end up regretting this character surprisingly not at number one we have child now why do I say surprisingly I always heard people crap on child it is an endless stream of non-stop crapping on this character for their gameplay now if you hate this character for other reasons like his personality maybe his exposed belly or purely being related to twos or believe me I understand I wouldn't admit to being related to Sir either but let me paint you a picture instead you grab a box of cereal one that everyone knows and loves but maybe you haven't tried it yet let's say Reese's Puffs because they're more like a dessert than a cereal you pour yourself a bowl you add in some milk if you like that me not so much you grab a fork to eat it with already pretty bad start then you decide to hold the fork by the prong end instead of the handle well now you've got a up pretty damn bad and you're not really gonna to have an enjoyable experience eating this cereal in fact you're probably not going to have any success at all the character doesn't really stand a chance to be good if my cat walking across my keyboard could play it better than a majority of players can now is this going to apply to everybody of course not there's going to be people who just actually hate child the way he's played admit that he is a good character and that he's just not for them and that's totally fine but that is not the case that I see most of the time child comes up in conversation a lot because these little reruns a lot he is a rather popular character All Things Considered people just don't like his gameplay but I find most the time it is rooted in people just not using him correctly moving on to number two we have CLE in holy hell where do I even start with Klee instead of listing all the reasons why people would regretly let me list the shorter list which is why people wouldn't regret Clee it's a very short list there's only one reason why you wouldn't regret clean and that's because you loved the character you just wanted her or her you didn't care if she was viable you didn't care if she was necessarily really fun or easy to play you just love CLE some people may not know this because people just generally don't care about this character anymore but she is arguably the most difficult individual character to play in the entire game having to put the most effort into her animation cancels to be rewarded with being the weakest 5 Star limited DPS in the entire game arguably now that kaching got buffed into Luke as a pirate unit she's probably just the weakest five-star DPS period and that's only if you play her optimally which I can guarantee you 90 percent of clean players aren't they're probably just spamming charge attacks spamming her Auto attack chain and that's totally fine have fun the way you want to have fun not everyone enjoys being sweaty and trying to learn these Combos and animation candles but even in the best of times she's struggling to keep up with other characters so if you play her sub-optimally she's going to feel even worse leading to gameplay feeling really subpar I just want to emphasize how fun this character is her personality is a blast pun intended and it's that tied to her popularity that may lead to her and characters like Ito becoming regretted characters they fall in love with personality themselves but maybe the gameplay just doesn't live up to their standards and at number one we have Sino poor poor Sino he never really stood a chance at not showing up on this list people were really excited for his character and he released basically incomplete what we really need for Sino to really take off as an aggravate carry is something like a shangling pyronado but for the dendro element something that follows him around and continues to apply dendro for his entire burst duration which sadly is not very likely because this burst is pretty damn long but what people mostly voted on was his kit slash his damage now my thoughts here are that people were really psyched on aggravate people still are aggravate is an amazing reaction after all just look at what it did for units like kaching and Fishel so then you release a brand new Electro hyper carry that people have been waiting for for over like a year well of course people are going to be excited They're Gonna Roll for him and they were bound to be disappointed with what they got because he just doesn't have the tools he needs personally I think it's rather refreshing to see not just like the Top 10 Weakest characters on this list yeah you actually saw some strong units like gonyu and hutau and even Ryden Shogun made it relatively High All Things Considered I am quite happy to see yoy Mia not on this list but maybe that's just because nobody pulls for yohimia so if nobody pulls for her nobody can regret her in any case thank you to my patrons and my members for supporting me as always links to my socials are down below if you would like to become one of those lovely supporters thank you to you for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ratheil
Views: 315,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Regretted genshin characters, most regretted, genshin regrets, alhaitham, raiden shogun, klee, wanderer, venti, eula, hu tao, itto, arataki itto, xiao, childe, tartaglia, wishing, wish, pulls, pulling, ratheil, rath, rathiel
Id: 0wbZuNPxs2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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