Lost Treasure In A Gold Mine

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there's a gold mine hiding right up there  and we're going to go find it hey guys my   name is Jason and on today's video we're going  to explore the underground workings of the old   silver tip gold mine in the Mount Baker mining  District we're going to do some mining we're   going to take some samples we're going to find  some amazing rocks and minerals we'll check out   some big trees we'll find The Old Mill site look  at some old rusty metal and some amazing views   so strap in and enjoy the ride our first stop  today is going to be finding the mill and back   in the day in the 40s and 50s they had a mill down  here that consisted of a jaw Crusher a ball mill   some flotation cells a rate classifier and some  willly tables there was a building here there's   an aerial tram down to the mill so that was what  75 years ago and now you you wouldn't know there   was a building here there was infrastructure and  now it's just all trees but I see some stuff here   behind me that I want to show you we're starting  to find some stuff that indicates we're getting close old rusty metal is always a good indication  there's a barrel there's some old junk over there   but I'm hoping somewhere in here I can find  remnants of some equipment a ball mill would   be cool a jaw Crusher uh an Old Shaker table  something like that but I I I love finding   old equipment in the woods here's some old pipe  that's a good sign were right on the edge of the   Avalanche shoot but what they would do is they  would typically put their Mill buildings kind   of right next to these old Avalanche shoots the  reason they did that is cuz they could get the   Aerial Tram down to the mill without cutting down  a bunch of trees they had a fairly straight shot   but what would happen is if you had a pretty big  Avalanche it would come in wipe out all the trees   and wipe out the mill and I think that's exactly  what happened here I believe I'm standing right   where the Old Mill building was right in here  looks like maybe an old part of the foundation   some big bolts sticking up there's something  over here a big piece of metal here's some   ETS there's some old pipe laying down in there so  this is this is where it happened this is where   they brought their stuff from the mine what do  we have here here's a concrete foundation thing   there what do we have here oh this is this is the  old rake classifier and this is kind of a a Sim   similar thing to our spiral classifiers but what  these machines would do is after it was crushed it   would go into the bottom of this rate classifier  with a bunch of water and they would overflow   probably here out the back and so anything that  would overflow here out the back was fine enough   to go onto the tables and the float cells anything  that sank down in this trough would get to the   bottom and then this this is just a bunch of  angle pieces of angle all in a big long line   run up this trough and what this rate classifier  would do is here's one attachment there's probably   another attachment up there so it would drop the  angle down on the bottom of the trough it'd pull   it up out of 6 in or something and then it lift  it up and go back and drop it and it would just   rake from this one to this one to this one to  this one to this one all the way up and if the   larger particles could make it all the way up  out the top they would go back to regrind and   anything else that would flow down and eventually  out the back would go into the flotation and the   concentration so this is a pretty cool fairly  complicated piece of Machinery to have drug   all the way out here into the woods what do we  have up here yeah some see it's all grown into   a tree now but there's the shaft it looks like  that shaft went through those eyes there and it   goes down and connects to that that rake system  and so somebody worked really really hard spent   a lot of money spent a lot of time getting this  thing up here so I'm staying at the Old Mill but   I expect that the other stuff the jaw Crusher  the ball mill the flotation cells those are   probably scavenged either taken to another M  site or they may have been cut up for scrap um   but there I don't see any evidence of them here  right now but this is for sure where the Old Mill   was so right in here here's that rate classifier  that's where the mill building was I've walked   out I don't know 25 ft away out here into the  Avalanche shoot and this is where see if I can   get a view looking up not really but up there to  the north is a big cut that's where the gold mine   is and in the winter huge piles of snow get up in  the head of that Valley and then sometimes they   come down through this Avalanche shoot and that's  why there's no trees there in front of us there's   trees on the right but often times every hundred  years or so you'll get a huge Avalanche that'll   come down and it wiped out all these trees and  wiped out the M building and that was it oh look   here's a here's another Foundation here so they  actually built it out into the Avalanche shoot   some that wasn't very smart another thing to  keep in mind when you're exploring These Old   Mill buildings and stuff is if you find it and  you find some equipment I always look downhill   cuz everything goes down nothing goes back up  here's some old Rafters here it looks like this   might have been the roof at one point there's  some old stuff laying over there some old trobs   let's go take a look over here here's some Roofing  and nails so this was part of the M building old tin some sort of old distributor  trough system here look at that what do we have here gutter maybe something to feed the tables  maybe an old set of Lights heck this is an   old light wire another set of Lights  I guess must have had electricity or   generators up here at one point man this  is a real deal this is this is a heck of   a lot of work to get all this stuff up  here come down below the mill building   a little bit here's some more tin looks  like a shroud off maybe a g generator or something old I don't know old piece of a car or  something maybe a generator shroud something like   that the old clips to hold down the but I mean you  could spend half a day here just looking around   for old rusty metal trying to piece together what  these guys did but I'm not so into rusty metal I'm   in Gold so let's head up the hill see if we can  find this gold mine well if you're a miner you   got to have these around it seems like old bottle  pretty good shape it just really makes me in awe   I guess of these oldtimers and what they would do  I mean I can I can't imagine getting a 15 ton ball   mill up here today and there's a road within 100  ft of the mill but 75 years ago imagine what the   road was like imagine what the trucks they had  how would you get it off once it's up here the   jaw Crusher it must have weighed tons generators  buildings all this stuff they had to do it's just   unbelievable to me the tenacity they had versus us  today I mean we could rent a for Clift or a crane   have it up here here we could build a building  we could do all this stuff and yet nobody in the   states is really mining I don't know maybe we've  gotten soft maybe we're just not into Metals   anymore maybe mining is just not that important  by the us we had a lot of small mines and I don't   know where they went it's incredibly difficult  to capture the Monumental size of the trees that   we have here in western Washington but here's a  cedar tree behind me my armspan is over 6 feet   and it doesn't even come close to the diameter  of this tree on the butt this is probably a 10   or 12T diameter tree they can grow up to 250 or  300 feet high this tree may have been here since   1,000 ad or maybe longer here's a look up the tree  you can't even come close to seeing the top for   those of you interested I have another YouTube  channel called SJ Forest Products I've cut a lot   of Cedar I've milled up a lot of Cedar it makes  great saunas great fences great decks you can   get three four5 a board foot for Cedar this tree  depending on how tall it is it may be worth 20   or $30,000 here's that big cedar tree we were  looking at earlier I just did the log scale   calculation so I determined the volume of  wood if that butt log is 33 ft long and 10   ft diameter at the top there's 27,000 board  feet in that one butt log and at $3 a board   foot that's almost $60,000 for One log so when  I said that tree might be worth $30,000 that   tree might be worth $100,000 but the next log  up might be six8 feet at the top so there's   got to be another 15 or 20,000 board feet in  that log it's it's unbelievable the amount of   wood in these trees and the value that they hold  $100,000 growing there in the forest I'm hearing   some some knocking at first I thought it was  a woodpecker but I've never heard a woodpecker   knock this loud it's up the hill from me a  little ways just bang bang bang bang on the trees I just heard it one time  and I didn't have the camera going but I don't know what that was I know all  the woodpeckers the biggest one we have here is   a pated woodpecker I've seen them I've heard them  spooky we're moving from the Timber off into the   more open Avalanche shoots I'm going to try and  make it up to this chunk of trees here because   it keeps the brush down but I wanted to show you  these this is Western Washington's Cactus this   is called devil's club and it's covered in spines  and they have the same thing like a cactus they're   Barbed in the end so if they get in you you  have these little blisters and they take forever   to go away because that little bar breaks off  under your skin and your body does not like it   so you try and stay out of the devil's club but  sometimes you just got to walk right through and   be careful so this is what the Avalanche Shoots  look like just covered in this brush it grows   under the snow so when The Avalanches come over  it doesn't take out any of this brush stuff and   then when it opens up and thaws out in the  spring you get this huge Brushy it's really   hard to walk through luckily for me it hasn't  leafed out yet but it's still quite thick and   hard to walk through so you really want to stay  out of these Avalanche shoots if you can Doug fur trees 200 ft tall 8T at the base   cedar trees looking up the hill behind me huge  Dougs huge Cedars I'm in a Grove of trees right   now that's probably worth a million bucks and  it's a quarter of an acre beautiful stuff look   at these Cedars over here beautiful Cedars clear  wood that's Prime shake shake wood clear oh I just   can't get over it I'm a tree guy what can I say  my kids tease me about being a tree guy but when   you get in a stand like this it's hard not to be  I want to talk a little bit about geology now and   Western Washington is a little bit unique in that  there have been some pretty big gold discoveries   big is the wrong word Rich gold discoveries but  it's really really hard to prospect why is that   just look behind me there's no rocks it's all  Duff Boulders that have fallen off the hill   sitting on top but there's no outc crop there's  nowhere to get a look at what's underneath the surface and that's a real problem  if you're trying to find gold   cuz I come through here I don't know what's under  my feet and it may be 10 ft down so it's very   very difficult to prospect here and most of the  prospecting and most of the mines in the district   are way up high way above the tree line where you  can actually see the Rocks the problem with that   is they're covered in snow for 9 or 10 months  of the year and so you can't get to them and so   I think there's some amazing amazingly rich and  possibly incredibly large gold deposits yet to be   discovered in western Washington just cuz we can't  find them you can't Prospect this even The Creeks   all the Creeks have been glaciated in the last 10  or 15,000 years all the plaster has been wiped out   of them so it's really really difficult to find  gold in western Washington I'm out in the middle   of nowhere there's no flat spot around it's really  pretty steep there's no trails and look what I found an old piece of tin like an old piece of tin ripping where did that come from I mean I'm up underneath some rock  cliffs in the trees somebody must have   built something up higher and it came down  the hill so we're on the right track track   well here's a discovery so just down the hill  from me there was some tin just below this   u tree there's some more tin right there and  I came up over this little rise there's some tin here's a hinge see that some old  Timbers I think there's a collapsed   portal here I'll zoom out so you  can see what I'm talking about   yeah there's something soft under my foot there so  I think someone had a little Prospect right down   in here and it's since collapsed but there's no  record of this on any map there's no talk about   any Prospect over on this side of the creek  or the fault so this is this is pretty cool   this is there's probably hundreds or thousands  of these spread out all over the Mount Baker   mining district and they're not recorded who  knows what they found it probably wasn't very   good since there's not a really huge dump pile  there but someone saw something around here that   they thought was good enough to bring all of  their stuff up a bunch of junk and steel and   tin and build a portal and see if they could find  some gold so it's it's really really cool for me   to come out and find these things this whole  process for me in part is about recording the   history of the Mountain Baker mining District  a lot of people will never find it they don't   know where it is there's some discussions about  it in old books but getting out here getting it   on camera so everybody can see it's pretty  cool we walk down the skinny little Cedar okay be on the lookout for any rusty metal I'm over on the east side of the fault  where the mine's located and the rock type over   here is darington filite this is what darington  filite look looks like it's metamorphosed seafloor   sediments that have been accreted up on to the  North American Plate and when those sediments   got accreted they metamorphosed into kind of  like a shist fillite is kind of the term but   there's this what's called sweat quartz and during  that metamorphic process there's bands of quartz   in these fillite Boulders and in the Bedrock this  is a big piece of float here my theory on this is   that the seafloor sediments have very very finely  disseminated gold and the filite is the same host   rock as my mine that I mine gold in it's the same  host rock as some of the other Rich mines in the   district and the common factor is all these mines  got to get away from these mosquitoes all these   mines have filite close and an intrusive uh ous  Rock So granite a felsic intrusive ous rock and   it's really common in gold bearing districts to  have these intrusive Granite plutons come up they   bring with them a bunch of water super super hot  water it circulates through the Rocks around them   can dissolve some of these Metals gold lead zinc  copper silver gets all this stuff dissolved in   these super hot fluids and then as those fluids  find a crack or a little weak spot they will   inject themselves into that weak spot forming  gold veins base metal veins that kind of stuff   so my theory and I'm going to do whoa and I'm  going to talk about this on another video here   in the future about prospecting new gold deposits  in western Washington and the Mount Baker mining   District in particular you're going to be looking  for the fillite or these metasedimentary rocks and   an intrusive body very very close and you're going  to walk along that contact looking for your gold   Rich quartz veins I hope you guys enjoy this cuz  I feel a little bit ridiculous walking around in   the woods talking to myself talking about trees  and rocks and gold but leave me a comment down   below if you like this you want to see more  of this CU I enjoy doing it and I enjoy the views here's another indication we're on the  right track wire I don't know if that's like   an old telephone line or what but it's  running right up through those trees   I am sitting right on a fault the valley up  behind me is the trace of the fault it goes   all the way up and over the mountain and  it goes all the way behind me and up over   the next Mountain this fault contains the  structure that the fluids were placed in   that carry the valuable Metals the gold silver  copper lead and zinc on this side the east side   it's darington filite on this side is more  metasedimentary more uh calite and carbonates   and right where this fault meets and the two  move against each other that's the conduit   where these fluids could come up and in place  the ore over on the west side is where most of   the mineralization occurs there's nothing that's  been discovered on the east side the gold mine   the adits punch into the west side of this fault  and cross cut several Shear zones that hold the   metals so that fault runs all the way up behind  me I'll turn the camera around so you can see Goes   Down the Avalanche shoot the mill is back over in  these trees back in here but it goes all the way   down across the road across the creek and straight  back up the other side right up that gou in the   side of the mountain and right over the top of the  mountain so this is a big structure a big conduit   for fluids and it's no accident that the miners  found some pretty good gold deposits up right near   this fault now as I've been walking up this Talis  in the fault I've been looking for float and every   Rock every single piece I see coming off the east  side of this drainage here is all darington filite   there's no marish caly nothing whereas just right  over there that's a different rock type and the   fault separates the two the old literature said a  barely discernable Trail will lead you up to the C   in the mine and that was written way back in 1966  in the olden days so I think I'm on to something here there's what I'm following barely discernable  I'm standing on a Switchback it goes up there and   then across the top above that big rock and  between that huge fur in that Boulder so let's   hope I'm on the barely discernable path and I end  up at an old cabin site well hot dog my tracking   skills aren't too bad there's that big old fur the  trail came right around here onto this flat spot   and there's rusty metal there's old cans hey look  at this they don't make them like that anymore Pepsi what else we got we got an old fan over here an old jar I don't know if I want to  open that I think this is blackberry jam   and you can still see the blackberries in it  see that I don't think I'm going to open it   but somebody left their blackberry jam up here  and I found it but this flat spot here behind   me is where the cabin was or some structure  man they did a lot of work to take this out   of the hillside cuz it goes way up on this  side and it goes way down on that side down   into the creek we're back into the creek  we're very very close I can actually see   a piece of rail right behind me sticking out  of the bank there but I've got a couple pieces   of float I want to break open see if I can  see some mineralization so here's one of the   pieces that caught my eye the old saying the  rder the better I'm going to break this guy   open see what we can find here's a fresh break  sulfides lot of shinies in there more sulfides   down here and notice it's not in the fillite  this is in more of that calite metasediment rock that in this situation holds the goodies  here's a rock we've seen before I did some   videos on this last year this is that green Lite  is what it's called Uh I've been doing a little   more research I think this might be garite  would be another term for it it's a nickel   ore and it's very interesting that we're finding  it here because it's similar and what I find in   some of the other Creeks around it's a very very  pretty rock well not terribly exciting looks like   it's mostly filled on the inside and we just had  a few slabs of it on the surface but it's a very   pretty green blue color look at that big old  inline six some of you out there may be able   to identify that thing based on the history  of the mine it's probably 40 vintage looks   like it's on some sort of skid there and they drug  it all the way up here and that's where it lives huh there's some rail coming  out of the Hill there's some   more so the mine's just up there  here's the cable for the Aerial Tram and there's the portal  there it is the Silver Tip and not too bad of a view we're just inside  the Silver Tip portal on my left over here is   a huge air compressor there's an old air  tank out front behind me there's several   hundred feet of workings they Crosscut several  different Shear zones so I'm excited to get back   there and look their primary minerals  were gold silver copper lead and zinc   here's maybe a little bit better look at that  engine and compressor I have absolutely no   idea how they got this up here and in this  portal it's a beast of a machine fuel tank   they on front they had a little covered Hutch  for it did a little Timber work here and then there's down into the workings a little bit  of water will hop through I think let's see   if we can get through here without  getting totally sloppy wet it looks   like it maybe shallows up there  a little bit once we get in here okay all right we're on semi dry ground here so this is actually quite interesting  out by the portal I didn't show you but it   was more of that marble stuff and this is a  little lens of filite so we're in that kind   of sheer Zone going on here we might  go through a couple different types of rocks someone's been in here sampling or at least flagging old Timbers or sleepers I guess on the floor I'm 6ot I got to bend over  a little bit but not too much here's a little slip it looks like maybe some  mineralization right in there so that looks pretty   good it looks like we may be still in the fillite  but there's a series of these Crosscut Shear zones   that one goes up there quite a ways five six feet  there's a couple down here that were pretty highly mineralized there's a little raise here is  a slip that they drifted on both North and South that I believe is the structure they were following some good looking mineralization there so we're going to check that  out as well I want to just punch   all the way back here though and  see what we see there's a wrap's nest here's some cool old stuff let's see what  this is that looks like a little Slusher bucket whoa there's an air tank track they bent around that's a big tank here again we hit a little seam mineralized gouy looking stuff  that looks like a Slusher bucket to me some old panels it looks like  this was probably abandoned and   they came back and worked on that raise after the fact air hose I thought I heard something rustling back  here so I'm a little bit timid but I don't   see anything another cross cut I don't  see much in the way of mineralization   on this one cc n44 not sure some old  Budweiser cans what year are those from here's a nice little nest for  something that's fresh probably what   I heard wrestling around down here and  then they were piling their waist back   here it looks like they've filled this  halfway full with junk some old pipe so   this is something they were not  planning on continuing it looks like and maybe that's why they quit is because  they've Crosscut three or four different Shear   zones and they've gone all the way out  of the fault and they weren't finding any   more mineralization so let's go back and see  about what we can find on those mineralized   spots on the shear zones the Silver Tip vein was  discovered by HC wells in 1896 and was one of the   first discoveries of the district the principal  metals of the vein proved to be gold silver and   copper in 1938 the Silver Tip mining company was  formed by Ray block of Seattle a small flotation   Mill was constructed on the property in 1945 and  shipments of concentrates and ore were made to the   Tacoma smelter in the winter of 1949 1950 a snows  slide destroyed the mill the or minerals appear   to be confined to a North 45° West trending Shear  Zone in pre-jurassic filite and celicious shisto   marble and contain veinlets of calite as well  as stringers of quart in most parts of the shear   zones metallic minerals are sparse and consist of  disseminated pyite ptite and arop pyite however   some parts of the sheer zones contain ores these  ores appear to be lenticular replacement bodies in   celicious Marble in some ores sphalerite copyrite  and Galina occur as well defined bands with little   if any gang assays of Representative material  from these or shoots as well as float showed   the following values gold11 to 42 o per ton  silver 1.6 to 49 o per ton copper 49 to 6.41%   and lead 05% the longest add it is 240 ft long  and it crosscuts four Shear zones that have been   drifted on for a combined length of 180 ft near  the first cross cut which is about 100 ft from the   portal a 30t incline raise leads to a small Stope  currently the southern addit is completely caved   and I can only explore the northern addit shown  at the upper section of this map we're going to   go up that little raise on the first Shear Zone  that we intersect and see if we can find some ore   minerals and some samples to take back here's a  quick look at all the Silver Tip claims this is   the last seam the farthest seam to the west or  into the workings and it's actually pretty cool   you can see exactly where the fault is these  two I don't know if it's a fault the seam the   slip and you can pull this rock out and you can  see on it slicking sides from the Rocks moving   together but it's right there I mean I can put my  finger on it it's right there all this other stuff   is real soft and gouy I can you know it's kind  of clay like very common along the fault zones   here's a piece that I think you can probably  see slicks on if I get it in the right light   shows the movement of the fault and so in this  case let's see if we can get one kind of in s to it might be hard hard to see on the  camera but I can see in the light that   the slicking sides are going this way so  this is like a strike slip movement this   would be up and down this is strike slip  and that tells me the last movement this   thing could have gone up and down for a  mile and then the last couple of slips   could have gone strike slip so I can't tell  you that this went 500 ft strike slip this   way but that's the last movement it's and it may  have not moved hardly at all we can't really tell   but it's it's these zones that would be the  conduit for bringing the minerals up into the   host Rock and if the chemistry is right and  the temperature right and the fluid houses   the metals this is where they deposit all  kinds of treasures though an old flat shovel Delco something electric Automotive Electric   something I wonder what that  says made in USA I can make that out it's an old electric motor I guess oh there's the other  piece of it what else we got big eyes those are heavy more electrical stuff  I don't know what that is so that ways back   to the portal you can probably even see  some light there's some light so I think   this is the first Shear Zone the raay  is right there we'll climb up that in   a minute but this is the first Shear  Zone I wanted to take a look back here   because they did some work moving this way a  couple of stalls one of those are for a Slusher [Music] bucket stalls Timber down on the ground huh did a little whoopy here kind of  curved around here's the fault they were following   or the the Metalized Zone cool stag ties they're  hard look at them all probably from that solici   fied marble host but I don't see any no Stope  no ore no no nothing here well they had an   aerial tram in here so I don't know if they  were just send an ore down from their cross Cuts or if once we climb up this Stope  here we'll actually be able to see some   pretty good mineralization it sounds like  most of the mineralization was out in the surface so we'll go figure that out out later  right now let me climb up this Stope that goes   up about 45 50° see what's up there well there's  down so we came up that little raise brought you   up into the Stope there's some stalls Timbers  looks like they drifted off that way a little   bit and looks like they drifted up that way  a little bit but I would would not call this   a Stope really uh I don't see anything really  exciting as far as mineralization either this   is the end of that what I thought was the  Stope I was concerned when I saw all this   wood and stuff down here I didn't like  that but I got up here and they did do   a little bit of stooping up in in there I have  no idea how you get a human up there it looks   horrible I would I don't even like standing  here but man oh man it's RAV nasty ground I don't well I don't know maybe there's  some rusty looking stuff up there but   God how do you convince the guy  to climb up in there and do the work and the other thing is that's perpendicular  to the trace of the fault more or less oh look   at those hanging there God look at that one  hanging there oh look at those hanging there   I don't like anything I see here oh God they  went over what the heck they went over there   how do you get how do you get over  there oh goodness gracious let's   get out of here I don't like this at all  what about over here this is that other section yeah see that doesn't that doesn't interconnect do I dare go over there I don't know  if I want to go over there all right I'll go over there all right let's see if we can  get up here without killing ourselves there's a little something over there it looks   pretty good actually like this stuff  looks pretty good best best looking stuff God how did they get back up in there that is the craziest little Rat Hole I  wonder if that connects with the other at it somehow well I'll tell you this I'm not going  to be doing any banging on these walls let's   get out of here I don't see anything  I don't see anything worth mining up   here it did a heck of a lot of work not  a lot of gold I got to get out of here okay oh yeah we're back made it out of the Silver  Tip alive well the portal we just went in was over   there and right up here behind me right up in  there is the the southernmost portal but it's   caved we're not going to be able to get in  there so let's go try and find some outcrops   where we can see some real gold I came up over  the top I'm on the west side of the creek now   I would not recommend going that way it's  Steep and nasty and I'm coming down through   this Forest kind of down a ridge I came across  this thing I want to show you it might not look   like much but it's a stack of rocks and it  looks like somebody stacked those there also   in the middle there's some burned wood a  little leveled area it looks like somebody   made a little Foundation there a stacked  rocks um oh dead giveaway look at this a shovel handle's long gone that's been here a long time  I think there was a little cabin   site here let me look around  a little bit more but this is probably turn of the last century back in the  1900s 19 teens maybe oh there's some more stuff   down there oh this is cool guys check this  out there's a big flat spot somebody worked   flattening out and then we're finding old  artifacts look at this an old cross cut saw   a piece of rail iron old cast part probably do  a stove oh yeah see here's the here's the stove foot manufactured by Pioneer Stove  Company that's a pretty piece there another leg stove leg God somebody pulled that  all the way up here what does this look like oh it's the door the door of an old  cast stove look at that is that called   the FL De le isn't that the French the French  symbol who's from France isn't that a French thing that's pretty cool and they they worked on a flat spot  right right here all the way back through   those trees it's probably 15 or 20 ft across  by 50 ft long I don't know if there was a   whole cabin here it looks like there's a a tree  down here that they may have used as part of the foundation but now the question is what were they  doing there must be some workings pretty close   here well I looked all around about half an hour  couldn't find anything no Trails no nothing just   this little cabin site and the one up above it  that I'm standing in so I'll dive over the hill   see if we can find some outcrops and get some  samples so I've grappled with this in the past   there's some cool stuff here that cross cut saw  those legs in that stove that the coolest thing   is that stove front there that door with the cast  FL to Le or whatever it is in there I don't know   if I should take it it's going to rot away here  in the forest but it's kind of a historical thing   as well there's there's no probability of anybody  finding this again um and so I don't really know   what to do I'm going to leave it for now I know  where it is but what do you guys think leave me a   comment should I take this stuff back and put it  in the museum or should I leave it in place for   somebody in 100 years to maybe find it again I'm  going down the hill I'm just below the cabin I'm   on what I think if I really use my imagination  could be a trail an old trail um and the the   truth of the matter is is I could walk within  50 ft of a portal and not know between the El   elevation relief I mean look you know over there  it just kind of cliffs out over the edge between the foliage the steepness the duff it's  really really hard to find anything here   well the farther down I go it's getting steeper  not flatter see if I can get you oriented there's   about level so it's going way down way down  Steep and then if you look down it just goes   way down fast hope I don't get cliffed out  here how in the world did those guys get all   that stuff up there I can barely go down this  and they had to take all that stuff up way up   tough tough as Nails I mean you look out there  50 ft and you see the tops of trees that are   150 ft tall my fear has almost come true I've  got Cliffs all over there a little tiny Shute   right down here I'm Going To Shimmy down and  then Cliffs all over there so hopefully once   I get down this Little Chute we won't have as  steep a Terrain to deal with well I just made   it down my Chute of Doom there and I stumbled  across this rock it was all rusty see if I can   perching the side of this mountain here but  look what you're finding inside pyate cubes mineralization that looks like what  we saw in The Fault underground and   if you look down there's a little  fin of it right there it might run   down this Chute so now we're starting  to see outcrops of mineralized rocks and it's in that oh mosquitoes look at  how big they are they're huge um they're   in that celicious calcified marble looking  stuff and that's where our mineralization   is so let's go find more of that I seem  to find one every time I go out in the woods balloon big silver balloon we'll pack him out of  here well this is interesting look here   that's a little ladder not a ladder I guess  it's something that they put nails in Cross   pieces somebody was going around this corner  on a little Trail there's the trail right there   I wonder where it goes I guess we follow  it huh it's going back up I don't want to   go up well the trail led me out into the  Avalanche shoot here I'm way down from the   mine and against my better judgment I'm  going to go along here see if I can find   the creek bed and see if I can find any float  cuz I didn't have much luck finding the source   on the way down the mountain I made it into the  creek bed I'm down here whacking on my rocks and   there's some really nice pyite in some of these  so I'm finding this kind of quarty I don't know   brownish looking Rusty stuff and it's got quite  a bit of mineralization in them I can feel the   weight it's heavy there's another piece of this  green stuff here's a little bit better close-up   view of it just pyite ptite speckled through  there this will be a good one to take home and   slab I want to cut some of these and see what I  can see in them but they're not terribly exciting   looking on the outside are they but once you get  inside they're pretty good here's another piece I   knocked off that looks like ore to me there's some  of that real pretty green stuff that's some really   good looking list one night right there I'm gonna  have to pack him home and slab him up too I found   some really good gold in this i' I've slabbed this  and then looked it with the microscope and almost   little bands of gold in some of these it's rare  obviously but some of these have some really high   grade gold in them let's talk about bears there's  a big pile of bear crap I haven't seen any today   but they're around that's my first sign  so I don't have a gun don't have bear   spray I got a hammer in rock though maybe  that'll scare them off uhoh I'm on their trail go away Bears here I come I'm back on the   road I'm tired I'm hungry  the Silver Tip is up there going to get these rocks back home  we'll slab them up and see what we   can find we're in the Rock Shop let's  get a few of these guys chucked up in   here get these slabbed up and see what they  look like all right let's have a look here   we'll get it wiped off a little bit but  that is a pretty cool looking specimen there here's a look at what we cut we got our  list one here really beautiful green gray white   streaks in there I got a couple little lanite  standups that one's got some really cool texture   to it and then this piece has a couple a big  pieces of ptite in it I believe sulfide and   then I had this piece here that I grabbed  on the way down I don't think I got it on   camera I thought when I broke a fresh surface  with my hammer that the little black things   or sulfides but now that it's cut I don't know  if they are or not we'll have to take a look   at the microscope but I've got a little  stand up of him another little slab and   then this one here is so small I'm not going  to worry about cutting it but I think this   is probably the ore from the Silver Tip those  guys were going after this is the float full of sulfides now I'm going to use this little phone  microscope to take a look at some of our slabs   and if you guys are interested in this thing I got  a link to it in the description below first up is   one of our list one night standups here here's a  little interesting section in this standup there's   some sulfides right along this little band  and I don't know if that little yellow stuff   is gold in there or not but definitely some good  mineralization there's a large piece of sulfide   there now let's take a look at this this piece  here with all these little black flecks in it yep   sure enough all those little black flecks in this  one are little sulfide crystals it appears to be ptite but this guy is just loaded with  sulfides there's a real nice section   of sulfides there and maybe a little piece of  gold right in the middle maybe just under the   surface there's a piece of gold right there  right in the center that thing is a little   piece of gold it's small but it's in there yep  sure enough I'm going to throw some of these   pieces up on eBay if you guys are interested  in getting a piece of the Silver Tip history   but thanks everybody for watching I hope you  enjoyed it we'll see you in the next video
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 81,294
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Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc
Id: 0b9XrY4j_oo
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Length: 59min 23sec (3563 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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