Untouched Abandoned $5,000,000 Custom Luxury Mansion Built in 1977

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yo what's up you guys ethan again back at it another epic adventure um today what i have for you is actually really cool so we're in this massive um i don't know if i call it a mansion it is very large um in standards of when it was built it was probably a mansion but yeah this is going to be demolished there's a sign in the window that unfortunately i can't show you because the address is on it as much as i want to show you but i can't um this is going to be demolished and they're going to put something in its place something big and new like usual this house was built in 1977 um a lot of original features still which you'll see um and yeah i think you guys are really going to enjoy it um let's get right into it all right so we're going to start off here in the front door front flyer like you guys uh like me to do so again this is obviously like a more modern front door this has been replaced it seems but then you got these california shutters which are really nice okay your closet here nice glass handles on both sides okay this i think this is a vent i've never seen anything like that before but there you go it's kind of a weird different vent there's like no cover on it it's just like hitting the floor you got these nice floors here and then look at this this is what you see as soon as you walk in your flight is this oak winding staircase really nice you guys know i love my staircases and this is just a beauty so let's step off into here so we have a room you take a step down here this is probably the family room got all these nice big windows with the shutters and then in between you have mirrors to say what is up you guys what is up you guys what is up you guys what's up you guys you guys say it for me and then now yeah so it's just a big pretty big amp room you have the original wood parquet flooring and some pot lights or some molding up on the ceiling and then coming in here which i think is the dining room okay you've got which probably had a chandelier right there looks like it was removed which is good for the places bulldozed this place is just so big like it's just it's just massive in size it's just you know it's a shame this is just sitting here empty for a house that's only 44 years old it's just you know this isn't old this is a large luxury home that should be you know lifting so there's the dining room i like the wayne scotting around the the wall there that's really nice beautiful dining room okay and then you're gonna come in here to your kitchen which looks like it was redone in the 90s maybe or maybe early 2000s this is definitely not a 70s kitchen but still very nice nonetheless stove top with the hood pot lights up there nice countertops i like that i don't usually like the newer stuff but that uh it's really nice actually and i mean these are probably yeah they're all empty i'm not even going to bother to go through them pot lights up above the sink nice double-sided sink there there's a backup a look at the back you have a pool which we'll take a look at got a nice center island lots of storage and then on this wall you have the fridge which matches the cabinets and we did a house back in i think it was like october or november that had the same style where the fridge matched all the cabinetry so that's really cool you can see just flashing so obviously the house must have power still they haven't cut it so cabinets here little counters tough space lots of lots of space that's a storage room so that's cool got the well maybe not original dishwasher but this looks older than everything else in here maytag yeah got the back door i'll bart off and then here you have oh wow this isn't that really nice you have a um probably living room maybe they got me in the living room beautiful like look at the wood beautiful look at the fireplace wood paneling everywhere oak on the ceiling even you got beams walk out to the deck that is beautiful let's take that in for a second guys these floors look newer i bet you originally it was carpet in here because these are newer floors it was either carpet or the same old um parquet you know i notice walking on this floor it creaks right a lot quite a bit it just feels you know cheaper whereas if you walk on the original floor it's so much it just feels more solid you know like if you just kind of hop on it like it's it's solid it's supposed to show the quality really here's a room that is dark dude okay no we didn't okay so i'm gonna flick the light on here um it doesn't really do much well kinda this is probably the office or the library as they call it there's a light up there i wonder since the house has power if that light works what sure does kind of half of it beautiful oh no it came on and then i'm guessing that this was probably an intercom at one time it looks like just a really nice house beams track lighting and then i really like how the outside of the door is white to match the foyer and then in here it's wood so it would match that is really really cool okay okay so back out here oh what's this got the vacuum no the laundry room washer and dryer there's the side door basement which we'll get to i believe there's two entrances to the basement so oh it's this nice restroom bathroom using fancy words now hey they took the mirror they didn't want us in it so you guys gotta say it for me nice floor i like that wallpaper oh it's like that cloth what's it called grass cloth wallpaper look at this okay beautiful all right let's go check out upstairs first and then we'll do the basement i'll see you guys uh up there okay guys let's head upstairs this is a really large staircase feels very grand okay smells like she's been sitting for a while look at that view all right holy smokes what is up you guys master bedroom i'm assuming because it's effing massive pretty plain just big and mirror i guess is cool what is up you guys walk-in closet is nice it's got its own window i can already tell there's gonna be people thinking i got permission to be in here and it's for sale and if only you knew the uh stuff that gets bulldozed around here this is nothing you think this is something you even see nothing there's houses that are 15 years old less than 10 minutes from here that have been bulldozed so something big can be put up so i promise you this is not for sale this is not waiting to be moved into no i don't have family that just bought it they let me walk through it none of that nonsense this is this is getting taken down this is a nice washroom i think this definitely could be from the 70s this bathroom what's up you guys i like these wall sconces those are beautiful is that a sink there oh it's his and her sink and usually they're beside each other but um not in this case okie dokie let's keep rolling oh look at this take a look take a look oh yeah staircase and a half okey-dokey let's keep going bedroom got some paint peel up there she's peeling we've got some uh painting probably from a young artist maybe a child that's nice wonder why they leave that it's a shame track lighting up there construction stickers let's go for the boys okay so not much going on blue pretty plain carpet what's this oh nice big cedar closet that's a nice solid heavy door beautiful closet well maintained very nice you have a washroom what's up you guys we have a medicine cabinet that's not empty that's original that top 100 i think the curtain matches it at the fogged window frosted glass is the word i was looking for not bad look at the paint peel up here it makes you wonder how like this house hasn't sat that long and the fact it's already doing that it's like you know it's a empty closet i'm not even gonna let's look at this staircase from back here look at the ant man i love staircases they're so cool especially ones like that holy we got a lot to look at still okay so here's a bedroom pretty empty actually very empty but i guess what do you expect i mean you know it's about to be demolished you can't expect it to be you know full of stuff like everything oh this is a cool washroom look at this okay this is original you have the wallpaper that goes all the way up to the ceiling what's up you guys those are original for sure for sure the tub for sure so i mean like look you've got a mixture of original 1977 decor you've got stuff that looks like it's from the 90s and then i've seen stuff that looks like it's from mid-2000s ikea so i mean it you got a whole blend of stuff going on in this place these are very like good sized bedrooms like obviously you know it's yes it's a big house but it's just like the fact that every bedroom we've been in like has been notably a good size that one's a little small but actually might be the same size as this one but you know what i mean like yeah like these that's cool i like it better than that shutter style okay um last bedroom you guys didn't even count this is one two three four is a five bedroom house i think at least five with three bathrooms up here this is probably the second biggest bedroom i think kind of big good-sized closet i take it the red hook there see where the bed's at right there on the floor huh okay not too shabby i like this one quite a bit there you go so i'll take some photos up here and then we're gonna go take a look at the basement hey guys i'll be right with you all right you guys let's go check out the basement so i have not been down here yet so this is all going to be reaction pure reaction we may need the host does have power and i think we're probably going to use that to our benefit um musty old storage closet with some mold no light switch there's mold down there take my word for it you may be able to see that what's that a restroom what is up you guys what are the style of these lights called are there there's a name for these and i it's not coming to me i'm going to get a bunch of comments tell me what it is that i'm going to remember right away but again grass cloth wallpaper look how they look at the switches these are old-school switches this is the furnace whoa oh hell no you know furnace cold storage oh it's musty in there oh i hate that smell geez here's the other staircase we see in the laundry room so it does sound like the ac or something's on it is dark is hacking here holy whoa a bar and a fireplace okay holy crap that's a 70s bar lights work let's get out front look at that with the lights on beauty i wonder why they even cut the power yet there literally is the green demolition uh permit is stuck stuck in the window out front it does not even make sense to me why this is still lived in or lived in what the hell am i saying still powered she's lived in oh he's got to shut off the lights and then what's in here do we even need to bother with in here oh unfinished space that's the back of the staircase you can see it's curved why would they not finish this what a waste of space and i guess if you already have your rec room why why even bother but damn dude oh water tank yeah that's definitely on it's weird they're really weird does this boy light up yeah oh does this switch light these spotlights up here maybe no i don't know how you light these two up but whatever anyways you get the idea oh we gotta do the look we gotta do the look guys oh yeah look at that that's beautiful that curved staircase looking up um i think you've seen the whole house now i want to take another look at this because i just i feel like we went through this too quick and i just like it's the fact that the carpet on it is the same carpet on the floor it goes right up it that's a 70s thing and then back here put this on again got a sink is the water work oh my god it does how did these open ones you push and they pop open okay so it's empty um keep a lot of liquor in there boy but damn like that's that's i really like this this is probably aside from the staircase this bar is probably my favorite part of the whole house so and obviously this fireplace is beautiful this whole brick wall is a fireplace but um and we're gonna light that up again so i hope you guys have enjoyed this one um i said i was going to show the pool but for reasons um of this house being they're gonna close that for reasons of this house being like found and like vandalized we're not gonna show the exterior you guys seen it through the window so i hope that's enough but yeah that's gonna do it for this one i hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i did i had my eye on this one for a while couldn't get in the first time i tried then i seen another explorer got in i'm like all right it must be open now and we came and got in so anyways that's gonna do it for this one guys i hope you enjoyed and you know what let's do property let's put this around um i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did that was super fun um make sure you hit the like button if you like this video if you did not like the video hit the dislike button um leave a comment tell me what you think down below and again i just i can't stress it enough this house is not for sale it is not being moved into i don't own it i don't know who owns it and they let me in this house is being torn down it is a simple matter if the power has not been cut yet that is it this i'm not this is nothing more than that so um i hope you guys enjoyed it and hit subscribe if you haven't already we're doing this every weekend um saturday sunday i post either or a day um once a weekend i used to do twice a week but i'm just like you know i think i like just a weekend thing so we're going to stick with that anyways better breath talking a lot that's it got a busy day ahead we got a ton of exploring to do first spot of the day done awesome you guys hope you're staying safe out there already i'll catch you guys um in the next one peace
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 75,375
Rating: 4.9300699 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, abandoned millionaires, abandoned million dollar, abandoned untouched, abandoned forgotten, abandoned time capsule, abandoned 1970s, abandoned 1970s time capsule, abandoned canada, abandoned ontario, abandoned toronto, abandoned billionaires, abandoned exploring, abandoned places, abandoned retro, abandoned vintage, abandoned drug dealers, abandoned mafia, urbex, urbex canada, urbex ontario, curbex, exploring abandoned
Id: ibZmL9uxWSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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