Abandoned Bankrupt Millionaires $6,000,000 1953 Mansion

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yo what is up you guys back at it again got another sick one for you this one super super epic urbex adventure so uh what i've got for you uh i don't know how old this place is i'd guess maybe the 50s judging by the outside um it's huge it's absolutely huge you got paint decay as you can see above me please got decay it's got tons of stuff left behind and i really think you guys are going to enjoy this one so let's go check this place out all right we're inside the front door here's where we're gonna start off i know you guys like it when i start at the front so that's what we're gonna do so there's the old alarm panel thankfully it's off um it's your front door you know pretty pretty nice front door all right there's a mirror what is up you guys got tons of uh paint peel on the floor on the floor and on the ceiling fell on the floor from the ceiling obviously lots of mail designer of luxury that's the guy that designed drake's house on the that's cool that's cool okay moving forward hey look at the old baseboard heating that's old okay so you got a side door here it goes to the backyard or the side of the yard i guess is it what's up guys it's up that paint peel up there this whole wall really is just pretty rough shape okay so let's go let's go in here whoa room is huge all right let's go up here first got some uh chinese oriental uh decorations here it's pretty cool eh i don't know like what this says if anyone knows what that says definitely let me know in the comments because i have no idea that's cool though that's really cool you can tell they bought this door like like home depot or something they literally have the sticker on it still like the barcodes on it that's so chintzy got a welcome mat in the middle of the dining room that doesn't do much good here does it and what's to say a happy every day so obviously some kid made that and you have like what says january 28 2015. that's how tall the kid was on january 28 2015 i'm guessing okay what do we got down here that's like a sunken living room well not really because it's on the same level as that but a few steps down here and you got your uh your stone uh fireplace here that's pretty neat oh it's blueprints to the house look how old these are is that the floor plan [Applause] um oh it is it literally is the floor plan [Applause] that's not the address so don't know i'll show you that because the address isn't on it so that's awesome i can actually show you this residence for mr and mrs holt gurney um beefy ontario that's what they called it back then um page and steel architects april 24th 1953. so there you go that's how old this house is 1953. that's freaking awesome these are well these are almost 70 years old holy geez oh wow look at this isn't that neat guys that's awesome hey look they're drawing different dates that's that's the fourth sorry 24th april 24th 53 that's july july 4th 53. it was so long ago and these are literally just like they're just here like i'm surprised they're even here i'll be honest with you because they're not usually it's your front page i'm missing here yeah there is but it's not oh that's why it's not attached so i'm gonna roll that back up that's awesome i'm gonna put these back up on the fireplace here because that is freaking sweet okay back to the explorer i see i love finding cool stuff like that because they're not usually left in the house especially after that many years 67 years those papers have been in this house like that's so cool though lego what ninjago i was never a lego kid so i have no idea what that's about there's the wi-fi box not really useful with no power is it um got a card game rummy hmm pack of cards some chips and stuff if you have some avengers thing oh is it this it's like an art set it's all there it's like brand new there's still all the markers and crayons and all that the stuff is still here big like sectional couch jeez they left a lot of stuff legends of i i know what this is star wars lego i know what that is but like this i have no like no idea um and then there's like a bunch of like old like just like junk mail there's a box with nothing in it okay that's cool um i just walked to a massive cobweb though so that's cool too um we're gonna go up these steps into what looks to me like a nice kitchen actually it's not that nice it's actually kind of ugly but um i mean again look had they not painted the original brown cabinet doors white and just left them brown then yes this would probably be a very attractive kitchen but the fact that they painted it white you got these definitely not original floors they just i don't know the colors don't blend to me um however i would like to point out there's the original wallpaper it's flower it was painted over this house was probably originally very very cool when it was built and you now see 1953 this place was probably freaking awesome wallpaper wise and probably colorful carpets and terrazzo floor like this place was probably sick but not anymore and it had a bad renovation probably in the last 20 years and you know sits in this current state awaiting demolition i'm honestly very surprised this house is still here i've known about this house for over two years and it's it's fenced up you can see the orange fence over there the tree protection fence that's so when they tear this house down and rebuild they tape off the trees they're not allowed to cut down that's cool old radiator so that's what that is but i mean like this is cool i like this room wood paneling that's original this floor might be i don't know i don't think so though pot lights certainly were not around in 1953 i don't think back door it's a big latch no one getting in there tostitos that's gross that's been here for like five years been abandoned since january 2015. so we're two months away from that being six years ago oh here we go here's some original okay this is what i'm talking about here's some original guys look at this bathroom what is up you guys this is what i'm talking about you got the blue or the blue toilet the blue sink you got a nice old fashioned light you have wallpaper ceiling and butterflies on the wallpaper like this is what's up this is more my thing and i can imagine if this bathroom's that cool the rest of the house at one time probably was too so let's go take a little gander upstairs shall we let's go take a peek at what's popping upstairs so you can see this was originally those floors it's uh those look like uh asbestos flooring probably why it's covered up look at that secret room we're gonna check out later yeah there's the original hardwood you can see underneath the carpet so this wouldn't have been like no cool shack rug or nothing this would have been originally um oh whoa look at this this is nice closet holy shoot i said shoot i didn't swear i'm not doing that again youtube doesn't like when you do that whoa little voice crack another original bathroom heck yeah boy there we go it's pink oh my gosh it's pink this probably was originally what is up you guys so that's the master yeah originally hardwood floor underneath this more modern carpet anyone know what that says or what that means if that has any meaning or saying on that let me know because like i said i'm not sure what it says or what language it is that's why i'm not really going to make any like assumptions because i don't want to like offend anyone these are all fairly large like bedrooms like let's be honest they just they are like for this to not be a master bedroom i would take this bedroom hell yeah i would like you put your bed right here like how much room you have and i mean older houses right their main focus wasn't to have a big big bedrooms right so that's kind of cool that there you go pink i think the windows open hear pretty clearly out there this with the cooler if these were shut i apologize for the dirty toilet not my fault though let's let's be fair here it's not my fault it's gross what's up guys all right let's roll cobweb oh my gosh that was so unexpected oh man to my nose oh obviously this is the boys room it was probably hardcore in the lego judging by like that that that the posters closet tiny closet even this isn't a small room by any means it's an old-fashioned light lego movie batman wild style i uh probably sound like an idiot trying to pronounce the stuff because i i honestly have no clue oh look at this bathroom minions look at this bathroom much better shape nice 50s bathroom so i still have to take my photos in here and i love photographing these old 50s washrooms so that's awesome gotta give a what is up you guys now did the upstairs end here it did i told you we do a look at the secret room see i put a secret in like quotation marks like like like like it's secret right it's so secret so um let's see here oh well no way it's a room full of insulation and it's honestly not that secret so hey i mean it smells horrible probably full of like gross like asbestos let's just close that before i have to breathe that in anymore and uh what's left just the basement i think so you know what i'm gonna try and do this all in one cut so let's go down there not gonna end the video and we're gonna go down together i don't even know where the basement is so it's not there it's probably it's this and that looks terrifying that's cool tell me that does not look scary that looks but i gotta do it gotta do it for the people i am a man of the people and i'm venturing down into this cobweb infested dungeness looking basement so here we go oh boy it smells kind of not really that gave me a minor heart attack that little fake rat right there is this all it is really it's unfinished like crawl space type stuff not crawl space you know what i mean that is so scary and i'm gonna get charged for this i don't really care but i'm definitely gonna get made fun of for this but sorry i would rather not be attacked by whatever demon lies ahead down that hallway um anyways so that's the basement most boring basement i've seen in my life and uh there's your groovy uh staircase way entry point very very nice this would have been nice in its day but unfortunately it's left to decay until it is torn down so that's gonna do it for this one oh you know what i'm gonna do this all in one cut we're gonna end this in this clip and oh i can't even talk ending off where we started hope you guys enjoyed this was cool probably my favorite part about this was finding those old blueprints that was really cool got our build date 1953. um those bathrooms are really cool the blue one the pink one pretty cool um overall nice house i was in this place like i said jeez i bet it was over two years ago and i didn't film it it was at night time i was with d-dog vlogs you guys i'm sure you know him and uh carlo pelosa you obviously all know him i'm sure um we were here one night i just didn't film it it was cold it was dark i i just wasn't into it so glad i could do it now hope you guys enjoyed it make sure you hit the like button make sure you hit subscribe leave a comment tell me what you think i'll catch you guys in the next one alright peace
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 25,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned 1950s, abandoned 1960s, abandoned 1970s, abandoned 1980s, abandoned 1990s, abandoned time capsule, abandoned untouched, abandoned forgotten, abandoned 1950s time capsule, abandoned mid century, abandoned mid century modern, abandoned millionaires, abandoned billionaires, abandoned million dollar, abandoned canada, abandoned ontario, abandoned toronto, urbex, urbex canada, urbex ontario, exploring
Id: 9bvr4zsrnME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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