Untold Stories of Donnie Brasco

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so on July 26th 1981 Donnie Brasco disappears from the mob returns to the FBI he receives a $500 bonus for all the years of risking his life 500 bucks so there wasn't any great reward here all right later on you know you know he got a movie he got a book deal but you know who knew that that was coming he didn't know that he did all of that for 500 bucks I'm walking Redemption hey everyone welcome to another sit down with Michael Frances hope everybody is doing well hope the new year started off great for everybody and uh it's good to have you back it's the second video for 2024 everything is blessed on this end and as always I give God all the praise honor glory and Thanksgiving for that we'll continue that for the rest of my life and uh yeah I hope it started off well for all of you and just a couple of quick things uh January 25th myself Mike Tyson Chaz Peter remade men Beacon Theater we're going to be there Ticket Master I think you can get the tickets still some I think VIPs are almost sold out but you can check it out uh looking forward to that a lot of you have asked me about the canvas that I showed last week and so many people are interested in owning that having that we're working on it stay tuned it's a Unique Piece it's magnificent you're never going to see anything like that again I doubt it the artist is magnificent we're working on it so stay tuned we're going to see if we can make some available on a list limited basis you know I told you I'm going to be doing some mob stories we got a lot of diverse things happening uh and happening and planned for this coming 2024 but I wanted to start off with uh something I think is very very interesting and that is um a story about my good friend Joe pastone obviously you know him as Donnie Brasa now some people are going to say oh you know Joe pastone he was an ex FBI agent retired FBI agent yes he was anybody that saw Donnie Brasco you know the story it was a great movie I still think that that was uh Pacino's best role as Lefty guns Lefty rerio somebody I knew fairly well and uh he was terrific in that movie terrific and it was a great movie but it doesn't tell the whole story now I have interviewed Joe we sat down on this and he's interviewed me on his platform I'm going to be honest with you he's become a dear friend I like the guy very much some people say come on Michael he was an FBI agent he put so many guys away that's true but Joe pastone was doing his job he was doing his job he was an FBI agent he was probably or absolutely was the most successful undercover agent to ever infiltrate you know my former life he just did his job better than we did ours and people let me tell you this you know I grew up hating law enforcement hating the police hating the government but not because I was taught that way was because I love my dad they were around us all the time they were harassing my father harassing the family I thought you know putting my father in Jail arrest T in him several times so I grew up with that mentality when I got into the life we weren't you know just always uh you know disrespectful to the FBI and to law enforcement we understood they had a job to do all we ever said to them was don't frame us do your job we're on one side you're on the other don't harass off families don't do anything like that and for the most part A lot of the guys did their job and they were respectful there was some that did not they crossed the line they framed my father no doubt about it in my mind and they did some things that were Shady some of them but if an agent was doing his job we got it we understood it and we respected them for who they were as a person they did their job and in the case of Joe pastone Donnie Brasco he did his job better than we did ours better than the bonano family did ours we accepted the guy but I want to read a little about it and show you what was involved so they you understand what that guy went through he was undercover for 5 years originally it was was a six-month deal it ended up going 5 years and he was deep deep deep deep undercover let me tell you this at any point in time had he been you know outed so to speak he might have walked into a room and it would have been a tough deal for him you know who knows what would have happened would he been killed would he been beat up who knows what would have happened I don't know but it could have been serious uh problem for him obviously but he knew that every single day that he was involved with these guys every single day so it took you know an amount of courage to do that he was a different kind of guy and to do it so well but let me read out of this book and I've read something out of this book before and you can consider this kind of like a mob movie Monday except that I'm going to be reading stuff and giving you my perspective Bill O'Reilly uh killing the mob it's a great book there's good information here Bill O'Reilly is a brilliant guy yes he's conservative doesn't matter if you like him or not he writes good books and he's got a great co-author uh Martin Dugard I'm sure that does a lot of the research and they do a good job job so I'm going to read something out of this about Joe pone that you didn't see in the movie and that you don't know and it'll kind of give you some insight as to what it takes to become an undercover agent a really undercover agent and look I had undercover operations on me so I knew a guy also that did a good job um you know fortunately it didn't go anywhere uh but he did a good job but let me read this it's the spring of 1976 when Joe pistone volunteers to expose the mob he'd been an FBI agent for almost seven years with a wife and three daughters he was living in New York City never before has the bureau successfully placed an agent inside the mafia so remember this prior to Joe Bone going undercover there was never an agent that ever went inside our life before he was the first and pistone's chances of success in that clandestine world were very slim true and yet if ever there is an ideal candidate to pull this off it's Joe pastone now why are they saying that he had all the makings of what a mob guy should be so his cover was really good let me read about it the Special Agent grew up in Patterson New Jersey a lot of mob guys around there a street guy in his own words he hung out in mob run social halls and witnessed Mafia life firsthand I knew how Wise Guys acted he will write in his autobiography I knew the mentality I knew the things to do and not to do keep your mouth shut at certain times don't get involved in things that don't concern you now one thing is is uh is interesting he grew up around all of these mob guys but that's not who he wanted to be he didn't aspire to be the mob for some reason he went in a different direction maybe he had good parents I don't know we never got into that maybe they brought him up in a different way not to you know get near uh you know mob guys or or at least not to follow in their footsteps he went the other way very interesting bistone brings skills to his job special skills he speaks fluent Italian very important not all mob guys spoke Italian but for him to speak Italian it's a little more validation no doubt he was born into a family of Sicilian Heritage obviously important he looks the part powerfully built at 6 feet tall 180 lbs with broad shoulders yes he is high forehead and the tough StreetWise confidence of a man who can hand himself handle himself under pressure on the surface Joe pastone easily passes as a mob foot soldier I got to tell you I was at a conference with uh all the pro sports it was a security conference and I was there with Joe pastone and this was after obviously we sat and we answered questions and when I got up off the table with Joe I said Joe you know the way you respond you could be the mob guy I said maybe they can mistake me for the FBI agent who knows but you could be the mob guy you actually are that guy and he laughed and he threw a mic that's why I was able to make it all those years but um the FBI under Jed gaho rarely used to undercover agents the director believed they might be compromised in the criminal world full of vice and money so who H Hoover believed hey I don't want to put anybody undercover because it might compromise my agent they may want to get involved with them they may start to do Shady things but the interesting thing while Joe was undercover he had to do Shady things he had to he had to pass off as a real mob guy it couldn't be Lily white he couldn't not commit crimes uh there was obviously a level that he would reach and he wouldn't go past but he had to do these things in order to be accepted however jop pone had already proved himself in a as a capable operator having just spent 2 years inside a vehicle theft ring so prior to becoming undercover in the mob he spent two years undercover in a vehicle theft ring it's his ability to drive an 18-wheel truck that landed pastone that assignment but now the stakes are far higher the special agent must convince the Ferocious banano crime family to trust him with Secrets a daunting task to say the least is it daunting I don't know you know I got to tell you people a lot of guys let their guard down in that life you know when people come around with money you know a lot of times people don't they don't do their homework they don't search but in this case I think they did you know they did go a little beyond what they normally would do and they did search but listen to this before going undercover bone Spends months immersing himself into his Persona as a smalltime jewel thief named Donnie Brasco that's where it came from he attends the FBI gemology classes learning about precious stones and how they are illegally bought and sold so he went to school you know you remember the movie he passed himself off off as a uh you know a gemology expert and he went to school to actually study this so that he wouldn't get caught up the Stone's name and employment record erased from all FBI Files they had to sanitize his record so nothing would ever come up in case our guys really did their homework co-workers and even good friends are not told of his assignment they didn't know what he was doing his wife and his daughters are relocated to a home in a different state with a new last name and the realization that they will not see Joe for months at a time and even then he will only be home for a day or so now imagine this his wife had to agree to this his wife had to say okay Joe I know you're dedicated to the FBI you're going on an assignment which by the way he couldn't even tell his wife and children what the assignment was now Joe discussed that with me very very hard imagine that imagine being with your wife your kids and not being able to tell them what you were doing and being away from home for so long all right they knew he she knew he was an FBI agent but still it's a rough assignment at first the family is fine Maggie pistone and the girls all welcome their new circumstance but in time uh the strain of pistone's job and the long periods of Separation Will Lead Maggie to deeply resent her husband's job come on how could she not I mean that's her husband he's away from home can't talk to her for months at the time you know she doesn't know what's going on FBI or not you start to get resentful for that I mean imagine you women that might be listening think about it to escape questions his teenage daughters tell friends their parents are divorced that's how separated he was from the family kids didn't know what to say told them they were divorced he will miss all the family birthdays all of them and graduations graduations making matters even worse pastone is not allowed to tell his family about his assignment leaving them completely in the dark as to why he is abandoning them for such long periods of time look at the sacrifice the guy made you know and again some people might say come on Michael you know he was undercover he was no good he was putting people in jail he was doing his job I will say that again people when law enforcement does their job how can you complain this is what they do this is the O that they took okay to uphold the law to root out criminal activity when a on the street is doing his job do you get upset with him of course not do you call him a rat or a snitch because he's locking people up no he's not doing his job that's what they do when legitimate people go to the law over something H that happens that's what they're supposed to do they're supposed to abide by the law and you know do what they're supposed to do do we like it not all the time you know but that's what they're supposed to do the FBI gives pastone two apartments one in Miami and one on the upper SE upper east side of Manhattan he also possesses under his new name credit cards Social Security identification a driver's license and a monthly stipend of spending money so he can look and act like a gangster Joe pastone is a very Driven Man but he feels enormous guilt over leaving his family he does and he talked about that with me Joe and I got a little bit personal and by the way I met Joe on the street one time he and Tony Mira he was with Tony at that time came to my Mazda dealership that I had in Hemstead and I had a little business with Tony you know we spent some time talking and I met Joe and uh he was nice you know he didn't get involved in the conversation too much but he was there I don't recall too much of what happened but I always tease Joe I said Joe I'm glad I only met that one time on the street enjoy knowing you now but didn't want to know you then because you were very effective in doing your job okay in September 1976 Donnie Brasco goes into action that's when this started September 1976 I got made a year before so I was right in the middle of it he is on his own unable to make immediate contact with the bureau if things go wrong the agent meets once a month with an FBI official who replenishes his cash and they had to have a clandestine meeting obviously but as far as protection is concerned Brasco has none the chances of taking a bullet behind the ear are very high the undercover operation is supposed to last 6 months instead it continues for five perilous years supposed to be 6 months and went on for 5 years now why I guess because he was doing such a good job Gathering so much much intelligence gathering so much information on organized crime especially the bonano family they just let it continue and and he was into it he let it go you got a beef Donnie Brasco asks the mobster known as py and I'm not going to get into to read all of this but what happened is he had a beef with h this guy paty and uh paty was trying to prove that he was who he said he was and uh it got party pretty dicey for Joe at the time I remember him talking to me about this bottom line he stood up I think paty put a gun on the table and said if the information that you give me proves to be false this gun you're not going to walk out of here and uh and he wanted Joe to give him some information on somebody and Joe said no I'm not doing it check it out I'm not giving you any information and that was a bold move on his part well paty did check it out as it turned out it turned out to be verified whatever it was that Joe gave him at the time so he walked out but it was it was dicey they kind of put him on the spot and he held himself well during that time after a year of surreptitiously recording conversations and memorizing the names and license plates of New York mafios so Donnie Brasco is finally introduced to the higher ups in the banano family he quickly befriends Anthony Mira that's when I met him and Dominic nap napalitano and that's Sunny black who eventually trust him so thoroughly that his mob membership is a feda compete Brasco not only gets on the inside but incredibly becomes a trusted companion of Benjamin Lefty guns rerio a rising member of the bonano outfit somebody that I knew fairly well he was around the neighborhood that I was in and uh knew him fairly well and uh yeah he he got very close to Lefty he got very close to Sunny black also I'm telling you now pal you belong to me alone rerio tells Brasco as he brings him into the family I'll die with you remember that uh it was said in the movie he said you belong to me I'll die with you Donnie remember and Brasco said I know that now you are affiliated officially rerel tells him cementing Joe pastone as the greatest undercover agent in FBI history no doubt that he was undercover for five years I think he brought maybe a hundred guys you know were uh you know brought to trial or at least uh charged as a result of his investigation 100 guys 5 years pretty darn good as an FBI agent but one that may perish at any times Lefty rerio is a ious killer known to have at least 26 confirmed murders known by who I don't know you know the FBI says that they put out these numbers they said my father had 35 or 40 I don't know who they are you know they never named them but you know I think they always embellish and exaggerate but there's no question that you know Lefty was a tough guy Brasco initial role is to assist Rio's bookmaking operation that's kind of the deal they gave we didn't see that in the movie uh but that's what his initial role was but in time their friendship grows so strong that Brasco dines often at the rerio Home in Manhattan we saw that remember that you know on Mars men are the best cooks remember he throws ass salt over his back he burns the uh the chicken that he was cooking good scene he counsels Lefty in dealing with the mobster's stepson who was addicted to heroin we remember that don't we and it's unbelievable the undercover operation that it had on me with Victor Guerrera Victor Quintana my brother at the time was around this guy and my brother was getting trouble with some drugs and uh the FBI agent at that time Victor could have put him in trouble you know my brother was doing some bad things instead he came to me and he told me you know and and again I didn't know he was an undercover agent obviously but he told me now he could have put my brother in trouble same way Joe pastone could have put uh Lefty son in trouble but he didn't that was in the focus of the Opera of of the investigation and Joe had a heart the same way Victor had a heart you know sometimes they just want to stay on what they even though they seen a crime they're going to overlook it you know for the for the other purpose that they're involved in so and I appreciated that with Victor cuz he could have put my brother in trouble but he didn't and the same here with with Joe pistone uh he counseled rerio himself is a gambling addict yes big Gambler and Brasco covers some of his debts Donnie Brasco covered some of his debts remember you know in the movie that uh Pacino was always taking money from Donny Brasco probably the same thing here that's how it happened in reality but he was actually covering his debts to help him out on a daily basis Donnie brasa's life becomes a long sequence of Mafia social clubs bars parties and card games oh my God I can't tell you how much time I spent in a social club and honestly I didn't like it I didn't enjoy it I didn't enjoy playing cards me I wanted to get out there I'm looking to make money and looking to do things I didn't want to but you had to you had to pay your dues when Andrew Russo was my Copo I had to go there on Carol Street the social club sit there for hours you know if you wanted me to drive him some place do something all right when I got a little bit more established and I became a soldier that was earning I had to come and pay my respects and my dues and all of that but I didn't have to hang out there and then later on as a couo obviously I didn't have to do that but always had to come in check in you know pay my respects Jerry Lang was my underboss junior was in jail most of the time had to check in with Jerry all the time but the Social Clubs and yeah we used to go out look I was out six nights a week different Club different bar different Lounge you know not on Sundays but the other six nights we were out that was our life at that point in time okay as a wise guy you can lie you can cheat you can steal you can kill people legitimately rerio tells brascar remember that you can do any damn thing you want nobody can say anything about it who wouldn't want to be a wise guy Lefty was you know in love with being who he was there's no question about it you know it's like the lion and Good Fellas from the time I was a kid all I ever wanted to be was a wise guy same thing with Lefty that's who he was he made no Bon about it and uh you know on the street he was known to be a good guy no doubt through it all Donnie Brasco friendship with Ley rerio grows deeper and deeper the two men became so close that the mobster even asked the special agent to serve at bestman for his 1977 wedding to his second wife Louise let me tell you Brasco had to do a great job in order to become that close unbelievable so listen again got to applaud the guy for what did in February 1980 the connection between Brasco and rerio escalates into a dangerous situation that means Donnie Brasco would have to execute someone in service to the bonano family the FBI of course could never sanction that agents are prohibited from committing acts of violence other than in self-defense the undercover operation is now in its fifth year but problems are starting to accumulate one March afternoon Brasco and rerio are sitting listen to this you saw this in the movie in a Miami restaurant with Lefty flipping through a copy of Time Magazine the mobster notices an unusual photograph of a yacht named leftand The Vessel is part of a story about the FBI and its undercover assets several months prior remember in the movie Donnie Brasco had used that same yacht to entertain a group of mafioso and their wives in biscane Bay rerio was part of the outing the Killer looks up from the magazine immediately demands an explanation Brasco is caught by surprise but he's glib enough to say he knows nothing about any FBI involvement with the yacht maybe Brasco says he was scammed rerio is skeptical but he puts the matter aside at least for the moment you know uh that should have been a real red flag to Lefty at that point in time but again their relationship had gotten so close they didn't he didn't assume that this was uh you know that that Joe pastone was doing anything wrong or that he was anything but his his good friend you know but that was a a real red flag that uh he didn't miss it but maybe he didn't delve into it but you know what it was too late at that point anyhow there had been five years of undercover work wouldn't have mattered at that point jerone will later write that Mobsters are thieves first and not primarily an organization of murderers you know that's interesting because I've said this in the past you know when we took our oath to AER it was an oath of silence I've said this many times it wasn't an oath to lie steal kill and murder that's not what the oath was and that's not what we did on a daily basis okay did we do it did we engage in criminal activity of course but did we take an oath to become a murderer no did we said if we were called upon to do something we would do it yes you know so there's a difference and Joe kind of validates that we're not out there murdering people every single day and this isn't the major course of business and most guys you know Roy de Mayo excluded maybe Greg scarper may be excluded most guys that's not what they wanted to do that was a last resort understand that but in the midst of his new life comes a stark reminder of what happens when the mob turns on one of its own on March 21st 1980 2 weeks after the left-hand in incident in Miami shatters the agent's belief that he is Invincible a major Mafia hit becomes news and that's uh Angelo Bruno he was assassinated he was killed you know he was uh he was kind of The Quiet Dawn he wasn't a guy that wanted violence but he was uh bossing the Philadelphia crew at that time I was in in jail later on with Salvatore Gambino who was under Bruno at one point in time talked to me a lot about him liked him very much he was supposedly a good boss that didn't want to be involved in violence if he didn't had to uh so that started to get into pistone's head he started to see hey violence is real here and then you saw that part inner movie when three copos from the bonano family were executed brutally executed you saw that it happened there so things started to really fall apart and the investigation uh was pulled let me just read this part the banana gang war spelled the beginning of the end for pastone as a mob undercover but before he could extricate himself the family ordered him to kill a man named Bruno and delicado I Knew Bruno he was on trial with me once that was accomplished Donnie Brasco would be a maid man in his time as a member of the bonano family Donnie Brasco has committed all manners of crimes ranging from Lone sharking to racketeering but murder too much they wouldn't let him do that so on July 26 1981 Donnie Brasco disappears from the mob returns to the FBI he receives a $500 bonus for all the years of risking his life 500 bucks so there wasn't any great reward here all right later on you know you know he got a movie got a book deal but you know who knew that that was coming he didn't know that uh he did all of that for 500 bucks 33 days later Lefty rerio is taken into custody by federal authorities for his own protection true I think he was was driving in the car and they stopped him and they took him in for his own protection the feds told rerio a contract has been taken out on his life because of his association with Donnie Brasco and uh that's true you know I know that for a fact that that happened and uh they actually saved his life I believe I don't want to say this is a fact but I believe he might have been going somewhere at that point in time where it could have been the end of his life I don't know that for a fact it's what I heard maybe but whatever they did pick him up Dominic napalitano his fate is sealed Sunny black you saw that in the movie as Lefty rerio but obviously that wasn't true didn't happen that way but listen to this on August 17th actually rather than read this I'm going to read something else about Dominic I just wanted to you know people when I look back there's a lot of horrible things about that life people a lot of horrible things and I want to I want to read this to you so that you understand some of these horrible things on August 17th 1981 napalitano was summoned to a meeting in a banano associate Ron filo's home in Edenville Staten Island which was the home of filo's parents anticipating that he would be killed Sunny black thought he were going to be killed as a result of him being called into this meeting the palatano gave his jewelry to his favorite bartender you saw in the movie Lefty was putting it on the counter in his house not the way it happened along with the keys to his apartment so that his pet pigeons could be cared for he loved his pigeons I remember that I knew Sunny black nice guy for me but I coo Frank Leno I knew him too and Steve Canon didn't know him drove napalitano to the filom house the three men were greeted at the door by Frank Kaa knew him who told them the conference was to be held in the basement as Napolitano descended the basement stairs COA slammed the basement door shut signaling for Leno to shove napalitano down the stairs as two killers Robert loo senior and Phil aomo were waiting at the foot of the stairwell napalitano was pushed down the stair was shot and grazed by L Leno senior when his gun failed to fire a subsequent shot napalitano told them hit me one more time and make it good to which philic responded by firing several 38 caliber rounds killing him people was that justified I don't think so Sunny black did not know that uh you know Donnie Brasco was undercover Lefty didn't know it the whole bonano family didn't know it everybody on the street was fooled by it came to visit me I didn't know it not that I was part of it but I didn't know it he just fooled everybody for 5 years he did his job that well should Sunny black have died for that no did he have to no is there a rule that says if you bring somebody around like that that you're going to die no I think it was unjust I think it's one of the horrors of that life let me tell you something more about Sunny black people say why did he go I want to tell you something I had that experience I told you I'm not going to be redundant where I always walked into a room didn't know if I was going to walk out again people said to me Michael why didn't you cut and run and I say this it wasn't heroic it was more robotic we become so entrenched in that life that we say okay you know what if this is it this is it sunny black maybe in his thoughts said I have nowhere to go I have nowhere to run I screwed up I'm going to take my medicine was it the right thing to do I don't know you know I don't know man but I got to tell you I give him credit for doing it there's no question has a man that was uh courageous some people might call him stupid I call it kind of courageous to walk into that situation napolitano's girlfriend Judy later contacted bistone and told him shortly before his death napalitano had told her that he bore no ill will towards pastone knowing that pastone was only doing his job and that if anyone responsible for taking him down it was glad it was pastone she said that Napolitano really loved pastone and was upset when he found out he was an agent napalitano could not believe that pastone was an agent because of the things we had done together the conversations that we'd had the feelings that we've had man that is tough that is really really tough you know they became so friendly and I'm going to tell you something too this broke up Joe pistone too I mean he knew he was doing the right thing he didn't want napalitano to be killed he didn't want that at all he didn't know that that was going to happen yes he knew that you know that there was Jeopardy there of course but he certainly you know was regretful of it he didn't want that to happen he didn't want it to happen a lefty it's part of the horrors of the job when you go under cover and you're in a situation like that really but napalitano to tell Judy hey you know what I understand he was just doing his job which is exactly what I said in the beginning was doing his job and you know you can't F somebody for that and Joe pastone did his job a lot better than all the guys involved with him on the street did theirs and you know the sad thing is uh you know his body wasn't found for I think about a year later and U hands were cut off I mean it was terrible where they found him uh and I don't think they were even sure that it was him because you know the body was badly decomposed whatever uh but it's a sad story you know um and I think some of this you probably didn't know wasn't put in the movie and if you didn't read Joe's book you didn't read it so what's my point in all of this you know um again there was a division on the street division you understand when a cop a law enforcement person is doing their job hey do your job if you do it better than me I get it you win we lose if we do it better than you then we continue we do what I do and you lose that's just how it goes It's the Way of the street we don't like to be framed and stuff like that because the government should never be able to violate the law in order to catch the criminals the government has all the weapons all the tools they have everything going for them if they can't do it the right way then they shouldn't do it they shouldn't do it because that's when you have a problem that's when the government becomes weaponized and can go after its enemies anytime they choose and you know what people it's happening now things that we worried about back then are happening now this Administration is weaponizing law enforcement to go after their political enemies and to go after people that disagree with their agenda open your eyes it's happening now and this is dangerous and it needs to stop for the benefit of every American citizen okay in this country and for those to come that's just the way it is that's what I believe I'll die believing that because that's the right way to think now let me tell you you know these are some of the horrors of that life people and um it's a sad story it really is it's a sad story but I'm giving Joe pastone is due again he is a dear friend somebody I got to like very much uh um you know and we were on opposite sides at one time but I get what he did and he gets what I did and hey you know what life goes on people and you know what you try to make changes in your life and people that might have been your enemies at one point and now friends or relationships it all depends on circumstances and situations so that's my story with Joe pastone and by the way you know I have I've never met Bill O'Reilly never spoke to him but he writes some good books read this book you'll enjoy it you can probably get on Amazon anywhere but but he does his research and uh he does a good job there's a lot in this thing that in this book that uh that I found very interesting some things I knew some things I didn't know but look it up you'll enjoy it and that's it for today my friends how do I always leave you same way never going to change not in the New Year not in any Year be safe and you know what let's pray that this year um is a safe year for all of us here on our homeland let's just pray because everything that's coming over the Border we have no idea people we don't just look at the news every single day the real news that tells you what's really going on be safe be healthy hey it's the new year everybody's packed in the gym you know for the next couple of weeks right into February we're going to see everybody working out trying to lose that weight going over the you know this New Year's resolution that they're going to really you know take care of themselves and by March end of February goes right back to the it happens every year so just uh don't make a resolution you're not going to keep you know be realistic about it and yes and I really mean this and I mean this for all my followers all your families all my friends everybody on YouTube all the guys uh that we've spoken about uh may God bless every one of you you and your families and yes I will see you next time take [Music] care [Music] oh
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 239,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, caporegime, colombo, colombo family, colombo mafia, john gotti, american mafia, italian mafia, sonny franzese, sitdown with michael franzese, mob movie mondays, mob stories, mob movie review, donnie Brasco, untold stories of donnie brasco, Joe Pistone, Donnie Brasco review, Untold story of Joe Pistone
Id: sek4Wb1zlNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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