Johnny Chang "Wah Ching" Former Gang Member | Sitdown with Michael Franzese

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I had this very idealistic view of the life it was like Wow Brotherhood you know when I got into the life they said Michael wherever you go in the world somebody will have your back don't ever worry about your wife your sister your mother nobody's going to ever hurt them it's a great feeling did you feel the same [Music] way [Music] hey everyone welcome to another sit down with Michael Frances hope everybody is doing well everything is very good very blessed on this end and as always I give God all the praise h honor glory and Thanksgiving for that you know funny story my sister-in-law was watching YouTube and she saw an interview with a young man that she was fascinated with his story his transformation let my wife know she in turn got in touch with me I heard about it looked into it amazing story every once in a while you come across somebody that's it's a it's almost hard to believe and um this was a former gang member grew up in a very very difficult situation went through prison went through a lot of stuff uh and I don't even want to say anything I'm excited to get into a conversation with him and hear it from the horse's mouth as they say myself so I want to introduce you to a a young man his name is Johnny Chang I think you're going to be very excited I want you young people out there to really pay attention to what it is Johnny has to say for all you guys that might be involved in the street might be involved in a gang you've heard a lot from me but I want you to listen to this young man and understand how anybody can come out of a bad situ situation and transformed their life and what this young man did is incredible just absolutely incredible what he had to overcome and the spirit in which he did it I'm not going to get into it I want him to explain it himself so without any further hesitation I'm going to introduce my guest Johnny Chang so Johnny really a pleasure to finally meet you I've heard so much about you and like I said when you first came in uh I'm a little bit older than you so I can say I'm very proud of what you've done with your life cuz it's it's an amazing turnaround amen thank you and I know my viewers are going to enjoy hearing it uh you know they're into the rough life stuff I would say and uh so you know tell us you know what I really appreciate is that our dads both had such a major influence on us in different ways and it goes to show you how important a father figure is in the house yes so um and unfortunately you know when I was in prison I met up with a lot of young people that you know came from broken homes didn't have a dad sure and it's amazing how yours turned out without telling the story I'm going to let you do that and how you know how your father's influence eventually brought you in and out of something so I why don't you let my viewers know sure so my name is Johnny of course and I I grew up in the San Gabriel Valley um on the east side of Los Angeles and I grew up in this thing called project housing Section 8 um you know back when food stamps and and all that was a big thing and uh my my parents are actually from Korea but they're ethnically Chinese so culturally they're Korean born there but ethnically they're Chinese I guess kind of like the Sicilians and the Italians kind of thing right so um but my parents were very um my my my father was actually an alcoholic and my mother she was like Buddhist hardcore Buddhist yeah Dallas Buddhist and um so my household was ran very much of a dictatorship whatever my dad said it went you know was your dad atheist he was atheist yeah he didn't believe in anything um really he's he knew there was a higher power he didn't he wasn't interested in any of those things um so he essentially um beat on my mom when you he would have these drunken uh spirits of rage and and he would beat my mom beat my brother beat me and um in the end I just kind of ran to the streets at the age of 12 I joined a gang it was a local gang a Asian gang out there um like kind of we had ties of the Triads out there as well and um what made you do that Johnny what I I know obviously your dad you know kind of pushed you that way but why again uh I think just I found a like a pseudo family with them you know I had noticed that they had money they had power they had the guns they had everything and it was just this Allure of uh respect and I didn't I didn't felt seen like I just felt like everything I I always had to you know have my head down in front of my dad and just always like getting beat up by other other G there was a lot of tension out there too between other races Asians and Hispanics at that time and it was just really a lot of bull bullying a lot of you know this this clashing so for me I was like I don't want to be I want to be able to walk down the street with my head high I want to be able to you know be able to fight back but you know I didn't have anybody so when I seen them driving around back then it was like these souped up cars you know these these Acura integras these Honda Civics and so kind of like Fast and Furious see them driving around and I'm like yo they have status they have women they have money they have everything and that just really drew me into that and yeah and I really wanted to you know live that lifestyle from then on I didn't want to go to school um for me I was like if I have to go to prison like that's fine you know that's University for me people look at UCL I was like Pelican Bay Coran you know that was like that's where I want to be you know cuz that means I'm I made it there you know so yeah from then on I I just started Living that lifestyle caught my first case um at 12 years old um originally it was a kidnapping SL robbery they dumbed it down to this is my first offense to um dissuading a witness for the benefit of a gang and there was six of us I took the fall essentially being the youngest and yeah they gave me four years in California Youth Authority now did they push you when I say they you know interesting what you said because in Brooklyn where I grew up if you ask a lot of the young guys that got involved in the gang they say the same thing you guys had the money you had the power you had the women you had the cars you know we love the way you handled yourself so such so many similarities you know different uh different places in the country different gangs type but the same Allure to that life among young people let me ask you when you uh being that you were young and the system only allows you to stay in jail until you're 25 did they kind of push you towards you know taking the fall or did you do that on your own to be honest like they didn't really push me you know it was more of like well I I had noticed cuz they were kind of freaking out like oh what are we going to do you know and I'm just like I'll take the fall like I always rais my hand cuz I was just like stupid like that you know I was like man I'll do it you know who who's going to do the sh okay I'll do it and it's called raising your hand essentially volunteering for it and I think that's what made me kind of stick out amongst the other people and I knew that even at a young age I knew at 12 years old like I'm going to I have to get somewhere so I have to do these things you know so um yeah they actually never pushed me they didn't did you um in getting into the gang what was required of you how did you how did you formally become inducted into the life yeah so um you have to put in work as they say do your dirt so you have to kind of prove to them that you're you're you know you can handle yourself so they they beat you down obviously and beat me for a good amount of time physically beat you down physically yeah it's like three four people at once beating you up and um they're like other teenagers as well you know but they're beating you up and then um you have to fight back if you don't fight back they're just like you know kind of cut you out but so they're testing like your your spirit at that point you know is this guy going to is he going to WAP is he going to snitch is he going to be like this no okay and then from there we do a mission which is essentially like whether it's a robbery whether it's shooting somebody whether it's killing somebody whatever it's whatever the person you know the head you know our leader will say hey you guys got to do this that's the initiation process after that you know you're pretty much inducted formally inducted into it you take an oath is there any formal ceremony involved at all not necessarily um you know for the California gangs it's a little bit different like La especially Asians we don't really do an oath it's more of like okay you're part of this Brotherhood now you represent this Brotherhood and then the old we call them the ogs they they teach us like okay this is how you carry yourself when you see this person this is how you speak to them when you conduct business this is what you do never talk to Cops never hurt women never hurt children this that and the other so they do lay out these rules and regulations but it's not really something that we we kind of you know like yeah so you had that policy with women and children to treat them properly yes that was a a strict adherence to that penalties were severe if you didn't if you violated yeah very severe interesting and uh let me ask you this cuz I know you know when I took my oath and people are familiar with that I had this very idealistic view of the life it was like Wow Brotherhood you know when I got into the life they said Michael wherever you go in the world somebody will have your back don't ever worry about your wife your sister your mother nobody's going to ever hurt them it's a great feeling yes did you feel the shame way absolutely absolutely I felt like that's like for the first time like I said I was seen and I'm like this is this is my family you know I have a older brother but me and him didn't really get along well and you know he's he's like maybe 18 months older than I am but I remember like that feeling of just like wow this is life you know it was like euphoric almost and it was like this is what having real family is you know I don't ever have to go home um every time I would run away as well I would stay with my friends and I was when I paroled out I would stay with them I mean when I went back in they would give me packages so I was always feeling like like this is family you know and how did your uh father accept it did he know about it did he know you were involved he didn't know until I caught my case so he didn't know I was out there doing all this crazy stuff a lot of the times to be honest he was kind of too drunk out of his mind like to even recognize what was going on um he never actually visited me in prison so um all the years that I did from 12 to 25 he was never there once right but uh at the same time I mean he he was going through his Demons of course and he was he was struggling with all of his his his past and his trauma as well you and you did like 10 12 years yeah so I did four got out for 67 days they gave me 10 with 85% for this separate uh it's two counts of a assault with deadly weapon they were both state cases yes yeah okay so now you come out and what happens then so I get out of prison um you know 2014 and you're how old now I'm 24 all going on 25 right and U yeah I go I get out and my um my mom starts talking about Christianity and you know she's she's like oh you know I found God and as soon as I heard that it was like the the the the windows in the car rolled up I was like I'm not trying to hear that you know I didn't know anything about Christianity except what I thought at the time was Christmas was his birth I mean Jesus's birthday and that he died for our sins and and that's it you know and um I told my mom that if God was really good why would he allow things happen I've seen friends die in front of me I've seen people get you know murdered I've seen all kinds of stuff so I didn't really believe in that stuff you know and my mom what was interesting was she didn't push me like I was actually trying to fight with her but she was like that's okay you know I was like okay and then as time went on a couple months I noticed that my mom was peaceful cuz now I started to you know I tried to fly straight I was trying to go get a job you know and and do all this stuff even come a and let me ask you that you're trying to fly straight what kind of impact did prison I'm just going back a little bit did prison have on you did it make you more hardcore or did you come out bitter resentful did you come out saying I'd like to I don't want to do this again I want to try to play it straight how did how did it impact you you know it was honestly a mixture of emotions I want like at times I wanted to fly straight and then there was times where I was like I can't take this and I want to go back so when I first initially came out I remember I was like okay I don't want to live I don't want to die in prison but I was also I had that fear of like I am a two- strike felon now you know California has the three strikes one more and I'm out right so I'm like I got to really be careful if I am going to do stuff you know so um I it was just very I guess like here and there you know I wasn't like trying to fly straight but I also wasn't trying to like live fully I was like in the middle and did the guys in the gang want to embrace you right away they wanted you to come back of course of course they threw a party you know first first day I get out and it's already like all kinds of violations cuz they're all validated gang members and um I can't be around that if I'm on parole but essentially my mom you know going back to it she talks about God and then 3 months later I actually like two to three months later I start to sell drugs you know now I'm you know trapping as they say you know pushing you know cocaine and things like that and um I'm making about $30 $40,000 a month you know I'm getting my money up and and I'm doing okay for myself and my mom like I noticed that she's still with my father he's still an alcoholic still beating on her time to time my brother's actually in prison you know he caught one straight case went straight to the state um did 14 years and um you know she has like all these circumstances to be sad but I noticed my mom's peace was greater than mine like I was making money I had women I had we went to you know penth houses and we were going to Vegas here and there and we were just having fun but when I looked at my mom like she she had no grounds to be happy no grounds to be peaceful she was extremely peaceful and I was just like why is my mom so peaceful you know and I asked her again mom what is it you know and she's like I'm I'm telling you it's Christianity you know and how was she before that you know she was always miserable you know she was always like I'm sorry she would apologize a lot I'm sorry that you had a father like this I'm sorry I'm everything was just always I'm sorry she stopped saying I'm sorry and she started to say like kind of things that didn't really make sense to me for example she was like at the time I was selling drugs and I was carrying a gun and my mom said Johnny you're perfect and I'm like what you know you're you're you're going to be the world's best gospel preacher she said and I'm like okay so I started looking up you know psych wordss and stuff like that mom's got signs of schizophrenia you know what I mean and I'm I'm serious here because I'm like what is she saying does she not know that I'm out here literally living the complete opposite life and I remember my mom saying acts 16:31 Acts 16:31 she kept saying that I never read the verse you know I was like whatever acts 16:31 but it says you know um believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you shall be saved you and your house right so in her heart she stopped reacting to the situation of her son being a gang member she started to look at me through the lens of the Bible and when she looked at that she was like well yeah God he's this way but you can raise him better than I can and she just gave me up to God you know and um yeah I'm obviously here doing what I'm doing now you know Johnny so funny that my my mother-in-law who was a very devout Christian I was sitting when I first met my wife it was I don't know two months into our relationship boyfriend and girlfriend I sat with her mom and her mom looked at me not really knowing my background she said one day you're going to be preaching the gospel to millions of people around the world and my first thought was This Woman's on crap something wrong right same thing but man it's amazing how when some women just come to the Lord how the spirit speaks to them and it's almost prophetic absolutely almost prophetic but I understand how you said Mother's cracking up yeah I was yeah it was it was crazy so how did how what happens then how did you you know start to come along so I you know she planted the seed and then a series of events started to happen you know they started to unfold so I knew that I can't you know there's there's an expiration date on this selling drugs and stuff you know especially cuz I'm on parole and and you know I'm looking at fed time if if I do get caught you know which I don't want to go there and go through that process so me and a friend of mine a ro he's my road doog meaning we grew up together we're crime partners and he um you know I told him I devised a plan to go rob this drug dealer and my my thinking at the time was look they make all this money we make all this money if we rob them like like in one go we don't even have to sell these things we just Rob them you know just hit a lick as they say and um my friend was like yeah let's do it and so we devised this plan and and I was going to go to the right of the car and he was going to go to the left of the car and we're just going to stick him up and Rob him well as I step to the right my friend steps in front of me so I'm like okay naturally I'll just go to the left so when I go to the left I hear three gunshots ring out as I'm going behind you know boom boom boom and I was thinking yo my friend is shooting at him and I'm like wow he didn't even give him a chance like whatever we'll deal with the consequences you know afterwards so he ends up getting shot and the car speeds you know speeds off shooting at me and we're like you know getting trying to get away and I see my friend and he's like dying and I remember the sounds of like him passing away and something that will never leave my my mind you know but yeah anyway so he was dying and um you know I was holding him and and right there he died in my arms you know and so that was the first event and I felt this guilt inside of my heart like you're so evil like I felt condemnation you know you devised the plan you know you did all these evil things like it's your fault you know so I had that that guilt and um after that I really spiraled a lot I did a lot of drugs I was getting high off my own SPS all this stuff and um I get this letter about like three or 4 days after this happens I get this letter from my other friend who I grew up in the in the projects with very very close friend taught me how to make French toast taught me like you know it was like a a big brother you know and um he sends this very it's a kite he sends it a very eerie letter you know saying saying things like hey bro I'll see you when we get there you know I look to the mountains when you think about me just stuff like that and I was like this is weird you know speaking in COD I felt like he was trying to kill himself but then I couldn't like put my finger on it well 3 days after that so a whole week after essentially um we find out that he he kills himself he hangs himself in prison and takes his life and um I'm like okay so there's two deaths now and then maybe a few days after that uh I I I bring in this youngster this this guy who's young you know that I courted into to the gang and he was somebody who was really proud of who was like who would you know lead the next generation at that time and I find out that he gets shot in a freeway shooting car to car shooting you know brains blown out everything and um you know it I like that was just so much on my heart that I was like oh it's it's my time like I'm going to die soon I'm either going to lose my life retaliating or or they're going to get me you know cuz this is too much right now this is too coincidental you know and from then on I remember just being really sad and my mom she was like what what's wrong with you you know and I said um Mom honestly like I'm pretty much pretty sure I'm going to die you know and she goes you know what's really sad Johnny is that it would be sad if you died and you went to hell you know she said because you lived this life of struggle you lived like you know having trauma and just to go to hell after that would be sad don't you think and I kind of thought about it for a second you know I was like yeah but what what choice do I have mom like this is life you know whatever you know and then um in the end you know she's like you should come to church and I'm like I'm I still wasn't I was still harded I was like I'm not going to come to church cuz that's for weak people you know what I thought but miraculously in s bero my mom's car breaks down and she's a deacon and a translator so my mom speaks um two different languages and she speaks well three different Mandarin English and Korean so she's a a deacon at the church she translates so her car broke down my brother's still locked up at this point I'm like okay my dad's an alcohol he's not going to pick her up she's all the way in San berardino so I went from La picked her up but I told her I'm not going to listen to this pastor I'll take you to church don't have him invite me in whatever you know but when we get there um you know I kind of roll down the window and the pastor is like this short little Korean Pastor I remember he's like Johnny heard a lot about you you know hope you're doing well and when I rolled down the window I could smell the the aura of black bean noodles right black bean noodles black bean noodles yeah that was my favorite by the way and it was the food you know that Drew me in and I was like wa this is it smelled so good and you know being in prison you don't have stuff like that right so and he goes hey um Johnny we made some homemade black bean noodles and I'm like oh yeah that's my favorite and he goes well not to keep you but we have like you know packaging we'll package it for you and I thought about it you know being Asian like we're very respectful so we're like we can't just take stuff and then be like see you later you know so I'm like let me go on let me be respectful let me pay my respects and so when I went in and and I ate it it was like the best tasting noodles honestly and I was like Yo God knew what he was doing you know and um sat down and he started to ask me things you know he's like Johnny um you know what do you think about Sin and and are you a sinner and at that point I felt like honestly that was a loaded question cuz I'm like I didn't just draw on my body you know cuz I ran out of paper you know obviously I'm a gang member obviously you know that I'm a sinner why would he ask me that right so um I asked him or I answered him I said yeah I'm of course I'm a sinner a big sinner I've done a lot of evil things and I know I'm going to hell and he was like so you think doing evil things is sinful like is sin and I said of course and he goes not so and he said what and that really blew my mind because we had chaplain in prison we had you know priests and people like that that come in and they would say that they would say if you're you're falling short you're you're transgressing the law that's sin if you're not living well that's sin but he then showed me you know he gave me examples started to show me in the Bible you know what exactly was sin you know he said sin is two things first thing is unbelief right John 16:9 says of sin because they believe not unto me so he says you know think about it Johnny do you think you just became a gang member out of nowhere and I said no he says God says for example that you know um do not murder right and you guys are all the same we're all Sinners we're all interconnected but you as a gang member he says what kind of laws do you live by you know you're a gang member you stay T toes you're solid in prison if you see somebody with a jacket meaning a person who's a rapist or you know one of those people then you are allowed free game they're free game essentially you can you can take them out and I was like yeah he's like but does that match in line with the word of God when he's saying we're all the same no you have to throw that out you have to not believe that and then you start to trust what you feel and what you think your standard and sin the symptoms of sin he says comes out of that people don't just wake up and murder people people don't just wake up and you know do drugs it starts with the thought and the way you think affects the way you feel the way you feel affects the way you behave so I always thought like oh I'm just a sinner you know and and I just do bad things and that's what makes me a sinner but he was saying that it starts with the the thought process you know so then he started to explain to me like like it was like a virus sin is like a virus you know it enters your body and let's say like coid 19 for example he said um you know if a sickness enters your body like the flu and you know what are the symptoms headache runny nose fever right and he says let's say your body doesn't fight the virus but you're you try to just take care of the symptoms you take aspirin Tylenol let's say your fever will suppress it'll go down but he said um after it wears out it'll shoot back up so you are similarly are likewise are trying to take care of your symptoms of sin you have lust you have anger you have you know um the drug addiction but you don't recognize that the sin is unbelief it's like the virus you have to get rid of it at the root you know so I was like how do I get rid of it at the root you know he's like believing the word of God Johnny this word and then he showed me a lot of verses but he showed me Hebrews 10:14 that stuck out the the most Hebrews 10:14 says for by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are Sanctified so he asked me to read it a couple times and then he explained it one offering he says is Jesus Christ I said okay perfected is in past tense meaning if I say I completed something is it done or not I said it's done so you're already perfect and it says temporarily no forever then he asked me what is forever in this world and I'm like nothing he says so he's talking about eternally if you're perfect in heaven he says and you're Sanctified do you know what Sanctified is I'm like no being made holy then he said how can you say that you're a sinner if Jesus died and washed all of your sins only if you don't believe which is the true sin so I sat there and I thought about that and he said do you think Jesus washed all of your sins have you heard I said of course I've heard of this he said see you knew about it but you never believed it it's weird at that time like my heart opened up to that verse because I'm like okay I'm a dirty evil sinner I know I'm going to go to hell but if God is telling me that he knew I was a dirty evil Sinner and that's why he sent Jesus to die for me then there's actually hope and for the first time in my life Michael honestly I felt hope and peace inside of my heart and was this all in that one session first meeting yeah the first you know he's he's so right because you know the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the holy spirit amen sometimes people confuse that when they hear blasphemy they think it's like cursing the Holy Spirit but actually it's rejecting the holy spirit's teaching to U go towards Jesus and to accept Jesus so am uh he he was right on man yeah yeah amen it's amazing H we never know what's going to bring us to the Lord in your case it was black bean noodles amen but that's great man that's that's wow all in one session to uh to have an impact like that yeah very wise man yeah and then he was explaining also the blasphemy aspect you know he was saying that John 10:32 and33 where Jesus performs Miracles and he meets Caiaphas the ruler and he's like you know of what sin do you Stone me for what good works do you Stone me and they say we don't Stone you for good works from your father we Stone you because you're a man committing blasphemy who thinks you're God so he asked me Johnny are you the judge like when you went and did the shooting did you go up there and be like I should do 100 days in County and then they bang the Gaff and allow you to of course not there's one judge so if that is the judge and he's passing a judgment statement on you you have to accept it whether you want to or not right he said but people who blaspheme the holy spirit is because they stand in the position of God judging their sins and that blew my mind he said that's why you're a person who when you thought you a sinner you're basically kicking away the offering that God has given you know you stand in his position so when he was showing me that verse I was I was like wow that's crazy so I I used to think if you just say OMG you know oh my gosh or something like that that that was blaspheming but he actually was explaining it to me through verses and I noticed that like you said he's he's wise and he's he knows the word and he's read the Bible over 70 times and I'm just like this guy knows a lot you know and he was he was almost speaking to me in verses it was kind of crazy you know how long did that session last that lasted at least like almost two hours because there's a whole other part of it where after he says on God's side Johnny are you righteous and perfect and I said according to God and according to this word yes and he's like how could you say you're righteous right because you believe and I was like oh that's true and I felt that Holy Spirit for the first time and that hope and that peace and then he said now I have a task for you right and he challenged me a little bit how is your relationship with your father I said we don't have a relationship I hate him you know and he's like okay and then he kind of explained it with Romans chapter 7 you know he says the things that I want to do I don't do the things that I keep on doing I I don't want to do and the things that I hate that I do so he asked me you know do you want to be depressed do you want to be lonely do you want to live this life honestly and I'm like no he's like but then why do you keep falling into depression and then he showed me Romans 7:20 if I do the things that I don't want to do it is no longer I who do it but sin that dwells in me so he said who's doing it sin and I'm like oh okay so when you get rid of the sin then you stop living this up and down he called roller coaster lifestyle happy when you're happy sad happy sad happy s until you're empty right so he said that um do you think this word only applies to you what do you mean and he's like this also applies to your father so he said who's doing it sin and I'm like oh okay so when you get rid of the sin then you stop living this up and down he called roller coaster lifestyle happy when you're happy sad happy happy sad happy sad until you're empty right so he said that um do you think this word only applies to you and I said what do you mean and he's like this also applies to your father you know and and at that moment I feel like I had a memory where I do remember my dad beating my mom and then when he became sober he was like I'm so sorry I don't know what got into me I'm so sorry like I didn't mean to but then he'll get drunk again and beat her and he'll keep saying I'm sorry and I'm like why are you saying sorry we get so like why are you saying sorry just stop doing that you know but I didn't understand that through the word at least there was something that was dragging my father and I didn't know you know I found this out years later that my father was drinking because in Korea he had actually killed somebody he accidentally you know um killed somebody when he was driving so he's had that guilt inside of his heart and he just drowned it out and I didn't know that you know so yeah after that he told me I want you to apologize to your father and I'm like apologize yeah I was like that's crazy you know apologize where in this world does the aggress or the victim ever apologize to the aggressor you know that never happens but he said you're right Johnny you're right your father beat you beat your mom you're probably like 99% the reason why you are the way you turned out the way you are is because of your father but you're also miserable because you're right and that made me cry you know cuz I was like that's true you know like when I look at my father like yeah and I look at other people's parents I'm like why could I never have a father like that where they're loving and they buy you food and they take you out and they actually have a relationship like I hate people like like I hate my dad you know but I was miserable every single time I would see that you know and um he said because when two people are right like there's always War there's always conflict but when one person becomes wrong peace enters know he used the analogy of a war you know when when two people go to war both sides are fighting for what they believe in if they both keep fighting and believing that they're right the war is going to continuously go on roads are broken everything is broken but if you if one side just says they're sorry they give up okay you know um surrender then the railroads can be rebuilt everything peace starts to flow in so he really put it in a perspective where it's like Johnny you have to be that person even though you're wrong say sorry to him because my my pastor was very wise he knew that there was something inside of my dad and it wasn't my dad but he didn't know how to control that either right and he couldn't tell people hey it's not me cuz he's actually physically doing it so outwardly it was my father inwardly it was a sin Satan so uh it was weird when I called up my dad it was through food as well I said Dad let's go get some f you know vietamese noodle soup and he loves that you know and um first thing when I call him I haven't talked to him for years and he's like um what do you want you know basically Dad and I I want and then he's like I don't have any money for you you know I was like I don't need your money and I got a little mad right but I kept remembering pastor's words you know it's okay just submit you know just follow what Pastor is saying and see what happens so I get there it's it's very awkward you know you stand in front of your dad I can't look him in his face you know I'm looking down he's looking off to the wall and I finally tell him you know Dad I'm sorry you know I'm sorry I came here today to tell you that I'm sorry that I was a bad son I'm sorry that I was a gang remember I'm sorry I wasn't there for you guys you know I didn't help you guys live the American dream I wasn't a good you know role model or anything and my dad looks at me and he starts crying shocked yeah he was shocked he starts balling his eyes out and I was kind of shocked too and he said no son I'm sorry I'm sorry for being a bad father I'm sorry I couldn't control my drinking I'm sorry I beat your mom honestly I never wanted to do that and we were crying you know and we're just hugging it out and it felt like that 20 some odd years of pain was just gone you know and now me and my dad you know I took him fishing and then we go out and we eat and you know he's like don't get too famous for me you know it's just like it's really cool you know how we can rekindle everything that forgiveness came into my heart because I followed and surrendered to the word of God you know and and it was beautiful wow that's amazing I'm telling you it's it really is I'm speechless myself which is abnormal usually but when you hear a story like that [Music] yeah
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 1,402,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, caporegime, colombo, colombo family, colombo mafia, american mafia, italian mafia, sonny franzese, sitdown with michael franzese, chinese-american organized crime, wah ching organized crime, asian mafia, johnny chang, johnny chang gangster, Asian Organized Crime, Chinese MAfia, chinese gangs, chinese prison gangs
Id: Ju_ntWFYan0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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