Game Theory: The Minecraft Warden... SOLVED! w/ Dream

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I’m starting to dislike these ancient builders since they use literal souls to power their creations and make weapons more powerful, so it makes me feel just in some way by never showing mercy to endermen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 85 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eurotorian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

In my opinion, the warden might be an ancient builder corrupted by the skulk growth. If you can prove this point better than me, please do!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Minecrafter_69420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't think warden was made by the ancient builders. He and the skulk feel way more organic and like an attempt of End crawl/invade other dimensions. In the live stream, we also saw an endstone-like block that was overgrown with skulk. I think the skulk can grow, it can slowly turn stone blocks to it's End equivalent.

Now for the Warden. I agree with Dream, I think it is a creature that was overtaken by skulk. The growth changed and empowered that mob. However, I don't think it is a golem, but an axolotl.

But Why?

  1. They both live underground
  2. In the concept art, we can observe they interact with each other
  3. If you invert the colors of the Warden you get this.

Is it a coincidence? I don't think so. Endstone also is the texture of the cobblestone, but with inverted colors.

For the souls inside his ribcage, I have no clue. If I had to guess, maybe souls are the skulk's source of power/food since the skulk is "a living thing" and it looks like nothing else lives in The Deep Dark. (yeah... doesn't make much sense if I think about it)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ALi8or πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Before I even watch the video im just going to assume MatPat is gonna try and fit the Warden in his ongoing "Ancient Builders" plot again

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Broly_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

When we are getting theories about an update that won’t come out until next year but we still haven’t got one about anything in the nether update: bruh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VastResearcher0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He really didn't need dream for this, but his name in the title BOOMS

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hexahedron17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

U guys need to watch the newest unus annus

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Competitive_Cow3160 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

i already posted this in youtube but gonna post it here.

" i have a question, if they build the end portal, how did they get endstone in the first place? isn't the endstone in the texture of the end portal Blocks? and if it is really endstone how did the Builders get them before entering the End? In my opinion the endportal was made by some sort of "Gods" and the End Dragon is an "Evil God". I always have a kind of feeling that there was a "war" between some gods, and they imprisioned the "evil god" ender dragon in the void a.k.a "The end" dimension, but it cost them the life of the ones who imprisioned him... the builders came much after and then they happened to discover the portal, fortified him and then they get to go there. its just my theory. PS: and thats why we dont see any dragons on the overworld, because they sacrificed themselves. This all because in some cultures dragons can be seen has gods, since the original creator was sweden, and sweden has a bit of viking culture, i think in they're culture they belived that dragons were mythical creatures apart of the chinese, but i may be very wrong. "

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Original_Lerudy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] uh hello internet welcome to game theory the show that just keeps picking away at the hidden lore of minecraft cause let's face it minecraft isn't one of those games that explicitly tells you what's going on instead it implies its lore through world design spawn behavior sound effects and character appearances all for investigators like us to uncover a perfect example of this implicit lore came during minecraft live's reveal of the game's upcoming caves and cliffs update when the team introduced us to the newest and most interesting mob to date the warden what did we just see they don't outright tell us what's going on with the warden but you only need to take one look at its chest and the souls that are trapped inside to tell that there's a story behind this guy ordinarily i'd wait until the warden was actually in the game so we could get the full picture of what its behavior and spawn conditions are like before we begin theorizing but we've already got ourselves a ton of information to work with here i mean just look at this thing the green texture of its skin is practically identical to the material used for end portal blocks this mob is practically begging for a theory um so you could say it's sort of an unsolved mystery uh you could excuse me why is there a big neon green block creature in my video i'm dream i'm a minecraft speedrunner and i love talking about unsolved mysteries of minecraft from time to time i was actually just running away from some hunters and i wound up in the wrong seat and don't knock the green i've seen your thumbnails you're a minecraft speedrunner sure early 2008 memes called they want their stick boys back says the guy who is literally a dancing cardboard cutout touche so should we just end this awkward justification of why we're collaborating and just start talking about the wardens that's probably a good idea let's let's end the cringe when you're here the cringe never ends i just simultaneously whipped and naenade thanks editors like i said so even though the caves and cliffs update adding the wardens to the game isn't expected to come out until summer of 2021 almost a year from now we already know a lot about these guys for starters this new warden mob was introduced alongside another new feature coming to the cave biome the skulk a seemingly natural growth that appears in deep caves as demonstrated in the gameplay reveal the skulk's most interesting feature is that it can sense sounds according to what we've been told the skulk can detect footsteps projectiles and blocks being placed and wool which is presumably soft enough to insulate any vibrations can prevent it from reacting this actually gives us a behavioral connection between the skulk and the warden the warden is blind meaning that it senses players by reacting to things like sound and vibration just like the skulk does add that to the fact that the warden and skulk are found together in caves and share a very similar visual design and it feels like the warden might be some sort of naturally occurring creature maybe something that grew out of the skulk or maybe the skull evolved possibly but i wouldn't be so quick to jump to that conclusion when asked about whether the warden and skulk are part of the same species developer brandon pierce said this quote they're made of the same stuff at the very least eyeball emoji that seems like a highly dodgy answer were they made that way by mother nature or is he implying that the warden is perhaps a creature that was made through more artificial means perhaps by an ancient race of builders who had harvested skulk and found a way to use it in their contraptions uh that seems like a bit of a stretch i actually don't think i'm over analyzing this viewers of this channel know that we've gathered a lot of evidence over the last year that there was once a great civilization of builders in this game a civilization that built temples and mines long ago and then was forced to abandon them all for some unknown reason so we have a good idea that they existed and going back to the design detail that immediately caught my eye about the wardens you look at the warden's chest and find that where you'd expect to see a beating heart you instead see caged souls souls plural i don't know of many natural creatures that are born with multiple souls it's highly suggestive of an origin that involves being created somehow by creators who are perhaps harnessing souls as an energy source and in case you think that i'm extrapolating too much from that little visual detail it was once again confirmed by minecraft gameplay developer brandon pierce who when asked about the warden's blue chess patch on twitter responded with quote i can't confirm anything but it definitely sounds like a heartbeat and the texture is definitely reminiscent of souls and in case you missed it when we talked about it earlier on this channel this year's minecraft dungeon game basically confirmed that certain items in the minecraft franchise are built with literal souls that are being used as an energy source or as the official twitter account put it quote a true adventurer puts their soul into everything they do and the truest adventurers put other people's souls in it too in that episode we concluded that the vex that evokers create are comprised of souls and that opens the door to other sorts of artificially created mobs also built from souls hence the warden so you're saying that the warden mob might be some sort of artificial construct made using soul sand yeah i think so i mean looking across all my past theories in this game there's one common theme that keeps appearing experiments with the creation of life when you look at the design and story details of the various mobs throughout minecraft it all ties back to this recurring quest to become almost like god with power over life and death i've done major episodes looking into all this but based on the evidence the illagers seem to have been booted out of the villager society because they were experimenting with creating life the iron golem seemed to be an early stepping stone of some ancient race trying to create sentient creatures the wither itself seems like it was a failed experiment to create life using soul sand and the list goes on for lots of other mobs and so the warden being this combination of skull and souls feels like it would be a natural extension to all of this it was created it was built but built for what that's the question well it's probably related to what you mentioned before the wardens appear to be made of the same stuff as n portable blocks i mean i'd recognize that eerie shade of green anywhere so if these wardens were artificially constructed it might have happened at around the same time that the end portals themselves were being built plus look at their name remember that end portals are found in strongholds a place fortified so as to protect it against attack now consider the name warden these days the most common use of the word warden is when talking about prison wardens the supervisors who are placed in charge of keeping people in a secured structure but the term warden actually has a much more general meaning too a person charged with the care or supervision of persons animals or things a keeper maybe they were built as guards to supervise or protect the end portals huh it's pretty good observation not bad for a guy who once tweeted that you ate your cat's poop well i can't really defend myself there can i but you're totally right the name stronghold and warden as well as the color palette and the design heck even the fact that both wardens and strongholds are found in the deepest layers of the overworld all of it implies some sort of relationship you know my exploration in the lore of minecraft started with the endermen and what i found in that first episode is what convinced me that there is actual lore in this game in that theory i concluded that the endermen are actually an ancient race of builders who eons ago created end portals inside of strongholds in an attempt to flee the overworld only to discover too late that it was a one-way trip the endermen we see today are the descendants of those ancient builders who through a combination of evolution and a chorus fruit diet have become almost unrecognizable except for their ability to pick up and carry blocks and a few choice vocal lines when creating that stronghold it would have made sense for those builders to create some kind of guard to hold down the fort after all what good is a stronghold if you have no one to protect it against invaders a dream dream that you're lying uh also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind enjoy the video not exactly what i was going for but seamless save buddy thanks anyway i think all of this paints a pretty compelling picture after creating the overworld villages and the iron golems the ancient builders continued their pursuits they experimented with all sorts of things including experimenting with constructs made using souls this kind of experimentation is what would eventually unleash the horror that is the wither but it's also what gave rise to their automaton buddy the warden built with the same material that they were using when they constructed the end portal blocks which served as the vehicle for their final escape away from the underworld perhaps they left through those end portals expecting to return shortly after leaving the warden as a line of defense against anyone who might try to follow him but they never returned and the wardens believing that their masters had abandoned them wandered away they ventured deeper and deeper underground finding a bio more suited creatures that were created to exist in the dark where they exist to this day waiting for us to stumble across them i mean that's actually what happened it would explain a lot like the warden's name and why it seems to have multiple souls in its chest that's definitely a possibility but i've been doing research and it's also possible the skulk somehow creeped and crawled until it came into contact with soul sand and found a way to harness the energy of those souls to naturally spawn the warden sure i mean the idea of a plant-like growth somehow doing this seems a bit far-fetched and it wouldn't really match with the warden name but it's definitely possible according to developer brandon pierce you could definitely argue that the skulk in general is sentient happy face it's weird that he says the skulk is sentient in general like could all the skulls we see be part of some sort of hive mind with the wardens in charge or representing what happens when it hits some soul sand or what about a different possibility maybe the skulk attached itself to an iron golem in the iron golem's base model we see that they're covered with vine growth what if vines weren't the only plant-like growth that decided to make an iron golem their home could the skull corrupt or somehow take over an iron golem it's not a bad thought as confirmed on twitter the skulk is bigger and more massive than the golem and it's even more powerful but still possessing the same long arms but again it doesn't explain the souls or the name or the connection back to the end portal blocks which is why my money's on it being an artificial creation by some ancient race tl dr i'm just really excited to dive into this update once it's finally out it definitely does seem like mojing has been putting more time into the lore department these days so this isn't one of those days where we get to say that we solved the mystery of the warden in the skulk it's something that we'll have to do together as a community and that's part of why i wanted to start having this conversation now because not only is it something that we all have to look forward to but it's also something that i think we should keep in mind as we continue to explore other parts of the minecraft lore oh okay this this is the part where you say the thing right you made it to the end of the video which means that you liked it and should therefore subscribe no no no the other thing you know the but hey that's just a theory wow that was uh that was worse than your answers in the mr beast tournament i still technically finished ahead of you galaxy's only cause you were voted back in technicality well from one loser to a fellow loser thanks for coming on and you know what it is indeed time to say but hey that's just a theory a game theory thanks for watching and uh good luck with those hunters over there dream come here dream wait are we on game theory [Music] you
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 7,831,231
Rating: 4.9474773 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, warden, minecraft warden, warden mob, minecraft warden mob, minecraft warden reaction.dream, dream minecraft, sapnap, georgenotfound, dream team minecraft, minecraft lore, unsolved mysteryies of minecraft, dream unsolved mysteries, minecraft 1.7 warden, the warden minecraft, warden mob minecraft, warden minecraft story mode, minecraft cave update, minecraft caves and cliffs, game theorists, game theory, matpat, game theory minecraft, unsolved mysteries of minecraft
Id: z3hI5r0yRoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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