Game Theory: The Secret Lore of Friday Night Funkin'...

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all right we're here looking at the lore i want you to show me if you know the score tell me what you know tell me what you know i'm getting po'd with that be bippy bow your words are homogeneous they're all completely meaningless i'm getting serious you're making me delirious forget you boyfriend i'm doing it myself [Music] hello internet welcome to game theory the only show that takes pride in shoving the word homogeneous into their rap lyrics friday night funkin is as indie of an indie game as you can get it was originally made as a prototype for a 48-hour game jam but despite those humble beginnings it's a game that now needs no introduction based on how popular it's become over the last few months this would be the part of the video where i'd direct your attention to the in-progress kickstarter helping to fund a full version of the game which will include over 40 levels and 100 music tracks but uh due to the realities of video production this one won't be finished until after that kickstarter's over that said with the game currently on track to raise over 2 million dollars think they really need our help in case you're out of the loop here's the quick rundown in friday night funkin you play as boyfriend whose one and only mission is to hook up with girlfriend and yes their names are confirmed to canonically be boyfriend and girlfriend anything else is just for the laws along the way your quest for attaining love will be challenged by girlfriend's dad daddy dearest canonical along with her mom mommy meerust yes that too is confirmed along with all sorts of other rivals and antagonists you win them over via your sick flow in a ddr style rhythm game best of all and you're on your way to friday night funkin which is indeed a euphemism for exactly what it sounds like the game over fatality screen shows boyfriend succumbing to a case of his family jewels turning blue but there's a lot more here than just trying to woo the girl friday night funkin is a love letter to a bygone should i say bygone era of the internet yeah i guess so internet history lesson here people before there was youtube there was new grounds and with it the first home to some of the internet's biggest creators before there was aaron hansen game grump there was aaron hanson ego raptor no one told me there were bombs there hey snake there are bombs there before there was video game donkey there was meat wad sprite who's your dentist quite oh my dentist qantas and new grounds was the place to find them newgrounds creator and ceo tom fult created the site back in the 90s when he was still a teenager first starting off as a digital version of a magazine he created when he was 13. since the beginning newgrounds has for better or worse been the result of what you get when you take a bunch of bored teenagers with nothing but free time and an internet connection and give them total creative freedom [Music] it was and still is in a lot of ways the place you turned to to see games that were too raw too random and too violent for the mainstream parody videos of your favorite characters doing questionable things and where you adjusted your age settings late into the night to see what was behind those big red a rated videos remember this was back in the 90s and early 2000s when most of us had never even heard of concepts like brand safety and there was no worry of getting demonetized because well none of it was monetized in the first place we were just making stuff to make stuff friday night funkin is packed to the gills with newground's history and references and if we tried to unpack all of it we'd be here for literal hours and it'd be a different sort of channel that said if you are interested in a deep dive into newgrounds history go check out the channel two left thumbs who's already created literal hours of content documenting the numerous easter eggs hidden throughout this game alongside interviews with the original flash creators of many of the series that it references no what i'm here to do is to dig into the lore of this game because yes there is lore beyond just blue-haired guy wants to get the girl we know via amas on reddit with the game's creators that there's an overarching story here and that with regards to that each week has a reason for existing even the ones that don't have dialogue yet so that's our quest today piece together the existing lore try to fill the holes in the plot that we do have and then predict where things are headed next for the final release of the game and i think i'm on to some big reveals like haven't you wondered why mommy and daddy are attacking a maul santa in week 5 or what the origin of the lemon demon is well i think i'm on track to getting this whole thing figured out will it be speculative absolutely is it more hypothesis than actual theory you betcha am i aware that the game devs have gone online to talk about some of this stuff in a way that directly contradicts some of what we're talking about today yes and i don't care because i think they're keeping secrets for the final game does it give me a chance to spend a week listening to this music on loop while i've researched the script undoubtedly and that my friends is why we're here so let's get one thing out of the way right off the bat the way the weeks are presented in game is misleading sure they're numbered one to seven but from a lore perspective this isn't an accurate timeline of events phantom arcade the game's story lead slash animator character creator confirmed this during a live stream week 2 is supposed to come after the mom meaning that the events of week 2 actually come after the events of week 4. in other words we've got some untangling to do luckily our story doesn't start too confusing the first week week one is indeed the first week chronologically boyfriend battles daddy dearest who apparently doesn't take too kindly to the idea of his daughter getting funky on a friday night after he loses daddy dearest is humiliated so he hires a mercenary to kill off boyfriend cause why not enter pico the main antagonist of week three he's a merc who is hired by the dad to go with the boyfriend after the boyfriend humiliated the dad by beating him in the first stage pico doesn't quite know who he's being sent to kill until he gets there and then he finds out that it's somebody he used to know someone he used to know huh who could that be well pico is an old new grounds mainstay with his own series of games including pico school pico sim date and pico's infantry covert operatives game to name a few but in one of those games kiko's school love conquers all released last month for april fool's we get hints that pico and boyfriend might have actually had themselves an intimate backstory this is my boyfriend everyone at school is totally cool with it i'm not saying everything is perfect but our planet is coming around now obviously this was an april fool's project and most likely set in an alternate universe so can we really believe that boyfriend and friday night funkin might have a romantic backstory with pico yeah actually 100 yes look no further than the developer posts on reddit and twitch streams pico and bf are canonically x's that is real does not mean so if you played the level and assumed that pico was a jealous x you were absolutely right but maybe not in the way that you first expected the next antagonist in the timeline is mommy mirrors duking it out on the roof of a limo speeding down the highway with an army of backup dancer henchmen and if the limo didn't tip you off girlfriend's family is loaded we see it briefly in one of the earliest trailers for the game but daddy dearest is a former rock star and according to details shared on the game's kickstarter mommy meerist is a pop star in her own right hence the limo and all the dancers it's also worth noting that those demonic backup dancers are apparently grown in bottles a detail uh that's gonna become very important later on as we talk about the lore the fact that they could be regrown though is good considering in the final game they'll likely die during one of the song transitions in a now deleted tweet phantom arcade hinted at this surprise death and looking at unused sprites hidden in the game we see them ripped to pieces with the first in the sequence showing them clearly getting hit in the gut by something that something is likely a low hanging light pole another unused sprite found in the game's files now this is where we're really gonna start filling in lore holes with puzzle pieces sourced from various developer comments after his battle with mom boyfriend's musical ability seemingly manages to gain him acceptance from the family we know this based on a bit of lore that dev phantom arcade dropped during a live stream the boyfriend gets accepted by the family cause week two is supposed to come after the mom and yeah well dad and mom might no longer consider boyfriend a target for murder they're still willing to mess with him which leads us to halloween when the boyfriend's accepted by the family they sort of invite him over and like play cruel tricks on him so they make them come over to their like spooky transylvania house and pass out like candy with the girlfriend on halloween and the spooky kids stop by those spooky kids by the way are skid and pump characters from the spooky month video series and originators of the spooky dance however not everything is as it seems turns out they were kind of being tricked by someone not so nice someone not so nice is the monster with a lemon-shaped head and yes it's merely lemon-shaped and not actually a lemon according to the devs and yet another deleted tweet regardless of what his head really is though he makes no secret of the fact that he intends to eat girlfriend pretty explicit stuff there but why just because he's a monster or is something more going on here and this is where we get back into heavy theory territory remember when i said that mommy murist's backup dancers are born out of a bottle that's why them getting murdered by a telephone pole hereditary style didn't matter a whole lot because they could just be regrown it could tie in with something in the lemon demon's lyrics while the appearance with skid and pump had to be pieced together by the fan community using unused assets lemon demon officially makes an appearance in week 5 at christmas in the level with mall santa just out of nowhere randomly appears it is a weird transition it's kind of the only one like it in the game thus far but in his song winter horrorland we get this lyrics [Music] fallen angels aka demons created with your meat it's another reference to things being grown or born unnaturally could this monster be related to the backup dancers in some way maybe a mistake created by mommy meerist and daddy dearest during their henchman testing cause remember the monster's goal here is to kill and eat girlfriend i wouldn't be surprised if his only beef against boyfriend is just that he got in the way now that connection between the monster and the family might seem like it's a stretch but consider this another unused asset from the game has the monster literally growing out of a pumpkin notice the misplaced eyes in the jaw he's like goo he's able to transform grow out of things again just like a henchman that would be grown out of a bottle he also canonically has the demonic ability to alter someone's perception which is their explanation for why the background in week 5 is able to change between songs 2 and 3. again this was in a deleted tweet which tells me that it's something that they might be trying to save for the final game but just think about that for a second he's able to transform himself and reality guess what he's santa yeah isn't it a little weird that daddy dearest and mommy meerst are holding a maul santa hostage in week five super random right well i'm gonna predict that it's because santa is really the monster in disguise or because we see a silhouette in the background of them all maybe one of the monsters warriors transformed hiding waiting to get his revenge and yeah like i said before i know that the devs have gone online to say that santa's dead and that santa is just santa but neither of those statements actually contradict anything about this theory another monster could very well be hiding inside that normal santa using his body as a sort of disguise because as we're about to see in week 6 body swaps happen in this universe and are a hundred percent canon and this prediction ties in with the following week as well see in a seemingly random twist week six switches gears entirely and puts you into a ps1 style video game the title of the week hating simulator an obvious play on dating simulator features a battle against a handsome man named senpai who after you defeat him twice turns into a horrific floating spirit head it's another one of those weird transitions so what is going on here well it was confirmed via live stream that senpai is a character from a video game that girlfriend plays and that the spirit is trapped inside of that video game character but senpai is still himself senpai is just a video game character that's inside the game she plays there's a human soul that was like trapped inside that character so first and foremost why are we suddenly in a video game well the common belief online is that daddy dearest has the ability to trap human souls inside of video games which would coincide with all the soul experiments that we've been talking about with both the henchman and the lemon monster this would also coincide with what the spirit says during the cutscene where he breaks free quote direct contact with real humans after being trapped in here for so long and her of all people i'll make her father pay for what he's done to me and all the others i'll beat you and make you take my place you don't mind your bodies being borrowed right wow that is a lot to unpack there so first let's talk about that last line you don't mind your bodies being borrowed this is now confirmed to be a world where soul swaps can happen and where people can walk around inside the bodies of others this gives us more evidence to support my hypothesis that santa is actually a monster in disguise which is why mommy and daddy are attacking him in the mall that could also explain why daddy would then put us inside this video game isn't it weird that daddy would put boyfriend in here after he had already canonically won the family over in the previous weeks well it could very possibly be because we doubted him seeing daddy and mommy holding santa at gunpoint boyfriend tries to stop it only to give the monster a chance to transform and because the monster escapes or whatever daddy punishes us by putting us inside the video game but there's one thing that goes unexplained with this interpretation why is girlfriend here it seems odd that daddy would punish his daughter as well by sending her into the game and maybe the daddy sends them both into a game thing has been confirmed via tweet or something but i haven't been able to find an original source to back it up which got me to ask what if none of this is daddy's doing remember the lemon monster can alter perception in reality maybe he's the one who's actually doing this oh sure the line i'll make her father pay for what he's done to me and all the others implies that daddy is the one who put everyone in the game but there's another way to read that line it could just be referencing all the souls that daddy's been experimenting on which led to the creation of the lemon monster in the first place and resulted in spirit getting trapped here because again consider this in his lines the spirit calls out direct contact with real humans implying there's some difference between you being in the game real humans able to retain your own bodies and him being in the video game a spirit who possesses a character it also implies that he's the only one in here with no other real humans around which kind of debunks the idea that daddy is sending the souls of failed boyfriends into the video game as punishment which is a theory that we've seen kicking around on the internet but just doesn't line up with what we're seeing in the game anyway whether it was lemon demon or daddy you are trapped in a video game and only one thing can save you the power of sick beats so there you have it friends a lot more seems to be brewing under the surface between shape-shifting monsters soul experiments and lots of people wanting revenge for the secret experiments that daddy and mommy have been doing i know that i haven't talked about tank man in week 7 yet but we're on page 5 of this script and my tank man stuff is another 2 pages long which would be unfair to the editors to be honest so i am saying no to crunch time and i'm saying to you that hey if you enjoyed this maybe we can save that bit for another day let me know down in the comments below if you'd like to see more theories on friday night funkin tell me to bebop go finish writing that next theory and i know what you're thinking why in the world would i dedicate a sizable chunk of my life to unpacking the lore of a game with like five lines of dialogue in it you've probably assumed correctly because i can't sleep sometimes you just can't turn off your thoughts at night so you lay there in bed working through theories about a store brand pablo sanchez and his rapping half demon girlfriend but thanks to today's sponsor audible i've actually been able to get my sleep schedule back on track not only is audible the leading provider of audiobooks and spoken word entertainment they've also taken on the title of my own personal sandman with their sleep collection which is great because i used to try to fall asleep to youtube playlists but kept getting woken up at 3am when a markiplier video would 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m-a-t-p-a-t to the number 500-500 that's matpat or matpat to 500-500 and remember most of all it's all just a theory a game theory thanks for watching
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 5,521,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: friday night funkin, friday night funkin', fnf, friday night funkin lore, fnf lore, lemon head, boyfriend, girlfriend, friday night funkin week 7, fridaynight funkin whitty, friday night funkin mods, friday night funkin mod, friday night funkin music, friday night funkin all songs, friday night funkin hard mode, friday night funking full game, friday night funkin gameplay, game theorists, game theory, maptat, game theory friday night funkin, game theory fnf
Id: H8MGJ4I0mkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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